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Vote:How many of you believe that galactic federation exists

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posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 05:06 PM

I love to answer questions regardless of belief. Believe it or not, I always tell the truth. If I make a mistake it's an honest mistake.

I don't like to answer questions for trolls. I don't like to be personally insulted and laughed at and I am not going to encourage you.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 05:11 PM
Well Earth Sister .... firstly you accused me quite wrongly of misquoting you.

I didnt, I have proved that I quoted you accurately so where is my apology.

And as for you answering questions.... GARBAGE.

You refuse to answer any of mine.

As I said you are very wise not to.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 05:31 PM

We need a Moderator, here

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 05:50 PM
WARTHOG911, it still amazes me how in this post and other posts you have made that you refer to the "Lacerta Files" as though they are fact with no questions asked. All they are is a story that was put on the internet with no pictures or any solid proof of anything. Could they be real? Yes, but anything could be real if you don't demand proof. I bet i could write a reptilian story and say it is fact, put it out on the net with nothing to back it up except me saying it is true and you and others would use it to prove some type of points you are trying to make. Also you said that astrology proves everything is already planned out??? How do you come up that being proven??? And then you seem to like to make quotes about the Bible, but it seems you really have not even read the bible and are just quoting things other's may have said. Like for one thing you quote the Bible in the same post as astrology, yet in the Bible it states not to use astrology. you also once stated it that it was a fact that the Bible said "serpents" said in the Bible, "let us create man in our image". First off there is not mention of a "serpent" until man was already created and in the garden of Eden (one of the most basic well know stories of the Bible which i find hard to believe you don't know since you quote the Bible. Also is said let "us" create man in our image and it says it was God who was saying this. There is absolutly no mention of "serpents" saying this in the Bible, but somehow you say that to prove a post you made about "serpents". Use some correct facts already.
As far as your original question here, there could very well be some sort of Galatic group out there, but we have no proof of who they are exacty and what they want until they actully show themselves to the masses here on Earth and they actually speak to us for REAL and not just by what people say they are and what they say they are about on the internet. And even then, how do we know we can believe them/trust them even if they do actually come here and speak to us?Bottom line is it's alright to ask the questions you do to get people's opinions as this is what this site is for, but you and to many others then want to quote things they have read on the net or else where as though it is solid proof of what you are talking about. Bottom line is there is not solid proof out there that has been shown to the masses. That does not mean indivual people have not had expirences with "aliens/ufo's" as there seems to be a lot of people saying they have, but none seem to be able to offer proof, so we can not say exactly what is going on for sure as a fact...

[edit on 10-6-2005 by humbled_one]

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 07:10 PM
EarthSister Jaykew, don make me have to pull; this site over.

Seriously though, it seems that you always argue with eachother, it doesnt matter who's fault it is, just stop and dont talk to eachother.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 09:41 AM

Thank you, great idea.

I agree.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 10:02 AM
sorry, i did not mean to post here again, i meant to edit and hit quote by mistake...

[edit on 11-6-2005 by humbled_one]

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 10:45 AM
I would have to say no to your vote. Although I am a sci fi fan in regards to movies and tv I highly doubt there is such a group in real life. Perhaps there are international human groups that study the possiblity of interspace contact and cooporation but I have not heard anything about such groups to day. Thank you.

posted on Jun, 11 2005 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street

I believe there's life elsewhere, and probably intelligent life, using Drake's Equation if nothing else. But I don't believe that any of these other Spaceship Guys have contacted us (although they might have) and I don't see any evidence for any sort of "galactic federation", either.

OTS, I personally believe that you are a bit close minded, with all respect due to your (obvious) knowledge and experience. I say so because it is not the first time at all that you flatly declare that there is (oh, ok, that you see) no evidence for any sort of visitation by ETs.

It is all right with me that you don't believe that any of the UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin, it is your right to think so. Now, allow me to flatly state (as you do it yourself for the contrary) that I can see a lot of evidence for it!

Sorry to go there, but it is offensive. You don't see evidence where other see proof. I may admit that proof is difficult to find, and so far, there is no proof as such, and that's OK.

But please, don't say that there is no evidence. There is plenty of evidence if you would like or mind to open your eyes. You said that you believe that intelligent life exist elsewhere, and that statement as such is enough to allow an incredible amount of visitations on earth from 'people' from far away.l At least, that is how I see things, and I honestly don't feel alone there...

But back on topic, I don't believe that there would be such a thing as a "galactic confederation" or something... Now, who knows really?

[edit on 11-6-2005 by SpookyVince]

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 04:43 PM

OTS, I personally believe that you are a bit close minded, with all respect due to your (obvious) knowledge and experience.

I think there's a difference between being close-minded and skeptical. I am not saying that there are no such thing as Spaceship Guys, any more than I am saying I will not accept any doubt or questions about the existence of Spaceship Guys. Either one of those individuals, in my opinion, is close-minded. I'm looking for what I consider some sort of evidence (such as an artifact that cannot be explained as anything but of a Spaceship Guy).

It is all right with me that you don't believe that any of the UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin, it is your right to think so.

I appreciate that.

Now, allow me to flatly state (as you do it yourself for the contrary) that I can see a lot of evidence for it!

Certainly. Perhaps you'd care to share the evidence? Understand that I don't think that someone saying, "Well, I talked to this high-ranking guy whose name I can reveal, and he said..." as being evidence.

You don't see evidence where other see proof. I may admit that proof is difficult to find, and so far, there is no proof as such, and that's OK.

So these other people whom you say see proof are probably mistaken because you yourself say "...there is no proof as such."

There is plenty of evidence if you would like or mind to open your eyes.

Okay, consider my eyes open. Now, where is the evidence?

You said that you believe that intelligent life exist elsewhere, and that statement as such is enough to allow an incredible amount of visitations on earth from 'people' from far away.l At least, that is how I see things, and I honestly don't feel alone there...

Actually I have issues with two different aspects of that statement.

The first is what I consider an error in logic: confusing possibility with fact. There are enough people in either Mexico City or Tokyo for one of them to be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, but that is certainly not evidence that Jesus Christ is roaming through Xochimilco Gardens or the Marunouchi District.

The second is that, if you use Drake's Equation to examine the possibility of extraterrestrial visitations, the chances of an extraterrestrial are pretty small, and the chances of them visiting over and over and over again without anyone seeing them or even snapping a real (not fuzzy) picture is very remote indeed.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 12:40 AM
OTS, following our (much appreciated) chat yesterday evening, I'm only going to add this: we probably don't share the same exact definition of what 'evidence' is. We agree both that there are no proof so far, but I make a big difference between proof and evidence (and so youre, likely). That difference is still bigger to me.

In any way, it was a good discussion (the chat), and I sure hope that there is no offense at all in it. I'm not offended by anything in it.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 06:47 PM
I would like to have a galactic federation as truth, but it is very improbable, more what I feel is this communication is possible alien disinfo, and their real agenda is to enslave us, just they still are gathering forces for attack.
Killing the enemy and possibly haveing all the planet but not destroyed in that war ,this is their plan.

What we expect firing of thousands weapons from thousands ships is the last they want to do.

Sun Tzu:
Generally in warfare, keeping a nation intact is best, destroying a nation second best; keeping an army intact is best, destroying an army second best;

keeping a battalion intact is best, destroying a battalion second best;
keeping a company intact is best, destroying a company second best;
keeping a squad intact is best, destroying a squad second best.
Therefore, to gain a hundred victories in a hundred battles is not the highest excellence; to subjugate the enemy's army without doing battle is the highest of excellence.

Therefore, the best warfare strategy is to attack the enemy's plans, next is to attack alliances, next is to attack the army, and the worst is to attack a walled city.

So when occupying peacefully fail destroying is what we must expect from them, I see no other solution to this war. So Making more walled cities is the answer, maybe we can get some point for negotiations with them, and the war is near...

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 06:52 PM
vince says:

In any way, it was a good discussion (the chat), and I sure hope that there is no offense at all in it. I'm not offended by anything in it.

Good heavens, no!

It's people like you who keep me coming here in the first place. If all my friends and colleagues (and I consider you both) thought the same way I did, imagine how boring it would be!

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 01:07 AM
IS there any more news Earthsister?.I hope the GF really does show up cuz govt sponsered terrorism is on my nerves and they want a freakin NWO.ALso earthsister whatdoes the galactic federation want from us.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by warthog911

i recently found this...seems very real to me

we need them to help us imo

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