posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 03:33 PM
I have just received a newsletter from a website about a guy claiming that he was video taping the new construction going on at Area 51 and it
uncovered a ship in one of it's big hangers with mysterious shapes on it. Kind of like ancient egyptians. The hanger was left open....
Anyways I saw the video..
It's 1.3GB in size and has full audio and amazing quality.
Near the end of the video, it shows Area 51 personell spotting him and the video camera and then 6 vans coming towards him. Thats when he jumps into
his car and turns off the camera and just apparently outruns Area 51 security before they get to him.. It was amazing. The video is about 45 minutes.
If you have a place I can host a 1.3GB video, I'd be more than happy to upload it. For some reason now, his website is down. At least i was able to
get the video though
Edit: here is his site image: back up but replaced apparently by gov...
He insisted on hiding his info...
[edit on 20-6-2005 by jsmith444]