if you are open minded you will read all of this post.
since I was challenged into joining this thread. I have a few questions.
but before I ask them let me educate you on a few things
II Peter 3:3 says "knowing this first, there will come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts, saying where is the promise of his
coming? for since the father fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. for this they are willingly
ignorant(dumb on purpose) that by the word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: whereby the world
that then was, being overflowed with water and perished" you have to have help to be dumb enough to believe that the earth is millions of years old.
I believe in the Bible... if you read the bible and understand it thoroughly, and you do your research on evolution, you will find that they are
opposites. one of them is wrong. anyways...
there are SIX different meanings to the word Evolution...
1. Cosmic Evolution- The origin of time space and matter. (Big Bang), there is no proof for this theory, but it is stated that it is a fact and it
happens every 100 billion years.
2. Chemical Evolution- All 92 elements plus the synthetic ones evolve somehow. Energy is needed for fusion to occur. Fusion does occur in stars, but
you cannot fuse past iron. but there is a chicken and the egg problem. you need stars for the energy, but you need the chemicals to make up the stars.
3. Stellar Evolution- Stars and planets evolving. no one has ever seen a star form, nor have they witnessed a planet form.
4. Organic Evolution- Life evolving from non-living material. this was proven wrong a while ago. life begats life. and it was even proved in the lab.
5. Macro Evolution- Evolving from one KIND of animal to a different KIND of animal. example: from a cat to a dog.
6. Micro Evolution- Variation within the KIND of animal.
you need the first three in order to get the last three. you cant just skip the first three and end up with the last three.
now it is a fact that there are variations within different KINDS of animals. but you will never get Macro Evolution. I dont know what exactly people
mean when they say speciation, but you can crossbreed whatever you want. but you will always get the same KIND you started with maybe a different
species but the same KIND. you will never get a tomatoe to grow on your cornstalk. and you will never produce a non-dog from a dog.
the first FIVE are religious. no one has ever had scientific proof for any of these.
How does a big bang occur and somehow go against "the law of conservation of angular momentum"? the law states, that if a spinning object breaks
apart in a frictionless environment, the pieces that break off will be spinning in the same direction as the original object. that is one law it goes
a quote from a science text book... HBJ General Science pg 362
"in the realm if the universe, nothing really means nothing. not only would matter and energy disappear but also space and time. however physicists
theorize that from this state of nothingness, the universe began in a gigantic explosion about 16.5 billion years ago. (by the way, that would have
been a long long time ago).
another quote from Discover Magizine 2002, the article was titled "where did everything come from?"
it read "the universe bursted in to something from absolutely nothing-zero, nada. as it got bigger it became filled with even more stuff that came
from absolutely nowhere. how is that possible?"
my theory, its not.
Alan Guth quoted in Scientific America on page 128 from 1996 "the observable universe could have evolved from an infinitesimal region. its then
temping to go on one step further ans speculate that the entire universe evolved from literally nothing."
it also goes against the first law of thermal dynamics
"matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed"
it also goes against the 2nd law of thermal dynamics that states
"everything tends toward disorder"
life cannot be generated from non-living material. no one has ever made life from non-living material. there was a scientist that did make a virus,
but there was a few hidden facts about that. first off, a virus is not a living thing by definition, and second, he had to insert that virus into a
dead cell. virus' become alive once they find a host. Darwin thought that a cell in your body was just a little simple sack of jelly. but now we know
that it is very complex. each one more complex than the space shuttle.
Earnie Haeckel claimed during his confession "that spontaneous generation must be true, not because it has been proven in the laboratory, but because
othewise...it would be necessary to believe in a creator"
if you look in the lowest layes of the geologic collumn, even the lowest layers are claimed to having oxygen in those layers.
miller and urey tried to make life in the lab. they didnt tell you that they excluded oxygen, excluding oxygen prevents their product from oxidizing.
their results actually turned out to be 98 percent toxic to life (85% TAR and 13% CARBOXYLIC ACID) and 2 percent amino acids. now if this occured in
water, then UV light would be totally blocked so that the process could take place. however, amino acids bond quicker to water than to eachother. so
that doesnt work. and if it occured ouTside of water, the bonding could happen but the product would oxydize with oxygen, without oxygen there would
be no ozone to block enough UV light.
the earths magnetic field has lost 6% within the past 150 years. indicating that the earth is less than 25,000 years old. go back 25-30 thousand even
with a reversed magnetic field. and the heat generated from the magnetic field would have destroyed life on earth. if you look at the pangea theory,
look at age 1. when all the continents fit together like a puzzle. central america does not exist in that phase, but somehow it just pops up at phase
four which is what we see today. now let me point something out. lets say you could take all the water out of the oceans. you will notice that there
is dirt underneath where the water was. the continents are not lilly pads floating around in the bath tub. they are connected by the crust. now just
because the continents are shifting doesnt mean they have always been shifting. check out Walt Browns hydroplate theory.
The earth is spinning abotu 1,000 MPH at the equator but it is also slowing down at the rate of 1/1000 of a second every day. which means that used to
be going faster. now if you go back 6,000 years when adam and eve were in the garden of eden, the days would be a little shorter, but not enough to
notice. adam didnt have a watch anyways(as far as we know). but the big bang theory says that the earth is billions of years old. now thats a problem.
if you go back too far, the coriolis effect would cause the winds to be over 5,000 miles per hour because of the earths fast rotation.
the sehara desert expands through a process called desertification. but its been calculated that the sehara desert is less than 4000 years old.
REFERENCE is from HBJ Earth Science pg 277.
well lets just say that there was a flood that destroyed the whole earth and covered every moutain top and every piece of land, that fits my theory.
the bible says that the beginning was about 6,000 years ago. and the flood was about 4400 years ago. fits my theory just fine. now if the earth is
billions of years old, how come there isnt a desert older than 4000 years old? why isnt there one that is 10,000 years old? the evolution theory has
many flaws and is based off of many assumptions.
the so-called magnetic reversals at the mid-atlantic ridge are flase. there are no magnetic reversals. there are areas of stronger and weaker magnetic
strength, but no where will a north-seeking compass point south. there is only areas of stronger and weaker magnetism.
Annual Ice rings are not a indication of one ring per year. research the "lost squadron" that got lost in WWII and crash landed in greenland.
in 1990 they found them using radar. the airplanes were down there for 48 years. they were 263 feet below the surface. but while melting through the
ice, hundreds of ice rings were melted through. a guy names Bob Cardin was on the team that dilled down to the aircraft. check out
the oldest reef in the world in located in australia, its called the great barrier reef. they estimated that the reef is less then 4000 years old.
this was based off of a 20 year observation.
the oldest languages are known to be less than 6,000 years old. the chinese calandar starts back around at the end of noahs flood instead of like our
calander where we start about 2000 years ago when Jesus was here.
Fossils do not count for evidence for evolution. if you want to think they do, you think that all you want. but they dont count. they cant. what can
you conclude from observing a fossil? it died... thats about it. what else can you observe?
they used to teach the humans and the chimp are very similar in DNA. well the difference between the two is a difference of 1.6 percent. but if you
click on this link. you will find that there is no way for humans to evolve from the chimp or the chimp from the human. its states "Now the genetic
difference between human and his nearest relative, the chimpanzee, is at least 1.6%. That doesn't sound like much, but calculated out, that is a gap
of at least 48,000,000 nucleotides, and a change of only 3 nucleotides is fatal to an animal; there is no possibility of change." another thing to
think about is what darwin said... on the same site, there is a quote from his book that states. "To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable
contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and
chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree." but Dr. Barney Maddox is
probably a crack addict or something. evolutionists will probably find some reason to discredit him.
here is a link to that page Dr Maddox is on
the geologic collumn was thought up in 1830, long before radiometric dating was ever invented. how this happened, it was thought up. Charles Lyell
made up the whole thing. see he ASSUMED that each layer is a different age. how did he know that each layer was a different age? he didnt he wanted to
make people think that the earth was millions of years old. so he divided the earth into layers and gave each layer an index fossil. this was all
based on the assumption that the earth is millions of years old and each layer was a different age. how he knows is anyones guess. the layers of
strata are dated by the fossils they find in that layer. and the fossils are dated by which layer of strata they come from. this is called circular
grand canyon did not form by the colorado river. the colorado river is what is draining through what we call grand canyon. its more probable that
grand canyon formed during the flood with LOTS of water and LITTLE time.
the scientists say that the canyon on mars that is much bigger than grand canyon, and there is no water on mars as far as we know. there is a bunch of
frozen CO2(dry ice)
here is why.
the top of grand canyon is higher than the bottom, the river flows through the bottom. the river enters the canyon at 2800 elevation. and the river
exits the canyon at 1800 feet elevation. for about 270 miles through the snow ridge of grand canyon, the top of grand canyon reaches elevation levels
of 6900ft to 8500ft elevation. now it is a fact that grand canyon exists. but are you trying to tell me that the colorado river cut through multiple
layers of rock by flowing uphill and made that canyon over millions of years. yeah ill bet that water used to be able to flow uphill, millions of
years ago. and plus, they cant find the delta for grand canyon, no one knows where it is.
how does the evolutionist explain polystrata fossils?
if you get a petrified tree standing up running through multiple layers how do you explain that? well I have a theory about that. I believe that there
was a flood about 4400 years ago, and so do many cultures. there are at least 200 surviving legends on a worldwide flood. here is one link I found
but anyways, lets do a little science here... if you get sand with different colors representing different densitys and put that in water, shake it
up, you will get different layers in a couple of seconds. now lets say we put a few twigs in there representing trees, shake it up again, an you will
get those twigs standing up and or in some weird position. but you will get some connecting many layers. this is exactly what would happen in a great
flood. you would get many layers of strata and many things between them and many things such as trees runing through them. the evolution theory states
that each layer is a different age. but there are no signes of erosion between the layers. now when they find a petrified tree upside down, the
evolutionist has no explanation for this. how fo you get a tree upsidedown running through multiple layers. I have a theory about that. see about 4400
years ago, there was a great flood. and mixed up a bunch of dirt along with trees, and that how the trees got there upsidedown. and no tree is going
to stand there for millions of years waiting for layers to form around them without rotting away. It does not take things very long to petrify.
Ok Evolutionist... give me a good scientific reason why trees are running through multiple layers of strata, you cant have a tree stand there waiting
for millions of years for layers to form around it. trees dont grow through multiple layers of rock looking for sunlight. and trees cannot petrify in
the air, they oxidize. and there are no erosion marks between the layers. wonder why...
see the bible says that God created the heaven and the earth roughly 6,000 years ago. and everything in it was good.
Man wrecked this world, man brought death by sin, so yes, if adam never sinned, no one would have ever died. The bible also says that God made us of
one blood, meaning that all humans are equal. no matter what color your skin is, we are all equal. if you thnk that you are better than someone
because of the color of your skin, you have personal problems.
the bible also teaches that there was a layer of water above the atmostphere, how it was held up is supported a theory, such as the meisner effect. if
it were ice, the magnetic field would have held it up because supercold ice is magnetic. if it were in some other form other than ice, I dont really
know how else it could have been help up. but this layer of water, if it were ice, could have cause hyperbarrick conditions in the earths atmosphere,
explaining the existance of dinosaurs, and larger animals and humans.
Now if God created everything. he could have made the star light visible to whatever is on earth. he could have made anything that we see today.
Evolution wants us to believe that we came from soup that came from rocks that got rained on. so ultimately we came from a rock according to the
evolution theory. like I said before there are six different meanings to the word evolution. you have to have the first three in order to get the last
three. so no matter what you may think, the first three have a lot to do with the last three, because without the first three, you cant have the last
the only thing darwin ever observed was MIRCO evolution. this term confuses people. it should be called just a variation within the kind of animal.
the bible does not go against this. the bible says in Genesis "they will bring forth after their KIND" not species. and you can have many species
within one KIND. the bible has nothing against MICRO evolution.
and this also applies to plants. the bible says that they will bring forth after their KIND.
you can crossbreed corn all you want... you will always get corn. you will never get anything else but corn. maybe different species, but nothing
other than corn.
so what evidence is there for evolution?
well I have yet to see some.
and by the way... if there is a mutation caused by a scrambling of the genetic code and it is actually beneficial. that is no proof for evolution. was
any information added? no. now yes it was copied more than it was supposed to be, but nothing NEW was added. mutations are a mixing of existing
information. often the way new species come to be, is by parts of the gene code that were not used before now being used. here is an example. some
people already have in their genes, a resistance to penicillin. there were some people found burried in ice that were resistant to penicillin before
it was even discovered.
check out what darwin said. he siad on page 170 of his book. basically that all all plants and all animals are related, meaning, birds are related to
Richard C Lewontin stated in a text book that "Evolution is a fact"... he went further to explain what he meant by evolution. he said, "bird rose
from non-birds and humans from non-humans, anyone who pretends to any understanding of the natural world can deny these facts..."
Spiders are able to make seven different types of webs, which they use for different purposes, such as for catching prey, for walking on, for anchor
points, for wrapping prey, and for other functions. It is ridiculous to suggest that a creature could randomly develop the irreducibly complex
apparatuses to make and eject one type of webbing, but to make seven types is mind-boggling. An irreducibly complex apparatus is something that could
not operate if even one of its components were missing. The chances of something of this nature to appear by accident with all of its necessary parts
intact are essentially zero.
This amazing material is five times stronger than steel thread, but it will stretch to over four times its length without breaking. 1 It has been used
to make bulletproof vests, it can be used to close bleeding wounds, and scientists have produced nothing with which it can be compared. Furthermore,
spiders have an amazing range of talents that for which they utilize their webs. Making a regular spider web is amazing enough. Many spiders make a
complex web every day and eat it later as it starts to wear, after which they make a new web. How do they know how to produce such elaborate
structures without instruction? It does not stop there. Harun Yahya has provided the following astonishing examples of how spiders use their webs and
camouflage for hunting. 2
Trapdoor spiders build a door with their webs and attach a web hinge to them so that they may close them and remain concealed until prey comes along.
Did this happen by chance, and how did it get to be a trait of all trapdoor spiders? Bola spiders make a bola out of their webs and even put small
weights on them. They are quite accurate too. They wait until a moth flies by, then they throw this bola like a lasso with great accuracy and reel in
their prey. I had to practice a while with my bola from Argentina in order to get reasonably good with it. The bola spider did not have to practice.
He would have starved to death if he did have to do so. This could not be accounted for by evolutionary theory. The same question could be asked about
Dinopsis spiders. These amazing spiders make nets out of their webs that they throw over their prey. Their mothers are not around to teach them how to
do this. How does such a skill evolve?
Even more amazing are bell spiders. The bell spider makes a diving bell out of its web and actually uses it to hunt under water. How did this entire
species figure out how to do this if their creator had not implanted in them the knowledge required?
There is a species of spiders called Myrmarachne that look almost like ants, except for having eight legs. They will stand around waving their two
extra legs in the air to resemble antennae until an ant comes close so that they can pounce on them. How did such a small creature end up looking like
an ant, and with their minute brains how do they know how to utilize this resemblance so ingeniously?
There are a number of spider kinds that surf the sky as babies. These kinds of spiders will spin a thin strand of web and leap into the wind where
they can sometimes be carried thousands of feet into the air and for hundreds of miles. They are able to hang on to their threads and ride them like
air surfboards. Scientists have spotted baby spiders as high as 16,000 feet in the air. This explains why spiders are often one of the first creatures
to inhabit volcanic islands. How did they learn this skill on their own? 3
A very lengthy book could be written on the miraculous nature of spiders, but I'll stop here for now. Spiders are amazingly sophisticated creations,
and give us many reasons to stand in awe of God's creativity.
Spiders are able to make seven different types of webs, which they use for different purposes, such as for catching prey, for walking on, for anchor
points, for wrapping prey, and for other functions. It is ridiculous to suggest that a creature could randomly develop the irreducibly complex
apparatuses to make and eject one type of webbing, but to make seven types is mind-boggling. An irreducibly complex apparatus is something that could
not operate if even one of its components were missing. The chances of something of this nature to appear by accident with all of its necessary parts
intact are essentially zero.
This amazing material is five times stronger than steel thread, but it will stretch to over four times its length without breaking. 1 It has been used
to make bulletproof vests, it can be used to close bleeding wounds, and scientists have produced nothing with which it can be compared. Furthermore,
spiders have an amazing range of talents that for which they utilize their webs. Making a regular spider web is amazing enough. Many spiders make a
complex web every day and eat it later as it starts to wear, after which they make a new web. How do they know how to produce such elaborate
structures without instruction? It does not stop there. Harun Yahya has provided the following astonishing examples of how spiders use their webs and
camouflage for hunting. 2
Trapdoor spiders build a door with their webs and attach a web hinge to them so that they may close them and remain concealed until prey comes along.
Did this happen by chance, and how did it get to be a trait of all trapdoor spiders? Bola spiders make a bola out of their webs and even put small
weights on them. They are quite accurate too. They wait until a moth flies by, then they throw this bola like a lasso with great accuracy and reel in
their prey. I had to practice a while with my bola from Argentina in order to get reasonably good with it. The bola spider did not have to practice.
He would have starved to death if he did have to do so. This could not be accounted for by evolutionary theory. The same question could be asked about
Dinopsis spiders. These amazing spiders make nets out of their webs that they throw over their prey. Their mothers are not around to teach them how to
do this. How does such a skill evolve?
Even more amazing are bell spiders. The bell spider makes a diving bell out of its web and actually uses it to hunt under water. How did this entire
species figure out how to do this if their creator had not implanted in them the knowledge required?
There is a species of spiders called Myrmarachne that look almost like ants, except for having eight legs. They will stand around waving their two
extra legs in the air to resemble antennae until an ant comes close so that they can pounce on them. How did such a small creature end up looking like
an ant, and with their minute brains how do they know how to utilize this resemblance so ingeniously?
There are a number of spider kinds that surf the sky as babies. These kinds of spiders will spin a thin strand of web and leap into the wind where
they can sometimes be carried thousands of feet into the air and for hundreds of miles. They are able to hang on to their threads and ride them like
air surfboards. Scientists have spotted baby spiders as high as 16,000 feet in the air. This explains why spiders are often one of the first creatures
to inhabit volcanic islands. How did they learn this skill on their own? 3
A very lengthy book could be written on the miraculous nature of spiders, but I'll stop here for now. Spiders are amazingly sophisticated creations,
and give us many reasons to stand in awe of God's creativity.
Any tracker, from beginner to expert, knows the difference between canine and feline tracks and would never mistake one for the other. Dogs leave nail
marks in all of their tracks, while cats never do. This in itself may not seem too striking, but it is a wonderful fact that helps make evolutionists
look stupid. What amazes me so much is that I have read numerous books on tracking in which the author makes some idiotic allusion to our distant past
as apes, or to the evolution of four-legged critters. All they need to do to know that this is idiotic is to look at the tracks of dogs and cats, but
I guess that they are missing the forest due to the trees.
Cats have retractable claws and dogs do not. Dogs rely on their teeth to hunt, while cats rely mostly on their claws. A dog only uses its claws to
help it with its footwork when it is walking or running, digging, holding pray once its caught and scratching fleas and such. They do not need to be
sharp like the cat's claws so they do not need protection. What is amazing is that the cat's claws are retracted to protect them when they are not
in use and they are only ejected when the cat needs to use them to hunt, defend itself, climb or for sharpening purposes. This requires specialized
muscles to extend the claws like a switchblade and a specially designed sheath for these claws for when they are drawn back. It is absurd to assume
that these specially designed features would have evolved by chance.
What did the cats do before they "evolved" the amazing feature of having retractable claws. They would have to have behaved like dogs. What made
them decide to behave like cats and how did mindless Mother Nature respond by sticking those specially designed muscles in their paws? Was it by
chance that these muscles and sheaths showed up at the same time? Did they think them into existence? Did they develop gradually over millions of
years? If the latter is the case, how did they get along during the transition? Of course, they both do just fine as they were made, so why would it
have been necessary for the design of either to be changed? It does not take a lot of brains to realize that they are both obviously well designed
(especially dogs -- no offence to any of you who might be cat people). All of the alternatives are preposterous.
darwin also said... in his book( not sure on what page) but he even questioned his own theory, he basically stated that its hard to even imagine how
his theory could have worked. when I get the page number I will let you know what it is... if you really want to know, its in his book. "the origin
of species" (by the way, thats not the whole title to the book). I think its on page 268 or something like that.. im not sure. thats actually just a
guess. Ive seen it somewhere. I just cant rememebr where.
anyways... moving along to other things. VESTIGAL organs or body parts would not be supportive to evolution, vestigal things is losing something not
gaining. as far as I can figure out. there is not one vestigal piece found in any organism. the human tailbone is not vestigal, if you think yours is,
I will pay to have yours removed. the appendix is not vestigal, it is true you can live without it, but that does not mean, you do not need it. you
can live without both your eyes, arms and legs, but that doesn prove you dont need them.
i think I have typed enough for now. my brain kinda hurts. I had to pull a lot of knowledge from a lot of places and a lot of truth from a lot of
the bible says that God created everything. and I believe that to be true.
the bible also says that God is al-powerful. meaning he is not limited. he is not limited by time space of matter. God can be outside of time he can
also be in time. God can be outside of space totally. as well as matter.
Evolution is a religion. no one can ever prove that COSMIC, CHEMICAL, STELLAR, ORGANIC or MACRO evolution can take place.
Evolution is not a part of science. and if you want me to admit that creation is not a part of science, then I will admit that. both theories are
religious, now how about you admit that your theory is not a part of science and teach is to those who want to learn about it. Evolution has no
scientific evidence to back it up. creation on the other hand does. I believe that I have given you a few points of evidence in this post.
Science is things that we can observe, and test and demonstrate.
Evolution does not fit in this category. you have to believe that it all happened. just like I bellieve that God created everything.
Atheism is a religion, because you have to believe that there is no god.
evolution falls in with atheists, both of them support eachother as well. evolutionists believe that everything evolved by uniformitarian processes.
and atheists believe in Evolution because its the only thing that sounds good enough to explain our existance. but the fact is, evolution is not
it is a tax supported RELIGION