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Bush Asked For Your Help Tonight America!

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posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by iksmodnad
give the man some credit.

For what? Sending 1800 men to their death? Sorry I can hardly sympathize with a man hanging onto a losing cause. I believe Rumsfeld even said lately that this could go on for a decade. Think about those potential numbers for a minute.


posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 08:43 PM


Nobody is arguing with you or bashing your patriotism we all having opinions on how we feel about the Mr. Bush and his war.

So don't take any of this coments personaly you are not Mr. Bush.

My husband served his country for 22 years as a Marine he did his duty and did his service for this nation.

I am opposed to the war in Iraq and what the Administration stand for, and that is my choices.

Amethyst, I think your are the best conservative I have met in a long time,

First. I would like to give your husband my deepest thanks for putting his life on the line for our homeland.

Second. I totally respect your opinion and have no problem with it. Sorry If i sounded like I was on the offensive as far a debate. I am just trying to open a some room to breath for the people who do support the war. See one thing I find wrong on the ATS community is people feel out of place to post something when you have a thread full of bush bashes, it would be like walking into a biker bar with a collard polo shirt on and blue jeans.

I too have friends in Iraq and I am still fairly young and some of these people over there are my childhood friends and its hard to hear stories on the news about someone getting killed and wondering if that was one of your friends. War is a sad thing and I have come to those terms.

Like I said I respect your opinion and think its cool there are people who can look at something differently.

[edit on 28-6-2005 by iksmodnad]

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 08:58 PM
I sent them a poem. I wonder if it'll ever get read?

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 09:01 PM

Yes ATS can become a very debatable place when it deals with political views, Is many war supporters in here, and they will share your views, I am a very debatable person even when I have somewhat mellow out a bit lately.

My son have one friend that just decided to enlist in the military and after his training he is Iraqi bound.

I know your support is real and come from your hart, because you feel for your friends.

I wish all our loves one in the middle east will make it to the end and be able to comeback, I wish also that things will get better in Iraq and the violence end.

But at my age and for what I know things are not always what it seems, that is something that eventualy you will find out as you go through life.

I hope your friends make it and I hope you will keep your support for them.

I am not against the troops, how can I? they are doing the job they were sent to do, I am angry at Mr. Bush and his ideology.

Just remember that.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by iksmodnadWar is a sad thing...
War is a sad thing. War is generally assumed to be as a result of open hostility which has escalated to an all out fight of military proportions. Whatever the country, the citzenry will always look to declare the adversary as having provoked the conflict to the irrevocable no holds barred defense, and therefore can expect to be the defender not the aggressor.

In this case, there was only one aggressor, The United Sates of America, Britain and the coalition, for Iraq provoked no war.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by brill

For what? Sending 1800 men to their death? Sorry I can hardly sympathize with a man hanging onto a losing cause. I believe Rumsfeld even said lately that this could go on for a decade. Think about those potential numbers for a minute.


They are sent to kill, to send others to their deaths.
Iraqi, and other insurgent types are the ones that are sent to their deaths.

Just thought I'd clear that up/

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt

Originally posted by brill

For what? Sending 1800 men to their death? Sorry I can hardly sympathize with a man hanging onto a losing cause. I believe Rumsfeld even said lately that this could go on for a decade. Think about those potential numbers for a minute.


They are sent to kill, to send others to their deaths.
Iraqi, and other insurgent types are the ones that are sent to their deaths.
Just thought I'd clear that up/

The ignorance is thick in this one.

There are already close to 1,800 dead American soldiers, and 13,000 wounded.
Playing idiot with the meaning of simple sentence doesn't even approach intelligence.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Legalizer
and 13,000 wounded.

Actually over 42,000 amputeed, injured, wounded or mentally ill, all returned from Iraq.

Not to mention 112,000 dead Iraqi people.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 09:46 PM
I was severely disappointed with Bush's speech. This was his chance to try and set things right. Instead he kept repeating the same old reasons and right wing talking points.


posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 10:04 PM
Hey RANT, I already knew about the WWE supporting the Iraq war. In fact, a couple of their new heels are Arabs--go figure.

That's a reason why I stopped watching it. I got tired of them shilling for Bush/Iraq/whatever.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 10:07 PM
Now what many people don't know is that by Public Law 107-243 Bush was required by congress ( its full of legalese there is 23 'whereas' clauses) to provide 2 determinations to use armed forces. that(summed up, refer to bush's letter for full text):

(1) further diplomatic means alone would not resplve the 'continuing threat' (WMD's) and (2), the military action was part of the overall response to terrorism, including dealing with those involved in "the terrorist attacks that occured on September 11, 2001"

This was his formal 'letter' to congress dated March 18th, 2003:

March 18, 2003

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President

Consistent with section 3(b) of the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 (Public Law 107-243), and based on information available to me, including that in the enclosed document, I determine that:

(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic and other peaceful means alone will neither (A) adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq nor (B) likely lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq; and

(2) acting pursuant to the Constitution and Public Law 107-243 is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.



Bush: No Proof Of Saddam's Role in 9/11

"We have no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the September 11th" attacks," Bush said in a brief encounter with reporters after a meeting with members of Congress. Bush added, "There's no question that Saddam Hussein had al-Qaeda ties.

Bush said it right there. NO EVIDENCE. Al-Qaeda ties isnt good enough it is only half of the (2) determination. There has to be direct links to the September 11th attacks. There wasn't.

I really should make a detailed thread about this whole thing...


posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 10:08 PM
nobody likes war (except cheney), the point of the speech was to boost morale, recruiting, and his rating. about all we should be judging is if he had in impact in those 3 areas.

i would humbly suggest anyone wo is real fired up about this direct your energy for good, and go to the ebsite and DO SOMETHING POSITIVE instead of posting something negative


posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Amethyst
Hey RANT, I already knew about the WWE supporting the Iraq war. In fact, a couple of their new heels are Arabs--go figure.

That's a reason why I stopped watching it. I got tired of them shilling for Bush/Iraq/whatever.

I had no idea.

You're right. Look at this BS "explanation."

Hassan and Daivari on Monday Night RAW

WWE introduced two new characters, Muhammad Hassan and Khosrow Daivari, on Monday Night RAW. The characters Hassan and Daivari are U.S. citizens of Arab descent who have grown up in America. Over the past several weeks, Hassan and Daivari have spoken out on RAW about the challenges and poor treatment they have faced being Arab-Americans in a post 9/11 America. They have taken these complaints, and the way they express them, to the extreme, insulting their country, their fellow Americans and the U.S. troops to the point where they have drawn the resentment of their fellow Superstars and WWE fans.

In the real world, (
)WWE believes that no matter what our race, religious creed or ethnic background in America, we all share the common bond of being Americans. American-Arabs are a part of the fabric of America, and they should be embraced by all of us.

Yeah, in the "real world" ...which happens to be the one where WWE targets children with anti-Arab sterotypes and Army recruitment ads.

Our programs are tailored for teens and young adults, who comprise nearly 50 percent of our audience. About 73 percent of our audience is 18 years of age or older. Some of our viewers are younger children. If parents make the decision to allow their children to watch our programming, we encourage those parents to watch with their children. We urge parents who allow younger children to watch our programming to explain that what our Superstars do on television should not be emulated or attempted in real life.

100% of surveys are done by people over 18 by the way.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 10:44 PM
I just sent a care package. Support the troops!!!!!

They are protecting you!

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 11:01 PM
9/11 is what started this whole mess and five years later, there has been no publicly visible progress made on apprehending the people responsible at the top of the chain. Bin Laden, if he is indeed ultimately responsible, has been given more than enough time to arrange another such attack.

Invading Iraq has done nothing towards making the world a more secure place; if anything, it has provided a breeding ground for anti-west sentiment and in all likelihood, increased the number of potential terrorists willing to carry out another 9/11 style attack.

So much for protecting the American people. . .

[edit on 28-6-2005 by shanti23]

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 11:03 PM
The WWE has GONE TO IRAQ!!!!!!! They have actually had the superstars like Dwayne Johnson(The Rock), Paul White(Big Show), Michael Shawn Hickenbottom(Shawn Michaels), and even Mark Calloway(UnderTaker) and Randy Keith Orton(Randy Orton) have gone and wrestled to entertain the troops. Or in one case the episode of Smackdown was shot IN IRAQ!!!!! Thats right, these people go over to a WARZONE and wrestle to entertain the troops. People like Johnathon Cena Martin(John Cena) risk the health and LIVES of themselves to entertain troops. Like how Bob Hope went over to Vietnam to entertain troops.

Although, most entertaining part of the night was the WWE Smackdown Divas "entertaining" the troops.(PILLOW FIGHT!!!)

Also, most people watching Wrestling know the storylines/names are fake. The actual wrestling is faked/real depending on the person and if they are willing to put themselves on the line.(High Flyers real, superstars like Triple H and Rock fake to protect their "pretty faces", or some due to injuries, like Steve Williams(Steve Austin) and Kurt Angle or Shawn Michael from neck/spine injuries)

I don't see Kid Rock giving concerts in Iraq, or Ronald McDonalds over there. I don't see Garth Brooks over there doing a show for the troops. But guys like Booker Tio Huffman(Booker T) and Rob Szatkowski(Rob Van Dam) went over to entertain Our Troops.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 11:15 PM
Why doesn't he ask the support of Haliburton,
The Banking and Wall Street crowd,
The Big Oil companies with whom he is so intimate,
The Saudi Royal family,
The Big Pharmaceutical companies,
And all the other corporate interests for whom he whores?

Excuse me but my heart is completely hard to this man and all of his ilk who pander to the hyper rich,
then run and hide behind the young American's lives he is squandering pointlessly there in Iraq.

Run and Hide Bush,
Behind the Bible,
Behind the flag,
Behind the lives of young military and their fallen buddies,
If there is justice in the Universe you will never know one instant of peace, joy or satisfaction.

Corporate recipe for happiness,
You pay, they play.

And you have paid 1/5th of a TRILLION dollars in Iraq.
Your grandchildren will owe their souls to the Chinese and Saudis who own the debt being run up on the Charge card of government for the corporate party.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 11:50 PM
Bush is nothing but a strutting gutless buffoon and a war criminal.

The invasion of Iraq had been planned for years and many of us who served in the military as long ago as 1978, perhaps earlier, realize or have known about this for some time. The training was conducted with a joint services [foreign and domestic] exercise and the location year after year was in the Mojave Desert near Fort Irwin, California. A military outpost close to Barstow, California.

The exercise would be known each year as "Brave Storm" until the operational phase was executed...then the name was changed to "Brave Shield". There are many, many veterans of the first Gulf war who realized after operations were launched against Iraq, that these earlier exercises had been contingency training manuvers in preparation for a strike against Iraq.

At the time I first became aware of this, April 1, 1978, it was because a pilot from the United Kingdom [New Zealand, I believe], demanded to be sent back to his country. What had set him off was the disclosure that a "suicide" of an 18 year old American soldier, on or about March 29, 1978, from Fort Irwin had been the result of a rattlesnake bite...three bites in fact.

Three other soldiers of a different race had put the snake in his sleeping bag. The original argument had been over the victim's girl friend who lived in Barstow.

When he heard American officer's laughing about the circumstances that caused the death, by the same individual's who were to cowardly to prosecute the perpetrator's, he exploded.

Before he left he left a copy of the classified "Operations Plan" at the Communications Relay Center for all to see. The scenario was to neutralize the "hostile country " in a desert region so that our allies of a different religion could someday expand their borders.

posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

Nobody is arguing with you or bashing your patriotism we all having opinions on how we feel about the Mr. Bush and his war.

So don't take any of this coments personaly you are not Mr. Bush.

Sorry, but it's actually President Bush.

[edit on 6/28/2005 by mercury19]

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 12:18 AM
Well, gee, not suprised by the constant onslaught of Bush-flaming going on here.

I, for one, feel very nonchalant and quite frankly, apathetic, regarding this speech.

I believe he did though set out a clear goal for his agenda, as well as be honest (more so than illusion-filled Rumsfeld and Cheney) about the war in Iraq. He was quite solemn about it, and did state that it will take quite a long time and take blood, sweat, and tears.

It was a good speech, by my standard. However, it will be no doubt, in my mind, that this will not help him as he expected.

Non-emotional, straight forward fact.


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