posted on Aug, 21 2003 @ 02:27 PM
MaskedAvatar: "But there is no reason why the Iraqi people should see any difference between the US and the UN. For more than a decade, the UN
has been complicit in all of the crimes of the US and its allies against the Iraqi people. The UN not only supported the 1990-91 Gulf War but, under
the pretext of disarming Iraq, imposed and supervised the decade-long economic sanctions that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. While the
UN Security Council drew back from giving a final seal of approval for the US invasion, all of its members, including Syria, supported last year�s
resolution 1441, which set the course for war, and this May rubberstamped the US occupation of Iraq and the plundering of its oil."
Lies. Or, um, mistruths. "For more than a decade, the UN has been complicit in all of the crimes of the US and its allies against the Iraqi people.
" Nope, the US pushed through the sanctions and the US/UK were SOLELY in charge of the NO Fly Zones (wherein they bombed Iraq almost every single
day since 1991).
"While the UN Security Council drew back from giving a final seal of approval for the US invasion, all of its members, including Syria, supported
last year�s resolution 1441, which set the course for war..."
Nope again. Resolution 1441 did NOT sanction military action. It said there would be "dire consequences" and that if there was a material breach
the UN would reconvene and renegotiate. Otherwise why else would the US snub the UN and invade anyway if it was in fact sanctioned.
It wasn't. For you to compare the UN to the US is woefully misinformed. One is an organization dedicated to trying to HELP people, one is a
country dedicated to killing foreign people.
Springer: "We have US companies in country attempting to revitalize a THOROUGHLY neglected and out of date infrastructure. Doing this with no
funding from Iraq"
LOL! Why do you think the infrastructure is so bad? 12 years of US imposed sanctions and anything unnaffected by that was BOMBED BY THE US WHEN THEY
"Anyone that thinks these companies should not be paid for rebuilding the country's ONLY means of supporting itself should go do THEIR job without
pay or be quiet. "
Again, HAHA! Rebuilding a country that they bombed and crippled since 1991. Rebuilding a country only because they won a GOVERNMENT CONTRACT to do
so (see Halliburton and Dick Cheney for more details).
Every single penny that comes from those oil sales should go to Iraq, every single penny. It's theirs! if Haliburton says "Well, it's going to
cost us millions to get it started" well boo frickin hoo. Then pass up on the contract and let, oh, I don't know, an IRAQI company do it. Who was
pumping the oil when Iraq was shipping out oil by the millions of barrels? Wow, Iraqis.
I mean, does the Pentagon think we're IDIOTS? All oil contracts go through U.S. companies (mostly employing American workers flown to Iraq)? All
civil and domestic contracts go through the US?
If the US was really serious about "freeing" Iraqis and delivering them "democracy", they should let Iraqis decide for THEMSELVES, not have their
decisions IMPOSED on them.
Get them voting right away. If they vote in an anti-American religious Shi-ite government, hey, that's democracy at work.
But don't try to convince me that the US is there under ANY good intentions. What was the ONE building that was protected by the US forces in
Baghdad while all the looting was happening?
The Ministry of OIL. Not the museums, not any hospitals, not schools, not civilian bomb-shelters, the Ministry of Oil.
If the US is not willing to use any of their own cash to help rebuild the country they themselves destroyed, then they should drag their cheap, racist
asses out of there and try the next Third World country they figure needs "liberating".
You made your bed by opposing the UN and going into Iraq anyway. If it bankrupts your country in so doing, too frickin bad, it was a US decision and
you'll have to live by it.