I am an ordinary person with a family to protect. If some nasty things are coming down I want to know about it. If something is coming and you know
about it please stand up as the righteous men you claim to be and speak out! All this conspiracy stuff is being dumped on society from the web and
lately heavily from TV, Coast to CoastAM, Air America Radio, etc. Sunday night TV is all Crusades, end of the world scenarios, deadly viruses, earth
changes, holy blood holy grail etc. etc. People are being ensnared by credit and technology and idiot making media.
Some of you Mason defenders have been saying that the Masons have no secerets, no power, and no inner circles hidden from the lower ranks. I find that
very difficult to believe from a long range historical view. I am no expert on any of this but I have made a real effort to see it all as an overview
from a completely independent position (I distrust organizations generally). I have no affilation or axe to grind. Do you really know nothing?
Can anyone deny that there is a long stream of occult, Gnostic, Egtptian, Solomonic, Zionist, Kabbalic, etc. going a hell of a long way back that has
heavy idealogic overlaps between Freemasonry, Templars, Rosicricians, Illuminists etc. Sorry folks I don't see from a larger perspective that all
these occult groups are so independent from each other. I think they are under the same umbrella and the Masons have alot of influence over many of
them. Why? This stream has continued to flow for so very long under various guises it must be more significant that say "Promise Keepers" and much
more than "steak night" and fun customes. The overlaps with the Crowleys, Anton leVeys, Theosophists etc. has such obvious overlaps with Luciferian
(or what ever you want to call it) appers pretty obvious again from a large perspective. The connections with world power over the centurys espicially
with the Mason, Zionists, Templars is also pretty obvious. How could this stream run for so long if it is impotent as you say? I could buy that the
lower ranks don't see the stuff at the top similar to the Mormons and Jehovas who I some real doubts about (at the top). I am sure you could split
hairs ad infinitum seperating these groups from each other but fundamentally I think most of this can be lumped together.
Anyway you have been very influential and the world has been a bloody ugly place if judjed as a whole. Were you responsible, I don't know but you
were around. When did Masons stand up and take a stand against the evil conducted by world rulers they were so close to? Men are known by their works.
Where are the good works of occult groups who claim to proctect divine knowledge from the lowly teaming hoardes but show no concern for them and just
pursue wealth and majical power and secrecy. Where were you when 1/3 of the Laotian population died for our little seceret drug money war during the
Vietnam War or MKULTRA was abusing children. You may be a false front end for some more powerful influence but why let yourself be used? What have you
done about satanic ritual abuse?
Wern't you there when the founding Masons and later Rockfellars, Rothchilds, Morgans, Dulles, etc were stealing control of this country?
I could be wrong, maybe you are impotent as you say and the world leaders are nothing more than than power hungry dolts who could not orchestrate a
fraction of what conspiratist can imagine. Perhaps we give them all too much credit. Maybe there is no one really at the top. It is just hard to
believe the stream could run so long and so powerfully if it is all nothing more than a boys club. Catherine Fitts could not seem to identify them
despite her knowledge of the massive drug money corruption of wall street.
And where is the evidence of the great magic power these groups lust after? I don't see anyone walking on water or bi-locating or healing the sick.
Again you are known by your works. Where are your majic powers? Have any of these adepts beat death or just caused it? Is the great secret really the
aliens or Annanuki?
I acknowledged my info comes partially from the web and it is a horrendous job to extract truth from it. Basically you can find whatever suits your
outlook. However even from the web when you find lots of pieces to the puzzle from different angles you start to build a base of belief.
How about the British Royalty Family linkage? More web stuff but there is so much of it.
Look I have nothing against any normal Mason, Mormom, Jew, Christian, etc but it seems utterly absurd to say it is all benign. If we were to remove
the Masons from the conspiratorial matrix we lose an awful lot of the linkages people make. So then let me ask you Masons "who is it" if it is not
you and you are not involved? Point the finger where blame is due and protect yourselves from slander but don't give me "steak night" at the old
temple or I'll never believ you. As you have been around so long any have been so close to world leaders you damn well should have some idea of truth
by now! Or do you think the world is a nice and TV normal place? Like I said there are children to protect in this world and if any of you Masons know
the truth about anything real speak out!
As a foot note here is something from the O.T.O. (supossedly). True or not I don't know but this is the kind of stuff that swamps the web
Liber LII
[Book 52]
Manifesto of the O.T.O.
The Manifesto provides a concise summary of the various threads of
initiatic tradition that make up the O.T.O.. It was first published
from Boleskine circa 1912 E.V., and reprinted in The Equinox III(1)
(Detroit: Universal, 1919).--H.B.
Peace, Tolerance, Truth; Salutation on All Points of the Triangle;
Respect To the Order. To All Whom It May Concern: Greeting and Health.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
1. The O.T.O. is a body of initiates in whose hands are concentrated
the wisdom and the knowledge of the following bodies:
a. The Gnostic Catholic Church.
b. The Order of the Knights of the Holy Ghost.
c. The Order of the Illuminati.
d. The Order of the Temple (Knights Templar).
e. The Order of the Knights of St. John.
f. The Order of the Knights of Malta.
g. The Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre.
h. The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal.
i. The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light.
j. The Holy Order of Rose Croix of Heredom.
k. The Order of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch.
l. The Antient and Primitive Rite of Masonry (33 degrees).
m. The Rite of Memphis (97 degrees).
n. The Rite of Mizraim (90 degrees).
o. The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Masonry (33 degrees).
p. The Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry.
q. The Order of the Martinists.
[edit on 16-11-2005 by newindustar]