posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 04:46 PM
I wanna throw my two cents in here and say that I agree.
I'm the first to admit that I love joking around and mouthing off during a thread if it's funny or appropriate but posting nonsense just because
you're bored to me says you don't really take this sort of thing seriously.
A lot of people here have been looking for the truth for a long time and while we may laugh at the situation at times we at least are sincere in
wanting to know.
Also, I don't think you should feel too good about yourself, it's not as if you pulled off a John Titor level hoax, you just baited some people and
when they pressured you to really explain yourself you cracked and said you fooled the people who replied to your post.
Wow, you're a super genius.
Certainly a complete waste of time and space.