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PETA Gets to Your Kids

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posted on May, 30 2005 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by instar

Whats a squirl?

so i have problems spelling
you know those furry little critters that run arround your yard? the ones with bushy tails (i used to have a collection of those tails when i was a kid). usualy black or a redish brown. cousin to chipmunks, but a bit bigger. those smart little critters that are rather good at getting at bird feeders. they don't have much meat but it is good.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 11:02 PM
Well, as far as religion goes, I visited the PETA site once and they claim that Jesus did not eat meat.

So it does help to quote the Bible in this case because it shoots down that claim. In fact, when Jesus rose from the dead, His disciples gave Him a broiled fish and a honeycomb. Now watch PETA scream about fishing and exploiting bees for that one! And John the Baptist ate locusts and wild honey.

PETA tries to use the religious thing to "prove" they're right, but if you actually read the Bible you know they're dead wrong, is what I'm saying.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 11:47 PM
yeah.... I know that too. lol, PeTA is not gonna win in the end. Anyways, anything they say about religion is false. Also, even if Jesus didn't eat meat, doesnt mean its bad. My earlier quote says that God gave us right to eat meat. I have to ask any Christians or Jews here (maybe even muslims for this one) to not be ever intimidated by PeTA and their lies.

[edit on 30-5-2005 by DanD9]

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 12:27 AM
Sorry Drogo, I know you meant Squirrel, just rolling the eyes at the "yum' comment. It annoys me folk cant be anymore intelligent aboutthe whole thing than saying same old silly stuff like 'tasty animalsd' etc etc. Not like it hasnt been said before ya know.

Originally posted by instar
Sigh! Nobody gives a sh*t if god said eat em or not! Those more sensible among Peta folk, who can remember what it was supposed to be about, dont care either! For those who are so wowed by the organisations fruitcakes, ill refresh your memory.
The issue/s is NOT weather or not anyone should eat Animals !
Ill repeat that...

THE ISSUE IS NOT Weather or not Folk Should Eat Animals!

The issue is, as the Name suggest, "ETHICAL TREATMENT" of those Animals!

Complications with this simple idfea occure when the more extreme members of Peta suggest whitewash solution to the whole problem, I.E
Not eating Animals at all. The thinking behind that is that as our population grows, so too does the demand for avail food animals.
This means that we must come up with evermore intensive and as a result, cruel farming methods to supply that demand.
Still with me?
So, those more extreme Peta members figure if we, as a race, quit eating animals, these cruel intensive farming methods would no longer be ness.
Of course they also beleive that farmland used to raise meat animals could be better used to grow crops (and there right sadly) Also that growing crops is less damaging to the land than hoofed animals grazing (right again) which inspires the greenies to say, "hey yeah, soil erosian etc etc, caused by hoofed animals grazing leads to...." and so on it goes.
Ofcourse, realistically, we will always eat animals, and as a consequence, those animals will suffer (intensive farming).
THe more realistic Peta folk simply advodcate, EAting LESS meat, since if we all eat less, less demand, less need for cruel farming.
Issues of health etc are neither here nor there.
Sadest part of it all, is that Peta extremist, cloud the minds of reasonable intelligent folk, and turn them into gibbering idiots chanting about tasty animals ect, while the real meaning of the org and ther realistic and sensible ask of The more mature Peta are ignored.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 01:10 AM
Just adding my two cents...

I remember when I was in Junior High, bout 13 yrs ago or so, I'm not doing the math right now. Anyway, I got a letter in the mail from Peta with a picture of a bunny that was all bloody and deformed in it. It was to show what happens to test animals when they are tested on from big companies. Anyway, supposedly this was what had happened with a test from Gillete. Well, as disturbing as this was I recall thinking to myself. Better the cute little bunny than me. I know this all seems harsh treatment and all. But if they don't test on animals then what will happen if this stuff is released and we use it.

Anyway, not completely on topic, has nothing to do with fur. But, however disturbing this may be to kids, most kids will either take it for what it is or just kinda use deductive reasoning as I did. Oh well, thats my two cents. I'll go now.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 01:13 AM
Oh, and just to finish a bit on topic... I do not agree with how they go about getting there message about, but they will do whatever it takes to help there cause. I didn't agree with it when I got that letter in Junior High and I still don't.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 01:22 AM
Yeah, better them than us. However, that's not how PETA thinks, they value animal lives over human lives. They have the ELF and ALF kill people that euthanize animals.....

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 07:56 AM
Whoa, I'm sure PETA isn't directly as an organization making up assasination lists, because I'm sure that list would be LONG.

Anyways, you should be able to see the dead animals if your going to eat/whatever with them. Take responsibility.

As I said though, I'm all for meat if the animal lived an average life, and had a realitivly painless death, because the the animal really wouldn't care, as it can't.

As for animal testing, I really don't see why animal testing is needed for commericial purposes. Scientific purposes to cure diseases, sure.

Just stop with this, go away let me eat, I don't want to see the dead/tested animal. I don't think your a little kid now, so you should have no problem with it.

Now, back to PETA. The organization never goes through this thinking, it simply just sees the dead animal, and does not think about why it's dead. Some reasons make sense, to support our natural diet of meat. And some don't, just to see the animal in pain for example.

Animals can FEEL, but many of them can not really think, so if they didn't FEEL the death, like a cow who has to be like one of the stupidest animals in the world is put to death quickly, it wouldn't care.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 11:42 AM
I know PeTA doesnt make lists, I mean, they fund ELF and ALF to do stuff, which is also what PeTA wants em to do. I dont understand commercial animal testing beyond medical industry/science, but I'm sure tits to avoid harm of people. Animals can be expensive (animal's cost, food, health care [vet] etc) so I doubt they are wasted.

Also, I dont agree with wasting animals, but if you do, and its your animals, you have to face the personal consequences.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by DanD9
I know PeTA doesnt make lists, I mean, they fund ELF and ALF to do stuff, which is also what PeTA wants em to do. I dont understand commercial animal testing beyond medical industry/science, but I'm sure tits to avoid harm of people. Animals can be expensive (animal's cost, food, health care [vet] etc) so I doubt they are wasted.

Also, I dont agree with wasting animals, but if you do, and its your animals, you have to face the personal consequences.

What do you mean by wasting animals?

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 04:01 PM
I mean as in, just shooting an animal and keeping its head while letting the meat rot, or like..... I dont know, shoving lipstick up their butt for "testing" as if researchers would have any reason to do that... lol. [they dont do that. lol.]

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 07:01 AM
Mmm, that chicken looks tasty.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 12:39 PM
Could be a new secret weapon in the making. As soon as folk hear the word 'peta' there brains melt! Phsy warfare!

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 07:51 PM
Okay, I didn't take the time to read all the replies, just the first page, so I could be repeating things but... It seems that the article is saying schools are to teach kids not to torture animals, not to become vegetarians and anti-fur extremists. Unless I'm misunderstanding, not torturing animals seems like a good idea. Then again, I could have just not read the article or post carefully.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Ariana
Okay, I didn't take the time to read all the replies, just the first page, so I could be repeating things but... It seems that the article is saying schools are to teach kids not to torture animals, not to become vegetarians and anti-fur extremists. Unless I'm misunderstanding, not torturing animals seems like a good idea. Then again, I could have just not read the article or post carefully.

Any time PETA is involved, you can bet that it's extremism at its finest. PETA, the group making the demonstrations are hiding under a banner against snimal cruelty, but in doing this are trying to prevent people from such things as eating meat, animal testing for all things, including medical research, and even so much as owning pets. PETA is known for their shock tactics, extremist views, and their support of known violent organizations such as the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and the Earth Liberation Front (ELF). To understand why this topic has been discussed so thoroughly and so heatedly, read websites supporting each side of the issue, both PETA's website and Consumer Freedom's website.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 03:53 PM
PETA a terrorist group! You guys are out of your minds. The propaganda you heard was no doubt perpetuated by the meat industry.

I am a PETA member as well as sponsor. I spent an entire weekend at one of there conferences and found there speakers to be some of if the most dedicated, selfless and passionate individuals I've ever had the privilege to encounter.

Have any of you bad mouthing PETA ever actually known or talked to one of there activists? I think many of you chose to believe the bad press against PETA because they make you feel guilty at some level.

I'd even going to go as far to say, I'm guessing that most of yo anti-animal carnivores are testosterone driven youngsters who equate their lust for eating meat to sex. Come on you know I'm right.

When you grow up and pass out of the "me " phase of life, you'll finally acknowledge the guilt you've so successfully buried.

PETA is a wonderful organization if they are a little graphic in their imagery. I like to refer to them as the Malcolm X of the animal rights industry. But that's the worst thing I could say about them.

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by dollmonster
PETA a terrorist group! You guys are out of your minds. The propaganda you heard was no doubt perpetuated by the meat industry.

I am a PETA member as well as sponsor. I spent an entire weekend at one of there conferences and found there speakers to be some of if the most dedicated, selfless and passionate individuals I've ever had the privilege to encounter.

Have any of you bad mouthing PETA ever actually known or talked to one of there activists? I think many of you chose to believe the bad press against PETA because they make you feel guilty at some level.

I'd even going to go as far to say, I'm guessing that most of yo anti-animal carnivores are testosterone driven youngsters who equate their lust for eating meat to sex. Come on you know I'm right.

When you grow up and pass out of the "me " phase of life, you'll finally acknowledge the guilt you've so successfully buried.

PETA is a wonderful organization if they are a little graphic in their imagery. I like to refer to them as the Malcolm X of the animal rights industry. But that's the worst thing I could say about them.

You're from the Bay area? That explains a lot of it!

Look, I don't care tuppence if you don't want to eat meat. But you and PETA are NOT going to dictate what I eat!

Seeing as I'm female, I'm not worried about my testosterone levels!

I also noticed a while back the PETA site claimed that Jesus didn't eat meat. That's a bald-faced lie. Did you know one of the Jewish customs was to eat a lamb at Passover? Jesus was Jew, and during His earthly life He observed the Jewish customs. And He was no long-haired vegan hippie, either!

And Jesus was/is God--and God's the one who instituted animal sacrifices back in the Old Testament days.

Like I said, I don't care what you do or don't eat. You and PETA butt out of my business there. God gave us animals for food.

And for every animal you don't eat, I'm gonna eat THREE! Because I too am a member of PETA--People Eating Tasty Animals!

posted on Jun, 26 2005 @ 09:50 PM

My dog (Little Miss Missy) is pregnant and I'm thinking about letting her get an abortion because that's what she want's.

Does PETA have a stance on this situation? I don't want to do the wrong thing.


posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 12:24 AM
Amethyst, you want to talk Bible? That's fine with me.

So Jesus ate meat. What's your point? If you take the Bible literally then I'm sure you're aware that God's original intention for Man was to be vegetarian. It wasn't until after the flood when Noah released the animals, that things changed.

Genesis: 1:29
In the beginning;

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Genesis 9:2
After the flood;

And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, and upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hands they are delivered.

Genesis 9:3

Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.`

Obviously God considers vegetarianism the more enlightened state. Is that not motive enough to protect God's creatures?

And how do you define hippie? Someone with a social consciousness? If so, I'd be proud to be amongst their ranks.

By the way; most of the Bay Area hippies have scattered to the wind.

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Amethyst
I'm a member of PETA--People Eating Tasty Animals!

Seriously, animals were meant for man's use (though torture is a no-no). You know, if you don't want to consume any animal or by-product, that's your business.

I love your spin on your membership to PETA ..People Eating Tast Animals. LMAO. Can I join?

Yes children should learn that treating animals in a good way is proper.
No Torture, I agree.

But they should also know that humans are ment to eat meat as well as lots of other goodies.

I dont want my kids kicking the family pets, or a nieghbors for that matter,
but if I put meat on the table, they better eat their dinner.

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