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Writing Community Rules. Your Community, your rules.

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posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 07:21 PM
Mr Wupy
I like the idea of a buy in forum too.

excellent suggestion.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 07:22 PM
There is room for certain things apparently, this chapter I posted is an example.

We can draw some conclusions from the fact that this flied. (
I meant flew, honest)

1 nipple, intense emotions, and suicide are allowed. F.Y.I...

I'm not sure how agressively the unspoken one nipple rule is enforced, so it's probably safest just to stick to stories with exactly one nipple, and one suicide, until we get some word from above.

If we insitute a formal one nipple rule, I would nominate DeusEx as Nipple Cop.

Ahhh...the stuff that passes for contribution these days, eh?

Edited: I'm a writer.
I spel gud.

[edit on 14-7-2005 by WyrdeOne]

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 07:30 PM
Egads! Finally, my path has found me! Nipple Law Enforcement!

I like the invite-only thing as well.

Also, it's far as the content goes, I'm glad that people have turned a blind eye to some of the content. Read the ATS story, it's fierce gory.

Also, we should have a Hall of Fame, or Wall O' Props, or some other way of rewarding the writing folk.


posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 07:45 PM
I agree. Writers like to sometimes have friendly competition as well as work on stories together. i would think that a major project would be a creating of a fictional world with the help of the writers. A living breathing world where anything is possible and not everything is as it seems. To ATS Land we go!!!!


posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 07:47 PM
its very obvious that not a single one of you have read Drunken Master. I'm honestly surprised I wasn't warned or outright banned. This story should have been in an invitation only forum.

Ah well, it somehow got by. I'm shocked, SHOCKED I tell you.


posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 07:51 PM
I like a lot of the ideas presented, but some are conditional on others.

For example, I don't know how you'd decide a best-of without a coinciding rating system. Unless votes were casual and restricted to the staff.

In any case, the idea of a Fiction@ATS is tantalizing.

As far as editing, I haven't shared that frustration, because I only post work in the 3rd draft or 1st polish stage, and I don't think I've ever used curly quotes.

Pay-to-View fiction section would rock, and it would enable us to post a lot of stuff we wouldn't ordinarily be able to. However, the exclusion of entries from search engines would be a double edged sword. (I'm assuming a similar design to RATS)

Fewer views, but greater control over keeping children away from questionable subject matter.

Oh, and for the record, writers with a pronounced inability to take criticism rarely if ever have careers amounting to anything. Just sayin'...

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 07:54 PM
Oh, I know. They just whine the loudest. There's flaming, and there's being honest. Some people can't tell the difference, and that's why I want a seperation between the sandbox and an invite-only section.


posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 08:01 PM
are you guys trying to be more censored or do you want more freedoms?
I'm confused. I happen to be a very liberal thinker and I do let alot slide in the Creative section of ATS since I haven't really gotten a firm stance from ADmin, I did some input from Simon on a certain story and he said it was okay with him, so it stayed. Usually issues come up on a case by case basis.

I look at it this way, until I get a complaint from someone in regards to let's say a little nipple or suicide, I'm going to let it slide. I tend to think that regardless of their ages, most of members and readers are on the mature side, but...if you want, i can always edit or trash?

It's seems now you guys are trying to be censored, which is it?

[edit on 7-14-2005 by worldwatcher]

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 08:10 PM
1st RULE: You do not talk about CF.

2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about CF.

3rd RULE: If someone says "full stop" or goes limp or writes "The End", the story is over.

4th RULE: Only two editors to a story.

5th RULE: One story at a time.

6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes, no leaky pens.

7th RULE: Stories will go on as long as they have to.

8th RULE: If this is your first night at CF, you HAVE to write.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 08:16 PM
WW, We appreciate that you have let a few things slide. It shows a side of you that is not only tolerant but forgiving. As writers we tend to see what we can get away with, and the fact you haven't beat the bejeezers out of any of us yet is really cool. Thank you.

We do NOT want to be censored. Thats what this discussion tonight is all about, a forum where we wouldn't have to worry about it. be it buy in or invitation only, it would still be a safe place for our darker works.

In the end i'm sure we'll work something out. Till then we're just debating what and where this will lead us.

Love and light my friend,


posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 08:16 PM
To clarify, I'm all for fewer restrictions.

Sorry that wasn't clear.

I think that most people can tell the difference between art and trash. The intent is important, the delivery is important, and of course context. Every movie watcher can tell what's a gratuitous scene in a movie (T&A), and what's necessary(plot, theme/aptmosphere, character development). Similarly, I think most writers can tell when one of their peers is just being filthy for the sake of being filthy, and when they actually have something important to convey.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 08:17 PM
OK, I confess, from time to time I enjoy reading through the CF forum, and once in a while post something there or in the short stories sub-forum.

It would be nice to see some of you, or all of you spend some of the energy wasted here on actually contributing to these forums, or any forums on ATS.

Fiction is a nice distraction once in a while!

It is not something we should focus on, just when the mood is right, or when our thoughts are worthy of musing!

Just my $.00000000002

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by DeusEx
We are willing to do what we must, for the good of the community.

And so am I.

I actually built (nearly single-handed) a full-featured writer's website with everything you're discussing and more back in 1999 (did it in Cold Fusion -- blech --). So I have a fair bit of knowledge about the kind of changes you're looking for.


There are precious few responding here... indicating that perhaps the community may not be fully behind this type of effort (not intended to be mean here, just show how priorities need to be managed).


Majic, the council member assigned to Collaborative Fiction, is aware of the process needed to outline "municipal improvements" such as CF upgrades, and establish a procedure to determine if they get started. We should stick to that process now that we have it.


The Collaborative Fiction forum has long-since evolved far away from the original purpose of experimental group writing.


We need to balance all of this with all the other factors needed for the community as a whole. Traffic is up and performance is down... this is a time to focus on server optimization, not additive code (for example).

Don't get me wrong... I'm a massive fan and supporter of the concept of a free and open writer's community where readers have the opportunity to experience the rare treat of observing someone refine the craft of story telling. But to be realistic, we're talking about a relatively small corner of a very large community that tends to have a different focus and attention span.

Let's temper this discussion with what's possible, and then use the established "how" to see what's next.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by UM_Gazz
OK, I confess, from time to time I enjoy reading through the CF forum, and once in a while post something there or in the short stories sub-forum.

It would be nice to see some of you, or all of you spend some of the energy wasted here on actually contributing to these forums, or any forums on ATS.

Fiction is a nice distraction once in a while!

It is not something we should focus on, just when the mood is right, or when our thoughts are worthy of musing!

Just my $.00000000002

We are trying to set the guidelines and rules for a writing community to make this a better site, I hardly consider that wasted energy. Then again, I don't believe in wasted energy. Everything you do leads you to something new, and something new to learn.

Perhaps it's true i'm no longer involved with the Yahweh thread of thought, or which alien species has the bigger anal probe. I may not be posting my thoughts on why young Muslim men blow themselves up in the name of Allah or why no one has shot a bigfoot, with camera or gun, lately.

That doesn't mean my energy is wasted. Creating a community takes time, and thats what were spending here. Our time to create a community of writers that will benefit ALL of ATS. It will be a valuable tool for all future ATS members as well.

HOW we spend our time on ATS is far less important then the fact that we spend our time on ATS. One way or the other we are making the community stronger.

Thats my $.00000000005 on the matter.

Love and light,


posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 08:38 PM
What do you think our grammar standards should be like?

Obviously, no "leet speak" or internet lingo. To push higher standards for the community in the CF and SS forums, there should be no usage of shorthand internet lingo. I don't think there should be any major grammar restrictions otherwise, simply because many people aren't that fluent in the english language, and many are learning it as a second language. It would be unfair to them to be that harsh on grammatical errors.

What should it take to be a writer?

It should cost a small ammount of points for a monthly status. This makes sure that those that are writers wanna write, and just dont want the status.

Are we going to accept fanfiction as an acceptable form of literature?

I would say no. Theres plenty of sites out there made specifically for any certain type of fan fiction. Allowing fanfictions entry into the CF or SS forums opens up a big can of worms in terms of bizarre topics (such as lemons & limes, slash and femmslash stories, etc) Also, with legality issues, some subjects have an unwavering copyright protection, which includes protection against fanfiction. So allowing it here may end up hurting ATS as a whole.

What should we do about disruptive influences?

Give them a warning about their behavior, if they continue, revoke writer status.

What should protocol be on collaberations?

All collaberative fiction stories should be written in the style of the beginning writer. This stops people jumping from third person to first person and anywhere in between.

Also, on a side note, I think there should be a rating system on stories. G, PG, PG-13, R. for an example. this gives people a specific confine for their story, aswell as a good way to warn away people who shouldn't read it.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 08:45 PM
Fiction writers (and poets) are the only folks with a liscense to break the language laws.

We dedicate ourselves to learning the rules, so that we can break them.

So grammar restrictions may not be such a good idea. I once wrote a three page sentence that I was rather proud of, but I'm sure the grammar police would have slapped the cuffs on and led me away.

I would object to any sort of language filter system that was fully automated, no human eye, no human opinion. That sort of filter would exclude Fight Club, Trainspotting, Last Exit to Brooklyn, and a number of other works which I'm quite fond of.

Just say no to mechanical sorting of excellence!

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
We are trying to set the guidelines and rules for a writing community

Total honesty here, when you install rules or guidlines on FICTION, you can crush creativity.

If one is inspired to write something this community will want to read or otherwise enjoy, there should be nothing to stop them, status.. writer?

Give me a break.

How many potential "writers" have been sent away by these rules and guidlines?

In my personal view, the CF and short stories forum should be open to any or all who are inspired to contribute. At that point a good moderator of that forum would judge that person's contribution as worthy or not.. that simple!

If it is not "worthy" it is moved away.

CF and short stories are not a major thing at ATS, it IS a nice distraction every now and then when a quality item is posted for reading by anyone who is REALLY inspired, and may have posted that rare gem of fiction that makes one want to read more.


Go for it!!

Just my thoughts people, nothing more.

Mods are people too!


posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
That sort of filter would exclude Fight Club

At last. The reference to The Rules.

Grammar is useful as a tool. Following conventions makes the flow of a story easier to take in. Or it might show that you or your character has some level of erudition.

But rules was made to be broken.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 08:56 PM
I've only just recently received writer status and it was from entering the STBSS, so I'm not sure I really have a valued contribution to this thread.

My submission was the first time I've written a story where I wasn't made to do it for school (and I've been out of school for 10 years now
I really enjoyed writing fiction and will continue producing short stories on ATS.

I don't have anything specific to comment on the rules. I just wanted to say that whatever the rules may be the focus should be on encouraging creativity.
I also think contests are great and will help to motivate writers to put out the best they can.


posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

There are precious few responding here... indicating that perhaps the community may not be fully behind this type of effort (not intended to be mean here, just show how priorities need to be managed).

There are precious few writers left. Like I've stated again and again, why would they post here? No reviews, hell, not even VIEWS. Remember, way back when, the CF forum was huge! Now, people have realized that there are better places to go. I mean, why post here? No one wants to read your work, or comment on it. I'm trying to fix that, but the talent has basically been hemorrhaged away. The Pix? Gone. A lot of the better writers on ATS have been scooped up for moddom, and really don't have time anymore. Banshee, WW, Intrepid, CKK come immediately to mind

Majic, the council member assigned to Collaborative Fiction, is aware of the process needed to outline "municipal improvements" such as CF upgrades, and establish a procedure to determine if they get started. We should stick to that process now that we have it.

The Collaborative Fiction forum has long-since evolved far away from the original purpose of experimental group writing.

Fine. We'll walk through the process. And yes, we have evolved. Now, we need to do something about that.

We need to balance all of this with all the other factors needed for the community as a whole. Traffic is up and performance is down... this is a time to focus on server optimization, not additive code (for example).

Fine. Optimize code. We can wait, I guess. We've waited awhile now. We're throwing up ideas.

Don't get me wrong... I'm a massive fan and supporter of the concept of a free and open writer's community where readers have the opportunity to experience the rare treat of observing someone refine the craft of story telling. But to be realistic, we're talking about a relatively small corner of a very large community that tends to have a different focus and attention span.

There's a reason it's so small, SO. Neglect. You don't give us the opportunity to expand, and we won't. The expression is 'build it and they will come', not 'maybe if we leave it alone it won't bother us'.

Let's temper this discussion with what's possible, and then use the established "how" to see what's next.

I have yet to see one instance of something that's far off or impossible. If you want to correct me on that, by all means.


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