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NEWS: Police Taser Kills 18 Year Old

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posted on May, 29 2005 @ 07:27 PM
what was the wattage use on these guns.last time i looked you can electrocute yourshelf with a wall outlet at 120 volts.whats the specs on these things.....?

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 07:31 PM
Okay, the kid must have had a prior existing condition that his mom didn't know about, or was high one drugs, and I think the officer conducted herself appropriately given the circumstances. This is the sort of incident where stun guns are very useful, and while they did contribute to this young man's death, I would argue that it was his own behavior that sealed his fate.

As for shooting for the's not as easy as they make it seem on the movies. Aiming for dynamic extremities is possible, but it's exceedingly hard to be assured of a hit. Even if you do only get shot in the leg, you can still go into shock, catch a bone shard in the heart, or die from blood loss. Tasers are less lethal than firearms, period.

I think this sort of case is exactly why stun guns were invented. The officer doesn't want to kill the poor druggie, but she doesn't want to get knocked down and injured by him either. She could have shot him with her sidearm, but she chose the less lethal option. Unfortunately for all parties involved, the Taser was deadly in this case.

It sounds like she followed procedure, and in the end..accidents happen. This case is nothing like the others we've talked about on ATS, where cops were using their Tasers to abuse prisoners and citizens. It's really unfortunate..but accidents happen.

I feel bad for the officer..she has this on her conscience now.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 07:43 PM
Some information about Tasers.

EDIT: Removed due to extreme anal retentativeness. (i.e. legal reasons)

[edit on 29-5-2005 by howmuchisthedoggy]

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 10:31 PM
That appears to be a cut n paste from Taser's website, or one of its affiliates or distributors.

The information is suspect at best, fraudulent at worst.

And you should attribute the quote to the source from which it was taken, FYI.

Did y'all know, on a side note, that Taser's safety testing was limited to five dogs and a pig? The animals were owned by a neighbor of the inventor, and the 'tests' were conducted by the newly created firm's pet scientist, who is now a prime benefactor of Taser's profits.

Smells..totally smells..I mean stinky, like beans and bacon bad....

Check out Amnesty International for another viewpoint on the lethality of Tasers...

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne I would argue that it was his own behavior that sealed his fate.

I feel bad for the officer..she has this on her conscience now.

I agree, he brought this on himself, and I wish the officer well. She was just doing her job. I don't think we give our public servants credit. They work in a dangerous environment every day, and put their lives on the line for us. I just wonder what this boy would have done to her or anyone else he came across. The tazer is not a perfect non-lethal weapon, but until they come up with something better, I think that is what should be used. I would think that they test them occasionally, if not they should. This incident was unfortunate, but unavoidable.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 12:48 AM
I thought that I would share this information.

The autonomic nervous system controls our heart rate. Special cells send electrical impulses (nerve signals) through the heart, causing it to contract and relax rhythmically. Resting heart rate can be quickly speeded up and so increase the oxygen output enormously. This happens through numerous forms.(ie: getting excited, feeling anxious, jogging, etc). Any disturbance during the miniscule period of resting heart rate can cause death. An example: you sitting down relaxing, someone comes from behind and scares you. Believe it or not, if that person catches your heart's resting rate intervel, welcome to Heaven.

This does make me wonder, are the manfacturers at fault? Or gov't for not seeing what weapon the tasers could be?

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 02:47 AM

my first question is where was her backup?

A cow pasture!! this may have been a small town, just a thought.

you get a call about some crzy guy roaing arround why only a single cop responding? it seems that the police or this officer CREATED a bad situation by haveing a lone cop trying to deal with someone who may have been drunk, stoned, "crazy" or possibly even suffering from a head wound.

OK, first of all...give blame where it is due, yeah if the case is as stated in the story then then maybe the cops or like 1% to blame for not having back-up, if that. Next the police officer did not CREATE a bad situation. The second he decided to do drugs (if he did it) then he CREATED that bad situation. NOT THE COPS.

Put blame where it is due. Yes the gov't and cops may be somewhat responsible for allowing low-lifes like this to walk the streets, but to say the police-officer CREATED this bad situation is crazy......

And by reading your piece I assume you think that all cops are corrupt and would lie about such things....well I invite you to wake up and smell the truth. Most cops are not currupt...its just that the corrupted cops get all the media and that's all you see.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 03:06 AM
actualy it is more from personal experiance with cops. and yes i have actualy met a couple decent ones. too bad for the most part they tend to be power hungry creatons.

as for the drug thing. he MAY have been on drugs. that is not a fact in this story as we know it. it was a suposition based on his behavior. a person suffering a head injury may act equily. it could even have been a drug conflic between two legitimate drugs he was takeing. he may even have been dosed against his wishes. it happens i have found out the hard way about that myself. someone could have slipped a little something into his drink or food. it could have been administered even by just topuching something that has been treated with a drug. it could have even been something mied into some harmeless weed that he did not know about. so it MAY NOT HAVE BEEN HIS FAULT. that is if he even was on a drug.

as for the cop being alone. how do they know that there is only one person involved? esspecialy at night. that is putting a cop at risk under any circumstance. there should always be at least two cops involved in ANY situation at night at the least. i would even recomend it dureing the day. that is a little mnore than 1% responsibility. if there were two cops minimum they could have kept their distance if need be without worrying as much about their life as if something were to happen there would be a second cop to come to the aid of the first.

the fact is that taesers are considdered non-lethal, but in reality they can be leathal. as such they should not be used iunless it is a last resort. in this case it APEARS that the officer in question thought it was a last resort. but that WOULD have been a differant story if she had had at least a partner with her. lets remember that no one else is arround to either back up or disprove her story. yet another reason to have a wsecond cop at the least on scean. sure they may try to cover something up. but it is far easyer to find out the truth with multiple witnesses. we only have one cop's word on what happened. unfortunately even cops lie. so we realy have no idea what realy happened that night. and one person lies dead verry possibly just because she was alone. and being alone seemed to have no recourse than to use deadly force in a situation that it may or may not have been needed.

like i said earlyer she may have even done something as easy as mistaken a stumble for an attack. something that may have not had such dire conciquenses if there was more than her there.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 03:12 AM
The Not-So-Fine Print

Originally posted by XXX
``We've used the Taser on numerous occasions before,'' Moneypenny said. ``But this is the first time a person has ever died in police custody in my 27 years with the department.''

It's an epidemic!

Time to freak out, speak in sanctimonious tones about how horrible cops are, make sweeping generalizations and preach from our chairs.

Perspective: R.I.P.

We hardly knew ya.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 03:26 AM
A pattern of irresponsible use has been well established across the country, despite this department's excellent history of keeping its suspects alive.

This department had a very good record in that regard. I see no reason to demonize this cop, I see no reason to cry bloody murder over this event, I see no reason to assume this was anything other than a tragic accident, but I see every reason to lobby for responsible Taser use.

The problem, I think, is that there are many people who actually believe that Tasers are non-lethal. That's despite the body of evidence to the contrary. Amnesty International has done a good job lobbying against the non-lethal label, but they are fighting against a weapons contractor with inside connections across the country.

Cops are naturally going to feel better about drawing a non-lethal weapon rather than a less than lethal, assuming their intent is not to kill. So why are we mislabeling the tools we give to our officers? The label is making the cops more willing to use the weapon, in situations where it was perhaps not necessary. For example, kids, pregnant women, prone suspects, verbally abusive suspects, the elderly, etc...

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 04:04 AM

A pattern of irresponsible use has been well established across the country, despite this department's excellent history of keeping its suspects alive.

Can you please provide statistics that prove that it is a "pattern" of irresponsible behavior. A few cases compared to the MANY times everyday tasers are used by cops does not make it a widespread pattern of irresponsible behavior.

What other alternatives would you suggest?
Are these alternatives non-lethal?
Are they convenient and easy for cops to access when needed?

Note: These days police are using the term "less than lethal" to describe these things.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 04:18 AM
Only in America...What a lovely FREE administration that keeps control of it's citizens by Tazer...deadly at time I see too, now that will make them varmints think twice about dissenting and disobeying, won't it.....???

Do people not realise the net is tightening..Do people not realise that their country is not free but impisoned in chains we call "democracy"?

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 07:01 AM
Taser Vision

Originally posted by Mayet
Only in America...

Tasers are used in other countries, also. That's why the company is called TASER International.

So no, not “only in America”.

Jurisdictional Ambiguity

Originally posted by Mayet
What a lovely FREE administration that keeps control of it's citizens by Tazer.

If you are referring to the U.S. federal government, it wasn't involved in this case.

If you are referring to the Summit County Sheriff's Department, I'm sure they would be interested in hearing your ideas for how to better handle people who attack their deputies.

So would I.

What do you recommend for stopping a guy who's 6'2” tall, 180 pounds and charging you?

You're quick enough to condemn these people who do this for a living, so let's hear how you would do a better job.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 10:11 AM
Somebody wanted to know how powerful the Taser was. According to WOIO channel 19,

"The Taser's two barbed wires delivered 50,000 volts to Holcomb, paralyzing his muscles."
See the link for more details.

The Coroner has not released any information from an autopsy yet.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by drogo

as for the drug thing. he MAY have been on drugs. that is not a fact in this story as we know it. it was a suposition based on his behavior. a person suffering a head injury may act equily. it could even have been a drug conflic between two legitimate drugs he was takeing. he may even have been dosed against his wishes. it happens i have found out the hard way about that myself.

First off, the mother said that he was healthy, so we can rule out a drug conflict between two legit drugs. Second, he has a history with drug and acohol use and was charged with it. Third, he went to a party with friends. Lastly, he had been in trouble before, but "nothing serious." I'm sure the parents wouldn't have considered this serious either, had he not have died.

What's my point? That I gues it IS possible an 18 year old male with a history of getting into trouble, drug and alcohol use, went to a graduation party with friends and had all intentions of staying sober.
While sipping on soda pop and eating Cheetos at the GRADUATION PARTY
, he and his friends got into an arguement over which was the best Star Wars movie. His friends decided to leave and make their friend walk home to think about what he had said. I mean come'on, anybody who thinks Empire was better than Jedi deserves to walk home, right?
On his way he decided to stop in a nearby barn because he thought he felt some raindrops. Since he was sober and such a considerate son, he decided against calling his parents for a ride home, and instead decided to wait in the barn for a little bit to work on his poetry. After all, barnyard animals and the smell of manure inspired him.
While going over his poetry, he became angry because he couldn't believe his English teacher failed him time after time. I mean, this was good stuff, and now he has to go for his HS equiv. degree. He began reciting his poems louder and louder and eventually it woke up the home owner, who then called the police.
When the officer arrived she asked what was the matter. He would not respond. He just kept reciting his poetry louder and louder. She askes again. "This is good stuff!" he yelled at the officer in anguish. The officer thinks that he is referring to the drugs he MUST be on. Now he begins singing his poems, and the officer thinks that he is singing rap songs. It has to be rap. He's an 18 year old kid on drugs. Besides, that's what they teach you in the police acadamy.
"But what did they teach us to do next in this situation?" she thinks to herself. They went over this senerio a thousand time in class.... "Teenage kid , messed up on drugs, singing rap songs in a barn. Teenage kid , messed up on drugs, singing rap songs in a barn. Wait! I remember!" she says to herself.
"Use your stun gun, set to kill, aim and fire. Make it look like a self-defense accident. Guns are too obvious." So she pulls out her stun gun, and as the young man approached her for a hug with tears in his eyes, the heartless, corrupted police officer aims and fires....

Sound rediculous? I don't mean to joke about someone's death. I am just saying that given what we know, this COULD have happened, but we all know it didn't go down like this. Just like we all know this kid didn't suffer from a head injury, or someone slipping something into his drink, or a bad reaction to mixed meds. This kid was a trouble maker, he brought this on himself, and as a result, is now dead, and destroyed many people's lives, including his family, the police officer, and her family as well.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 04:27 PM
The Greatest Story Never Told

Woodside, please don't ever change.

Yes, it is a tragic situation, but self-deception at ATS is also tragic.

Sometimes you just have to drive the point home with ruthless aplomb, as you have.

I regret having no WATS votes left.

That was truly a magnificent post.

And yes, you better believe that anybody who thinks Empire was better than Jedi deserves to walk home!

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 05:00 PM
well Tasers deliver 50,000 volts, but only for a milisecond. So don't let the number scare you and make you go nuclear. Electric chairs used about 1000 to 3000 volts but that is over a few minutes... big differance to tasers.

There is a study in progress at UW-Madison to do independant study on Pigs, recently one of the scientists was takeng out of the study becasue of conflicts of interest.

WE will know in a year I guess

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 05:05 PM
Woodside, That was awesome....

moving man, very moving......

have you considered writing non-fiction?

you're good at it!

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 03:49 PM
When I Started this thread, I was asked to post the whole article because the Akron Beacon Journal requires registration. I am Copy-Pasting this update.

Posted on Wed, Jun. 01, 2005

Taser witness backs officer
Property owner says Springfield officer stayed calm in incident with man who died
By Ed Meyer
Beacon Journal staff writer

SPRINGFIELD TWP. - A witness to last weekend's fatal injury of an Akron man who died after being stunned with a police Taser gun said she saw and heard the responding officer act calmly and professionally throughout the entire incident.

Deborah Hartman, who called Springfield Township police early Saturday to report trespassing on her property in the 600 block of Griffith Road said the officer ``had a firm voice, but (was) extremely calm, and she never raised her voice, ever.''

Hartman described the officer's reaction in detail during a telephone interview Tuesday, saying she was able to hear the officer because she has an intercom system inside a horse barn on a grazing pasture where the confrontation occurred.

The officer was identified in a township police incident report, also released Tuesday, as Kristina K. Albrecht. Township Capt. Garry Moneypenny said the 28-year-old officer has been with the department for more than three years and never has had a report of excessive force filed against her.

Richard T. Holcomb, the 18-year-old victim who lived with family members at a residence in the 500 block of Gibbs Road in East Akron, was taken to Akron City Hospital and died there early Saturday, shortly after the incident, Moneypenny said.

Preliminary results of an autopsy by the Summit County Medical Examiner's Office, Moneypenny said, showed there were no cuts, bruises, broken bones or open wounds on the body, except for small penetration holes where the Taser's two electronic prongs struck Holcomb in the chest and rib cage.

Medical Examiner Lisa J. Kohler said the cause and manner of death were pending further toxicological and microscopic tests. She refused to comment on other aspects of the autopsy, except to say the additional test results would be available in ``a few weeks.''

Holcomb's death was the second Summit County fatality this year involving a police Taser.

Albrecht was on paid leave Tuesday while two separate investigations of the incident were continuing, Moneypenny said.

In addition to the township police investigation, he said, the Summit County Prosecutor's Office was reviewing reports and taped statements.

The officer's status was determined by department procedure for all incidents that result in a suspect's death, Moneypenny said.

He said the man and others were at a party Friday night at a township residence in the 3000 block of Brunk Road, near Hartman's property. Officers were continuing to investigate what happened at the party, who was with Holcomb immediately before the incident and how Holcomb wound up near the horse barn on Griffith Road.

The owner of the residence where the party was held, identified by police as Cheryl A. Violet, said Tuesday she had no comment.

Officer's response

Asked to describe whether Albrecht, the responding officer, acted properly, Hartman replied: ``absolutely properly.'' From her home where she called police at a nonemergency number, she said she was less than 100 feet from the Taser shooting and saw part of Holcomb's and the officer's reactions in the darkness because the area is illuminated by security lights.

``I have to commend her for her calmness, her professionalism,'' Hartman said. ``It was just total professionalism. Her backup, when they arrived, was total professionalism.''

According to initial comments by Moneypenny, the man appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs and was not wearing a shirt.

``At some point, the male subject suddenly became aggressive toward the female officer and charged toward her,'' the captain said in a statement released the morning after the incident.

Hartman, who works for Springfield Township as an assistant zoning inspector, said she first saw the suspect and two other young men in a neighbor's driveway, also illuminated by security lights. She said they were running wildly and screaming.

``The screaming was ungodly, so I called police and told them exactly what was going on,'' Hartman said.

By the time the responding officer arrived, about five minutes after her 12:49 a.m. call, Hartman said the three youths ``had climbed over a fence and were directly in my pasture.''

Two of the youths soon ran away and were out of sight, leaving the lone suspect in the pasture, she said.


No matter what the officer told the suspect, ``there was no response from him, really,'' Hartman said. ``He was saying stuff, but it was too muffled because my dogs were barking.''

There was a brief silence, after which she said she caught a glimpse of the suspect ``going up with his hands in the air,'' lunging at the officer.

``Then I heard the Taser (go off) once, and that was it,'' Hartman said.

Even after the suspect was down, she said, the officer ``kept telling him to be calm, just lay quiet, be still, she knew it hurt, help was coming.''

She described the suspect as a ``pretty big boy.'' Holcomb's mother, who made initial comments about the incident early Saturday evening, said her son was 6-foot-2, 180 pounds, and ``solid muscle.''

Moneypenny said the responding officer is 5-foot-5, 125 pounds.

The department had ``frequent dealings'' with Holcomb as a juvenile, the captain said.

According to Akron Municipal Court records, Holcomb was arrested in February, two days after his birthday, following a car accident. He was charged with and convicted of possession of alcohol and drug paraphernalia, receiving a 180-day jail sentence with most of the sentence suspended, the records stated.

Moneypenny said township officers had used the Taser many times previously but this was the first such death in his 27 years with the department.

Meanwhile, Medina city officials say its police department has been trying to get Tasers, but City Council has been hesitant to give the go-ahead.

Council President Pamela Miller said council members began having second thoughts when reports of an Akron man's Taser-related death surfaced earlier this year.

``It's disturbing when you hear about these fatalities,'' Miller said.

Funeral services for Holcomb are to be held today.

Ed Meyer can be reached at [email protected]. Staff writers Jewell Cardwell, Lisa Abraham and Julie Wallace contributed to this report.


© 2005 Beacon Journal and wire service sources. All Rights Reserved.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 04:15 PM
Tasers are evil.
Stick with guns

Guns make much better non lethal weapons right? I mean the chances of you surviving a gunshot is much higher than surviving a taser right?

Just look at the stats. More people die from tasers than guns.....


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