posted on Aug, 12 2003 @ 01:09 PM
I believe totally that the gov played a big role in 9/11. Its just i can hardly believe anyone would believe that anything but a plane hit that
If it were a handful of witnesses, id say, maybe, something is up. But thousands saw the plane. Thousands of witnesses cant be wrong. Just like
hundreds of people in Pennsylvania saw a second high speed jet chasing flight 93, yet the govornment claims it crashed on its own. Seismic stations in
West Virginia picked up on the boom, a sonic boom. Mnay people still maintain thier story of a lightning fast white mystery jet, others saw another
plane too, and other evodence points toward the military shooting it down.
The media isnt all inaccurate. I find comparing the stories of the mass media with actual data and facts, and then the story of the conspriacy
theorists, between, is what lies the truth. like taking three filters, red, yellow, and blue, if you combine them all, you get white light. Thats how
truth must eb decided.
A plane hit the pentagon, I dont doubt that. Im more concerned as to who really was flying that plane, why the pentagon, fully capable of defending
itself, did not, why jets werent scrambled when this planbe was meandering its way back to dc after two planes already confirmed terrorists had hit,
why the prez really didnt do anythign until after it was over, ect.
This guys site is misleading, it points your focus away from what should be looked at: all the extra surrounding info on the subject! Our military was
capable of intercepting the Pentagon. The pentagon was more than capable of intercepting it. Yet nothign was done?
Jets could have intercepted the second plane that Hit the WTC. They may not have been able to stop the first. But they didnt. Why? Why werent they
scrambled? It could have been done, intercepting and scrambling jets is a common practice that happened 67 times in 2001 before september 11. They
cant tell us they were caught unaware, not used to this proceedure. It is commonly done. yet wasnt for this day.
They were told to stand down, or simply not dispatched at all.
But to me, the idea of missiles hitting the pentagion is as silly as suggesting that aliens with deathrays did it. Too many people, too many
untrackable people, first eyewitness accounts, saw the plane hit.