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Missing Time (Take 2)

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posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 06:07 PM
Ok guys lets give this guy the opportunity he deserves this time. please....


I was woundering if anybody could help shed some light on an incident that happend a few years ago to myself. I was driving home one night at about 2 in the morning through a dark country lane in the UK after dropping some friends off who had been out at a club, when i saw a bright light come around the corner on the road ahead of me, I thought that it was a car with full main beam lights on and i remember looking at my clock and it saying 2.03 as the 2 am news had just finished. there was no other street lamps about and the road behind me was straight. but when the bright light got close to me and passed me i looked in my rear view mirror and there was nothing there, I looked again at my clock and it was 2.17 but I hadn't got any further down the road. Any help would be very gratly appreciated!.

the Light was from in front of the car as if it was driving towards me. I wish I could put it down to beer but I hadn't touched a drop all night. I never do if I drive. Can also assure you that the times were correct also, I have traveled that road many times and it's not very long, maybe 2 1/2 poss 3 minutes long. No feeling thought when it happened, Just a chill when it went past me then disapeared.

[Edited on 6-8-2003 by OzChris]

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 06:34 PM
Have you had any dreams or flashbacks that could be related to this lost time? Did this happen very long ago, or recently?

Thanks for sharing.

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 06:44 PM
you could of been abducted by aliens and not remember..most people dont remember they are abducted after it happens..but a few years have it might not be aliens..normally a person starts remembering through dreams in a few months..unless you have been having nightmares about aliens..have you?

[Edited on 8-6-2003 by theshadowknows]

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 06:46 PM
Dreams would be your alert system. If they are always about Aliens and such you should look into hypnosis. By using regression, you can find out if anything happened.

Once again, interesting.

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 07:01 PM
regression!! I agree, I think at the least it will explain
what happened in those missing moments...
For your own peace of mind!

posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by asala
regression!! I agree, I think at the least it will explain
what happened in those missing moments...
For your own peace of mind!

Good point. Even if you wouldn't find anything, you would still have peace of mind.

Could you go into the UFO sighting a little more if possible?

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 01:39 AM
I agree, are there any more detials you can remember? If not, it is understandable.

Keep in mind, with regression type pyshotherapy, someimtes you will experiance a bit of uneasiness afterward. I have heard from a close friend who underwent such therapy that it left a quite unsettling effect for a few hours. But, in all honestly, I think it perhaps a small price to pay to know for sure.

[Edited on 7-8-2003 by JamesLimelight]

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 03:54 PM
i'm sticking with time doesn't exist, atleast not in the manner in which we think of time

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by banjoechef
i'm sticking with time doesn't exist, atleast not in the manner in which we think of time

Sorry, but what does that have to do with anything? Give me the answer via U2U so we don't fill this thread with useless crap.


I must say though, you probably looked at your watch funny. I haven't really heard of 15 minute abductions.
But who knows, maybe something did happen...

posted on Aug, 12 2003 @ 06:00 AM
have you thought of going under hypnosis?, i saw a show a whileback on the idiot box (TV) , were they hypnotised people who had missing time, such as yourself, they all reported abduction, and being taken on board alien spacecraft, the aliens usually performed tests on them, and a couple of the people on the show, had implants that they had gotten while abducted, one person had an implant surgically removed, it looked like a sliver of glass, but when they tested it, using a scanning electron microscope, it corressponded to nothing on our, periodic table, and it was indestructable, just thought the hypnosis might be an idea, i've seen a ufo myself, but from a distance, i think you definetly had a close encounter, take it easy mate

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 07:37 AM
I think you got probed bro


I have had a similar experience, once i was driving in between locol towns, a drive that normaly takes about 30min but when i arived i realized i had been three hours i hadn't done anything different in the drive...but i just forgot about it because it spun me out

I have had a couple of dreams where im sitting down talking to aliens in english about human psychology....

[Edited on 23-5-2004 by Inf0rm3r]

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 04:39 PM
Yeh I've had a dream (hope it was a dream)where I was on a an operating table surrounded by Greys in a large white room. I remember screaming and trying to wake up then things went black and I woke up in my bed later on, it still freaks me out when I think about it. But yeh man you should defiantly try out hypnosis, its helped a lot of people remember things from stuff they�ve done when they�ve been drunk out their face too alien abductions.

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 11:32 PM
Before answers are sought through alien forums and hypnosis this person should visit a medical doctor. Period. A reasonable UFO community member should visit a doctor a.s.a.p. in order to preserve any biological evidence poossibly left on his person.

I'm more apt to believe this person had an overactive imagination and a tendency to lie or is in serious need of a C.A.T. scan.Sights, sounds, smells and missing time is and can be a major indication of a brain tumor or some type of cerebral disorder.

[Edited on 5-24-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 12:59 AM
Yeah, that's what they want you to think

"Think you saw a UFO? Nah, it's swamp gas, weather balloon, or the planet Venus! If you still think it's a UFO, you should definitely seek professional help, like a doctor. Perhaps a daily dose of antidepressants would do the trick!"

Now as much as we'd love to cling to our false sense of security and false sense of "reality" by saying this has nothing to do with aliens, but is probably a brain tumor or something, there's a good chance that it is not explained away by any of those things too! We are not yet aware of the nature of our reality as much as we'd like to tell ourselves that we are. What if there was some time distortion in that area, due to natural anomalies? What if the gravitational field was altered, or electromagnetic field was doing weird things if the conditions were right. It doesn't have to be an abduction, though there's a good chance that it was!

You know those aliens, always sloppy with time synchronization as they return their victims a few minutes before or a few minutes after the time they were taken. Sometimes they return you to a different road altogether by mistake, just cuz it looks similar to the road you were on! The problem with time is, it doesn't exist! So you could see how for beings that do not experience time it may be a pain in the ass to re-insert you into the proper reality, into the exact space-time locator and the exact construction of energy out of which you were extracted. If you were not bound by time or space, and did not experience the limitations of either, you may be careless too when you have to deal with space and time on the behalf of a 3rd density abductee, just so he's not scared to death when you put him back in the middle of France in 1907 or Alaska in 2065!

What I would suggest is hypnotic regression. Have a professional licensed hypnotist do this on you, and make sure to tell him the time/place etc so he can take you back there in a trance. Make sure to tape the whole thing too, because you want to make sure later that nothing was suggested to you! And with this, you may find that you remember far more than you consciously remember now. Often this memory is blocked, and the blocks can be overridden by hypnosis, sometimes. Or you can go ahead and do a catscan, cuz you might have a tumor and therefore it's making you hallucination-prone etc. You're nuts!

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 08:52 AM
Twice (that I can remember) I 'lost' time. Both times occurred when I was in high school (about four years ago).

One occurred at the lunch table, where I lost about three minutes of time. One look at my watch and it was something like 11:57, then it was 12:00 what it felt like seconds later. I've always had a pretty good recollection of time, so this was a very odd feeling for me. My watch showed 12:00, so I just chopped it up to some bad food (heh).

The second time it occurred was my senior year when I was in my 'study' period. Everyone always asked me what time it was since I was so anal about time. My watch said it was about 1:00, time to leave. The Librarians laughed and said we had thirty more minutes.

My watch had been right the entire day. It couldn't have accidentally been pushed ahead 30 minutes -- to change it you have to press three buttons for 5 seconds, and if you don't change anything within about 9 seconds it reverts back and doesn't change the time.

Not only did my watch display 1:00, it felt like (to me) that it was 1:00. Instead it was 12:30... oh well, time doesn't exist, it's just a commie lie.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 01:42 PM
----------- Originally posted by lilblam -----------
Yeah, that's what they want you to think

"Think you saw a UFO? Nah, it's swamp gas, weather balloon, or the planet Venus! If you still think it's a UFO, you should definitely seek professional help, like a doctor. Perhaps a daily dose of antidepressants would do the trick!"

Now as much as we'd love to cling to our false sense of security and false sense of "reality" by saying this has nothing to do with aliens, but is probably a brain tumor or something, there's a good chance that it is not explained away by any of those things too! We are not yet aware of the nature of our reality as much as we'd like to tell ourselves that we are. What if there was some time distortion in that area, due to natural anomalies? What if the gravitational field was altered, or electromagnetic field was doing weird things if the conditions were right. It doesn't have to be an abduction, though there's a good chance that it was!

What I would suggest is hypnotic regression. Have a professional licensed hypnotist do this on you, and make sure to tell him the time/place etc so he can take you back there in a trance. Make sure to tape the whole thing too, because you want to make sure later that nothing was suggested to you! And with this, you may find that you remember far more than you consciously remember now. Often this memory is blocked, and the blocks can be overridden by hypnosis, sometimes. Or you can go ahead and do a catscan, cuz you might have a tumor and therefore it's making you hallucination-prone etc. You're nuts!


Good people die everyday. Children lose fathers and mothers and parents lose children to tumorous growths or brain cancer and for you to irresponsibly dismiss what I said as some type of "debunking method" only further proves how sorely the UFO Community is is need of smart, upstanding, responsible people.

Tumors can affect sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and perception of time. It's a serious matter and if this person believes he was truly "abducted" then he needs to make arrangements to visit a doctor. Walking away with a clean bill of health may answer the most logical explanations first, after receiving that positive diagnosis, he should move on and look into regression therapy.

Belittling something as serious as brain cancer or a tumor is immature. You really need to stop and ask yourself what you would say if this person fell over one day and never woke up due to a growth in his head that wasn't caught in time. Would you be mature enough to take a small part of the blame for his death because you encouraged him NOT to seek medical advice? Guess what will happen when he seeks out a Regression Therapist? After he explains what he feels happened they will first refer him to a medical doctor for examination before regression begins. Some of you UFO nuts need to start thinking a bit more clearly before encouraging people to ignore their health.

I highly doubt you will though.

[Edited on 5-24-2004 by Preest]

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 08:32 AM
sorry but not ufo check area for faults eletromagnetic energy 15 is min is more tipical of EM pules black out

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 08:52 AM
Lost time may be an effoect of E.T abduction and it may be caused be diiferant types of DS dream syptoms IE lucid dreams, waking dreams and many others. If you want a true and indepth look into both the alien side of and dream side of alien abduction i surgest you read The Complete Book Of Aliens + Abductions by Jenny Randles. I am not saying i dont believe in what your saying but there are many less well known DS that account for probably more than half of all alien abductions.

[edit on 1-11-2004 by shorty]

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 09:08 PM
I had another example of time loss happen to me. This may have been because I was tired, but here it goes. I woke up in the middle of the night, and looked at my clock, it said 2:00 then I blinked and all of a sudden it was 5:00. It was so freaky because at 2 it was all dark and everything and then when I blinked and it turned to 5, the sun was starting to come up. Maybe it was that I was just so tired I fell asleep again and then woke up 3 hours later (because you do lose sense of time when you sleep). Anyone know what could've caused this? I doubt it was any sort of hypnosis.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 06:47 PM

Happens a lot. You half wake up in the middle of the night, and see the time, and then fall right back to sleep.. waking up hours later, only to feel like you haven't slept more than a few seconds, if at all. Usually happens to me when I get sick. Makes for a very pitiful night's rest, lemme tell ya.


Now, is it me, or is it kinda ironic that this thread is about Lost Time, and hasn't been touched in over 6 months? Sounds funny to me, LOL.

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