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Prophet Yahweh's Future of Earth

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posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by owner
Does no one else see a sinister irony in how this man is claiming all religions are evil and their very existence is a sin? He is asking everyone else to follow his special religion, if not he will kill you...

His message is simple: Follow me or die.

[edit on 25-6-2005 by owner]

Haha are you crazy... you've got it completey wrong man. you definetely need to check out your info before posting crap like that. I am not for or against him but HE NEVER SAID FOLLOW ME OR DIE OR ANYTHING OF THE SORT. The only person he ever mentions will die is religious leaders and government leaders!!!

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
So how did all this research miss the fact that the "Prophet" is completely racist, and believes that big black alien space brothers are coming down to take out whitey??? Kind of gets away from the warm, fuzzy alien angle, no?

You must have missed those sayings, right from the man himself...

Is it July 16th yet? At least then we can strike this charlatain from our thoughts.... Can't wait to see what he tries to pass off as a spaceship...IF he attempts anything at all. My suggestion would be one of those radio controlled convention ad blimbs, but doctored up, but he'd have to pony up a few grand for a good one.

This post was to get away from that racist BS going on in the other thread. Did you notice how i mentioned "Yahweh's Angels" were similar to Nordics. Is it just me who's read countless abduction stories of Nordics being WHITE? He mentioned some black space brother thing a long time ago but he is surely not racist. You cannot call someone racist just because he is assuming the Holy Blood Line is black. Has he ever said he is a racist? No. By the way if we see some small radio controlled piece of trash in the sky before July 15th, then goodbye Prophet Yahweh. If you haven't noticed he procalims that the SPACESHIP is almost the size of the SHIPS from Independence Day. So if none of us see a ship that big. ITS OVER! simple as that...

Also, nearly all this information I have provided is from radio interviews. Not from the internet, not from websites, not from his corny e-mails but straight from his mouth. The "black space brother" thing was definetely blown out of proportion.

[edit on 6/25/2005 by superslicksh0es]

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 01:17 PM
He is nothing but a Black man wanting attention in America. No aliens will come and nothing will happen on July 15th and his credentials will go poof.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 01:20 PM
Has this prophet guy been able to make a large UFO appear over Vegas yet?

I want to see this! When will he try this?

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 02:00 PM

Prophet Yahweh just posted this in an e-mail this morning. It's CRAZY! I've never seen anything like this in my area. He actually has on tape aircrafts creating chemtrails COMPLETELY hazing up the sky over VEGAS! I'm interested to hear what you all think.

Haha! I just could picture it now...

Prophet Yahweh: Yahweh, oh holy Yahweh, THEY ARE COVERING YOUR SKYS!
Voice of Yahweh: Don't worry my son, our 20,000 intergalactic battleships will destroy THEM!

(then we see ufo's come out of the sky just blowing up these military planes)

That would definitely make my day...

[edit on 6/25/2005 by superslicksh0es]

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 02:10 PM

Upon reflection, most of my information on the Nazi-Grays connection comes from books written by the Montalk folks, or web-sites that I can no longer find. However, in an attempt to answer your question, I found the Montalk folks on the internet.

From Synopsis of the Alien Master Plan:

Why have they not finished their invasion sooner, back when our technology was too primitive to damage their desired resources?

As mentioned, they prefer we willingly acquiesce our collective freewill. Only recently have we become technologically and politically advanced enough to create and support the infrastructure of the New World Order through which we are intended to enslave ourselves. They make their victims dig their own graves.

On a side note, this policy of brutal efficiency was demonstrated by the Nazis in their execution of captives. The rise and fall of Nazi Germany was orchestrated by the secret government as a test run for what is now becoming manifest, and much of Nazi ideology and methodology was a direct reflection of the hostile alien mindset.

Ironically, the secret government itself is just a global version of the “sonderkommando,” the elite squads of Jews the Nazis selected from among the concentration camp population to control and execute their own people. Despite promises of power and survival, the sonderkommando were quickly discarded once they finished serving their purpose, and the secret government faces a similar fate once the alien invasion is complete.

I also think that they used the Jews and Gypsies as test subjects because they thought the Jews and Gypsies were more spiritually advanced and/or they thought the Jews and Gypsies have more experience in resisting tyranny. They wanted to make sure they could break the best before they tried to break everybody.

There is also an interesting piece on teletubbies

Unfortunately, I can't at this time find any first-hand accounts of the Greys influencing the holocaust. They seem to have been white-washed from the internet.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 02:51 PM
That was a very well written piece on a intersting subject, good job. The only thing that i didnt like is when you said, "if hes wrong, oh well............but I will NEVER think of the name Jesus Christ in the same way again". If the guy is wrong then how or why did he change your mind on jesus? Im NOT relegious at all, but you sound like a smart person, so if this guy is wrong why did he make you change your mind? Also, why does a guy who is suppost to be "saving souls" charge on his web-site? So he can save your soul from evil for a low LOW price of $30 a month
. Im sorry, but I think this guy just thought of a very good way to make money FAST. The only thing people are going to see on July 15th in Vegas is PY gambling all their money away!

[edit on 25-6-2005 by TravisT]

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by TravisT
That was a very well written piece on a intersting subject, good job. The only thing that i didnt like is when you said, "if hes wrong, oh well............but I will NEVER think of the name Jesus Christ in the same way again". If the guy is wrong then how or why did he change your mind on jesus? Im NOT relegious at all, but you sound like a smart person, so if this guy is wrong why did he make you change your mind? Also, why does a guy who is suppost to be "saving souls" charge on his web-site? So he can save your soul from evil for a low LOW price of $30 a month
. Im sorry, but I think this guy just thought of a very good way to make money FAST. The only thing people are going to see on July 15th in Vegas is PY gambling all their money away!

[edit on 25-6-2005 by TravisT]

Well he changed my mind because he basically forced me to research the name Jesus Christ. I found out it was not even the messiah's name. I posted a link to a web-page furthering that subject in my original post. I just dont like the fact that all these people are praying and saying a name that truly was not his. Also I did a little research on the word god and found it is actually spelled GAD but pronounced (gawd). There is a lot more but blahh I dont feel like going on about my personal thoughts when the focus of this thread is PY.

Just so you know, he doesn't charge people for anything. In the beginning he charged people simply because he had no bandwidth what so ever to keep up with thousands and thousands of people downloading his videos. It was not until he started appearing on radio shows that he found out other methods of posting videos to the internet. All the places his videos are hosted at NOW are due to people calling in on radio shows giving him the websites of these sites which will host his videos free of charge.

I would have done the exact same as he did. People are blowing this money stuff out of proportion as well.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by superslicksh0es

Well he changed my mind because he basically forced me to research the name Jesus Christ. I found out it was not even the messiah's name. I posted a link to a web-page furthering that subject in my original post. I just dont like the fact that all these people are praying and saying a name that truly was not his. Also I did a little research on the word god and found it is actually spelled GAD but pronounced (gawd). There is a lot more but blahh I dont feel like going on about my personal thoughts when the focus of this thread is PY.

Just so you know, he doesn't charge people for anything. In the beginning he charged people simply because he had no bandwidth what so ever to keep up with thousands and thousands of people downloading his videos. It was not until he started appearing on radio shows that he found out other methods of posting videos to the internet. All the places his videos are hosted at NOW are due to people calling in on radio shows giving him the websites of these sites which will host his videos free of charge.

I would have done the exact same as he did. People are blowing this money stuff out of proportion as well.
Well you answerd that nicely, thanks. The whole bandwidth thing makes sense, but understand if there is a "new prophet" and he charges to get info on his website, then it just smells fishy. I wasnt trying to poke fun or anything, I was just trying to be humorus......guess it didnt work to well

[edit on 25-6-2005 by TravisT]

[edit on 25-6-2005 by TravisT]

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 06:09 AM
hey i might sound really stupid here lol but earlyier on in the post it said that the bible shouldent be trusted and then it said the drilling of the earth was said to happen in revelations??????

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Fitzpatrick
hey i might sound really stupid here lol but earlyier on in the post it said that the bible shouldent be trusted and then it said the drilling of the earth was said to happen in revelations??????

according to prophet yahweh....

wide document hebrew version of old testament + revelations =

everything else =

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by superslicksh0es
Almost a month later I sit here before you still amazed at what this man is accomplishing. I have seen every video, heard every radio show appearance, and I have read every single message that man types out on his Yahoo groups (pyufos & pystudents). At this point, I have no concern whatsoever regarding the credibility of this man's story. I could care less if it's real or not simply because it has opened my mind to seeing things in a completely different religious perspective.

If you needed a hoaxer like mr Yahveh to make you see things from a different perspective, then you are in deep trouble. I suggest visiting a good psychologist immediately.

And we all know about the fake prophets at the end times, don't we?

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 04:40 PM

If you needed a hoaxer like mr Yahveh to make you see things from a different perspective, then you are in deep trouble. I suggest visiting a good psychologist immediately.

And we all know about the fake prophets at the end times, don't we?

I already explained what I meant by that in an earlier post. It was not so much as him influencing me in some way, but the research I did on the history of the bible. I never said I did or did not follow this guy. I'm just in the middle waiting to see what will happen. But to be honest, it's time like this I hope his extravagant claims are true. Then hopefully ignorant morons such as yourself would be the first to get thrown into "the lake of fire".

Don't bother replying. You'll only make a fool of yourself again.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 12:51 PM
Haha are you crazy... you've got it completey wrong man. you definetely need to check out your info before posting crap like that. I am not for or against him but HE NEVER SAID FOLLOW ME OR DIE OR ANYTHING OF THE SORT. The only person he ever mentions will die is religious leaders and government leaders!!!

So what you are saying is that "religious leaders and government leaders" are not PEOPLE?

That is sad!
~ ~ ~
according to prophet yahweh....

wide document hebrew version of old testament + revelations =

everything else =

You cannot do that!(not YOU but whoever?)
You cannot simply take what you want and add to whatever you please!
Even if he has a name like ....."yahweh"

I already explained what I meant by that in an earlier post. It was not so much as him influencing me in some way, but the research I did on the history of the bible. I never said I did or did not follow this guy. I'm just in the middle waiting to see what will happen. But to be honest, it's time like this I hope his extravagant claims are true. Then hopefully ignorant morons such as yourself would be the first to get thrown into "the lake of fire".

What RESEARCH exactly did you do ?
You mean that you researched all there is to know about the New Testament?
Or that you researched ''Revelation" ?

This guy first of all is not a God's Prophet!
He shows no humility at all!
All of God's prophets displayed Humility...
"In latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons" (1 Tim. 4:1).
"when the Son of Man comes,
will He really find faith on the earth?" (Lk. 18:8).
According to Saint Paul,
this will be the time "when people will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires they will choose teachers who will tell them just what they want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and go after fables" (2 Tim. 4:3-4)

The Apostle John depicts the following gloomy picture about the overwhelming permeation of evil spirits into peoples lives:
"And he [the Angel] opened the bottomless pit,
and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit …
And they [the locusts which came from the pit] had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit,
whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon,
but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.
" Even though the Lord, by means of different punishments and calamities, will try to stop people from doing evil,
they "would not repent of the works of their hands,
that they should not worship demons,
neither repented they of their murders,
nor of their sorceries,
nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts" (Rev. 9:2-21, 16:13, 18:23). As mutual enmity and hatred grow,.....

This guy whoever he isand if all this is true,....even if he does make ufo's appear it simply proves that the Old Testament prophecies and the New Testament and the Holy Fathers were all TRUE to their word....that
He shall seduce with flattery those who violate the covenant;
but the people who know their God shall stand firm.(Daniel 11.32)

Daniel speaks of a new ERA coming in the future......and he speaks of the "end of days''.......with false prophets and the coming of the Antichrist.....

The appearance of many false prophets and false messiahs.
These deceiving teachers will entice people to join all kinds of sects and wild cults catering to the low moral standards of the crowd.
The Lord warns us about the danger of false teachings, saying: "Take heed that no man deceive you.
For many shall come in my name,
saying I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Do not follow them.
For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand" (Mt. 24:5, 24; Mrk. 13:6).
The book of Revelation describes some of the striking miracles of the last and ultimate false prophet and promoter of the Antichrist.
The Apostle Paul explains to the Thessalonians that these will be not actual miracles but mere illusions and deceptions of the evil spirits (Rev. 13:13-15, 2 Thes. 2:9).


posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 02:01 PM
Oh crap, here comes Helen with her fire and brimstone again
I swear she lives to beat people to death wiht her bible quotes.

Stop trying to shove your religion down our throats please.


posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 02:49 PM
Am I the only one that thinks this man screams NWO pawn?
He's trying to persuade us to throw down our current religions and follow his. It wouldnt suprise me one bit if a UFO did show up over Las Vegas but as to who it's working for is what I would take into concideration. Everything this guy is doing just seems to be right in step with NWO agenda. It just has a very sininster air about it. There is a rumor that forces within the NWO supposedly orchestrated the 9-11 incident, even doing things as far out as projecting holographic planes over missles. If they're able to project a plane how hard would it be to project a spaceship over Vegas? I dont think this guy is hoaxing anyone, he may even have good intentions, but I think the powers driving him are not what they claim to be.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 07:52 PM
Well SuperSlick, I think you're begining to realize the truth of that old saying, eh?

It would seem that no matter how hard one tries to present a simple, unbiased (if such a thing is possible) recitation of data, some one will inevitablely take offense, mis-take, or take off on a wild tangent!

But take heart. Remember:

The Degree to Which You have Succeeded in "Shocking The Monkey" is often Measured by the Volume of Feces the Monkey Throws Back at You!

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