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Bush Asked For Your Help Tonight America!

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posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Boatphone

...they are protecting you from terrorists, even if you don't think there are any in Iraq. Not supporting the troops makes me sick!!!!
[edit on 29-6-2005 by Boatphone]

Never mind that the REAL terrorists are in the White House...! Bush and his gang are the ones that are a threat to freedom here in America!

How's occupying Iraq going to protect us from, say, terrorists from Saudi Arabia, IF the terrorists were really from the Middle East?

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 02:16 PM
I sent a message to our soldiers. I do not in any way support this war, i think it is stupid and pointless, but i do, however, support the brave men and women who are doing their part to fight for their country. To all the people i have angered in the past with my bush-bashing, i'm done. its not my place to criticize anyone, because, like it or not, i'm an american too. and i love my country, despite the fact that we are going through a pretty bad time.and to all the people out there bush-bashing, i understand your feelings on the subject, but flames are getting us nowhere. if we want to bring honour and glory back to the United States, we have to stand together(or at least get along). that is our biggest problem, and it always has been. it is not possible to find something that everyone can agree on, so we always have your groups who go about and protest and just blow the situation completely out of proportion. but we just have to learn to suck it up when we dont get our way, because complaining about it is only going to make things worse.
i am just realizing this for myself as i write these words, and i hope you can find some sense of disclosure in these words as i did today.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by curme

I asked around about the 'secret' prisoners that were here, and everyone said it was just a rumor. DG is a very small. I don't think you could do anything without somebody knowing. There's barely enough room for us, where would they put the prisoners? It's possible, I guess, but not very probable from what I've seen (been here for six months).

But that was one of the first questions I asked when I got here, too much ATS!

Interesting... thanks for the reply! I don't mean to pry, but how did you get posted to Diego Garcia? Did you have a choice? Is there a JAG presence there? I'm considering joining the military, in part to put in my time serving my country but also because the "Space Available" flight thing sounds very appealing as a job perk. I ask because ideally I'd like to be posted somewhere relatively exotic, but I don't know how much freedom of choice you have in where you are posted, if any... So I don't sound like a fool, I should state for the record that, if I enlisted, I would go to Iraq if ordered (or drafted) with no objection (but it wouldn't be my first choice).

-koji K.

[edit on 29-6-2005 by koji_K]

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Boatphone
...they are protecting you from terrorists, even if you don't think there are any in Iraq. Not supporting the troops makes me sick!!!!

Oh I do support them and this war. With my tax dollars. That makes me sick. Not the supporting the troops part, which I do all poor people just doing their job and getting by the best they can. Like young single mother's on welfare just doing their job of raising children, many of whom will die in future wars for our country. Which I'm sure supporting makes you sick. Which makes me sick. And this would be where I'd put two barf emoticons in a row if I were stupid. But that makes me sick.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 05:40 PM
Soldiers are just people doing their jobs.
Do i support the paperboy getting his job done? I guess.

What i absolutely don't support is killing young American soldiers for no reason other than as blood grist for Haliburton.

If you support Bush you support lies & Government corruption.

I don't support invading a War against a nation that allowed inspectors in and didn't have a single WMD, and ZERO terrorists.

Now Iraq is filled with inflowing terrorists against the US and creating unrest and more terrorists, especially after Abu Grabe and as the truth about Gitmo comes out.

If you support Bush you are a traitor to America.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 05:40 PM
Humanity at large makes me sick. Humanity is #ing dead. A corpse. Lifeless robots that spit out whatever went in. This has got to be one the dumbest races of "intelligent" beings ever. If I hadn't witnessed the infinite stupid myself I would have never believed it.

What, you mean they just fight each other for thousands of years? They let the dumbest, most infantile, rule them? Come on, you got to be kidding me. They can't be that dumb. Thanks for proving me wrong humanity.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 08:06 PM
It never ceases to amaze me that this obvious political heart-strings crap works on some people.

JFK, FDR he's not - despite what those war-mongering who are working him tell him. He's the ex-coc aine addict, alcoholic, draft-dodging failed business man, idiot son of a spooky former president with far too many arab friends for a crusader.

Commander-in-chief? Unlikley to be commander of his own bathtub without the $'s!

He's a congenital idiot - what's your excuse?

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by slank
If you support Bush you support lies & Government corruption.

It has nothing to do specifically with Bush himself. Bush is just a pawn.

He is nowhere NEAR intelligent enough to make decisions on his own.

The government is run internally, by the same people, year after year. These people are influenced by people with money. Its fairly simple.

Bush just does what he's told. He's a puppet.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 09:47 PM

It has nothing to do specifically with Bush himself. Bush is just a pawn.

He is nowhere NEAR intelligent enough to make decisions on his own.

The government is run internally, by the same people, year after year. These people are influenced by people with money. Its fairly simple.

Bush just does what he's told. He's a puppet.

i have said the exact same thing i dont know how many times! thank you, you have stated it perfectly.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 09:21 PM
late Supreme Court justice William O. Douglas warned: "As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air—however slight—lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."

This is where the entire world especially American citizens seem to be finding themselves in. There is a change in the air. It has been happening for decades. The international bankers finally suceeded in enslaving the U.S. government into the same central bank scheme that had already captured Britain, Germany, France and most of Europe. Andrew Jackson and Abe Lincoln both fought and suceeded in stopping the advance of a centralized bank in the hands of private international investors and both received assassination attempts for their patriotic duty to maintain the republic this country was originally intended to be.

Eisenhower was not kidding when he spoke during his final farewell address to the American people and warned about the dangers of the military intelligence industrial complex getting in bed with the private corporations and creating corporate-fascism in America. JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X all received the same warm sniper greetings from those same shadowy figures that secretly manipulate this country's political processes.

Perhaps we truly find ourselves at the end game of it all. The twilight begins to fade and the darkness is now visible in the near distance. The shadow of tyranny, oppression and evil now stretches forth from all corners of the world. I see the change in the air and many more see it everyday. But no matter how far the shadow stretches, I do not believe that the light will ever be extinguished but we must remain vigiliant in the twilight lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by cargo
What is it with republicans watching oiled up muscle men in spandex rolling around with eachother on canvas?

cargo, thank you for providing some comic relief here. this whole subject is weighing terribly heavily on me, as a child so i can only imagine how heavy this is on everyone else. people like you are what keep us going in times like these, and i thank you for that.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by curme
I'm on a Navy Base on Diego Garcia.

sorry off-topic but how the weather on dego garcia?
is it sunny?
is it rainy? well thats pretty much like most of britain in the summer anyway

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Patriotism is not the same as supporting foreign incursion and military aggression.

Patriotism can be about deposing people who have commandeered your country and who are directing it away from the core values on which it was founded.

Wow masked avatar, that's the truest and smartest thing i've heard in awhile. It's so true
. Sorry to qoute you, i just had to. one up buddy

Edit: oh btw sorry for the off topicness, i had to say something.

[edit on 2-8-2005 by malakiem]

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
I am so angry with this man that is our president he can toy away with so many lifes and not feel any regrets.

Our loves one in the middle east are at his mercy and so all of us regular American people.

How sad.

Well Said. It also suprises me how many people here are willing to support Dubya without question or any thought for the countless innocent lives that have been lost in the name of "Amican Freedoms". I honestly can't see how our Freedoms have ever been at threat from these 'terrorists', the only treat to our freedom I see is from W himself and these 'terrorist laws'.

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