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NEWS: Teen Sent To Gay "Treatment" Camp Against His Will

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posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 07:29 AM
Yeah, that does suck for ole' least the parents
didnt ditch him. Maybe they'll understand later on.
I can understand why the parents might be a little
upset at first....but the school thing is still takin it too far.

The school seems like it might be a little...umm, weird
What's thier "success" rate? What tactics do they use?
This is nonesense.

iceofspades, How did you come across this story? Just curious

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by SportyMB
iceofspades, How did you come across this story? Just curious

Not to answer out of turn but it's being blasted around the blogosphere and via e-mail. I had seen it a while ago when it started. It's getting more attention now.

I reserved judgement for a looooooong time thinking it might be fake, but it seems to have been put to the test, researched by a few naysayers and validated as credible.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 07:45 AM
well, from a spirtual standpoint(christian anyway) gays live in sin. Thats the way christianity views gays. now from another standpoint i really doubt this camp could change the kid and if anything may repress him to the point of suicide. The spirituality aspect i think can be forgiven by God. Better for him to live happily than live miserably and eventually kill himself IMO. now adays anyway gays are given special status so i doubt he will really feel like he is an outsider. As i said live happily, if your an honest human being who does not commit crimes i doubt God will damn you.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 08:00 AM

The Earth is overpopulated with humans.
Is a non-procreative couple contrary to nature?

I have been thinking some thing along those lines my self. Maybe some gene or physiological component in humanity activates when you are in a time of plenty (remember natural selection relies on the principle that there is not enough food so the strongest survive) thus creature homosexuals and bring down the population.

On the topic. This is pure sick. The parents should not be able to force religions solution or a belief system on there children any more than on some one in the street. If this was in Europe it would not be allowed.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by RANT
Not to answer out of turn but it's being blasted around the blogosphere and via e-mail. I had seen it a while ago when it started. It's getting more attention now.

No Prob, I know it's not fake.
I got an email awhile back (like a month or two) Im not sure if it's the same camp in this story as in my email. Not much detail given on the camp in the blog, but it could be the same one....I deleted the damn email, that always happens...I think I will never need something and oneday when I least expect it I do.

I read thru Zach's me it seems that he's out for sympathy and attention now. Still no excuse for the parents, they were wrong. IMO

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 08:20 AM
Check out the official website.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 09:16 AM
What part of "Judge not lest ye be judged" don't these damn fool funnymentalists understand? I swear if I were the Son of God and I had these damned scantimonious, self-righteous, judgemental, hypocritical repugnican idiots calling themselves my followers, I would put off returning as long as possible. Hell, I would just turn the whole lot of em over to Luicfer and let him deal with em.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 09:17 AM
As for what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah, what do you think those men meant when they said, " that we may KNOW them."? Biblically, that is meant as carnal knowledge. Oh those who do not have eyes to see nor ears to hear...

And yes, Jesus did preach to love thy neighbor as thyself. This is the basic premise of the ten commandments. If you love your neighbor, you would follow the commandments anyway. But mind you, love the sinner not the SIN. Our society is promoting the sin by immersing us in it. A majority of today's TV "programs" have at least one gay character. We have been jaded to immorality because of it's prevalence and acceptance.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by BadMojo
Our society is promoting the sin by immersing us in it. A majority of today's TV "programs" have at least one gay character. We have been jaded to immorality because of it's prevalence and acceptance.

And? If gay people are part of Society (which they are) why can they not be on T.V? If they make up 3% of the Population of America why is only 1 a bad thing? You're just a bigot. Sorry to have to call you that, but you are.

The New Testament does not speak of homosexualty, Jesus did not teach against it. So if you wish to go by what the Old Testament says then you need to stop eating pork, shellfish, etc. Actually you might as well become Jewish because that's the difference between the two Religions; one follows Jesus' teachings the others don't and follow the Old Testament instead.

Simple matter of fact is: Christianity speaks and teaches of tolerance, if you refuse to be tolerent than you are not a Christian. It's that simple. Sorry that I have to inform you of this.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 09:32 AM
Quoting out of context is quite improper. I quite plainly said DIRECTLY before your the sinner not the SIN. Too many people on this board quote out of context for their arguements without taking into account the post as a whole.

Slings and arrow, slings and arrows...what else ya' got?

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 09:33 AM

As for what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah, what do you think those men meant when they said, " that we may KNOW them."?

I am well aware of that, but you're still missing the point of the story.
Which is, sadly, unsuprising.

Oh those who do not have eyes to see nor ears to hear...

Oh, the irony...

[edit on 6/17/05 by xmotex]

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by BadMojo
Quoting out of context is quite improper. I quite plainly said DIRECTLY before your the sinner not the SIN. Too many people on this board quote out of context for their arguements without taking into account the post as a whole.

Slings and arrow, slings and arrows...what else ya' got?

No, I was not arguing if they were promoting the sin but asking why they have no right to be on television which should reprosent Society. Also I don't see how by showing homosexuals on television they are loving the sin.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by BadMojo
God doesn't "make" gays. God created everything in 6 days and rested. This includes those who prefer to act contrary to nature. My difference in view does not constitute "ignorance".

actually... you are wrong...
there are many examples of "gay" animals...
should they be re-educated?
National Geographic Gay Animal Special

are they a product of permissive parents, drugs, our declining society, or a crazy priest?
(i'll let you answer that one)

"gay" seems to appear within a society when that societys population reaches oversaturation locally (not quite overpopulation)

Isn't it a possibility that it is in gods plan to "engineer" reproductive restraints by inspiring attraction to the same sex among a percent of this oversaturated population?

also consider the many new studies that have emerged that indicate that certain chemicals and hormones within our food and drug industry can CAUSE a straight baby to become more inclined to its same sex while in the womb...
hormonal birthcontrol for one...
if a woman gets pregnant while on the pill, and continues taking the pill during the first and second trimester, there is a much increased incidence for a male fetus to become "gay" due to the increased estrogin intake.

wouldn't exactly say that was a choice, or a "fault" of anyone...

just the world we live in Badmojo...
get used to it, or feel free to leave...because "gays" are here to stay...
apparently "God" says so...

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Zipdot
What the hell ever happened to "not givin' a damn"?

Women. Love 'em.

Homophobe? I dunno, sure. I guess. Whatever. I'm scared of getting raped if I go to prison! Whatever that is... If I call it "abject," am I an undercover homophobe? Everyone knows homophobes are undercover homos.
What's to be proud of, either way? Hetero = I LIKE SEX AND I'M NORMAL!!!!!! YAY@!! Homo = I LIKE SEX AND I'M NOT A NORMAL, USUAL, DAILY PERSON!!@!!!@!!.

Well, I've got news for the homos.

Neither are hetero people. As REGULAR and NORMAL as you would imagine us, we ARE regular people -- screwed up. We're just screwed up and our genitals perk up at opposites.

I'm in a very Southern locale, and gay persecution doesn't exist as MTV's Real World would have you believe. Gays are largely ignored. Big deal? Well, I was reading about an atheist's views one day. He was answering a Christian question along the lines of, "don't Atheists lack morals and celebrate nothing?"

He said in answer, something like, "well, Atheists are generally not evangelistic. Celebrating the non-religious holiday would be like celebrating a 'Today's Not My Birthday.'"

Hopefully, this will bring enlightenment to Only One Person.


To put this bluntly, WTF mate? What does what I said have to do with what you're going on about? Your rantings seem disjointed today. I remember having a few good discussions with you, but this is a little abstracted for my tastes.

I merely suggested that people should try things like NOT persecuting people based on things they can't change. Is this too far a leap?


posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 10:34 AM

Our society is promoting the sin by immersing us in it. A majority of today's TV "programs" have at least one gay character. We have been jaded to immorality because of it's prevalence and acceptance

I understand what you mean. You're not saying that gays do not have the right to be on TV (like some people understood you), you are just saying that them being on TV more and more does have an effect on society and the way we percieve gays. Advertising this on many popular shows may influence some people into thinking it's "OK" or it's not a sin.

I don't dislike gays, however I do dislike the sin of being gay. There is a difference ya know. I treat them just like everyone else, no discremination here. Noone is perfect, we all sin.

On the real, I don't give a crap about gays anymore than I do some straight stranger on the street, that just means more Pooty for me and all the other straight guys out there. Who cares if they like the same sex, not me. Do i think it's gross, you bet I do. But as long as they don't push it on me...Im cool with em.


[edit on 17/6/2005 by SportyMB]

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 10:38 AM
For those who aren't aware of the New Testament's opposition to homosexuality, I present...

Romans 1:26-27
For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their woman exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error.

Throw your stones...

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 11:05 AM
In the spirit of justice and fairness, I have found this link for those who disagree with what I believe.
I am not the ultimate and do not claim to be. I know who is and who will. I try to follow Him as best I can...

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 11:14 AM
You might wish to read that link and see what it says, it doesn't back you up at all it destroys the claim you make.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 11:26 AM
That's why I posted it there...gee whiz. It destroys nothing. What? Do you find it discomforting that someone is willing to post an opposing arguement. If you read it, you would notice references to both sides of the arguement with the author's own personal beliefs. Try to understand instead of living up to your namesake, odium.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by BadMojo
In the spirit of justice and fairness, I have found this link for those who disagree with what I believe.
I am not the ultimate and do not claim to be. I know who is and who will. I try to follow Him as best I can...

ok, so according to this link.... let me get this straight...
it says that being gay is only wrong because it has wasted the precious seed of life...
so it is equating homosexual behavior with masturbation on level of sin...

ok all you masturbaters our there... YOU ARE AS SINFUL AS GAYS....(according to bad mojo)
wow... our team just got a WHOLE LOT BIGGER....

thanks for joining... you will recieve you packet in the mail...

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