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What the Heck!?! Greer is Talking with Aliens Now??

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posted on May, 16 2005 @ 01:58 PM

So I thought I had read Dr. Greers rebutal of the ABC Peter Jennings UFO special - and it seemed very well thought out and I was in total agreement with his assesment of what happened.

However, when I read his response in the current issue of UFO magazine he says something to the following effect:

"When I have talked to the Aliens they have expressed that Humans are very difficult to work with"


Did I miss something or is he now admiting (claiming) to be having discussions with Aliens?

This seems to compromise his position even more than some had previously asserted here before because:

1) Why has he not gone into detail regarding these interactions (or did I miss them?)

2) If he's talking with them does that mean he is being influenced by them (at least ideologically)

3) Its a pretty outlandish claim - has he finally stepped over the line and outted himself as a modern day P.T. Barnum!??

I mean this statement suggests to mean theat he is indeed now spreading dis-information or at least is totally compromised.

The only reason I don't completely dismiss his claim entirely is that Gordon Cooper supposedly made claims of a friend of his interacting on a very personal level with an EBE - and its hard to ignore the testimony of such an established specialist as himself.

Anyone have any light to shed on this whole matter?

Mod EDIT: It now appears that this is due to a mistake in where Greer's article is continued, and then a different story is continued on the next page. It's a simple mistake to make, but suffice to say that the above comments were NOT attributed to Dr. Greer.

[edit on 18-5-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 02:08 PM
If the Aliens are talking to the Bush crowd, I bet they are very hard to work with. Can you imagine trying to communicate telepathically with his mind and trying to understand his "strategery".

No seriously, you said that's in the current issue?
Seems like he's made the 'Disclosure Project' sort of obsolete.
If he's in direct contact. He simply has to arrange a public meeting with a peaceful nation now, right?
Heck, if he can get it on his web site I might actually fork over the money he wants, for his "Disclosure".

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet"When I have talked to the Aliens they have expressed that Humans are very difficult to work with"


Did I miss something or is he now admiting (claiming) to be having discussions with Aliens?

Looks like he wants to make sure that everyone understands that he's a fraud and that the Disclosure Project is also a fraud.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 02:20 PM
Anyone who has read his first book, knows he was on the fringe of the alien subject. He has always had kind of a "new age" approach to the subject. This doesn't surprise me that he would say this. But how does it make the Disclosure Project a fraud? Did all the military witnesses or government insiders say they talked to aliens?

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 02:22 PM


Perhaps we need to form a group to get campaign for Full Disclosure from the Disclosure Group!

But Hal, to answer your question, if Greer is making outrageous, unsubstantiated claims how can we believe any of those witnesses?

Perhaps they are real government agents, but are chosen as a distraction to the UFO community.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 02:28 PM

"When I have talked to the Aliens they have expressed that Humans are very difficult to work with"

Are you sure that wasn't a tongue-in-cheek comment? One would need to see the context of the remark, to truly know.

Anyhow, with the endorsement of such frauds as Billy Meier, etc., he was pretty much doomed from the get go, despite intentions....

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 02:29 PM
Or maybe he would rather stay a charlatan and coy with the minds of his believers/financers to tool around for a few more years. This 'disclosure' project parrallells the 'apocolypes/second coming' of the Judeo/Christians, both have been long awaited, and quite frankly, both will never occur.

*i can't write anymore*


posted on May, 16 2005 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet
Perhaps we need to form a group to get campaign for Full Disclosure from the Disclosure Group!

What do you want them to disclose? If they were out to scam your money, there are easier ways to do that. If the group has done anything, it has created awareness. I agree not all the winesses are solid, and Dr. Greer was questionable, but who else has come closer to a congressional hearing?

But Hal, to answer your question, if Greer is making outrageous, unsubstantiated claims how can we believe any of those witnesses?

Perhaps they are real government agents, but are chosen as a distraction to the UFO community.

This is how disinfo works. You can have 100 solid witnesses to an event, and it only takes one with questionable credibility, and everyone thinks their all lying. Your throwing out the bath with the bathwater.

I think they had good intentions, but needed to be more scientific. But IMHO, this statement hasn't changed my veiw of the group. There are credible witnesses to events most people aren't even aware of.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:17 PM
My main problem with the Disclosure Project has and will continue to be the demand to be paid for the disclosure.
I haven't heard or read the witnesses statements because I am not willing to pay.
If you in fact have paid and have copies of those witness transcripts or video testimony then present it for those that can't pay.
If his info is so telling and important then why isn't free?
He did not get a congressional hearing, although hearings were held. Gordon Cooper spoke at those hearings.
And the National Press Club has said that they would not offer him another Club speaking opportunity, because he is operating a for-profit group and they are not in the business to provide free advertising.
They further stated that they felt dupped into the first appearance, because they were promised that all of the witnesses would be telling their stories. That didn't happen.
You can go to their web site and read the report for yourself.

[edit on 16-5-2005 by freddieb]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:25 PM
TruthMagnet, is it possible to provide us with the full interview ? Maybe you can scan the article or write what he said.


posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by freddieb
I haven't heard or read the witnesses statements because I am not willing to pay.
If you in fact have paid and have copies of those witness transcripts or video testimony then present it for those that can't pay.

I only have the 2 books, no video testimony. The Disclosure book is a good reference if anything. But I see it still over $20. But it's not free, like any other UFO book or video. I always look for used copies myself. Also, there may be copyright infringements on video and pictures that can only be posted with permission.

You can go to their web site and read the report for yourself.

I didn't see this, can you point it out? Thanks.

[edit on 5/16/2005 by Hal9000]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:34 PM
A whle back, I can't remember what year it was, Greer even posted an ET encounter he had in some mountain range. Almost immediately afterwards it was retracted and pulled offline at the request of some of his acquaintances. You can still find where people have archived this message, but I'm not going hunt for it.

While IMO, that does not destroy the crediblity of The Disclosure Project itself, it may hurt Greer's own credibility somewhat with the public. Which is why I suppose it was removed. The no proof factor again keeps people shut up about their alleged experiences.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:43 PM

You can go to their web site and read the report for yourself.

I didn't see this, can you point it out? Thanks.
Hmm... I can't find it now, either. Must be a conspiracy of some kind

I did a search originally, I think for Dr. Steven Grier, or Ufo disclosure.....
No, I don't see it now... Twilight Zone Music

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:48 PM
Well... I have seen that before - but I don't believe it discussed him speaking to them or being "abducted" which is what he said in the latest issue of UFO magazine.

The whole issue was about different UFOlogists takes on the whole Peter Jennings fiasco.

There were several good, thoughtful critiques and of course a handful of nutty replies but I thought Dr. Greers was the strangest considering he is not forthcoming with his contact information.

And embarassment or not, not being forthcoming about something which is at the heart of Disclosure is pretty shady of him to me.

I don't have enough money to purchase the magazine and paraphrase it but I hope someone here can

( I'm really broke

Linking to scans might get this thread closed down however.

[edit on 16-5-2005 by TruthMagnet]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by freddieb
Hmm... I can't find it now, either. Must be a conspiracy of some kind

I did a search originally, I think for Dr. Steven Grier, or Ufo disclosure.....
No, I don't see it now...

I don't doubt you read something to that effect about the Press Club, but they didn't have a Congressional hearing. The last one held on the subject of UFO's was in 1968.

This symposium had some big names in it, but the request was for scientific study. At that time Blue Book was coming to a close, and the Condon Report came out, which both said it wasn't worth studying. So nothing came from it. There have been several requests for Congressional hearings, many in the late 90's, but all unsuccessful same as the Disclosure Project.

[edit on 5/16/2005 by Hal9000]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 07:34 PM
Yea Hal,
You may very well be right. I think, now that you mention it it was a UN thing that Cooper was at. Right?
So I guess, right now I feel about as credible as I think Greer is.
Please forgive and overlook me.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by freddieb
Yea Hal,
You may very well be right. I think, now that you mention it it was a UN thing that Cooper was at. Right?
So I guess, right now I feel about as credible as I think Greer is.
Please forgive and overlook me.

No problem, your secrets safe with me.

Did a quick google and your right, Gordon Cooper testified in front of a UN panel, but that was 1985.

He made a pretty powerfull satement to them.

"I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which are a little more technically advanced than we are on Earth. I feel that we need to have a top level, coordinated program to scientifically collect and analyze data from all over the Earth concerning any type of encounter, and to determine how best to interfere with these visitors in a friendly fashion.

He was one of the original Mercury astronauts, and died in 2004, may he rest in peace.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet
2) If he's talking with them does that mean he is being influenced by them (at least ideologically)

One thing that I always found disturbing about the mission statement of Dr. Greer's Disclosure Project is the de-militarization/weaponization of space.

It seems to me entirely too frightening to lower our guard when we have no way of confirming what the alien agenda is. If we removed weapons from space, we'd be sitting ducks (although we probably are regardless). But better safe then sorry, right?

That, to me, sounds exactly like alien propoganda. We'd think we're "advancing humanity" when we're actually just making ourselves open targets. I think it's entirely possible that Dr. Greer is being influenced, ideologically, by aliens. I do not think he is aware of it, however.

EDIT: Could you possibly quote the section of the magazine article that you heard this from? I'm just wondering what his exact words were.

[edit on 16-5-2005 by CloudlessKnight]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 08:00 PM
He is looking for payment because he needs funds for his campaign.

I do agree this hurts his credibility, maybe he was forced to make outlandish claims so he credibility would drop along with the project?

This is a blow to the Ufology sector if indeed true.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 08:12 PM
I don't see why it should be a blow to Ufology as a whole.
His credibility has always been questionable anyway.
I think the study of this phenomena will be fine with or without him.
Most don't have the faintest Idea who he is outside of UFO circles.
If his witnesses are telling the truth, maybe they'll come forward individually. I think that would be a good thing.

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