A Community Of Artisans
Last night,
Springer and myself chatted (in ATS Chat) about what we can do for CF in both the short and long terms.
I asked DE to start this thread both because I was too tired last night (I do occasionally sleep) and because I want to take advantage of DE's help
as a well-spoken and passionate advocate for the ATS Writers Community.
I see two main thrusts for improving CF: one is short-term, and knocks out whatever problems we can solve now, and the other is long-term, which
involves redesigning CF as part of the coming ATS overhaul.
Springer has asked for a list of specifics we would like, and has promised to discuss it with the other admins. Basically, he's willing to go
to bat for CF, and that's never a bad thing, so let's take advantage of it.
Divison Of Labor
My major push at this time is to focus on learning how to move CF into the New ATS Order as quickly and painlessly as possible. But the writers
community needs someone to help pull it together for this, and that is where I hope DE can help.
He has done a great job of articulating the needs and concerns of ATS writers, and obviously cares a great deal about the community.
So, to the extent he is willing to do so, I am looking to DE to help prioritize what CF and the writers want and need. In turn, I can take these
things to the senior staff and work out a plan for making them happen.
Some things we may be able to do soon, others may well take months. The things we want most may not be what we get first.
Also, I am volunteering CF for use as a test bed for the new forum designs. There are several reasons for this, and one of them is to bring changes to
CF sooner rather than later. This offer may or may not be accepted by the staff, but I am making it.
This thread reflects an important part of revitalizing the ATS writer community. While the idea of rules and regulations may seem off-putting, the
concept here is not so much one of policing art but giving the writers direct say in how the community will function.
Things to consider are how work will be classified, voting for good art and promoting it to special categories (similar to subforums, but integrated
with and part of the main forum), collaboration, workgroups, workshops, editorial assistance and so on.
Different writers will want to work in different ways, but the idea here is that there are some things most if not all writers want from ATS and this
By discussing these things as a community, you can help define how the community will function. In turn, the future design and operation of the forum
will be based on what you as writers want.
At least, that's the theory. It needs to be tested.
As a novice Councilor, I need all the help I can get. DE has stepped forward to help, and I hope he won't be alone in this.
As your representative, it's my job to listen to you and represent you to the ATS administrative staff. With DE's help -- and your help -- I am
confident that we can make some measurable progress and breathe new life into our humble writers community.
The Details In The Devil
I have summarized a list of issues in the
Discussion: The Future Of The Collaborative
Fiction Forum thread, and have that handy for reference.
However, improving CF is going to be an iterative process, so the more feedback the better -- especially as we start testing new things here.
So don't be shy. Share your opinions about CF as a forum, and the ATS Writers Community as a whole.
This thread is a place to share your ideas about how you would like to see the future community run. It will largely be up to you, so I recommend
suggesting things you really want to see become reality.
We all know there are problems, but we should also remember that we can fix them.
And that's what this is all about.
P.S. As our local goddess and faithful moderator, let's not forget
WorldWatcher's crucial role in making this all possible. I encourage her
to be a vocal contributor as a member of our community, both as one who knows this place inside and out, and as the person who has to clean up after
the rest of us. So WW, please be candid.