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US denies UN access to Guantanamo

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posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by John bull 1
The Red Cross has visited Guatanamo.

As for comparing the U.S to Nazis......................

.......................if the cap fits.

In my view those who continue to deny that the U.S are responsible for heinous act of torture are as bad as holocaust deniers.

This is a direct comparison between the Nazi Holocaust & concentration camps, were mechanized mass-murder claimed over six million innocent lives, and a military prison camp where about 500 suspected terrorists are being kept against their will, and kept alive for that matter.

It is this kind of stupid and rash rhetoric that does nothing to try an solve what amounts to a major PR problem and a minor human rights issue, and only serves to inflame and harden the sensibilities of those people on the right who are already dead-set against showing any signs of compassion or fair play.

JB1 this is out of character for you. Honestly, how do you expect to change anybody's mind if you compare them to mass-murderers? These people honestly believe that they are protecting innocent lives, and you call their acts heinous? Its not a wonder the right is sneering at the left with contempt, when statements like this are the norm.

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 09:45 AM
When you are God, and are a God-like force in the universe, you do not need to submit to access-The USA is completely above this. Dont you know.

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 09:47 AM

We are independent, and we will be damned if some tiny island nation, a bunch of cheese loving perverts and a defeated country we still occupy full off alcoholics who don’t like to bathe and urinate on the city streets are going to tell us what to do and who to kill, no matter what international control agency they are worshiping this week.

Such ignorant and petty statements do little to support the argument. This might just be part of why there's so much hostility towards the US.

Anyway. My only question really, is why? If it was so necessary, desired, vital, for the UN to inspect weapons facilities in Iraq, why has it become such an issue if the UN wishes to inspect facilities at Gitmo?

[edit on 24-6-2005 by Tinkleflower]

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by John bull 1
.......................if the cap fits.

If the cap fits, then the rest of the world is just as bad for not standing up to us. I personally don’t think it fits quite yet....close but no cigar. I just hope when it does (or before) that we as a people can do something about it, because while a coalition of nations could defeat us, I don’t think they have the intestinal fortitude to try.

In my view those who continue to deny that the U.S are responsible for heinous act of torture are as bad as holocaust deniers.
I am sure there are some old Jews who would spit in your face for that remark. You really think we currently compare to Nazi Germany? Show us the millions of dead. Enlighten us.

Such close minded people will therefore excuse any behaviour no matter how inhumane.
Bad things happen everywhere. Don’t like it? All you can do in order not to be a part of it is kill yourself. From the clothes you wear, to the food you eat, to the computer you type on, everything was made for you at the expense of less fortunate people, exploited people, people who when they get sick will probably just die for lack of medical care.

Will you excuse any behavior no matter how inhumane for your computer? Unless you build your own processors, you need to remove the log from your eye.

The US Government has only one real of legitimate authority, and that is to protect the lives and property of the people of the United States of America. The US Government has no responsibilities to the people of Iraq, or Europe. It is supposed to be the job of the US government to stay out of the affairs of other nations and keep other nations out of our affairs.

I guess what I am trying to say is that it is our job as the people of the US to fix ourselves, and we have so far failed, but anyone who says that the US Government has any responsibility to do right by any non-American person is being childish.

Any nation who thinks we are wrong, what are you going to do about it? That’s what it really boils down to; how long will you whine about it before you pick up your weapons and try to kill us, becoming the same horrid, twisted, sick thing we are now? I don’t think any of you have what it takes where it counts.

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 10:00 AM

Any nation who thinks we are wrong, what are you going to do about it? That’s what it really boils down to; how long will you whine about it before you pick up your weapons and try to kill us, becoming the same horrid, twisted, sick thing we are now? I don’t think any of you have what it takes where it counts.

Yes, that's how bullying usually works.

"We're wrong, sure, but you can't stop us!"

Then again, I don't think it's so black and white. It's not "you're either with us or against us" - perhaps the concept of "compromise" should be investigated further.

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Tinkleflower
Yes, that's how bullying usually works.

"We're wrong, sure, but you can't stop us!"

You are right, of course. Unfortunately, this is how things work. So sorry, but whining about it will change nothing.

Then again, I don't think it's so black and white. It's not "you're either with us or against us" - perhaps the concept of "compromise" should be investigated further.

Why compromise when there is no real threat. Like I stated, it is the responsibility of the US government to do what is good for Americans. Is this a good excuse? No, it is not. Is it reality? Yes it is. Either lower yourself to the level of the US Federal Government and pick up a gun, or stop whining. All you do by whining is agree with each other, and that will help no one.

BTW, just so you know, I am not a nationalist, I do not support the aggresive acts against the people and government of Iraq. I fought and killed in Iraq for the US Army, and this is something I live with every day of my life, and something I relive every night in my dreams. I in no way continue to support the Iraq war. I just dont go around whining about things I am not prepared to do anything about.

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