posted on Aug, 12 2003 @ 06:31 PM
Hey, here are those pictures. When they are enlarged and only the blue channel viewed you can see slight distortion around the Spot just a little
bit. The distortion changes slightly from one photo to the next, so I doubt your friend did anything to them to fake the spot, unless of course he
would think of adding something in there that you couldn't even see without extreme magnification and color separations.
The lighting effects are just to help show the shades of where the gradients change. I looked around for other pictures similar and found another one
at an msn sight that had the exact same purpleish spot yet it was not from the same angle or anything, so that I found interesting.
I have never seen any results like this from another camera from just shooting the sun, but you might want to check into that. Other than that I
don't know what it is. If you know what day he took it on let me know cause I'd like to check out an xray of the sun, although I doubt that's it.
If so, I would think that it would have changed shape or something inbetween the time of taking each pic, but they match up right on the dot.
Interesting though....Hope that helps out a little....