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PETA Gets to Your Kids

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posted on May, 18 2005 @ 04:21 PM
PETA is a pack of morons if they dont want to buy fur or stuff like that then they should just keep it to themselves grrrrrrr i hate PETA

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:22 PM
They are stating there opinion just as you are stating yours, the real difference is that they use a different median to do so.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
They are stating there opinion just as you are stating yours, the real difference is that they use a different median to do so.

Exactly. We don't firebomb PETA, and we don't even go as far as spray organic soymilk on their 100% cotton garments.

PETA chose a different median, whatever this is.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:29 PM
I really feel I need to say this, I dont agree with hurting someone, or cause huge amounts of property damage.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:35 PM
first of all, PETA is not a "nutjob" organization.

they are doing nothing wrong by trying to remove things such as dissection from the classroom. i wouldnt want my child cutting up pigs and cats. besides, this kind of thing teaces children violence. a few years ago, a series of animl mutilations was found to be connected to dissection of animals in a high school class.
this is not corruption, it is PETA's attempt to make the world a better place, actually. they are fighting for what they believe is right.

and by posting this, you could be corrupting peoples minds. posting such a one-sidedly evil thread could change peoples opinions in a heartbeat, so that would make you sort of hypocritical to say that PETA corrupts.

BTW i do not agree with PETA on most things and on the way they go about fighting for the animals, we do need animal products to survive. no, i am strictly against unjust, unreasonable abuse of animals, PETA is really an extremist organization against use of animals for ANYTHING.

[edit on 18/5/2005 by Kitsunegari]

[edit on 18/5/2005 by Kitsunegari]

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:40 PM
I just want to point out that this is just yet another bit of shortsightedness on the part of PETA. The apparently fail to realize that if it wasn't for fur coats, the human race wouldn't have made it this long. Early man wore garments made of fur in order to survive the brutally cold winters. Thus, if it wasn't for fur, man would be extinct by now.

I say we just withhold all benefits of animal products from PETA members, and see how long they survive. No medicine (PETA's VP can kiss his insulin shots goodbye.... they were tested on dogs), no food (not only are animals eaten, but their feces is one of the best and most common forms of fertilizer to grow the vegetables that PETA supporters love so much), no power (yes, the effects of electrical radiation has been tested on animals for years, in order to improve shielding and transmission of electricity, and to lessen the impact on humans), no fossil fuels (too many dinosaurs had to die to make that), no more plastics (created from oil - see fossil fuels). I could go on, but I think this makes enough of a point.

There's a difference between being consious of proper animal care, and being an extremeist. I am an animal welfarist. I hate to see animals abused and mistreated. I am not an Animal Rights Activist. I am not willing to sacrifice advances that can better the human race, in exchange for animal overpopulation. If a lab is wantonly abusing animals, there are many federal regulations in place providing massive fines and possible jail time for such offenses. Proscecute them. Do NOT, however, tell me that I don't have the right to a cure for cancer, AIDS, or other such disease. Do NOT tell me I don't have the right to have an animal companion (pet). Do NOT tell me that I don't have the right to eat animals in order to provide my body with the nutrients it needs to survive. Finally, do NOT distribute graphic propaganda material to our children telling them that "mommy is a murderer." PETA is an extremist organization. There's no debate about that. Their psychological terrorism and fear tactics need to stop. There are many effective ways to educate people about proper treatment of animals, without resorting to scarring the minds of young children.

Fact is, animals and animal products are necessary for our way of life. They are necessary to continue to advance. If PETA had its way,we would all be living without medicine, food, power, pets, or any other advance that enables us to live as we do. Is this the life you want? Probably not.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 06:59 PM
While I am against the torture of animals, I do realize, as I’m sure most of you do, that it truly is impossible to avoid causing harm to animals. Even if you only eat vegetables, animals are still killed during harvest. Don’t forget the animals that lost their homes to make room for that farmland, and even there own homes as well. They believe that it’s not ok for humans to harm animals in any, yet what about when animals kill and eat other animals. Would they want to attack a snake for eating animals. Or even my cat who kills mice simply because they are there, and doesn’t even eat them.

Firebombing one person in order to save an animal also implies that the death of an animal is worse then the death of a human. What reasoning do they have to say that animals shouldn’t be hurt yet humans can. I mean, both are living, breathing, feeling creatures. Both can feel pain, so how can that be justified.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 07:39 PM
For all you PETA supporters I invite to watch a little show called Penn and Teller BS. Go to your nearest video store and rent the first disc of season 2. All you need to know about what PETA really is is there.

They themselves kill animals, they believe in the total liberation of animals meaning having pets should be outlawed. They are extremists and extremisism of any kind is bad.

After watching that episode of BS I was outraged that a group such as PETA is allowed to legally exist.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 07:55 PM
Thatoneguy, you need to post links, like I did. I got the show on DvD, where I found ou about the stuff I posted links to.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Thatoneguy

After watching that episode of BS I was outraged that a group such as PETA is allowed to legally exist.

...and they still have non-profit status.

You can sign a petition to have PETA's non-profit status removed here:

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 09:30 AM
I watched a program on BBC a few years ago called walking with cavemen & scientist's believe that the only reason we developed the brians we have today is because our early ansestors Homo-habils (spelling :puz
started to add meat to there diet but because they were small (little bigger than children) then mostly they scavinged & ate what other animals couldnt get to...the bone marrow. This high energy diet ment our brains had more energy to basicly if we hadnt of added meat to our diet in the first place we wud either be extinct or just another ape using a twig to get to the best termites.

Walking with Cavemen

lol on that site you can play a little evolution game called food for thought it entertaned me at work for at least 10mins enjoy!

Animals are cool & anyone who miss treats their pets needs sorting out (not firebombed) but animal confiscated, fined & jail sentance. (the Owner not the animal

As for the way animals are treated today in food factorys....its a sad but how else are we going to feed all the people we manage to breed. I can set a trap to kill Phesant & ive been taught how to capture,skin,butcher a all i need is some kind of major disaster so that these skills will be actually usefull to me!!

Anyone know if members of P.E.T.A enjoy going on a nice fishing weekend i do actually know people who belive that fishing should be banned because its cruel i just think it should be banned because its cricket

[edit on 19-5-2005 by Everlasting England]

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by LogansRun

Originally posted by Amethyst

Seriously, animals were meant for man's use (though torture is a no-no).

What an ignorant statement. Do you have any idea how the animals are killed so you can have your meat?? I eat meat as well, I have no issue with eating meat. But the way animals are kept and slaughtered would make your stomach turn and go veggie all the way.

I've read about how they're killed in the slaughterhouses. They kill them with something that resembles a nail gun--shoots right into their brain.

Now you take a look at how animals kill each other in the wild, and you tell me which is more "humane." You're looking at a throat torn out vs. a one-two "punch."

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 10:01 PM
Having a group like Peta in schools teaching humane treatment of animals is like having your local Nazi party show up to teach race relations.

PETA is an extremist organization full of crazy, irrational, mental midgets. I think a class about treating animals humanely is a great thing, but the last people you want anywhere near your child are these PETA cretins.

Animals are not here for mans use, animals are here because they are, because they are a creation of mother nature as part of a grander more lovely production. I oppose true cruelty and unethical use of animals, but PETA goes entirely too far. There is nothing cruel about eating animals like cows and using their skins, as long as the animal is allowed to live out a life that it was meant to. Cows should be grazing in open fields eating grass, not crammed into meat factories in tiny stalls. Not only is this inhumane, it is unhealthy for humans eating these animals, as we see with mad cow and the like.

But PETA should be banned from any use of tax dollars, and like pedophiles, should be prohibited frfom being within 100 yards of a school.


posted on May, 21 2005 @ 04:45 AM
Sorry for the short post but, you don't see anti war protestors holding up shot iraqis. People have family who miss them, they are more useful then an un-eaten animal in many ways.

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

PETA is an extremist organization full of crazy, irrational, mental midgets. I think a class about treating animals humanely is a great thing, but the last people you want anywhere near your child are these PETA cretins.

But PETA should be banned from any use of tax dollars, and like pedophiles, should be prohibited frfom being within 100 yards of a school.

(author bows to the brilliance of these statements)

PETA or the american buffalo, if we could only save just one..............Buffalo steak yes........yes.....YES.........PETA you can't eat just one.............

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Amethyst

I've read about how they're killed in the slaughterhouses. They kill them with something that resembles a nail gun--shoots right into their brain.

Now you take a look at how animals kill each other in the wild, and you tell me which is more "humane." You're looking at a throat torn out vs. a one-two "punch."

The bolt gun is a quick, effective, and humane way to kill an animal for the slaughter. Death with a bolt gun is instantaneous, and the animal never knew what hit it. However, on the other hand, kosher slaughtering provides a rather inhumane way to kill an animal - the animal's throat is cut, and the animal is drained of blood alive. Typically, this procedure will result in the animal living for several minutes after its throat is slit, in great pain, and screaming. This is in place because of Jewish beliefs, and the procedures were set forth long before any modern slaughterhouse technology was in place. I don't eat kosher slaughtered meat for this reason.

Oddly enough, though, I don't feel there's anything wrong with meat aquired through hunting. Arguably, a hunter may not get a good shot in on an animal, and the animal may suffer before death. However, the animal did have the advantage of running free in its natural enviornment. Any hunter will tell you, most of their shots are wasted. Only a small percentage of the shots a hunter makes actually result in a kill. Thus, the animals have a good chance of surviving. This is far more fair to animals. Also, a wild animal in its natural enviornment is far from defenseless. A buffalo can easilly gore a man. A rabbit has many places it can hide from the hunters. A deer has great speed which it can use to avoid getting shot. Most animals also have some form of natural camoflauge that allows them to remain unseen. It is for these reasons that I feel meat that was hunted down and killed in the wild is quite appropriate for human consumption.

PETA all too often falls short on their accusations. These people simply need to step out of their cramped intellectual cells, and learn about the real world. They want to "educate" us about what is so wrong about use of animals. Well, I'd like to educate them about what is so right about it.

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 01:26 PM

Yep, that had to do with Old Covenant laws concerning animal sacrifice, etc. Jews were not supposed to eat anything that was strangled, and the blood had to be completely drained--"eating" blood had to do with eating meat that had not been properly bled (note it never said "drinking" blood). In fact, that's where JWs get this crazy idea (crazy to me) against blood transfusions.

I'm just pointing out that in the wild, a lion won't be using that little gun to kill that gazelle--it'll just rip its throat out. Just saying that before PETA or any of these vegan extremists (by extremist I mean trying to push off their ideology onto others) accuses people of being inhumane, they ought to take a look at what goes on in nature.

If someone wants to be a vegan, fine--that's up to them. But I'm an omnivore and not ashamed of it!

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 03:36 PM
I am appalled at what half of you guys are saying, and what this PETA group is doing, I think they are doing more harm then they realize. There is a reason why God put animals on this earth, figured it out yet, oh yeah, so they can be eaten!!!! Sure fruits and vegetables are all nice and dandy, but you do need meat!!

On the other side, PETA putting out comics with a woman stabbing an animal isn't going to get the child thinking oh I should be nice to animals, they would be thinking, and I should know I have three kids, OMG what is that woman doing to that innocent rabbit! Sickening they would do that and corrupt our children, if my son ever brought anything like that home, you would bet in a heartbeat the school would definately be called, and so would PETA!! Having a protest with dead animals, they are one that should bombed! SICK! Half of you are brainwashed by it!

I don't have a problem with people being vegetarian, but going to that extreme is very idiotic!!

By the way I am new here!

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 03:42 PM

There is a reason why God put animals on this earth, figured it out yet, oh yeah, so they can be eaten!!!! Sure fruits and vegetables are all nice and dandy, but you do need meat!!

Not all of us beleive in a deity, so thats not a very valid argument unless your of a monotheistic religion that beleives in creationism.

We do not need meat, there are vitamin supplements that can be taken to replace what meat contains.

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 03:57 PM
Yeah, just eat salads! Like the guy who is 37, is suffering from osteoporosis(sp?) and has no sex drive/can't get it up. Yep, he eats just salads, he a vegan, and can't have sex and is dieing. SO you go ahead and take it from PETA, I'll eat meat.

Actually, I am part of PETA-Peaople Eating Tasty Animals.

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