posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 02:31 AM
One thing I don't get is, how are the average people of the U. S. going to fight the richest, most technologically advanced army in the world? How
could anyone possibly hope to overcome the weapons that are at our military's disposal? That is one thing I just don't get.
Something really big is going to have to wake up and highly piss off a lot of people for a civil war to go anywhere other than in the toilet.
God, I hate having insomnia
Hey, has anyone been able to use Photoshop or something like that to blow up the picture of the time machine unit and read the unit control
instructions? I would really like to know what that says. It is the black label with white words on the inside lid of the time machine.
[Edited on 1-9-2003 by PYX]