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chinas new aircraft carrier?

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posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 08:34 AM
China will need Aircraft Carriers ..a offensive weapons project force and power in the word and get the respect she thinks is her due.
China also intends to bring Taiwan back into the Chinese force if necessary..make no doubt about this. It is just a matter of time.
A carrier fleet is the necessary weapons platform along with submarines to protect a fleet and project offensive power.


posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 11:35 PM
china wouldn't need a aircraft carrier to invade taiwan.

china has 33 airbases that are 500miles away from taiwan

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 12:47 AM
You know how much hit takes to build the Nimitz W4rl0rD?
It takes lots of know how not to mention the money, you need to build the dry-dock and the support systems for building the carrier and maintain the carrier and the weapon systems that go on it, orangetom can explain it better than I can.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 01:16 AM
Might wery well be... We all know that the Chinese empire is building upp it's army every year...

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 02:35 AM
China denies building carrier

China denies, so they must be building a new carrier.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by NWguy83
China denies building carrier

China denies, so they must be building a new carrier.

very good analysis

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 01:16 PM
Lets just say China does not have a habit of telling everyone what she is doing with her military. For example, nobody knew of the existence of the Type-98 until the 1999 military parade, and a whole bunch of other things.

And Westpoint, yes, I know that. It takes an amazing amount of time, but refitting the Varyag or something like that will be a lot simpler, for example, add Su-27s, add anti ship, anti submarine and anti air defences, and you already have a half-as-sed carrier

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 01:28 PM
Yeah, there's a lot of things that we don't know about...

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 01:29 PM
it takes training as well to make an effective combat carrier too. ill go see if the Chinese are being sent to Russia to learn the tactics of launching aircraft carrier or the Russians as advisors heading to China to teach.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 01:37 PM
Like I said, look out for the upcoming Sino-Russian exercise. It focuses on their navies and airforce, and besides being a political milestone, China will definetely get some help from the Russians with their navy if not with carrier tactics and how to operate carrier battlegroups.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 01:42 PM
Well, we all knoe that some new aircrafts should be coming to use from the Chinese side...

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 01:51 PM
No doubt in my mind that China intends to build aircraft carriers and improve the lot of their carriers and overall fleet. Carriers are the ideal offensive platform along with submarines to protect them. Submarines are also ideal for intelligence gathering contrary to that for which most people think they are used. While they do and can hunt other submarines and surface ships ..most submarine usage today is simply intelligence ..spying. Submarines can do this in ways that sattelite technology cannot.
While China can probably take Taiwan by force without would simplify the force projection if they had and knew how to effectively use them..this requires time and training. China also obviously intends to become a world class power and feels that she is due her share of respect on the world stage. A effective carrier and submarine fleet is away of doing this.
I do not believe the doctrine of "Pan Asia or Asia for the Asiatics" has died out ..just new players taking center stage.

For those of you who dont know of what I am speaking..I refer to the five doctrines of world power..taking place from about 1890 to the 1990s. This grouping has changed over the years as new players come and go..but the basic outline looks like this.

Anglo Saxon rule of the word..
Pan Americanism
Pan Germanism
Pan Slavism
Pan Asia or Asia for the Asiatics

Pan Americanism died out when American secretly gave up the Monroe Doctine without the knowlege of the American people and without the knowlege of most of the Congress and secretly joined with the British in Anglo Saxon rule of the World. The Americans finally replaced the French by the end of WW1...explaining some of why the French dont particularly like us unto today.
Pan Germanism died out with the Kaiser and later the Nazis...a continuation of WW1 ..with WW2.
Pan Slavism...we see what happened to Russia....but keep your eye on this one..its not totally dead yet..
And finally Asia for the Asiatics or Pan Asia. The champion of this one was originally Japan. Japan became a partner of the British/American combine at the turn of the century after proving herself in the Boxer rebellion of the 1890s. Japan was armed with western technology and know how ..just as is China beoome the local policeforce for the western powers in Asia. Huge loans were made to Japan to "Modernize" and take her place with the western merchants in Asia. A ocean going fleet was produced along with the know how to operate it on a world wide basis where as Japan up to this point was a brown water navy ..not blue water.
Japan learned that she would always be a junior partner ...never a equal or respected partner..and decided by the 1930s to go it alone and began to renig on the loans and go out into Asia and secure her needed natural resources. In short she demanded respect. Problem was that most of the resources in Asia were under British control. Eventually this would lead to WW2. For most peoples WW2 begins with the attack on Pearl Harbor ..but the groundwork was laid long before. This is not known by the bulk of Americans. They are totally ignorant of these facts.
China finds herself a similar position today looking for natural resources to feed her industries and under massive loans from western banks..also massive technology transfers. Also like Japan...looking for respect from other nations. This view is not what one gets from public education or from the news media who are "looking out for you ".

Like Japan...the "Rescource Wars" are where you are going to find future conflicts. Keep a eye on this has already begun.


posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 02:22 PM
I would hope for their sakes that the Chinese build their Aircraft Carrier to a higher standard of quality than the stuff they sell to Americans in stores like Wal Mart and Harbor Freight. Maybe they are flooding us with shoddy merchandise to lull us into a false sense of security concerning their capabilities.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 02:28 PM
The Chinese are building their products to specifications determined by the vendors who make the contracts and then sell to Wal Mart et al. It was the same thing when Japan made products...then Koreans after them. It is the same gang of merchants and their decendents.


posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 02:45 PM
On second thought about your post ..especially concerning Harbor Freight.
I agree. Though I go there occasionally for tools..I am particular about what tools I buy. Working in the shipbuilding industry I have learned over the years what and are not quality tools. Also clearly the basic outline that you will definitely pay for quality and reliability.
I do not consider Craftsman the highest quality tool. It is good but overall quality has gone down over the years. I am very choosey about what I buy at Harbor Freight.
I am currently looking for a 1/2 inch drive air ratchet..and have settled on a model made by Chicago Pneumatic at about $160.00. I can buy all kinds of $40.00 models at Sears and Harbor Freight but not intrested.
Good point there Groingrinder.


posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 03:10 PM

Lets just say China does not have a habit of telling everyone what she is doing with her military. For example, nobody knew of the existence of the Type-98 until the 1999 military parade,

You mean non one in the civilian realm knew of the Type 98, you seem so confident that every government in the world did not know anything abut the type 98.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 03:42 PM
no argument there..West Point.!!


posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
I would hope for their sakes that the Chinese build their Aircraft Carrier to a higher standard of quality than the stuff they sell to Americans in stores like Wal Mart and Harbor Freight. Maybe they are flooding us with shoddy merchandise to lull us into a false sense of security concerning their capabilities.

my answer to that is you get what you pay for.....

dont expect chinese to make you japanese style products when they only sell them for 1/4 their price

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23

Lets just say China does not have a habit of telling everyone what she is doing with her military. For example, nobody knew of the existence of the Type-98 until the 1999 military parade,

You mean non one in the civilian realm knew of the Type 98, you seem so confident that every government in the world did not know anything abut the type 98.

like who??

the americans surly knew nothing. they always published one of those defense things naming future threats and always have long list of chinese developments

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by chinawhite
like who??

the americans surly knew nothing. they always published one of those defense things naming future threats and always have long list of chinese developments

depends on which Americans u talkin to.
maybe not every American knows about wat China is doin, but some in the shadows.

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