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What the Heck!?! Greer is Talking with Aliens Now??

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posted on May, 16 2005 @ 09:21 PM

I don't see why it should be a blow to Ufology as a whole.
His credibility has always been questionable anyway.


Many of his (good) witnesses, gave their story long before meeting up with Greer. As one mentioned, no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater here....

Greer was always too accepting without evidence....and he had some bad apples along with good witnesses.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet
Did I miss something or is he now admiting (claiming) to be having discussions with Aliens?

No you did not "miss" anything, Because you are a Liar!

This seems to compromise his position even more than some had previously asserted here before because:


3) Its a pretty outlandish claim - has he finally stepped over the line and outted himself as a modern day P.T. Barnum!??

Outlandish it is, cause you made it up!!

I mean this statement suggests to mean theat he is indeed now spreading Dis-information or at least is totally compromised.

You are the Dis-informant, and you know it. Stop lying, and go confuse someone else. I know this cause I have the latest UFO magazine issue right beside me. I read Dr. Greer's paper about the ABC UFO special "Seeing is Believing," and he NEVER made such a comment.
It is people like you who have secret agendas and make others believe in the most absurd of lies, and this is why there will not be true disclosure at this time. People's minds are too vulnerable to such lies and that's why the Dis-information campaign will always prevail.

Take what everyone is talking about Dr. Greer, he's this, and he's that. But no matter what you think he is, he has done a lot more than Mr. TruthMagnet here, who just lied to you all, an worked up your Skeptic side. And now you are more confused today than yesterday, why? Cause you where just DIS-INFORMED!!!!

I am new to this site and to the blogging world, and I would like to put the whole four pages from the current UFO magazine to shut this DIS-INFORMANT out. I would appreciate if any expert on this blog could give me instructions on how to upload the papers to display them. But if we can't get the pages due to the posting space, I would strongly encourage everyone who believes this person to contact the magazine and ask them about this article. Visit,

I believe that this person should present this supposed article if he wants us to believe him, If not he should at least give us an apology for his deceitful claim. And if he can’t give this to us either, I would strongly encourage that we contact the administrators so that they can expel him from this blog forever.

I am tired of being lied to, I come to this blog to find new insight and I get this, hell no, I got to do something about this one baby!

[edit on 17-5-2005 by Cabanman]

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 04:24 AM
Thanks for letting us know Cabanman

So TruthMagnet, what do you have to say now ?

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 10:23 AM
Curiously quite.
Well maybe he had to go to work. Perhaps we'll hear a reply later.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 11:20 AM

No you did not "miss" anything, Because you are a Liar!

Let's watch the insults....please.

A point though, we've yet to see this article cited. The thread author has quoted Mr. Greer as saying something particular, but provided no evidence that this indeed was said, so barring such proof, one should take such comments with a grain of salt.....

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 01:21 PM
Well I think the Disclosure Project being fradulent (or compromised) is a blow to the science of UFOlogy.

In that they presented themselves as a more serious study of the phenomena.

And is there any other group presenting witnesses at all??

(Besides Coast to Coast - which I loathe)

I mean Joesph Gutheinz is available as far as I can see - maybe someone can sick Friedman on him for an official deposition?

Maybe have him medically checked out for the implant he suspects he has...

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 01:32 PM
Hey man,

I want Greer to be the real deal as much as you or anyone.

Now.. I may be more of a skeptic than many posters here - but I think the indirect evidence points to something real about this whole Alien thing.

It is so humorous to call me a dis-information agent cuz' the people at work get sick of me trying to open their eyes around here - and my wife actually cringes when I mention the word Alien now...

So I'm more of a Alien Evangelist if anything..

But if you have the latest issue can you confirm that it is mostly a collection of rebutalls to Peter Jennings special and can you please quote the specific sections of Greers Article where he discusses alien contact?

I suppose you could accuse me of saying abduction when he specifically says in the article that he does not like calling it "abduction" but its the same thing he is implying.

I have read the official reply he made on the disclosure web site, but it is not the same as the reply he made in the latest UFO magazine.

Now I don't want to call you untruthful now - but if u legitamately have the issue re-read waht he said - and please paraphrase it for us here with some actual direct quotes - and you will see that I am right.

I would really be quite the fool to mention the exact UFO related magazine around here if I was makin this stuff up.

Surely several people have Barnes and Nobles or Borders book store near where they live?

If I have to I will go back and try to copy it by hand - but I get weird looks from the employees when I do that kinda stuff

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 01:47 PM
Does this magazine or does it not quote greer as saying something like:

"When I have talked to the Aliens they have expressed that Humans are very difficult to work with"


If no, why has anyone stated that it does??? What is the issue and page number?

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 02:43 PM
Yeah Cabanman,

Bring It if you got Somethin'!!!

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 03:05 PM
I'm assuming it's the UFO Magazine April/May 2005 issue.

Is this correct? As found here?

Unfortunately, can't see the article, obviously. I'm not going to be able to personally verify this for a this is one busy week. Nearest store carrying it is a bit out of my way until around Sunday...

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 06:56 PM
TM, it would help if you had a citation for the source.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet
Yeah Cabanman,

Bring It if you got Somethin'!!!

Yes, I do have this magazine. And yes when I figure how to upload the pages in the post, you will know what I mean. Greer's paper takes up page #38 and is continued on pages #70 and #71. Next to his paper which is on page #38 is the page of Kathy Vaquilar. this page is page #39

Her page headline reads: No, they aren't going to eat us. This my friend is where you got the idea that Greer made the coment. Dr. greer's page ends at the word Ufological on page #38. Then there is a page breack that says Continued on page 70. The next page which is page #39 are the coments made are Kathy Valquilar, she is an abductie or in here own words "experiencer". She was talking about the abducties point of view on the ABC special, and you my friend have confused the stories. She is the one who said somthing similar, it reads like this:

" The beings I encountered keep inspiring me, but they, too, find human beings frustrating to work with because of our limitations as three-dimensional creatures. They find the UFO community frustrating to work with, we find each other as humans frustrating to work with".

Exerpt from UfO magazine Vol. 20 No.2 Apri/may 2005 on (page #39) Kathy Valquilar.

I Challenge you or anyone out there to look this page number up (#39) and with a 100% accuracy you will find these exact words.

I am willing to bet $1000 for anyone to prove me wrong on this. I encourage you to go to Barnes and Noble or any other book store of your choice and find this info. Also in this page there is a photo of kathy laying down on her back with her hair spreaded accross the floor.

So Mr. TM, my suggestion to you is to do research before posting, and quit hating on Dr. Greer, he someday might be a major player on the disclosure of the truth. Take advantage that we have a Doctor on our side, and not some old fruit cacke.

Mey the Greys abduct you!

[edit on 17-5-2005 by Cabanman]

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 09:12 PM
Somewhere along the line of his many interviews prior to the Disclosure Project, Dr Greer mentions some sort of EBE encounter when young.

Mayhaps he was refering to that?

As far as Billy's concerned I'm on the fence and remain open minded.


posted on May, 17 2005 @ 10:03 PM
Looks like you got smoked on this one TM.

Personlly, I don't read the magazine, but I am willing to believe that TM didn't read thoroughly and got his "facts" confused.

Let me also state that I did watch the disclosure press conference and while some witnesses were interesting, I was not 100% convinced. As the wall poster in the X-Files series behind Mulder's desk said, "I WANT TO BELIEVE", so do I.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 08:36 AM
It seems Cabanman has explained the issue. The allegation appears to be a simple mistake of where articles begin and end. An all too common one in magazines.... Adding a comment at the beginning of the thread, as such a false allegation could prove to have other consequences....(CYA my friends).

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 12:34 PM

Most Excellent! - Thank you for clearing up this confusing issue!

Now the Truth is finally revealed!! - (I was totally mistaken
) - D'oh!

Yeah she was one of the responses I considered kinda fruity...

I am pleased to have my confidence in Dr. Greer restored - if not my confidence in the methods of the Disclosure Project as a whole.

I guess that'll teach me to read while buzzing on Starbux...

I will try to be more careful when reading that particular magazine in the future.

Any chance you could post the story of Joesph Gutheinz from the last issue - I think he seems like a really intersting and crdible witness.

Whats your opinion of his story?

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet

Most Excellent! - Thank you for clearing up this confusing issue!

Now the Truth is finally revealed!! - (I was totally mistaken
) - D'oh!

To Truthmagnet, I to have to apologize to you cause I think that I went a little too far with the "Liar" comment. I said it cause I was outraged for your claim. I see now that it was a common error which most of us have done at one time or another. I called you this cause at first I had not read Ms. Kathy's paper, and I thought you where just a Dis-informant making the story up to take advantage of us. But when I had the chance to read her paper, I found the article, and this is when I realized that it was a reading error and not a Dis-info effort.

Any chance you could post the story of Joesph Gutheinz from the last issue - I think he seems like a really intersting and crdible witness.

Whats your opinion of his story?

Well I can't help you out with this story cause I am a new subscriber to the UFO magazine and just got the latest Issue which is the "Seeing is Believing" Rebuttal. Actually I had originally subscribed to this magazine because of a post on Joseph Gutheinz on this blog. I wanted to read his story cause I found it fascinating too. I guess I'll have to look around and see if I can find that magazine in the bookstore.

But thanks for writing, and as I said before, I apologize for the name calling. We should all get along and fight for our right to know the truth.


posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:07 PM
I suppose we might think of people who to support their point will from time to time sign-into a Web Site as another being supporting their original sign-in? But that's just a guess..


posted on May, 18 2005 @ 06:11 PM

Cool!! - Some people are able to sign in as "another being" on ATS!??

I wanna log out and sign in as a Sith then!!

But seriously if your accusing me of doing this then the answer is no.


No worries, mate - I was hoping I was incorrect when I started this thread - glad to be proven wrong.

I knew I should've purchase that Gutheinz issue - but damn I am Broke!

(House Poor 'en all)

Gotta save up so me and the wife can see some aliens this weekend - ROTS - w000t!!!

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 06:21 PM
Of course I'm not accusing you. There is little reason to make any unfounded accusations and even then not You.

Sorry if you were in anyway characterized as another ..


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