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Prophet Yahweh's Future of Earth

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posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 12:39 AM
I didn't write the above. However, you can find some of the footages here at ATS appx ten days ago. The man focuses through the camera to things of 'light' instantly. And it's 'uncanny' that he could do it with seemingly simplicity.


posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 12:40 AM
Oh come on 29, wheres your sense of fun.

I must admit, this particular internet claim has me intrigued.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 12:45 AM
Dallas you stated that he is focusing in on light objects that can't be viewed with the human eye. How do you know this where you there?

And also if these stunts are planned he obviously would be able to focus in on the objects immediately as he would know where they are coming from.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Dallas

Simply suggesting to our crowd that he may have a vision of sorts as to where UFO craft will be in the sky at any given time without a rayvac sighting.


Owner: there it is above - what is it you may think your trying ask me - its right there end of story.


[edit on 25-6-2005 by Dallas]

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by Holographic Monkey
I find PY's summoning ability impressive. Although I'm not sure he's done anything more than just launch remote control balloons, even if it was a hoax it was a pretty slick trick.

However, his religious mumbo-jumbo annoys me. I am writing this as a warning to the religious, NOT to promote my own religious beliefs. Heck, I'm a Gentile but I quote from a Jewish translation.

Anyway, the Bible warns against this kind of "signs-and-wonders" stuff.

Deuteronomy 13 (1917 JPS) (Devarim 13 for our Jewish friends)

13:1 All this word which I command you, that shall ye observe to do; thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.

13:2 If there arise in the midst of thee a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams--and he give thee a sign or a wonder,

13:3 and the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spoke unto thee--saying: 'Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them';

13:4 thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or unto that dreamer of dreams; for the Lord your God putteth you to proof, to know whether ye do love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

13:5 After the Lord your God shall ye walk, and Him shall ye fear, and His commandments shall ye keep, and unto His voice shall ye hearken, and Him shall ye serve, and unto Him shall ye cleave.

13:6 And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken perversion against the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed thee out of the house of bondage, to draw thee aside out of the way which the Lord thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put away the evil from the midst of thee.

Now, if a bunch of aliens aren't strange, foreign gods, that we have not known, I don't know what is. The God of Israel (Yahweh) is a spirit, not a humanoid alien. So from a Biblical perspective, this guy is a false prophet regardless of his summoning ability.

The God of Israel promised the Jews that even if they are taken to the stars, He will bring them back. I believe that even if Earth is invaded and we are taken to other star systems, God will keep his promise to the Jews. The Alien Empire will crumble, humanity will be freed, the Jews will return a fourth and final time to Israel, and all mankind will come to know our Spirit-Father.

That is why the greys wanted Hitler to kill all the Jews. They know that the Jews are priests of the God that will defeat them.

Ok thanks a lot for posting this man. According to Revelations that false prophet will also be thrown into "the lake of fire". I forgot to mention that. The false prophet Deuteronomy is speaking of is the same as Revelations I am assuming. According to Prophet Yahweh this false prophet is The Pope. This is due to the fact that the Pope has one of the highest religious positions and therefore through Yahweh's eyes, he is one of the strongest Lucifer-Ian forces because he’s straying the Christians away from the true religion of Yahweh. Ever think of that?

According to Prophet Yahweh the bible only mentions Yahweh being a spirit being once! Which he says is false. Apparently, Yahweh is not a spiritual being but a super-human being.

Well I haven't read too much about the Greys and Hitler. I remember hearing about all these missing engineers and stuff which kind of sparked a little curiosity. I am going to just say this based on abduction reports I have seen... There seems to be these Greys who serve The Nordics (Yahweh's Angels) which are more like a robotic type. Then there are the Grey's who Prophet Yahweh speaks of as "Biological beings" I am going to go out on a limb here and say maybe there is a race of Greys who are actually non-robotic biological demonic beings? Maybe these are the Greys who abduct people so violently.... or maybe the government just uses these violent abduction stories of the Grey's to make us fear them. The thing is man, we just don’t know...

[edit on 6/25/2005 by superslicksh0es]

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 02:30 AM
I agree with the posters before (Azathoth, skyblueff0, Rasputin13) that warned not to just "go with the flow." If aliens really do know us and our habits, they should know that we don't immediantly trust anything, not even other humans. They can't just expect us to throw away all of our reasoning and instinct just because they show up and say so "In the name of Yahweh."

Don't be in awe when aliens eventually do show up. We know they're out there, it's just a matter of time before it's confirmed. Even if PY is right, and they do show up, don't be so quick to believe everything PY says as the truth. They're might just be using him as a tool to lead us all in the wrong direction. He might have good intentions, but that doesn't mean he's not being tricked. Anyone can be tricked, if done right.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 02:33 AM
I too, do agree with the fact that the New testament is false...I would only trust reading hebrew version of the Old testament...all I have is learn hebrew!

but I still dont think that PY's Yahweh god is even alive(more like an A.I.)...what's religion has to do with them...if they are so advance, and more spiritually aware...This sound more like a N.W.R (New World Religion) to me...that's why I dont buy into this as being a real alien encounter...It's more like TV/Movie programming of a alien senario...which would finally lead to one world religion instead of many...

About the Roswell ufo that crash intentionaly, PY is not the only that said that either...some else said the same thing...

It's possible that PY is a mind-control slave specifically programmed for this fake Alien senario and NWR...

One concern I have, is how many of you or anyone would be trigger before or on that date July 15th, help facilitate what PY is doing...?

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 02:39 AM
Excellent, concise, literate and a valuable contribution towards a reasoned discourse.

Regarding the concept of of "False Scriptures": I have wondered about this myself. In the Christian belief system, Lucifer/Satan is sometimes known as "The Great Deceiver". Given the horrors oft times committed in the name of one religion or another, it occurs to me that the greatest deception such an entity could pull off would be to have these "Sins" committed, willfully, by "True Believers" in the "Holy Name of God".

What if the Bible were actully written , or at least subvertively influenced, by Lucifer/Satan? How would some one committed to the Truth of the Word as it is written know he has been decieved into following a dogma that will lead to his ultimate damnation? Scarey proposition!

I note as well that PY never details just what the religion of Yaweh entails. Is PY setting himself up as the focus of worship? Perhaps, it has been done before. But, history should inform our actions, not limit them through prejudice (of any kind!). Is it possible that the religion PY speaks of is something more basic than some metaphysical dogma? Could it be something as simple as:

Eat, Drink, Live, and Love?

This would harken back to the precepts extent in the Garden of Eden, before The Fall, wouldn't it?

Roswell, 1947....the concept of Communications Satellites, by Arthur C. Clarke, 1948. Coincidence? I''ve always considered Dr. Clarke to be one of humanity's most reliable Prophets!

Finally; I keep seeing references to "remote-controlled balloons". As evident from some of my other posts here on ATS, I have accummilated quite a bit of experience with balloons and ULAV's (Unmanned Lighter-than-Air Vehicles). Based upon my experience, remote in-flight control of a ULAV is NOT a simple thing to accomplish. The team I worked with employed months of training, a phalanx of antennas, and a dedicated radio communications van for ground support alone.

The flight system on-board even the simple balloon platforms we've launched took years to develop, required sophisticated electrical and electronic engineering, and several pounds worth of on-board equipment for each flight. And these were Unpowered vehicles, capable of being controlled only to the extent that we could release the payload from the balloon on command.

Controlling a ULAV, at a distance sufficient to disguise it as a UFO, that is so that it is not immediately obvious as a man-made vehicle, is not as easy as some on this board would have us believe. Quite frankly, I think the concept of a "remote-controlled balloon" as an explaination/attempt at debunking most UFO sightings is mere wishfull thinking on the part of those employing the theory.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 02:49 AM
The religion Prophet Yahweh follows is the oldest religion known to man. It is simply called Yahweh. What is interesting is that it doesn't seem all that bad. I actually like the sound of it better then christianity to be honest. However, either tomorrow or Sunday I am going to try to summon a UFO. I get e-mails everyday of people who followed PY's example and have "apparently" summoned them. All I am going to say is that if it happens, it happens. And if something does not come on July 15th or before it... so be it.

I've learned many things in doing research based on what Prophet Yahweh has said and even if he's a joke... there is a lot he is saying that is true about society and history.

I just know I am never going to look at the name Jesus Christ or God the same way ever again.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Bhadhidar
Excellent, concise, literate and a valuable contribution towards a reasoned discourse.

Regarding the concept of of "False Scriptures": I have wondered about this myself. In the Christian belief system, Lucifer/Satan is sometimes known as "The Great Deceiver". Given the horrors oft times committed in the name of one religion or another, it occurs to me that the greatest deception such an entity could pull off would be to have these "Sins" committed, willfully, by "True Believers" in the "Holy Name of God".

What if the Bible were actully written , or at least subvertively influenced, by Lucifer/Satan? How would some one committed to the Truth of the Word as it is written know he has been decieved into following a dogma that will lead to his ultimate damnation? Scarey proposition!

I note as well that PY never details just what the religion of Yaweh entails. Is PY setting himself up as the focus of worship? Perhaps, it has been done before. But, history should inform our actions, not limit them through prejudice (of any kind!). Is it possible that the religion PY speaks of is something more basic than some metaphysical dogma? Could it be something as simple as:

Eat, Drink, Live, and Love?

This would harken back to the precepts extent in the Garden of Eden, before The Fall, wouldn't it?

Roswell, 1947....the concept of Communications Satellites, by Arthur C. Clarke, 1948. Coincidence? I''ve always considered Dr. Clarke to be one of humanity's most reliable Prophets!

Finally; I keep seeing references to "remote-controlled balloons". As evident from some of my other posts here on ATS, I have accummilated quite a bit of experience with balloons and ULAV's (Unmanned Lighter-than-Air Vehicles). Based upon my experience, remote in-flight control of a ULAV is NOT a simple thing to accomplish. The team I worked with employed months of training, a phalanx of antennas, and a dedicated radio communications van for ground support alone.

The flight system on-board even the simple balloon platforms we've launched took years to develop, required sophisticated electrical and electronic engineering, and several pounds worth of on-board equipment for each flight. And these were Unpowered vehicles, capable of being controlled only to the extent that we could release the payload from the balloon on command.

Controlling a ULAV, at a distance sufficient to disguise it as a UFO, that is so that it is not immediately obvious as a man-made vehicle, is not as easy as some on this board would have us believe. Quite frankly, I think the concept of a "remote-controlled balloon" as an explaination/attempt at debunking most UFO sightings is mere wishfull thinking on the part of those employing the theory.

This is a great post man. Thanks for actually providing some good information in reply to my post. I really appreciate it. I have to say I agree with you perfectly about the whole possibility of Lucifer decieving us through the Bible. It sounds like a great way to decieve mankind. If you have any more to say on this subject... I'd like to hear it. Post away.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 04:26 AM
Tell us how the UFO summoning went.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 04:55 AM

- For years Ramone Watkins walked this Earth ignoring the voice until one day he finally gave in after hearing the voice proclaim that no souls, including his family and loved one's, would reside in the kingdom of Yahweh (heaven) after they have departed.

Nice "God" he hears in his head, using blackmail/extorsion... That alone sets of the alarms for me. God, in the sense I believe in it, would never sink that low, could NEVER SINK THAT LOW. That is not its purpose.

-According to Prophet Yahweh, the "devil" which they will throw down the hole to the lake of fire is all the religious and government leaders who are preventing each person from having an eternal life. (N.W.O possibly?) Yahweh and his Angels will then re-instate the religion of Yahweh and make all other religions illegal and punishable by death.

New World Religion!
CLearly, this guy is being controlled - as long as you keep that in mind, this whole charade/theater could be quite interesting to witness.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by Dawnaj

Nice "God" he hears in his head, using blackmail/extorsion... That alone sets of the alarms for me. God, in the sense I believe in it, would never sink that low, could NEVER SINK THAT LOW. That is not its purpose.

Ofcourse it would never sink that low! The voice was in no form blackmailing him if you actually read it right man. The voice was merely REMINDING him of what exactly is happening to every soul on Earth. It is in no way a form of blackmail because his loved one's have already departed! I mean you don't have to accept any of this but please read it correctly instead of just tearing this stuff apart.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 06:18 AM
So how did all this research miss the fact that the "Prophet" is completely racist, and believes that big black alien space brothers are coming down to take out whitey??? Kind of gets away from the warm, fuzzy alien angle, no?

You must have missed those sayings, right from the man himself...

Is it July 16th yet? At least then we can strike this charlatain from our thoughts.... Can't wait to see what he tries to pass off as a spaceship...IF he attempts anything at all. My suggestion would be one of those radio controlled convention ad blimbs, but doctored up, but he'd have to pony up a few grand for a good one.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 06:41 AM
Maybe it'll be like Simpson and we'll see a UFO come past but then the wind will blow off the covering and it will be a naked man on a bike with helium balloons strapped to the sides.

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 08:02 AM
Does no one else see a sinister irony in how this man is claiming all religions are evil and their very existence is a sin? He is asking everyone else to follow his special religion, if not he will kill you...

He's not trying to abolish religion (which could be said to divide us and cause conflict) he;s just trying to put everyone under the same religion in a weird ideology that reminds me of the same discrimination used by Hitler with the Aryan race myth.

A true act of peace wouldn't involve imposing your own ideologies on a planet through fear.

His message is simple: Follow me or die.

@Nventual he's probably going to be setting up 12 easy payments of $10 on his website to join the Yahweh religion

[edit on 25-6-2005 by owner]

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 09:09 AM
Does anyone have anymore information on the Greys connection to Hitler, and their orders to kill the Jews? This is the first I've heard of this, from reading this thread. If anyone has any information or could provide any links, it'd be greatly appreciated!

Another quick thing... I've read that there were two major alien races who came to us before World War II. We chose to work with one, and the other worked with Hitler. I had thought that WE worked with the Greys, but now I'm hearing this story. So what race was it that we allegedly worked with?

Thanks for the help...

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 09:34 AM
A basic link was that they supposedly provided Hitler with the technology that contributed to Foo Fighter sightings in WW2, the also supposed Hanebu and Vril flying disks. Quite recently there was a UFO formation in mexico which some inidividuals claimed to resemble a swastika, it's the lastest mass UFO (orb) sighting from this year.

You might want to read up on the realistic theory surrounding Operation Highjump shortly after the official end on WW2. This expedition mission to map out the Antarctic with a few scientists (well over 4000 elite marines) was a cover to hunt down Hitler in his Antractic base Hitler was said to have gained various super weapons which killed many troops in the first few weeks, thus ending the mission...publically speaking.

[edit on 25-6-2005 by owner]

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 10:39 AM
I have followed most of the threads here relating to this guy.Never posted anything because i don't like the individual and the things he promotes.For the first time now,after reading superslick's post i have something to say:
First of all thank you slick for your post.I find it informative and makes a good summary of the delusional state of mind of this person.
Secondly,i speak only for myself,but i will preffer to go into oblivion before accepting a "new religion".I think it's the time for us to wake up from our centuries long sleep of enslavement and see the life for what it is.I do not believe in any kind of earthly religion and i don't need PY or anybody else to tell me what's right and what's wrong.
I strongly believe in alien life,but if that means that we will have to turn our eyes to the sky now and "worship" a new kind of "gods" screw it.Nobody will make me worship anything.If reason,intelligence,knowledge,spirituality and advanvanced technology cannot coexist together without us prosternating in front of some unknown entitites,then i say it's not worth it.I get tired of this crap already.Isn't it too long already since we're told that we are basically crap and we need something or somebody else to "enlighten" us ? Or maybe i'm the only one feeling this.We must be treated as equals.I really don't think that we need one more tool of enslavement,a new and racist form of "alien religion".Oh,yes,and my avatar is just the opposite of what i really am.Just my 2 cents.

[edit on 25-6-2005 by Bursuc]

posted on Jun, 25 2005 @ 11:56 AM
im not religious but i do recall the bible saying somethin bout a false prophet who will perform miracles....

bottom line... its gonna take a lot to trust this guy, no matter what the truth is..

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