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I dont think smoking is as bad as they say

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posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 08:50 PM
Yul Brynner, dying of lung cancer, in unpaid television messaging:

"Don't smoke. Whatever you do, don't smoke."

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 08:55 PM
Perhaps some people might like to go that way, why cant we decide on what we want in life ? Why does the Government have to decide what is bad? Like i say there is no freedom , just follow your government guidelines to be a person.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Bulldog 52
Just started this thread as i feel smoking has become a scape goat for anything that is wrong with you nowadays.

Hey Bulldog, I'm a smoker for about 35 years now. I know that it has effected my physical self and I sure as hell won't condone it....but I do agree with you about this particular vice.

Smokers have been targeted heavily these past 10-15 years. I should not have to feel ashamed when I'm out and about and get disapproving looks and sincere but useless advice about why I should quit! I KNOW I should quit, but it's damn hard. Harder than morphine addiction. I'm hoping that this new drug (binds to nicotine and stops passage thru the blood brain barrier) gets approval soon so I have more of a chance to kick this thing.

Anyway, why not target the liquor industry? I don't drink! Look at all those deaths from drunken drivers! Talk about impacting lives. If I die from my smoking, you can bet I'm not taking anybody else out with me!

Sorry for the trirade, but I need (for now..yes..I'm weak) the nicotine which binds with receptors in my brain to calm me down (dopamine release).

Let the PTB start taxing the hell out of some other vices!!!!!

[edit on 6-6-2005 by gman55]

[edit on 6-6-2005 by gman55]

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 09:32 PM
How many old people do you see that smoke? Not many because theyre all dead.

However, if you have kids, I hope you didnt give them cancer.

Your post makes as much sense as a person whos parachute fails to deploy telling people they wont need one for their jump as landind without a parachute isnt as bad as people make out.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Flyer
How many old people do you see that smoke? Not many because theyre all dead.

Then you should be happy.

Now all you have to deal with is all the old drunks that get behind the wheel of a car!

Instead of blasting someone you don't know, why not try to interject some helpful comment? Heard of any body that you know that quit smoking? Yes? Well how did they do it? Maybe they did something unusual that you could share with us SMOKERS.

We are not evil. We are not dumb. We need to quit, but it sure has hell does not help when people like you open their mouths before thinking about what they say.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 09:43 PM

Sorry for the triad, but I need (for now..yes..I'm weak) the nicotine which binds with receptors in my brain to calm me down (dopamine release).

I was the same way a couple months ago. Every morning I was gonna quit and every ciggarette was my last, that's the way I looked at it....
it helped deal with the guilt of knowing that I'm killing myself.


That's the only way to go! Finish the pack you have now, buy gum by the crate, go ahead and apolagize to your co-workers for being A-hole...cuz you're gonna be one

Then again I only smoked for 4 years...not that long. But they say after 6 months the chemical crave is the same....of course mentally your 35 years of smoking has a huge toll on the mind

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by SportyMB

That's the only way to go! Finish the pack you have now, buy gum by the crate, go ahead and apolagize to your co-workers for being A-hole...cuz you're gonna be one

Then again I only smoked for 4 years...not that long. But they say after 6 months the chemical crave is the same....of course mentally your 35 years of smoking has a huge toll on the mind

Jesus...whats wrong with you. Insulting someone who knows he's got a problem. Will that really help me?

Apoligize to my co-workers? What for? I smoke outside. Besides they don't apoligize to me for drinking!

Geeze, you must be pretty perfect to be able to dish out this incredible help to your fellow man.

Yes, yes...heavy sarcasm intended. Anyway glad you made it. Maybe one day I will too.

I think I misread your post. You think that when quitting I'll be an A-hole? Glup! Sorry man for the above..(sheepish grin)

[edit on 6-6-2005 by gman55]

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 02:16 AM
Drugs, Sex, and Rock is my philosophy.

I'm writing this while listening to "Keep on Rockin in the Free World"(neil young)

ohhh yea, and i think that there is nothing wrong with smoking......

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 02:19 AM

ohhh yea, and i think that there is nothing wrong with smoking......

Do you think smoking is bad for health...or do you believe smoking has no reall effect on human health?

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by Bulldog 52
I don't want to hear from people who have quit smoking because they have a medical problem , but people like me who have smoked for years and not suffered from it.

As I stated in previous post, I have been quit for one year now. I had failed in all the prior attempts to quit.

No, I did not have any medical problems when I tried to quit. I truly wanted to quit because of the cost. Then, as mentioned in previous post, I got hypo thyroid disease. The medications and the smoking kind of made a mess of my blood.

So, by this time I did have some medical problems. The nicotine addiction is not the big problem. I know that from all of the "aids to quit smoking" one would think that. That is a big rip off money maker.

I have been told that the nicotine is gone from your body after 72 hours. This appears to be true.

What isn't gone after the 72 hours is the life style addiction in your brain. This is where you have the trouble. All of the triggers that make you crave a cigarette are still there.

Prepare to quit is the answer. Change those habits that trigger the need of a cigarette. I couldn't answer a telephone without lighting up. Prior to my last quit I stopped smoking gradually. Change those habits, one by one, and substituting for habit by smoking only when sitting in my favorite chair.

When I finally tossed the cigarettes, I also tossed the chair. This was a big help in my quit. Plus the fact that I just did not have money to buy cigarettes.

I do have to tell you, loud and clear, that I feel 100% better. The biggest change is the increase in energy.

Smokers are harassed and I agree that it is a rotten deal. It is PC to dump on smokers. In my state every time there is a shortage in the state budget, an increase in the tax on cigarettes happen. And nobody cares except the smokers. The non smokers do not even realize that the smokers are paying their share of taxes. The government does not even try to justify the increase by saying it pays for problems smokers cause. It is all such a big lie.

Edit for clarity (I hope)

[edit on 6/7/2005 by Mahree]

[edit on 6/7/2005 by Mahree]

[edit on 6/7/2005 by Mahree]

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by Bulldog 52
Ive been smoking for 40 years and im fine , no coughs or anything, perhaps the anti smoking brigade are wrong.

Have you seen the lungs of a smoker? If not have a look and then tell everyone that smoking isn’t harmful. I don’t smoke but if I am in smoky room I am as sick as hell then next day.

As someone else said – denial is a wonderful state of mind.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 08:09 AM
I watched my dad go from a vibrant, outdoorsy person to a shrivelled and scared shadow of himself thanks to smoking. He developed emphysema and before long was on the nose-hose. He'd wait by the door every teusday waiting for the oxygen delivery scared they'd be late and he'd run out. He was afraid to leave the house for long in case his O2 ran out. He finally suffocated to death. Yea, smoking is awesome. Double-up while your lungs still work.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 08:21 AM
Bulldog, I hope you continue to enjoy good health, but I know a handful of folks have cancer, and most have a very dim short-term future. Guess what the common denominator is for all of them.
I'm trying to quit before I join that club.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Bulldog, I hope you continue to enjoy good health, but I know a handful of folks have cancer, and most have a very dim short-term future. Guess what the common denominator is for all of them.
I'm trying to quit before I join that club.
Thank you Tom i hope i do, perhaps people who smoke wont feel so bad about it reading this thread, getting cancer and illness is not a guaranteed thing if you smoke , as many people want you to think. People who don't smoke get the same diseases.Its about time the blame was removed from cigarettes though, perhaps they do affect a few people ,but the link is not proven.If you listen to the medics anything can kill you even going in hospital, loads of bugs there. Death is not always the ciggies fault. Puff puff. Bulldog

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 07:05 PM

getting cancer and illness is not a guaranteed thing if you smoke , as many people want you to think. People who don't smoke get the same diseases

True, but smoking greatly increases your chances.

And even if you are one of the fortunate ones who do not get cancer your health will still not up to par as it would be if you were not a smoker.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 07:23 PM
Wheres your proof? If you look anything like your Avatar I'm glad I'm a smoker. You have no proof, nobody knows what causes cancer , cigs are just a scapegoat. Medical ignorance is a fact, if they don't know whats wrong with you they always blame smoking or drinking, Do you believe that to stop these two things will solve people getting cancer? I don't ,the medics talk rubbish like parrots with a script when you go to see them . They haven't a clue about making life last longer, you might as well ask me , I'm still fit after 40 years of smoking and drinking.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by Bulldog 52
Its about time the blame was removed from cigarettes though, perhaps they do affect a few people, but the link is not proven.

Are you a shill for a tobacco company?

What on earth makes you believe, after decades of conclusive research, and hundreds of successful lawsuits globally, that the link is "not proven"?

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 07:55 PM
Well i think i should throw in my 2 cents on this one, i am a heavy smoker with no intention to quit. And i do agree with bulldog partialy, smoking does cause health problems and has been known to be "RELATED" to cancer. Although there is no proof that smoking directly brings on cancer in a person, yet these days it is like your killing baby every time u light up a smoke! People have no tolerance these days. Back in the 70's and early 80's for example people were very afraid of aids, most people thought that u could contract aids just by going near the person, of course this is not true. Thats how i feel smoking and cancer are today, a blown out of proportion "epidemic" in our society.
Of all places i expected here that people would just ponder the theory that the media and government are blowing the whole smoking and cancer thing. Anyone ever heard the saying "where the media tells you to look, look the other way" and people seem to be falling to the ignorance that smoking is the main cause of cancer.

Also a quote from hmm i think it was doug stanhope "if a waitress of a bar dies from second hand smoke, you would think she was already dead on the inside working at a bar for 20 years."

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 08:02 PM
Its not proven by the way i live my life , i smoke like a chimney and drink like a fish and I'm healthy , People like me should be dead by your reckonings, I'm not and I'm saying your nanny thinking does not know why. Stop frightening people with this its not true, try thinkinking about the real killers in life . Cars . stress and undisclosed amounts of radioactive waste in the air.


posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 08:09 PM
Smoking isn't good because it addicts you to the global tobacco corporations - Bad News
Like opium or heroin it limits your freedom by dependency
As a health risk, however, it only became a health risk after Hiroshima/Nagasaki and all the overground testing that ensued
Lung cancer is a consequence of nuclear weapons testing, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl,Windscale and the like
It was never a problem before 1945, though it was always a self-desructive exercise, smoked without the Native American ceremonial style and addictively, Bush/Russel style

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