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Sex Offender Epidemic

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posted on May, 24 2005 @ 07:33 PM
I was having a discussion at work the other day with some friends and we where talking about the increase of crimes involving children. It seems like it is wide spread and increasing at an alarming speed.

I am so tired of all these types of reports on the news lately.

What's going on here ? Has it always been around ? Are we just now opening our eyes to this activity ? Is it increasing and why ?

Regardless of these questions above; it just makes me very angry that these type of people are living umong us. Like right next door to you and me and to our schools, libraries, parks etc.... What the F_ _ _! is going on here ! We need some answers and now !

I took it a step futher and looked at the Megans Law website as well as the goverment / county sites and I couldn't have even imagined the amount of offenders that live within a 3 mile radius of my home. I live one block away from an elementry school and I have 5 right around my home, . It doesn't list any real info but shows maps and circles where these people live. No addresses, phone numbers etc...... But I think that you can obtain some information through either the megans site or one of the state and county sites. I will be trying this tonight.

A far as I am concerned these people have no rights. Once they crossed the line and abducted, assaulted, molested or raped a child or an adult for that matter, they should be locked away for good. There is no rehabilitaion for these creeps.

How many times have we heard the story on the news that the assumed abductor had been convicted of these type of horrible crimes in the past maybe 2 or 3 times ! Astonishing ! Am I the only one who feels this way ??

What does our own government do about this ? It seems nothing. These people are the type of people who get squeezed out of the system because or jails are too full. Too full of what may I ask ? Oh yeah we need to house the financial crimers for 25 years or the person who has 5 pot plants in his own home for his own personal use for 10 years ?

So what do they do ? Remove them from jail and back into the streets with a pass to see a psycologist a few times.

Then I hear our tax dollars are paying for pills for the sexual impotencey problems of these sex offendors.

What the Heck is going on here ? Am I the only one who feels this way ??

What are we going to do about this ?

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 10:12 PM
I agree, there are too many sex offenders, or at least it seems like it. And the sex offenders seem to be finding younger and younger victims. What's with that guy who raped an 8 year old girl, then stuffed her in a trash can to be left for dead?!

I believe the laws are not tough enough for these crimes, and honestly, I really don't think anything will change until something like this happens to the lawmakers (i'm talking about family members of the senate, like a daughter, or niece....until it happens to them, the laws will be nil.) Thats just my opinion.

I'm just so glad I don't have a daughter to worry about.

Oh, something that may be contributing to this growing problem....the Internet, and the easy access to porn.


[edit on 24-5-2005 by Faeryland]

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 11:13 PM
I don't know but maybe it's a matter of the internet allowing you to know more about what's going on around you then you used to. I think at first, a lot of this was swept under the rug and not seriously considered to society being male dominated and the world at whole being male dominated. I mean heck, in China, if it's a girl, they just throw her down a well and say good riddens. I'm totally serious. In other countries, girls are "forced" to get married and forced blah blah blah blah blah.

I don't know what to think about it. I don't even know how young people used to get married and how they went about getting married on the "frontier." You still have to deal with the fact that child labor laws were enacted in "this" century. Womens rights were enacted in "this" century. Geez, most of the laws that involve serously not sweeping something under the rug didn't happen until "this" century.

A lot of the cases involving this subject didn't really come forward until the media jumped all over the priest. Now the media is looking everywhere for the smoking gun and what may have been something they may have occured every so often is turning really weird. It's like in every story and the weird thing is now, I even see it in this blog which for since the start of this site have never seen anything remotely related to this and now I'm trying to debate about another thing about human nature.

As the world open's up, you'll begin to see that the world does not operate on the fuzzy warm feelings that the "watered down" television presents. Ever seen the video "Faces of Death?" I didn't hear a large public outcry over that video or maybe the internet wasn't set-up to hangle a large public outcry or something.

So now, oh my, I knew law is passed and after that law is passed, another law. And then the people who have anything to say about it are suddenly stoned and only one side is heard. I'll be glad when somebody who keeps bringing up sex topics finally get the middle finger and we switch to important things like, why aren't kids as advanced thinkers as in the cartoon "The Jestons?" Why is it the year 2005 and we're still stuck on this misearble rock driving in internal combustion engines and chocking off of our own filth? Is it because people keep bombarding people with these moralistic choice crap decisions rather then making "cold fusion." Do people have no better way to waste tax payers money. What are we going to look for next?

I don't care about the politics of it. I don't like murder but this is one moral crusade that is going to waste a lot of money and there are people in the states that are going to use this moral crusade to change the world along with being homesexual and just about everything else. Sorry, I've got my own beat to march to and have fun with this morale crusade.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by FaerylandOh, something that may be contributing to this growing problem....the Internet, and the easy access to porn.


I think this is part of the problem, Pornography is not cheesy basslines and hour long B Movie sex scenes anymore. I seen a statistic somewhere that said 90% of all movies released in the U.S. are pornographic films... that is a lot!
So, with all these thousands of movies available, they can make impressions on people.
Not so long ago, i saw a documentary about the Porn Industry, and i saw something that shocked me more than anything else!
One of the best known Porn Directors in the U.S. is a guy called Max Hardcore, and he makes his movies to "push the boundaries" as much as he can. He casts the youngest girls he can, and does anything he can get away with. However, the thing that shocked me the most was his wardrobe, it was full of CHILDRENS CLOTHING! He dresses the young models up in these clothes, then does what he does. Now just think of the messages this can be given to people watching!

The problem is a growing one, but i think it has probably been something that we have not heard about in the past, even though it has been going on. With so many media now, it is hard to hide it.
It is a disgusting thing, and hopefully can decrease.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 11:00 AM
Well pfunkarocka, one of these days when you become a parent.....your whole view of the world changes. Should you have a little daughter, you will find your opinion of child molestors will never be the same again.....

Back on topic, If the government cannot keep these monsters locked up and can no longer protect our society....than we citizens will take matters into our own hands.

Liberals have hijacked our judicial system to be more "compassionate" and "understanding" of these monsters and it looks like they have FAILED to control them....its only a matter of time before honest parents string these A**holes up from a lightpost as a warning to other child molestors.....

Is that civilized? Nope, but you can't apply civilized laws to animals that hunt children.


posted on May, 25 2005 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Truthisoutthere was having a discussion at work the other day with some friends and we where talking about the increase of crimes involving children. It seems like it is wide spread and increasing at an alarming speed.

I am so tired of all these types of reports on the news lately.

What's going on here ? Has it always been around ?

There've allways been sex offenders, now its just reported much more often, and gets very wide coverage, international and national coverage.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 11:27 AM
THere is definitely an upward trend in this kind of activity. Buy a cop a cup of coffee, and ask her or him about it.

The porn industry is one cause.

I think a more serious one is that more and more young men are never socialized about how to relieve tension, either rage or sexual frustration.

You can see this crisis in "soccer dads" beating coaches and referees.

In school shootings (definitely a new crime)

In riots at basketball games

In gang rapes (another crime on the rise, which gets ZERO media attention).

I remember pulling over a carload of teenage boys who were driving erratically on a Friday night. My partner & I checked 'em out. No drugs or anything. just flirting with a car of girls who were also 'dragging.'

I kidded the boys, telling them that, back in my day, I'd have been in the car with the girls, and not in a car full of men(!) They said they had no idea how to ask them out (!) I said that if they would listen to music people could dance to, then they could ask the girls to a dance.

I asked them if they had ever been on a date---out of 6 boys, the oldest 19, none of them ever had!

See, the real problem is that we don't tell boys what it means to be a man. How to approach a woman. How to behave. What is important. How to deal with rejection.

In a past generation, the boy scouts or the masons would have taught them. In primitive societies, a Kiva or hunting lodge would have socialized them. Now, all boys have to make men out of them is gangs and video games. Half of which are lessons in gang life.

BEfore you post about what a chauvanist I am, take a look at the ratio of Male felons to Female. Then, let's talk.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 07:06 PM
To respond to " pfunkarocka's"

I am not sure how you got from sexual crimes involving children to your crusade for morales ?

Did you take offense to anything I said ? Did I strike a nerve ? Or maybe you condone this type of action ? ( sexual crimes against children ) You were trying to bring up some type of negative propaganda with regard to the great morale crusade.

My intensions were not to bring up the morality issue, but you did ?

Do you believe that a sex crime ( Like Rape ) against someone elses body, mind and spirit is a morality issue ? Wrong It is a matter of right and wrong and that is different than a morale.

Here is the definition of morale according to Webster:

Pronunciation: 'mor-&l, 'mär-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin moralis, from mor-, mos custom
1 a : of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ETHICAL b : expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior c : conforming to a standard of right behavior d : sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment e : capable of right and wrong action

Do you personally have to question yourself in regards to " Is it ok behavior to rape someone?" or let alone taking pictures as in kitty porn as an example ? If in fact you pose this as a question of morality, you beleive that rape is ok if it's ok in ones mind. Is that a fair statment ? If yes then we know what side of the fence you sit on when it comes to a crime such as rape.

I am sorry to see that another human being anywhere in the world would have to question this as a moral or ethic.

But then again thats one of the dimensions in the psych of a serial killer or rapists mind. SCARY !!

Like I said, I wasn't trying to make a morality issue out of this, but you wanted to.

Now I truly understand why we have all the horrible crimes against other human beings. Because their are in fact a percentage of peole with this type mentality that has to question in their own mind if it's right or wrong.

I guess you were right when you said " Sorry, I've got my own beat to march to and have fun with this morale crusade. "

It sounds to me like you have a hang up against the moral crusade against homosexuality and that's a totally different topic than a sexual crime against someones elses will. Or is it not to you ?

Well now back to the true topic at hand.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 07:22 PM
I'm under the impression that these days this kind of news is more likely to make a headline than before, therefore there is a perception of increasing statistics.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 08:00 PM
If I rember right there are about 30,000 regestered sex offenders. So you should not be suprised about the numbers of them liveing in your general area.
Also with the a population of 258,103,721 that would mean there is one registered offender for every 8,603 persons, or you could break that down by the size of city you happen to be in, or that is about 600 per state.

Or as many have alread done you can look up all the names a other information that is on file for your area.

The figuers I listed may be out of date, that is just what I had at hand.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 08:13 PM
I have to agree with the fellow above that the media coverage of this makes it seem like an epidemic, when perhaps the number of assaults is not on the rise (I don't know).

I would assume this has been happening for as long as there have been humans. Wasn't it common practice in Sparta for warriors to take pre-pubescent male "lovers"? Is there is just a percentage of people born with a desire to be with children sexually?

Which brings me to a question I often ponder- Is this nature or nurture?

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 08:50 PM
Well, this thread is full of extremely lengthy posts, and as such, I have not read them all, nor do I plan to.

However, this kind of thing has been around for an extremely long time, it is only now that it seems like there is an increase, in my opinion it is because the media is trying to keep are attention off the really important things, but thats another discussio altogether.

It is my opinion, that if the individuals in questions are older than the age of 12, and in consent, than they can do as they like, however, I do not condone the molestation, that is, having non-consensual sex with them.

I beleive that people like such, can be rehabilitated, however this may not always be the case, I do think, that if they are put in prison more than twice, they should be kept there permanently.

And no, I do not prefer the company of those younger than myself, I myself am under 21.
I am a psychological Asexual, that means that I do not like either male or female sexualy or romanticaly.

Im sure a great amount of you will make crude remarks about my beleifs on this topic, this would;nt really surprise me, since I am the opposite of normal western society.

Anyways, to those of you that would criticise me for my beleif on the subject matter, I have only this to say to you:
It is not right to critisize people just because they are different from you/beleive the opposite of you, also, I really dont care what you think of me.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Truthisoutthere
I was having a discussion at work the other day with some friends and we where talking about the increase of crimes involving children. It seems like it is wide spread and increasing at an alarming speed.
What's going on here ? Has it always been around ? Are we just now opening our eyes to this activity ? Is it increasing and why ?

unfortunately it HAS been arround virtualy forever. it was not realy covered as much though untill recent SOME of it is just news sensationalizim. also i think most of these crimes were not covered so as not to cause more harm to those children involved. there name may not be mentioned but they still certainly would know it to be themselves being reported on and so it will still hurt them further. i also feel that perhaps it realy wasn't covered before due to not wanting to give others ideas.

Regardless of these questions above; it just makes me very angry that these type of people are living umong us. Like right next door to you and me and to our schools, libraries, parks etc.... What the F_ _ _! is going on here ! We need some answers and now !

i tend to agree with you on that one. when i first moved here i went out with a nebour and her family on halloween. they wanted to show me a paticular house that always went way above with their decorations, as well as a couple houses that like to up onemanship themselves every year. (some realy cool decorations too). well we were passing this one house when the mother and grandmother pointed out that this is where the child molester lives when he gets out of jail. man that realy freaked me out even though i don't have kids.

A far as I am concerned these people have no rights. Once they crossed the line and abducted, assaulted, molested or raped a child or an adult for that matter, they should be locked away for good. There is no rehabilitaion for these creeps.

i admit that i am of two minds about this. on one hand that is how i tend to feel. on the other well people can change, if they can't then we are all doomed (not just about this). also i have to wonder about how many have possibly been conveiniant scapegoats to pin these crimes on and as such are wrongfully convicted.

How many times have we heard the story on the news that the assumed abductor had been convicted of these type of horrible crimes in the past maybe 2 or 3 times ! Astonishing ! Am I the only one who feels this way ??

well first of ASSUMED does not always mean that they are in fact guilty of it. errors can happen when you assume. but i adit yet again that it tends to piss me off when i hear about the fact that it WAS a previous offender that was guilty.

What does our own government do about this ? It seems nothing. These people are the type of people who get squeezed out of the system because or jails are too full. Too full of what may I ask ? Oh yeah we need to house the financial crimers for 25 years or the person who has 5 pot plants in his own home for his own personal use for 10 years ?

it certainly seems that way don't it? i am sick of violent offenders getting "a couple of years" and those who smoke pot get 5-10. it does seem that justice seems to be more in favore of violent crimes and getting off, whereas someone not harming anyone gets screwed by the same systom.

So what do they do ? Remove them from jail and back into the streets with a pass to see a psycologist a few times.

murderers get the same treatments. "oh it wasn't their fault that this happened, they were temporarily or permanantly insane, they can't be held responsible for what they have done", oh boo hoo.

which brings up another possible reason for the increase of this type of crime. it seems that a victome of this has a strong tendancy to become that which was done to them. in otherwords, a child raped (especialy boys), has a much higher chance of becomming a child rapist themselves. so if you figure that one offender offends say 10 times. you now have a likely 10 MORE offenders in 10-15 years. then say each of them do it 10 times, so you may have up to 100 more committing the crime in 10-15 years, and so on, and so on. remember that quite a lot of kids will not admit freely to what has been done so there is little that can be done to even try to help them afterwords. AND THAT is the most trubbleing thing about this type of crime. the fact that it tends to reproduce like this. not to mention of course that a past victome can often capitalize on this to get sympathy from both judge and jury. "oh it's realy not his fault, look at how he was abused".

unfortunatly they do have a point (kinda minor but still valid). untill we find a way to stop that type of reproduction of this type of criminal, it will just keep on growin larger. like the mythical hydra- cut off one head and many more will grow to take it's place. and that is where the failure realy is. but what can we do to stop it? i wish i knew that answer. because untill we have a gueronteed fix it will unfortunately not ever stop. todays victom too often becomes tomorrows offender. so do we just lock up all the victomes as well? do we just watch all victomes afterwords? what about the unknown victoms? or those who for some reason are mentaly disturbed enough to offend without being a victom? untill we can fix the problem how can we stop it? these are the HARD QUESTIONS. and unfortunatly the important ones as well. like it or not it has to be a mental problem, one that can be caused just by being a victom of this type of crime.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 09:42 PM
It appears to be like the "Summer of the Shark", where the media hops onto a story and reports more and more of the same thing. In that summer, the media made everyone believe more attacks had occurred that summer than ever before when in fact they were less that year.

I am not condoning the crimes that are commited, but simply arguing that these crimes have been occurring for a long time. Population increases, the number of sex offenders grows. Remember that once a person commits one sex related crime they are labeled a sex offender. The term sex offender also is a label that spans many different acts, not all upon minors.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 10:45 PM
Well said Red Golem and drogo !!

I actually heard today that there was 65,000 sex offendors and 128,000 non registered.

I live in southern California and for each of the average sized metropolis's it seems to be a huge percentage per area. In a one mile square area I have 18. That's way to high and that's just the registered ones. In most of the other areas in the same region are 15 to 26 per square mile.

One thing I did notice when I was looking at the map was that it seems to be in certain locations where they are living. Do some cities not allow registered sex offendors to live within there limits ? Does the law have any jurisdiction where and where not they live ?

To some of the respondants, I don't believe you can fully understand the impact of this in ones lives, till you either live through it yourself or have a son or daughter in your lives.

I am not sure whom said that it should be ok for a 12 year old to have sex with an adult if it's consentual ? What ? You got to be kidding. A child is not even near the age of accountability at 12. Imagine how many more messed up people we would have in our country if this was acceptable ? The US would turn into a giant Thailand.

Like some mentioned that it never affects just one person. It affects the immediate victim and there family's as well as the perpetrators family. Like it was said the chance of a victim once treating there kids in a similiar fashion are pretty high. Not as high as domestic violence or child abuse but it's on the rise for sure.

Could it be that we as a country are flushing the morales once fought for straight down the toilet ?

One thing for sure that these scums are not the majority in this great country of ours and it is our duties as parents to make sure that we have tougher laws on these sick and twisted criminals.

As far as rehabilitation is concerned I beleive the statistic is very low for someone not to ever repeat this crime again.

Keep the kids safe !!!!!

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 01:30 AM
I don't think it is important if it appears to be on the rise because of media coverage. If it only happens once a year to one child that is one child too many.

These people are sick, mentally ill. Prison does not treat mental illness. How can anyone expect these people not to be repeat offenders? Are they just going to stop doing something that is wrong and disgusting on so many levels simply because they don't want to go to jail? If that were the case they wouldn't have done it in the first place.

As the father of two children I am constantly worried for their safety. I shouldn't have to worry about some sexual deviant abusing them or even worse. I shouldn't have to. It makes me so mad, ONE IS TOO MANY.

These people should spend years in therapy, and I think should only be released from prison if they agree to chemical castrastion. It is sickening. It makes me so freakin' mad....

This doesn't even cover parent's or caregivers who simply harm or kill children through neglect or mistreatment.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 02:18 AM
Unfortunately Dave, keeping that many of the offenders in jail would mean you would have to sacrifice the cells of the people who truly belong in jail- drug addicts.

Here in southern California in the past week there has been news coverage of at least two public protests outside the homes of released sex offenders. This bothers me and I don't really know why. Maybe because it's blatant fear-mongering, maybe it's because the offenders paid the price for their crimes already (but are most likely not rehabilitated), or maybe it's because there is no solution to the problem.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Ray Davies
Unfortunately Dave, keeping that many of the offenders in jail would mean you would have to sacrifice the cells of the people who truly belong in jail- drug addicts.

I don't understand why anyone would believe that a drug addict truly belongs in jail [unless that person committed a crime to support said habit]. Otherwise, it's a 'crime against one's self', which I think is a waste. Drug addicts need treatment, not cells.

On the original topic. Well, let's put it this way. I know someone who is listed as a "sex offender". The crime? He picked up a girl at a 21-and-up nightclub after they both had a few drinks, went home and had consensual sex. Turns out the girl was 17 and in the club with a forged I.D. She wrote the experience down in her diary - the mother read the diary - and decided to press charges. Now he has to spend the rest of his life branded as a "sex offender". Apparently, there are no mitigating circumstances involved in certain crimes. This guy was a nice guy who got duped, and paid, and is paying, quite a price for coming into contact with a liar.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 03:00 PM
I agree one sex offendor is too many !!!

As far as the drug addicts are concerned, I agree that they do not belong in jail. Jail is not going to help them. It is a crime against ones self and unless that person wants help you cannot help them.

Our whole legal system is one big let down as far as I am concerned. It's not a matter of releasing the drug addicts to make room for the sex offendors. Why don't we realeas the people that are in jail for traffic tickets, or other misdemeanors.

If we need to make more jails to house these sickly F'd Up people then we should. One childs safety is worth it. Knowone deserves to be put through a rape. It is a hideous crime against another that has long term affets to ones psyc, physical being and spirit forever.

There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for an adult to ever touch a child in an inapproprietly way. THATS IT. THERE IS NO QUESTION IF IT IS OK OR NOT. IT IS NOT. For the person that thinks this is acceptable is sick in the head.

I like the comment about castration. I think this should be mandatory for any type of sexual crime against anothers will ! Might sound tough but then there is no grey area.

Well I am tired of this subject already. It also sickens me that there are actually people replying to this subject that condone this type of activity.
Sounds like Michael Jackson !

I am sure that every parent feels the same way unless they have a mental illness: And that is " If anyone touches our children in a sexual way they should pay with there own lives !


The Righteous shall inherit the earth !!

Keep the pressure on top of ouy local government and kick these sicko's out away from our homes ! We pay way too much for property in California to put up with this B.S.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 03:34 PM
I'm sorry fellas but I was being sarcastic. I guess my sense of humor has atrophied from lack of use.

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