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WHo believs that 9\11 and the london serial bomb blasts awere done by the shadow govt for NWO

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posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by infinite
This isnt the same group that attack New York

You are very right. The group that attacked new york still reside in office and MUST be brought to justice.

What attacked London is a home grown sleeper cell, which has link to Al Qaeda. This is why the top of Al Qaeda haven't spoken or came forward.

And you have proof of this. ANYBODY can post on a website that they caused the attacks. Its almost like the passport theory repeats.


Until the full investigation is completed ANYBODY could have been behind the attacks. Again I repeat keep an open mind.

Yes alot of us are shocked and dismayed by this event but it will not help if people let anger get the best of them.

I would just like to point out that the Attacks on New York should have prompted a full investigation into the collapse and collection of EVERY little piece of scrap. This was not done.

Yet this is happening in London as we speak a FULL investigation. It "looks" like Al-Q attacks but we still have no reason to believe it is 100%.


ps. I do not like being called a "Sheeple" and neither do any of the other members on this site. I am not a sheeple. Emotions do run wild when you see dead chared bodies with medics trying to ressucitate them, it strikes in the heart to see such a barbaric thing.

Like I said. I am still on the fence.

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 07:28 AM

i am surprised at the lack of people probing and questioning this attack, and even more surprised by the people completely buying the stories they are hearing about it.

not everybody is rolling over sheepishly.

i know what you mean, nobody has the guts to scream "CIA CONNECTION!!
" even though we've all thought about it already. you see, most of us ATSers are good honest people who want to play by the rules, and part of the rules is you dont go around wrongfully accusing the CIA. so basically it boils down the the crux of this site: proof. its mottos like 'deny ignorance' that put some of our more skeptical members on 'proof-jihads'.. got proof? -not yet.

remember, lack of evidence is not proof of inocence.

Until the full investigation is completed ANYBODY could have been behind the attacks. Again I repeat keep an open mind.

i would like to point out the 'full investigation' for 911 still isnt complete. it was stonewalled.

london, 4 years later;

angry public: so whats the verdict?!!
official story: uh, sneaky invisible terrorists. bad ones!

[edit on 8-7-2005 by lost]

[edit on 8-7-2005 by lost]

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by PurityOfPeace
...but i am surprised at the lack of people probing and questioning this attack, and even more surprised by the people completely buying the stories they are hearing about it.

Exactly, and there are those who claim that any talk of conspiracy will be dispelled by CCTV cameras showing that the bombs were placed by Muslims or people of Middle-Eastern descent. So what!? That's exactly the idea, folks. Do people expect to see a Mossad 50 Year Memorial Gold Watch poking out from a bomber's sleeve and caught on camera? Do people really think that those with the unlimited financial, political, and intelligence resources to carry out this worldwide scam don't have puppets way down the command tree who think they are suicide-bombing for Jihad or something? So it says on a website that the "Secret European al Qaeda Terrorist Bad Boys Comin' Ta Get Ya" did it. Well hey, it must be true because it's posted on a website, and it's in Arabic and all squiggly and stuff. Now THAT'S evidence!

And those attempting to silence the calls of inside job based on emotional reasons are playing right into the hands of those who really perpetrate these acts. Funny how no one tells the people posting angry diatribes against Muslims to shut up and "respect the victims". I AM respecting the victims by wanting their TRUE killers brought to justice. Enough is ENOUGH!

"And let us not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories that attempt to shift the blame away from the guilty, away from the terrorists." - George W. Bush

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." - George W. Bush

edit to add: Hunting Veritas and Lost, you make good points, but I didn't see your posts until I posted mine.

[edit on 2005/7/8 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 08:08 AM

Do people really think that those with the unlimited financial, political, and intelligence resources to carry out this worldwide scam don't have puppets way down the command tree who think they are suicide-bombing for Jihad or something?

excellent point that as of yet, i didnt really expect to see.

from the creators of MKULTRA, we present to you "ProjectJihad."

too many connections for it all to be coincidence;

MKULTRA, alCIAda, Bush Sr & Jr, Osama bin Laden, Jihad.

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 08:18 AM
You don't need to have mind-controlled murderers/suicide-bombers, and frankly I find this idea to be a little improbable on such a scale. Assassinating a couple of Presidents, maybe. Suicide bombers in Iraq, I doubt it. All you need is to have some guy running the show at the grass-roots level (Osama? Zarqawi?) pushing some bogus Jihad, but he reports to higher ups that are behind the whole scam. There is no way that the lower-downs would know that their entire movement was a controlled exercise and that their "glorious leader" was working toward a completely different agenda and for different masters.

edit: al-Dyslexia

[edit on 2005/7/8 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 08:42 AM
oh i know! it certainly wouldnt be optimal for the CIA to systematically mind controll every terrorist cell, i just think it is an important point to be made: history shows a serious CIA interest in brainwash and mindcontrol. whatever methods they used in MKULTRA etc.. are certainly different methods than the ones used on osama and company - and probably much more effective. lol, picture osama on lsd!

CIA -->Bushes = connection.
bushes-->bin laden= connection.
bin laden --> CIA = connection.

3 connections = too much for a coincidence.

......psychedilic jihad dude!.......

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by lost
i would like to point out the 'full investigation' for 911 still isnt complete. it was stonewalled.

Why was it stonewalled? There are too many holes in the official report but US gov. swears by it.

london, 4 years later;

angry public: so whats the verdict?!!
official story: uh, sneaky invisible terrorists. bad ones!

You put it like that, it does sound weird. Invisible in London, yeah right.

See the stagecoach buses where I live have CCTV all on the inside and one on the outside and from what I can tell the bus that exploded looked like a stagecoach, so to not know who done this is......well.....Odd. This is EXACTLY why we have CCTV everywhere, to make sure stuff like this don't happen. Or at least to find the fiends quicker.

There is CCTV all over the streets, shops and buses. In fact BBC were reporting live in london right when the "attacks" happened with the MET's CCTV camera circuits. And the pictures were 100% crisp and zoom is incredible.

So to be invisible in london you really would have to be invisible.


posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by wecomeinpeace

Incidents like these are what sorts the hobbyists from the true believers. We were all duped on 9-11, and it's happening all over again. And I thought there was some hope left...

"...they shall deceive the very elect."

As always my friend, you cross the t's and dot the i's impeccably!

You have voted wecomeinpeace for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 11:12 AM
The attacks were done by terrorists, plain and simple. For now the thought is Al quida but it could turn out to be another group. But terrorists are terrorists no matter what they call themselves.

All this reference to a non-existance secret group with a secret adgenda is nothing more than a good sci -fi story.

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by wecomeinpeace There is no way that the lower-downs would know that their entire movement was a controlled exercise and that their "glorious leader" was working toward a completely different agenda and for different masters.

I could not state my suspicions in this matter any better.

you get a wats from me too

The answers, IF they come at all, will only be textured through bias anyways. It is far better that there is a forum like ATS where we can debate these terrible attacks for months to come, bringing ideas to facts and weighing.

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 02:35 PM
ahhhhhh but remember this.

The UK/US armed forces trained and funded Al-Q in the beginning. Whats to say they're not now???

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 02:56 PM
Hunting Veritas have you got any sources for that? I have never seen any saying the U.K. funded and/or trained them.

Thank you.

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Odium
Hunting Veritas have you got any sources for that? I have never seen any saying the U.K. funded and/or trained them.

Thank you.

Info please
The 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan galvanized bin Laden. He supported the Afghan resistance, which became a jihad, or holy war. Ironically, the U.S. became a major supporter of the Afghan resistance, or mujahideen, working with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to set up Islamic schools in Pakistan for Afghan refugees. These schools later evolved into virtual training centers for Islamic radicals.


posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 04:46 PM
Hunting Veritas, UK have never funded or trained Al Qaeda members or built camps.

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 06:09 PM
Hunting Veritas, I asked for the U.K. not the U.S.

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 08:23 PM

Wiki - British SAS
Allegedly some troopers (officially ex-members of the Regiment) fought in the Vietnam War and helped Mujahideen in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion. There was also official SAS training of Mujahideen in Scotland in the 1980s, with particular emphasis on shooting down Russian helicopters. Some ex-members have also become mercenaries or Private military contractors.

Wiki - Afghan Mujahideen
The most well-known, and feared, mujahideen were the various loosely-aligned opposition groups that fought against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan between 1979 and 1989, and then fought against each other in the following civil war. These mujahideen were significantly financed, armed, and trained by the United States (under the presidencies of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan), Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and China.[1] Reagan referred to these mujahideen as "freedom fighters ... defending principles of independence and freedom that form the basis of global security and stability." [2] In Western popular culture, the mujahideen were portrayed favourably in the popular actions films The Living Daylights and Rambo III. After the Soviets withdrew, the mujahideen broke into two loosely-aligned opposing factions, the Northern Alliance and the Taleban, which then engaged in civil war for control of Afghanistan.

A wealthy Saudi named Osama bin Laden was a prominent mujahideen organizer and financier; his Maktab al-Khadamat (MAK) (Office of Services) funnelled money, arms, and Muslim fighters from around the world into Afghanistan, with the assistance and support of the American, Pakistani, and Saudi governments. In 1988, bin Laden broke away from the MAK.

What a change:

Wiki - Al-Qaeda
Al-Qaeda (Arabic: القاعدة - al-Qā‘idah, "the foundation" or "the base") is the name given to an international alliance of militant Islamist organizations. Originally built from the cadre of Saudi-funded Arab fighters who flocked to join the mujahideen resistance movement against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, it seeks to establish, via military and terrorist tactics, a radical form of Islamist ideology to supplant both current regimes in the Middle East and eventually Western society as a whole. The group places itself in confrontation with the United States, because the U.S. and other liberal democracies stand between Al-Qaeda and the achievement of its extremist objectives. Another reason for their conflict with the United States is their perception that certain aspects of Western culture and values are incompatible with Islam. Al-Qaeda has masterminded and inspired terrorist attacks against both civilian and military targets around the world.


posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas
ahhhhhh but remember this.

The UK/US armed forces trained and funded Al-Q in the beginning. Whats to say they're not now???

What about this...two months before 9/11 Bin Laden was in a U.S. hospital in Saudi Arabia getting kidney treatment. Google it...apparently he was visited by family and CIA members... (his old stomping ground!)

A little too close to comfort wouldn't you say for America's number 1 enemy. I mean how long had they been "looking for him" ?

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by AlwaysLearning
What about this...two months before 9/11 Bin Laden was in a U.S. hospital in Saudi Arabia getting kidney treatment. Google it...apparently he was visited by family and CIA members... (his old stomping ground!)

Yep I heard about that in many a documentary. It is funny you have the FBIs most wanted man and a CIA agent visits him in a hospitial. I guess they wanted to give him a get well card saying: "Get well soon" - Your friends "The CIA".

A little too close to comfort wouldn't you say for America's number 1 enemy. I mean how long had they been "looking for him" ?

Yep. A very long time, even before 9/11.

They have had drones out to see him in Afghanistan but by the time agents got the go-ahead for a missile attack, he "magically" dissapears.

Funny only the other week I was reading an article in a local newspaper and they were saying, we are going to be sending some British SAS troopers to go and kill him. They didn't do it straight away because it costs about £250,000 (I think) to pull off the operation. Since when had money for war become a problem? Apparantly the British government didn't want to waste that much money.

Mind you the source is "The Daily Mirror", I think

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 08:09 AM
Key words..

Ex-members of the SAS. They do not have links to the British Government or the SAS, they are EX members.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by infinite
Key words..

Ex-members of the SAS. They do not have links to the British Government or the SAS, they are EX members.

Official SAS training of Mujahideen in Scotland

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