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Why are there so many non-believers?

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posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 10:19 PM
I'm just really curious, people always try to find a logical explanation, when in fact the logical explanation IS that it can be extraterrestrial, what is not logical about that? We simply don't know enough about the universe to say that we are the only ones in it, from our current knowledge, it is estimated there could be billions or hundred billion other planets or planetary systems out there. So why not believe?

Why is it they say there is lack of evidence? I mean think about this for a minute, if they are so advanced, 100,000, possibly millions of years advanced, then wouldn't they be able to appear and disappear at will? and move around our planet completely invisible and stealth (in fact there IS proof that they can fool our equipment). Invisibility is actually quiet simple even if its only as an illusion.

So why so many non-believers? do they not look at these facts, the least they can do is think of the possibility and possibly do some research on them. Im not saying all UFO's are real, infact I believe Most of them are fake, but it's an impossibility that all of the sightings are fake.

Going off topic, on another paranormal event; that happen to me (this IS true): When I was a kid me and my sister were watching TV when the front door flew open, slammed shut, then a few seconds later you seen a figure and heard running, it went to the basement, opened that door, slammed it shut, I ran down stairs quickly to see what it was and a chair down stairs slide across the room. We both seen and experienced this, all "logical" explanations were thrown out,. No one believed us. Point in this is: you cant say something is fake without experiencing it yourself.

Feel free to bash my opinions or call me a liar.

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 11:01 PM

There are some here that will call you "wingnut" "tinhat person" etc, and bash your opinions as best they can. But IMOP they are operating from a base of fear of the unknown. It's futile to try to change their mind.

Like you I have experienced events that I can't explain. I too was a skeptic but when it gets up close and personal, skepticism and cynacism don't work quite so well.

Exploration of the paranormal, ufos, mind control etc is fasinating as it is frustrating. I have found no concrete evidence that I can show people to prove my case. Thats why these forums are an important place to express your thoughts and get feed back from other experiencers. Pay attention to the debunkers you can learn much from them also.

Also this subject can take on the aspect of Alice going down the rabbit hole that leads only to confusion and doubt.


posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 05:08 PM
ANother reason why not a lot of people belive in aliens is that ( now someones gonna say this is wrong but for most people it is true.) they belive in god so they cant imagine there being another of gods people because aliens would be more advanced than us if they could come here and all Christians just cant accept it.(incase you havent read some of my other threads I am a devout atheist)

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 06:33 PM
Sorry, I just think being an atheist is just as closed minded as dissmissing all UFOs.

Many people find it hard to believe simply because the media tells them not to believe.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 06:36 PM
There are so many non-believers because they don't take the time to look through all the evidence (photos, video, testimony, read what government/NASA/military insiders have said, ect) so they think there's no evidence and we're all crazy. Not so.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 06:37 PM
Perhaps some of us don't believe (I for one) simply because I have not been provided with enough evidence to convince me otherwise. My religion has nothing to do with it. If you can prove to me they exist then I will believe. But the proof is in the pudding and I have yet to see anything to date that looks real. I do not deny the possiblity of anything but I am very skeptical about many things without evidence.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 06:40 PM
Toward the UFO/EBE paragraphs - great Post.

But I'm wondering a little when you say they fooled our equipment. Can you explain a bit more in this area please..


posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 06:53 PM
I'm a believer, but here's my problem. I have been reading about UFOs since I was a teenager - in the 1960's. Since then, there have been lots more sightings and "incidents" of various kinds, but absolutely nothing constituting hard evidence.

So, I am essentially ignoring it all until I see an alien representative being interviewed by Larry King, or something else as concrete.

Those of you who so ernestly believe need to understand that the burden of proof is on the believer to provide something better than the year-in, year-out series of sightings. Don't forget, too, that there has been a good deal of outright fakery that we need to get past.

Just because someone is a "non-believer" doesn't mean they are not open-minded - they are just expressing a healthy skepticism, and want real evidence. If you insist that people MUST believe without something more solid - perhaps you are the close-minded ones.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 07:32 PM
I'm a non-beliver in the ET explination because there is more evidence of Human made UFOs and no evidence of ET coming to earth.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 07:34 PM
I for one am a non-believer. The fact is that there is no evidence. UFO videos can be hoaxed or UFOs can be just what they are UFOs. Just because they are there doesnt meen they are aliens piloting them. The whole Alien phenomenon is a conspiracy controlled by the book publishing industry.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 07:53 PM
>If you can prove to me they exist then I will believe.

Prove to me that dinosaurs were real.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Spreadthetruth
Sorry, I just think being an atheist is just as closed minded as dissmissing all UFOs.

I'm not seeing your logic there, at all....

If an atheist has studied religion for ooooh...say 20 years or so....and has come to the conclusion that he simply doesn't believe in a Supreme Being-ish is that closeminded, exactly?


Now, about aliens. I tend to go with the other posters....give me some real evidence, that hasn't be doctored, and I'll be more inclined to believe it. Personal anecdotes rarely count as evidence (if only because they can't be verified independently). We've seen masses of so-called "proven cases" that have either been debunked, or contained no hard evidence to begin with.

Perhaps there is intelligent life out there.

And perhaps not.

I'm still lookin' for proof - definitive proof, either way

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 08:04 PM
I believe but do understand why some people don't. There is a lot of information out there, but as none of it is coming from 'trusted' sources, bbc, cnn or the ironically the goverments etc then there is disbelief.

The problem these days is that it is so easy to manipulate images and videos, that nothing but except something along the lines of a CNN filmed GWB/Alien handshake will convince some people, this is not a dig, just a fact of view.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 10:09 PM
I'm a non believer - why? If there is one thing our government is horrible at, it's keeping a secret. What is the one thing the media loves to do? Blow things like secrets up to mammoth proportions. You all watch the news, you should know this.

It's not ignorance or fear - it's just that if the government knew, I'd probably know too. Especially something as huge as finding another intelligent life (which obviously does exist, somewhere).

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 11:38 PM
It is much easier to say that evidence has been hoaxed or doctored than to actually believe in something. Especailly when things are as far-fetched as visitors from another planet. Most people would rather choose to think that thousands of people of all different ages and from all over the world for the last 50 or so years are hoaxing them than believe in anything out of the ordinary.

There have been things like this going on for centuries. The majority of people thought everything revolved around the Earth until science proved them wrong. I betcha they were shocked when the evidence finally was proven true and not just somebody's made-up story. All in good time, I say.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 11:41 PM
who wants to be a part of a 'whacko' minority? there is your answer... in short.

You have been groomed to think that way, though free will is an option.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by T_Jesus

I'm a non believer - why? If there is one thing our government is horrible at, it's keeping a secret. What is the one thing the media loves to do? Blow things like secrets up to mammoth proportions. You all watch the news, you should know this.

Did the Brazilian Air Force admission that ETV's regularly enter Brazilian Airspace , and have been registered by them since 1954 , and the Air Forces decision to begin co-operation with Brazilian Ufologists to understand the nature of these ETV's , make the evening news?

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 11:58 PM
Its one thing to have an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out.

There are many holes in the "aliens exist here on earth" theories. You can't just point to UFO's and immedialty assume they come from other planets.

personally I have my doubts about it, however I do achknowledge that there is "something" happening that we can't explain. UFO's / aliens to me are just the cultural myths and monsters of our age. Is it a suprise that they resemble us so much? The emphasis on technology, on "sightings" on resemblence to humans etc, they are reflections of our cultural obsessions.

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by AlexofSkye
I'm a believer, but here's my problem. I have been reading about UFOs since I was a teenager - in the 1960's. Since then, there have been lots more sightings and "incidents" of various kinds, but absolutely nothing constituting hard evidence.

So, I am essentially ignoring it all until I see an alien representative being interviewed by Larry King, or something else as concrete.

Those of you who so ernestly believe need to understand that the burden of proof is on the believer to provide something better than the year-in, year-out series of sightings. Don't forget, too, that there has been a good deal of outright fakery that we need to get past.

Just because someone is a "non-believer" doesn't mean they are not open-minded - they are just expressing a healthy skepticism, and want real evidence. If you insist that people MUST believe without something more solid - perhaps you are the close-minded ones.

give me control of NORAD and some starwars satilite death-ray weapons or whatever they have

and ill get you a UFO by god

give me the power ill give u the goods

sorry but thats the best answer i can give you; because there is no other possible way to get ahold of "evidence"

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by Netchicken
Its one thing to have an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out.

There are many holes in the "aliens exist here on earth" theories. You can't just point to UFO's and immedialty assume they come from other planets.

personally I have my doubts about it, however I do achknowledge that there is "something" happening that we can't explain. UFO's / aliens to me are just the cultural myths and monsters of our age. Is it a suprise that they resemble us so much? The emphasis on technology, on "sightings" on resemblence to humans etc, they are reflections of our cultural obsessions.

your taking the anthropocentric frame of mind here
you think aliens look like "us"
what if we look like them, instead??

anyways ive never seen an alien so maybe UFOs are not aliens

i do have reasons to think they are; due to my expierances

but think for ONE MOMENT how you must sound to me

you said UFOs are myths basically; and Well ive actually see one before with my own eyes close enough to know it was freakin nuts do you think i percieve your "Theory" ???

what if you said you "went to the store today to get milk" and i said you were making up "Myths"?

u would think i was a complete ignorant jerk
Exactly my Point

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