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NEWS: International Poll Reveals: World favors China over USA

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posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 12:36 AM
China has the Tech of the Allies of the U.S.A ,They won't counter the U.S.A, U.S.A has Tech beond Human capibilty sorry for the miss spelling

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 12:46 AM
China is allowed the Tech they have!

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 12:47 AM
If it for the powers to be we would crush China in a blow they haven't seen in 'Years"

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 12:51 AM
You okay Jamie? By the way, this thread is reserved for grown-ups....

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 12:53 AM
Grown ups lol u have not the American Patriot being? the N.W.O?

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 12:55 AM
Rebels like u will not survive the New World Order People like u will see the Chamber

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 01:00 AM
I will see to it i promise.... That N.W.O will Conquer any Enemy that come 's face to face and "GOD" will be at my domian and to tell how he's been a leader such a bad leader

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 03:46 AM
Wow, Jamie6661986 - IGNORED. I havent even put the_oleneo on my ignore list

Anyway, Muaddib. I favour the Chinese over the United States because, as stated by others, the problems with China are internal. Do you really think im going to be put on trial in the legal system of China whilst sat here in sunny Northern England? I couldnt care less about their internal workings until it starts to directly interfere in my life.

The USA on the other hand has seen to it that my country has been transformed into a quasi-police state. Imported fascist aspects of the United States are being readily implemented over here by our government and I dont like it!

Also can you show me where I went off topic? You're obvously dillusional. You were called out by Odium for going off topic yet you blame me for it. Good work

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 03:56 AM
Subz "Ignored" for the lack of Patriotism for the lack of commitment

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 04:02 AM
Will Send u Subz to N.K and see how they treat Americans then mabey u will realize ur true country and mabey u will support ur country a little more

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 04:18 AM
My sense is China is this kinetic jugernaught that is bubbling with a sense of discovering capitalism's juicy incentives for the very first time, but it is huge and balancing on the precipice of exaltation and the cataclysm.

Like a freight train on ice, trying to stay balanced on a slippery surface.
Its just exciting to watch.

They have that excitement and anticipation and feedback of very great gains that come with sudden industrial and economic progress. And for them it is happening at an accelerated pace compared to the historical advances others have had.

They have also done some things like limiting population growth, which comes from hard won lessons of their particular history. This is a lesson the rest of the world has yet to learn. On that particular count they are ahead of the rest of the world.

I think some of the reasons they will be successful is because their government tries to operate from a rational basis.
They don't see themselves as having a divine right to prosper.
They grab all the rest the worlds examples and run with them. They beg, borrow or steal them.

They have huge problems with their banking and corruption and just all the attendant problems that come with a billion people.

It is like watching young people. They can be sort of crazy due to lack of experience, but they are always excited and seem to recover from foibles they encounter.

I wish them well, but i wish all the world well with the exception of corrupt governments, corporations and people.

Its like watching a movie, because time is condensed.
They have created an entire manhatan on pungabe(sp?) in a decade or two.
Its just unbelievable.

I wish the US could remember what it was like to be excited to be alive, instead of all these religious types focused on death.

Hey, that's life. Its a mixed bag. What can you do?

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 04:37 AM
Jamie6661986, I have a question for you

Are you from The United States of America? If so that would expain your command of the English language

Also to the fellow from England, I would like to point out that England has been riding on the coattails of the U.S for a while (since the end of WW2 when the pound collapsed(sp)). So it is only fitting in symbioses that both creatures, in this example states take on similar characteristics becouse if it did not it would lose one of its greatest partners

On, to china, my thoughts are if you want to compare The U.S. and China it is imballanced.

USA = open media so it can be easily criticized, a powerful navy so it can flex its power (good or evil), and about 200 years of unification

CCP= Closed for about 40years then opened up alot in the late 90s, has a large land based mammoth army and only a brown water navy so they have been peaceful becouse they can do nothing else, has a booming econmy which is pulling the world out of recesson

so it is unfair to to compair( some where in my post I forgot about trashing
Jamie6661986 so here it goes.

please for the love of my ego don't ever speak for america. You make everyone of us even me
look like I am grammerically and metally retarded

peace- goodnight

[edit on 24-6-2005 by ikillspys]

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by ikillspys
Also to the fellow from England, I would like to point out that England has been riding on the coattails of the U.S for a while (since the end of WW2 when the pound collapsed(sp)). So it is only fitting in symbioses that both creatures, in this example states take on similar characteristics becouse if it did not it would lose one of its greatest partners

Like the United States has shown any regard for France after what that country did for the United States independance? I wonder if the United States would of considered removing the Statue of Liberty instead of renaming French fries.

As regards to this close relationship between the USA and the UK allowing for similarity in our national characteristics: fine when they are positive influences, but when they are clearly negative such as 'control orders' and unwinnable wars I say "nay".

Our relationship with the United States is currently a liability and detrimental to our national security. Sucking up to America is fine when the threat comes in the form of another country. It can wipe out any nation at will but when the percieved enemy are criminals and not defined by borders you are always fighting a rear guard action. You'd have more luck declaring war on your own thoughts.

I think the World favours China because it is an emergent super-power and its track record is not great but at this point in time it is cleaner than Americas. What happend 50 years ago in WW2 does not factor into our generations thinking. Japan and Germany are not persecuted any longer for what they did in WW2 and as such the good will garnered by Britain and the USA at the same time is equally forgotten.

When the United States invaded Iraq against the wishes of the United Nations it sealed its international image. The United States is no longer percieved as the defender of democracy and human rights. The opposite now applies and your previous good deeds change nothing in the eyes of the World.

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 06:52 AM
From reading all the posts on this topic, I think it's fairly apparent the U.S. is judged by a stricter standard than most countries--and it should be. When a country promotes itself as The bastion of freedom, liberty and democracy people expect a lot from it. When they see it has national intrests that conflict with and overide their own view of the world and it has teeth it is willing to use, they tend to get a little skeptical of it (and in some cases a little nervous and frightened as well). It should therefore come as no surprise that America's image around the world has slipped.

With great power comes great responsibility and great expectations, along with the need to exercise great restraint. All will return to normal if Iraq turns out ok. If it does not, then eventually America will be forgiven and everything will be blamed on Bush and the neo-conservatives (and regarded as a short term aberration). In the interim there will be much finger pointing and name calling both at home and abroad--no big deal, just humanity's favorite pastime.

[edit on 24-6-2005 by Astronomer68]

[edit on 24-6-2005 by Astronomer68]

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 08:01 AM
What freedoms currently exist in countries residing in what had been known as the European and Pacific theatres of war,during World War II, are primarily the result of AMERICAN participation in their respective liberations in 1945.
That these nations have a free press (printed in a language not of their conquerors) in which to offer such negative opinions, is largely a by product of the AMERICAN efforts on their behalf.

The ingratitude of these peoples is towering, almost French in it's magnitude.

Isolationism, never my first choice, would at this point seem a wonderful vacation from world involvement. Let the world nations know that the 'arsenal of democracy' will be sitting the next one out............ as the jackboots stride down some foreign strasse.

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 08:09 AM
periwinkle blue, you go on about how "Europe" should "owe" America, yet you seem to mock the French? Did they not help America?

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by periwinkle blue
What freedoms currently exist in countries residing in what had been known as the European and Pacific theatres of war,during World War II, are primarily the result of AMERICAN participation in their respective liberations in 1945.
That these nations have a free press (printed in a language not of their conquerors) in which to offer such negative opinions, is largely a by product of the AMERICAN efforts on their behalf.

The ingratitude of these peoples is towering, almost French in it's magnitude.

Isolationism, never my first choice, would at this point seem a wonderful vacation from world involvement. Let the world nations know that the 'arsenal of democracy' will be sitting the next one out............ as the jackboots stride down some foreign strasse.

Its people like you that cause so many damn problems in the world. I mentioned just a few posts above how much the French helped America gain indepenance from Britain.

According to your logic the Americans should be forever indebted to and dare not question France! If it wasnt for the French there would be no United States of America. You would be another British colony. You'd be spelling "colour" with a "u" and you'd all have British accents and your head of state would be Queen Elizabeth II. What does this kind of fealty constructively acheive? Absolutely nothing!

How fast people like you forget history when it clashes with your jingoistic beliefs.

[edit on 24/6/05 by subz]

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 09:53 AM
Gentlemen (if such you be) thank you for noticing my post. I'm honoured. (a gesture toward SubZ)

I'd a wonderful cat named "Jingo" once. Thanks for reminding me of those days.

In the spirit of discussion we seek here, commentary about the relative indebtedness of the French. (always a good example)...their contribution was in the 1780s, primarily as an anti-British gesture and at best secondarily to aid the North American colonies they themselves had fougth to secure for themselves in the French and Indian Wars some 30 years earlier. I do acknowledge America's debt to their 1780s involvement however, whatever it's motive. I believe we've a few statues scattered about the US commemorating their involvement.

Relatively speaking the more recent worldwide obligation is yes, something that I think should be more prominent. Some 300,000+ americans died on pacific islands and european beaches to prevent the horrible subjugation these peoples were experiencing.

My grandfathers were among those americans in WWI and my dad in WWII. I owe my comments and opinions to the world they left for me.

Thank you again however for the discussion.

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 10:02 AM
I'm sure all those people in Asia just really appreciate that big Chinese Aircraft carrier that provided all that aid after the tidal wave last year. Wasn't it great seeing all those Chinese soldiers helping people?

People love China. I wonder how many millions of people immigrate there each year. I'm sure it's a lot since they are so loved and trusted now. When will the new UN building in Bejing be ready?

posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 10:07 AM
Periwinkle Blue, the United States was content to sit back and watch Europe burn for 3 years before entering WW2. They only entered the War because Pearl Harbour was attacked. Dont come here claiming the Americans died to free Europe, that is not why they entered the war. That too was a secondary outcome for their reluctant inclusion in the second world war.

If it was truly for altruistic reasons that they entered the War dont you think they should of declared war against Germany when Britain did in 1939? Afterall Poland was burning and occupied, where was the altruistic United States of America then? Selling weapons to both sides, thats where.

Bad example Periwinkle Blue

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