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Pentagon War Crimes: 250.000 Nagasaki Bombs in Iraq

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posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 05:29 PM
US Radiation In Iraq equals 250,000 Nagasaki bombs.

Just about all American bullets, 120 mm tank shells, missiles, dumb bombs, smart bombs, 500 and 2,000 pound bombs, cruise missiles, and anything else engineered to help our side in the war of us against them has Uranium in it. Lots of Uranium.

In the case of a cruise missile, as much as 800 pounds of the stuff. This article is about how much radioactive uranium our guys, representing us, the citizens of the United States, let fly in Iraq. Turns out they used about 4,000,000 pounds of the stuff, give or take.

The admiral in India calculated the number of radioactive atoms in the Nagasaki bomb and compared it with the number in the 4,000,000 pounds of uranium left in Iraq from the 2003 war.

There are more than 77,000 Tons stored at the 103 nuclear waste plants and the several Nuclear Weapons Labs in the US.

Each one makes another 250 pounds of radioactive material a day for radioactive bullets, bombs, and missiles.

Not to put too fine a point on it; but, that is enough for 40.5 more gloriously successful campaigns like the 2003 Nuclear War in Iraq.

Conspiracy Planet

Now That sounds Really Scary.

If this Indian Admiral is Right, then the Radiation in Iraq is about equal to 250.000 Nagasaki Bombs.

Four Million Ponds of Radioactive Dust was Released into the Air in Iraq - and this Dust was inhaled by Everybody there.

[edit on 30/6/05 by Souljah]

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 05:50 PM
The Nagasaki bomb used plutonium, not uranium.

I know there are a lot of conspiracists here that think otherwise, but I don't believe depleted uranium to be a big threat in and of itself.

I find it much more troubling that all this DU could be picked up by terrorist states, put through a breeder reactor, and converted into fissible plutonium suitable for use in nuclear weapons.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 06:08 PM
Please research the effects of uranium(DU) before coming to this statement. Here a good link
Im in Iraq now and work intell and NBC threats and the government feels that DU is a threat to the troops, are they wrong? Moreover, the last war here didnt help the problem. The first gulf wars was the first is history to see the use of DU on the battlefield. DU is used for ammo, armor and other items and its use is growing. DU is a crime in my mind and there is a growing info base showing low level of DU are a threat to long term health. For sure the bombs in Nagasaki shouldnt be compared with the DU in Iraq but the fact remains that there is tons of DU spread over Iraq and will have an effect of its people and the troops here. A good amount is known about where the DU levels are high and we stay away but the lower levels arent even recorded by the US and there is not plans for that in the future.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 08:02 PM
I think this is called Gulf War Syndrome where troops have unexplained medical issues after the war. Perhaps if the wind blows this around the world more people will suffer but it will be blamed on smoking , again. GWS link

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 10:50 PM
No it didn't, both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were U-235 bombs, they hadn't invented Plutonium in 1945..and DU can't be converted into Plutonium or reconstitued back into weapons grade uranium..I don't know where you get your information..

but DU causes cancer and the only reason the racist murderer's at the pentagon use it is to give the Iraqi's cancer-the US military's agenda is to murder as many Iraqi's as they can because they know that their mission in Iraq to install a puppet regime will fail and they will eventually be forced out vietnam style, so they are murdering Arabs to spite..otherwise why else would they use a weapon that is so unnecessary..

Originally posted by djohnsto77
The Nagasaki bomb used plutonium, not uranium.

I know there are a lot of conspiracists here that think otherwise, but I don't believe depleted uranium to be a big threat in and of itself.

I find it much more troubling that all this DU could be picked up by terrorist states, put through a breeder reactor, and converted into fissible plutonium suitable for use in nuclear weapons.

[edit on 30-6-2005 by scatz]

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 11:58 PM
You know what, a couple of years ago I read a report by scientists who were supposed to be credible people, who said that the DU scare was nothing more than over reaction to nothing. It amounted to people claiming a food additive causing cancer because they gave lab rats an extreme amount. Please forgive me, as I have forgotten where I'd come across it or who they were. I do remember they were an international panel. After that, the memory is blank.

Scatz, are you off your meds? DU was used in Bosnia for the Muslims, have you forgotten that? Had it not been Iraq, but some otehr country, would you still be making your baseless racism claim?

for your edification, there is a very good reason why DU is used - for taqrget penetration. It makes no difference what color the people are. Please, try and remain sane when you are behind the keyboard, huh? I know we are a bunch of conspiracy theorists, but at least one foot needs to remain on the ground!!

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 11:59 PM
Dunno why this just popped in my head but try this twist on for size...

Are the troops being put through looong tours to help expose them more and more to DU to fit in with the "thinning the population" nwo ideal? And along that lines, are the troops now entering the service, being more trained for urban confiscation and roundup?

With alot of dead soldiers from DU dying at home(god forbid this ever happens to our brave troops but i fear it may), how will the shrubs protect themselves when the american peeps(when and if they wake the frick up) run rampage on the DC area for some grossly inhumane crimes against humanity.

Possibly with those newly trained urban troops if that is indeed the case with their training lately.

DISCLAIMER: Its purely a hypothesis that popped in my head from reading this and many other threads on here related to DU. I, in no way, wish any harm upon our troops whether it be at home or afar. But i fear the TONS of DU will adversely affect them. See the many threads and discussions on here with tons of great links in them for info about DU and its reported Danger to Humanity Status from the US Sanctioned Investigation. Discuss

[edit on 1-7-2005 by S1LV3R4D0]

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 12:05 AM
By the way, for the clarification of history, the bomb dropped on Nagasaki was a plutonium implosion, the one dropped on Hiroshima was uranium gun type.
No relevance to the gist of the argument, just setting trivial facts straight.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 12:43 AM
Depleted Uranium is used almost exclusively in anti-tank weapons, because it penetrates armor like a hot knife through butter. There is no reason for a cruise missile to use it, because they are area denail weapons, or specific target weapons. There are SOME submunitions that use DU, they'll drop DU bomblets, but the majority of the cruise missiles used in Iraq were used to target specific targets, so there wouldn't be a need for DU in them. A 2000 pound bomb wouldn't NEED to use DU because the sheer explosive force would do more damage than the DU would. Small arms bullets don't need it because you wouldn't use small arms on anything with armor, because that would be like throwing rocks against an airplane. A JDAM, or even a dumb bomb wouldn't need it because those are more area denial weapons. You drop them on open concentrations of troops, or against defensive emplacements, which aren't hardened (ie SAM missile batteries, antiaircraft guns, etc.) I know there was some DU used in Iraq, but I really don't think there's nearly as much as they're claiming. There is no need for that much to be used.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 03:43 AM
For all those who still think that DU usage is safe.

DAVID MULLER: I believe that you took one of the DU shells back to Germany for analysis ?

PROF. GUNTHER: The possible relation to German technology prompted me to take one bullet to be analysed by four German institutions. The bullet under examination exhibited a radioactivity of 11 to 12 microsivert per hour and was highly toxic. Because of its danger the projectile was seized by German police in special protective clothing and transported to a safe place. In radiology in Germany, personnel should not be exposed to more than 50 millisivert per year.

DAVID MULLER: U.S. authorities closed a DU penetrator ammunition factory on the edge of Albany, in upstate New York because of air borne contamination levels exceeded 150 microcurie per month contaminating populated areas up to 26 miles away. This was the equivalent of 1 or 2 of these 30mm canon shells per month releasing its toxicity to the environment. We can only guess at the toxicity levels in Iraq when the Desert Storm 100 hour ground offensive exploded some 40 tonnes of these DU shells.

PROF. GUNTHER: According to American Greenpeace, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act, indicate that the Allied Forces would have left 300 tons of DU on the battle fields between Kuwait and Iraq, mostly in the form of toxic and radioactive dust. Much of the uranium dust has been scattered about thousands of square miles of desert. As the Gulf region has a rainy season, it is feared that uranium particles get at one time or the other into the ground water and finally reach the food chain. Highly toxic uranium dust, if inhaled, can result in lung cancer. Many DU projectiles spread over the battle fields have been collected by children and used as toys with possibly devastating consequences. The toxic nature of DU contamination is highlighted with the U.S. Department of Defence erecting a highly secret $4 million facility in Barnwall, South Carolina just to detoxify 22 military vehicles hit by friendly fire. Some of the vehicles are so badly contaminated that they have had to bury them.

Here's a LINK

Now if DU is so safe why did the German police use special protective clothing?

Or why there is a need to detoxify those wechiles if there's nothing to wory about?

Someone will answer for this in the future.

I hope.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 03:50 AM

According to Dr Durakovic, a former US army colonel and current professor of medicine, in the course of one year, 1 milligram of uranium emits 390 million alpha particles, 780 million beta particles and associated gamma rays. This is over one billion high-energy, ionizing, radioactive particles and rays which can produce extensive biological damage--biological warfare fought out across the inner terrains of the human body: attacking the ovaries, lungs, lymph nodes, kidneys, breast, blood, bones, brain, stomach and fetuses. There are over 1000 different cancer types known to medical science. Cancer means mutated cells. The body's immune system kicks in to combat the cancerous cells and in doing so begins to attack the whole body. White blood cells do the fighting. They're designed to attack any foreign cells, or any foreign object entering the body, be it viruses, mutated cells or even organs such as mismatched transplanted kidneys. As cancer spreads through the body, the immune system strategy is to try to defeat it. Cancer cells divide rapidly, overtake other cells and can spread faster than the immune system can react. Death envelops when cancerous cells reach a critical mass in the body, attacking and multiplying through mutating every cell around them.

An estimated 300-800 TONS of DU were pounded into Iraq during the 1990 Gulf war.

The Pentagon has admitted using some 300 tons of depleted uranium during the Gulf War. Durakovic puts the amount used in the latest war on Iraq at 1,700 tons.

Depleted uranium is a byproduct of the uranium-enrichment process in nuclear reactors. Due to its extreme density, it is used on armor-piercing rounds, and is also used to enhance tank armor.

Depleted uranium rounds release fine radioactive particles upon impact, Durakovic said. If the particles are inhaled, they enter the lymph nodes and bones and can remain within the body for years.

"We analyzed the urine of American war veterans" of the 1991 Gulf War, he said. "Nine years after (my initial tests), they are still positive."

Depleted uranium was first used during the Gulf War by U.S. and British forces. It is believed to have also been used in NATO airstrikes on Kosovo in 1999 and the U.S-led antiterror campaign in Afghanistan that began in 2001.

Critics say the number of Iraqi cancer patients and children born with birth defects is rising, and they blame depleted uranium weapons.

The weapons are also suspected of being a contributing cause of "Gulf War Syndrome," which is reportedly suffered by tens of thousands of U.S., British, Canadian and French veterans who participated in Operation Desert Shield. Their ills include leukemia, chronic fatigue, swollen joints and depression.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 03:54 AM
Oh, we use a lot of it, and it IS dangerous, but I have a lot of trouble believing the numbers thrown out there in this article. There is no REASON for us to use that much. As you said, it's used on armor piercing rounds. We haven't needed to punch through enough armor to have used as much as they are claiming at the start of this thread.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Oh, we use a lot of it, and it IS dangerous, but I have a lot of trouble believing the numbers thrown out there in this article. There is no REASON for us to use that much. As you said, it's used on armor piercing rounds. We haven't needed to punch through enough armor to have used as much as they are claiming at the start of this thread.

Mister Z, I suggest you read the following Article:

Just a Sample:

U.S Ordnance That Contain DU DODIC Munition Nomenclature:

D501 PROJECTILE, 155 MM APERS, M692, W/O FZ, W/M67
D502 PROJECTILE, 155 MM APERS, M692, W/O FZ, W/M67
K152 MINE, AP, PDM M86

And there is Probably More Ammunitions with DU that we dont know of...

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
You know what, a couple of years ago I read a report by scientists who were supposed to be credible people, who said that the DU scare was nothing more than over reaction to nothing. It amounted to people claiming a food additive causing cancer because they gave lab rats an extreme amount. Please forgive me, as I have forgotten where I'd come across it or who they were. I do remember they were an international panel. After that, the memory is blank.

With All Due-Respect Sir,

I think that DU IS Very Dangerous against All People - Soldiers, Civilans, the Unborn Babies, EVERYONE!

I suggest the Following Links, if You have the Time and the Will to read them:

But I understand that You kind of dont care, since none of these DU Weapons were ever dropped near or on your Homeland.

So I understand why you are not concerned about the Effects that DU Brings to Humans.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 05:57 AM
WIth ALL due respect

Just about all American bullets, 120 mm tank shells, missiles, dumb bombs, smart bombs, 500 and 2,000 pound bombs, cruise missiles, and anything else engineered to help our side in the war of us against them has Uranium in it. Lots of Uranium.

Show me a small caliber bullet, 500, 2000 pound bomb on that list. Show me a cruise missile on that list. There is nothing smaller than a 20mm shell on there. ALL of those weapons are anti-armor weapons.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Show me a small caliber bullet, 500, 2000 pound bomb on that list. Show me a cruise missile on that list. There is nothing smaller than a 20mm shell on there. ALL of those weapons are anti-armor weapons.

I suggest the Following .pdf File:

And this Entire Link:

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 06:14 AM
Not to detract from the discussion but I thought it would be good to add additional perspective.

Approximately 20 million gallons of Agent Orange was used in Vietnam between 1962 and 1971. It's a defoliator. Basically, it takes the water out of living things. Humans are something like 80% water. 3 generations later and Vietnam is still experiencing wide reaching birth defects where whole limbs are missing and people basically shrivel up.

I just wanted to add that in so we remember that DU is not the precedent.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 06:42 AM
Good read. There was a lot of "suspected" in there though. Believe it or not not ALL penetrator warheads are DU. There's a cluster bomb being designed that uses COPPER of all things. Tungsten is a great one. There ARE other things besides DU that are used on penetrator warheads. But I really like the way the article makes it sound like every weapon we use, down to every single bullet from every gun is made out of DU.

DU is dangerous, and we do have it in a lot of weaposn, but we're moving away from it, as we're finding other materials that work just as well or better. The Marines are even moving away from using LEAD in bullets.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
DU is dangerous, and we do have it in a lot of weaposn, but we're moving away from it, as we're finding other materials that work just as well or better. The Marines are even moving away from using LEAD in bullets.


Moveing it Away?

You mean like Dropping the DU Ammunitions on Everybody Else?

There are still ALOT of these DU Weapons ready to use in the Magazine.

There are more than 77,000 Tons stored at the 103 nuclear waste plants and the several Nuclear Weapons Labs in the US.

And I dont think Military has the Time or the Money to start all over again with new materials, because DU is very Cheap and has the BEST penetrating characteristics of all materials.

Why Change that?

Because few Liberalrs are Complaining about the Negative Effects of it?


Those Liberals dont know Sh**!

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 06:56 AM
I didn't say that there weren't. And why keep using something, when there's something better out there. DU is cheap to make and a good penetrator, but there are other materials that work just as well, or even better in some cases. You super heat copper with a shaped charge, and you get one heck of a penetrator, especially coming down from above on a tank. The DU replacements have been on the boards for years. A few since before Desert Storm, but most since not long after. DU will probably be around for awhile to come, but it's not in EVERY weapon, like it says in the article you quoted. And it IS going away. It takes time to develop new weapons, so it's taken time, but it is going away.

And the Marines are developing, or have developed a small arms round to replace all the lead bullets that they had in their inventory. It uses tungsten as a matter of fact IIRC. They developed it because there were so many problems cleaning up the ranges at their bases. They call it a "green round" because it's easier on the environment, and cheaper to clean up as there are no harmful effects.

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