posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 11:57 AM
Originally posted by orangetom1999
You have to be out of your mind to get a carrier from Russia. The only way you can make it continually work is to refit it yourself..the basic hull
It's interesting you should say that. That's exactly the configuration the Varyag is in rightnow. No engines, no system, just an empty shell. So
my question/discussion is would it be feasible for the Chinese to outfit the entire carrier by themselves?
Let me think. This is pure speculation. The Russians may have contracts with China not to refit the carrier with war fighting equipment, etc.
Radar & systems: Chinese just deployed two "Aegis" PAR systems. Would they be useful and could they be modified and fitted to the carrier? ATC
capability would be needed. Could a landbased system be adopted?
Aircraft fuel: Could a landbased system be adapted & used?
Catapaults & steam systems: The Russians don't use them. The Sukhoi's take off with the help of the ski-jump.
Armaments: SSM's Chinese have those. SAMs/CIWS Chinese have those.
Aircraft: SU-27's & SU-30's? There are rumours of a fully indiginized version (engines, systems, airframe) in development. The Russians took
several years to adapt the airframe for their carrier. ASW using Ka helicopters bought from the Russians. AWACS & aerial refueling are still in its
infancy in China and will be an issue. They could look into buying the aircraft from Russia?
Engines & steering: Not sure if commercial systems can be adapted. China does have the know-how to build large ships.
Support fleet: This would take a few years to build, but China already has the ability to build its own fleets. Building more than one CBG might be
a problem considering the backlog to buildup the rest of the aging fleet to credible levels. But then again you only have one carrier.
Am I missing anything?
Why would you want to build a single CBG? Maybe to learn how to do it. Train pilots and sailors able to operate in a battle group? One carrier is
better than none? China is years away from having a credible blue water navy. But it's economy is already global and far a head of what its navy
can support. Could a CBG be an stop-gap solution?