posted on Jul, 26 2005 @ 11:14 AM
I'd like to respond to the original topic of this post (yes i know it was four pages ago)
This is an age old statement, probably older than most of the theories it condemns. People always want to be convinced, they have an inborn need to
know that they are right before they commit to any one way of thought. The simple fact of the matter is that most of our known history as a civilized
species has consisted of conspiracies, perhaps not aliens or secret societies, but consider this for a second. Every four years there is a
presidential election in the US, one man has thousands of people working in every facet of our society to convince millions of people to think and act
in a certain way, in this case, to get them to vote for a certain candidate. Granted it's not a classical conspiracy as would be defined by most on
ATS, by it is a conspircy by the deffenition of the word and I don't believe there're many who would argue the contrary. There're many
conspiracies throughout history who's factual evidence is readily available with a few clicks on Google. Next time you have a chance perhaps you
should look up the conspiracy to kill Julius Ceasar, or perhaps the mafia's control of the unions in the 40s and 50s.
The facts you ask for, Raideur, is a reasonable request. I would hope none of my fellow ATSers would blindly believe somthing just because someone
posted it but you must admit than many of the things stated by fellow posters are hard to back up. In fact I'd go further and say the absence of
evidence is the very reason for many people's interest in a given subject. There is quite a large number of subjects covered on this board that I,
personally, choose not to lend credence too. I believe some can be explained by fairly down to earth explainations and some have developed due our
ignorance on the subject, NDEs (near death experiences) for one. I'd be the first to admit that many of the claims made by those in the conspriacy
community are outrageous, that some who make these statements seek personal gain of one form or another. However, these statements and people are
just the usual muck you have to rake before you can reach the truth.
I think it is a sign of a good mental state to be skeptical, but you must be careful not to be overly skeptical. I'd like to refer you to my
signature. A true skeptic doesn't deny everything until it is proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, rather, one should take an unbiased stance and
proceed to research the subject to the best of his ability. It is through your own research that you should develop your opinion of any given subject,
especially in our modern world where information is available litterally at your fingertips
I do believe that if someone posts a topic like "Bush hid WMDs" they should provide as much evidence from as many sources as possible, but that's
just good posting. Many of the subjects covered here are based off of personal experiences for which there is little more evidence than an eye
witness account. That is the simply the nature of the unknown. If there were countless resources of hard factual evidence proving the existance of
extraterrestrial life there would be no ATS. Upon encountering a situation in which the majority of evidence stems from eyewitness accounts I find it
quite usefull to read the account and then consider what was written from both ends of the spectrum. Following a simple logical deductive method I
work out the possibilities for both motivations. Perhaps this is a lonely and slightly crazy person who simply desires some attention, perhaps they
are ignorant of certain climactic conditions that could cause such an experience as they have recounted. On the other hand though, they may be
speaking in ernest. I have never personally been abducted or even witnessed a UFO, but I can imagine how I would feel if i had been and no one would
believe me.
Out right disbleieving anything you're told is neither skepticism nor somthing to be proud of. In your search for truth you must be impartial,
relentless, and always honest and true to yourself. If you believe somthing to be true with all your heart then no one has the right to tell you it
is otherwise unless they can actually prove it. Disbleiving somthing because you are not yet convinced is counter productive, a true skeptic will
consider both sides of an argument before siding one way or the other. If you read a post on ATS that happens to intrigue you I'd suggest spending
your free time researching it as I have found that even the most outrageous theory is rooted in fact. The entire history of our government is riddled
with conspiracies of one form or another that are all backed up with historical evidence. Constantly trying to prove yourself to people who
constantly refuse to be convinced is simply a waste of time. Raideur, rather then writting a post on how you don't believe what someone said perhaps
you should start posting evidence to the contrary. You fight ingorance with facts, not a deaf ear.