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NEWS: Teen Sent To Gay "Treatment" Camp Against His Will

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posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by IAF101
Morals are the basic values that are inherent in most cultures! Most people feel that killing is bad, most people find death to be sad and most people find "homosexuality" as unnatural!

Clearly in Switzerland they do not.

Only place that has so far had a National Vote on such a thing and the homosexuals won.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Odium

So homosexuality is a faith? What are their "set of principles or beliefs"?
Is it to sodomize and to give onto perversion at every opportunity? Or is it to corrupt one and all zealously and promote the total degeneration of society!
Merely quoting links isn't going to prove anything!
But since you think that a couple of links makes a point; here's one for the road!
Homosexuality-An Insight

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by BadMojo
Both of those links were VERY weak, jakko. Words like "may" and "possibility" show no conclusive proof. And since when is a sheep a human? Basing human behavioral theories on animal experiments is bad science. If your brain is that of a sheep, then it may apply.

But the second link is a gold mine, thanks. These prenatal conditions are not NATURAL. There has been outside influence by various chemicals/drugs. This is my favorite part...I quote

The report concludes: “The most noteworthy findings were that if prenatal therapeutic substances affect offspring sexual orientation, the effects are mainly confined to female offspring and are limited to the first trimester of pregnancy."

The key word here is that first IF. So, as I previously stated, there is no CONCLUSIVE proof that homosexuality is a natural born condition in humans.

The links do not 100% prove that being gay is a state we are born in, obviously if they would we wouldn't be having this discussion at all.
What these links DO show us, is that all the evidence so far, points in a direction.

People like you are blind to such "guiding" science, because it will mean you are wrong and that your little simple theory about everything doesn't make sense in the end.

One other way of finding out that being gay is a state we are born in, is to simply talk to gay people. To simply find out gay people have had the same feelings all of their life (exceptions always exist of course) and that there is no way for them to change it.

It's sad that "fundies" like yourself willingly choose to close your eyes to truth and justice, that your own verdict and view is more important than reality.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 01:55 PM
Well anyone here who does not have kids cannot understand what these parents are going thru. I would try everthing I could to save my boy if this happened to me, because its all too easy to surrender to our sick societies perversions instead of fighting for whats right...I applaud the mothers decision.

Perhaps she does NOT want to see her son die of AIDS by the time he is 26, so she trying to take action and save that so wrong?

Some young adults are taken advantage of because their young and are not old enough to make clear decisions and thats what us parents are for, to step in when they see their kids straying and put them on the right track.

Perhaps when some of the screamers and insulters in here have kids, they will have an entire different POV when its THEIR kids future their trying to protect....lets face it the Gay lifestyle is dangerous and getting AIDS is almost a death sentence.


[edit on 013030p://000 by LA_Maximus]

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 01:55 PM
IAF101, you seriously have to read this website:
It's a long read, but if you are truly interested in truth regarding this subject, reading this may make some stuff more clear.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 01:56 PM
"Because it violates natural law, which is based on reason, not faith."

Basis of the arguement is that above, already been shown to be wrong. But also it is from something called "Catholic Insight" which is going to be bias, although it was a well written and presented arguement it was fairly good. But several key points they have are wrong from my stand point - due to the fact sex isn't for fun, so to them homosexuality will always be wrong- if they engage in the act.

Also I was pointing out what the words mean, I do not know what morals a homosexual has because I am not one nor do I know their faith. Yet I am sure there are enough homo-sexuals who have a faith and to them it seems fine. This is your problem, you seem to make out as though they are not moral for the way they are born. How is it their fault?

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by LA_Maximus
Perhaps she does NOT want to see her son die of AIDS by the time he is 26, so she trying to take action and save that so wrong?
[edit on 013030p://000 by LA_Maximus]

Black-hetero-sexual-males are more likely to get AIDs then homo-sexuals. Already posted the statistics for that basis of the arguement. Also if more homo-sexuals were not forced to go to "male escorts/whores" to get services and they were educated on the risk less cases of AIDs would exist - same goes for Africa and Asia.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Odium

Originally posted by IAF101
Morals are the basic values that are inherent in most cultures! Most people feel that killing is bad, most people find death to be sad and most people find "homosexuality" as unnatural!

Clearly in Switzerland they do not.

Only place that has so far had a National Vote on such a thing and the homosexuals won.

Knowing you, I have choosen my words very carefully!
First, I said "most people" and not all people! That means the Swiss can find it as acceptable but the world majority see it as "unnatural" !
Quoting from your source;

Gay couples win partnership rights ( 05.06.2005 )
Gay rights’ groups are celebrating after voters on Sunday approved a new law allowing homosexual couples to register their partnerships.
The result means that gay couples will now be granted the same legal rights as married couples in the areas of pensions, inheritance and taxes. But they will not be allowed to adopt children or have access to fertility treatment.

so what is it they have "won" ? the right to stay together through marriage!
That privelege is available even to animals! ( of the same sex naturally!) .

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Odium
Black-hetero-sexual-males are more likely to get AIDs then homo-sexuals. Already posted the statistics for that basis of the arguement.

Don't play "statistic" games with me son. I can dig up alot of that crap to support my argument also, the fact is the boy is a minor and his Mother is the parent.


posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Jakko
One other way of finding out that being gay is a state we are born in, is to simply talk to gay people. To simply find out gay people have had the same feelings all of their life (exceptions always exist of course) and that there is no way for them to change it.

Referring to the gay friend/ex-mgr of mine.

He said that, like all other little boys, he could not stand girls (but unlike other little boys, he really liked the little boys) - those sentiments never left him. Keep in mind, when little boys don't like little girls, it is way pre-puberty, I just don't see a little one consciously deciding to be gay (as I see argued here), hell, what little one of that age group could comprehend what gay is, let alone want to be it.

To him, the thought of being anything other than simple friends with a woman is thoroughly disgusting. I'de get bored and let my construction mouth fly to razz him, always looked like he was going to hurl right then right there.

Anyway, just to note that your train of thought has been experienced; albeit it from one that doesn't care if Joe next door is gay (and way ironically, he is) - does my post not count now due to bias? lol


posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 02:09 PM
But the majority in the only vote went the way of the homo-sexuals. Also I never said homo-sexuals should be able to raise children? I myself am a fan of the traditional nuclear family and pre-fer that children are raised by their parents in a natural enviroment with decent parents who will not harm the child in anyway.

They won the right to be seen as "equal" within society. They won the right to not have to pay more due to their choice of life-style - due to the fact it is natural.

Well, dad (LA_Maximus) how you been? I've been meaning to come over to Russia to see you. Since I'm now your son.
Also the statistics show most cases of aids happen in Africa, in males.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 02:10 PM
HAven't just about every poll in North America generally shown a 50/50 split more or less on gay rights or marriage. Me, I think anyone that makes a big deal out of thise stuff is a closet case, their fear is too unfounded to be anything other than a cover.

I find it too bad, and sad as well that some try to hide behind religon to promote hate. What someone does in their bedroom isn't your concern, and if you have ever loved a person, what right do you have to assume that someone else doesn't deserve the same joy?

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Odium
"Because it violates natural law, which is based on reason, not faith."
Basis of the arguement is that above, already been shown to be wrong. But also it is from something called "Catholic Insight" which is going to be bias, although it was a well written and presented arguement it was fairly good. But sev seral key points they have are wrong from mytand point - due to the fact sex isn't for fun, so to them homosexuality will always be wrong- if they engage in the act.

How is this wrong? Where in nature can you show me a "thriving" homosexual species? Where can you show that homosexuality is actually promoted by nature ? All you have provided are links that show a list of various specimens that have exibited homosexuality!
I can give a link to a cat with wings, does that mean it is natural/ nature's order?
Another thing, i did not base my point on the article I gave, i based my point on my own views and that article was for just for informative purposes!
Why are you "biased" that the link is "biased" ?

Originally posted by Odium
Also I was pointing out what the words mean, I do not know what morals a homosexual has because I am not one nor do I know their faith.
Yet I am sure there are enough homo-sexuals who have a faith and to them it seems fine.
This is your problem, you seem to make out as though they are not moral for the way they are born. How is it their fault?

Why? I know what those words mean! Also you had the heading 'Worng Again'.
So does Osama Bin Laden, so did Mao and so did Idi Amin! And they all thought/think it was fine!
They are not born that way! If they were then it would be identifiable in a gene and you sexuality could be determined at an embryonic state itself! Iresspective of your environment and upbringing!

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 02:21 PM
Do you yourself admit certain species do involve in homosexual acts?

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 02:28 PM
I fail to see how the arguement against gay people can be done so via means of "morals". Morals is a personal perspective. Your spouse will have some different morals than yourself. Your church believes in different morals than the one down the street. Ones morals are unique per an individual. Don't give me the "morals are what's right and wrong", were it as simple as that there would be no war, as everyone and every country would have the same ideology of what to do and not do. But that will never happen, as every country has its own religious ideology(ies) and morals, making ALL OTHER religions and countries WRONG - enter war for the thirty-seven thousandth time.


posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 06:22 PM
Jakko, I lived with a gay couple for nearly six months. The two I previously mentioned. We talked all the time. The arguement that people are born gay does not make room for those who become gay later in life after being one of them was. Great guys...I would do almost anything for them. Yet I do not condone their lifestyle.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 07:13 PM
In some respects it can. There are aspects of ourselves that we "lock up" and "away" due to the fact we think they are wrong. By going on and on about how "homo-sexuality" is wrong it can lead to people re-pressing events or feelings which later on in life they begin to realise are "natural".

Also I can all assume we would rather someone is honest with how they are feeling? Instead of homo-sexuals getting into a relationship, having children and then "realising" which will only do more harm.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 11:28 PM
I think it is good that you do not support the choice the parents made.

As I am not in the mood to get into an argument at the current time, I shall ask you a question;

What are your views on Asexuals? (Not the physiological kind)
People who do not like either gender, and do not see or have a use for sexual activity or romance?

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by BadMojo
Jakko, I lived with a gay couple for nearly six months. The two I previously mentioned. We talked all the time. The arguement that people are born gay does not make room for those who become gay later in life after being one of them was. Great guys...I would do almost anything for them. Yet I do not condone their lifestyle.

Why doesn't it leave room for that?
After all the tests with sheep it's pretty obvious it is just a matter of time before they will find out the exact same for humans; the brains of a gay person are fundamentally different than the brains of a straight person.

Now this person that told you he was straight before, did some sort of trauma have anything to do with him becoming gay?
Did he really mean hetero, as in "attracted to girls" or did he mean hetero as in "still in the closet"?

I think that -while we are born in a certain way- extreme events in someones life (trauma such as rape) in a certain stage of someones life can change someones sexual orientation or damage someones sexual experience for good.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 04:39 AM
A swami once said to a gay dude when he asked him why he was gay:
"its all in your head"

It is thaught in the medical school here that about 2% of gays are gays becouse of a "mistake" on a certain chromosome.
The rest are likely just messed up in the head.

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