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posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Red

Depends, who you ask: there is a guy around here who claims to be an Andromedan on mission on a Earth. Do I believe him, hell no. Do I believe they may be intelligent beings in the Andromeda galaxy. Most certainly! Are they visiting here? I doubt it; the obstacle of distance is just to huge, at least according to our present understanding. Of course, I could be wrong; if they are sufficiently more advanced than us then maybe they have discovered ways to overcome that obstacle that we can't even comprehend yet.

edit on 28/12/2010 by WalterRatlos because: spelling correction

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by LyricusMagna

Originally posted by Red
Does anyone know about the Andromedans? Do they exist? Do they come from the Andromedan galaxy?

Yes they do exist, and yes, they do come from Andromeda. BUT, they are a multicultural race (Andromedans being a sum of 1200 races across Andromeda) but the Andromedan council is consisted of mainly humanoid aliens. The leaders of this council are tall blue skinned and they breathe oxygen just like we do. They are one of the 22/23 civilizations that helped bring about humakind on Earth, thus is only logical we have SOMETHING in common. They have 3 sexes, male, female and androgenous one. On eof the most advanced beings in the local galaxies and highly advanced technologically. If you wish to imagine how an ANdromedan would look like, just remember that blue guy from Watchmen the movie - apparently that's how they look.

Amazing information, but you know this exactly how? Have you met them? Do they communicate with you telepathically. How?

Originally posted by LyricusMagnaA word to the skeptics - just becuz we haven't found evidence for alien life or proof that aliens are here it doesnt mean they do not exist. I think a civilization that's light years ahead technologically and intelectually will find a way to cover its tracks if it wishes not to be discovered. If you think about it logically I'm right.

No decent skeptic would deny that life probably exists everywhere in the universe -even intilligent life and even species that are far more advanced than we are. But at our present state of knowledge and understanding, it is hard to imagine how even a civilization far more advanced than ours could overcome the huge obstacle of interstellar and intergalactic distances.

Originally posted by LyricusMagnaA wise man once said: "The absence of evidence does NOT correlate with evidence of absence..."

True, but another wise man once sad: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof!"

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by LyricusMagna

Originally posted by Red
Does anyone know about the Andromedans? Do they exist? Do they come from the Andromedan galaxy?

Yes they do exist, and yes, they do come from Andromeda. BUT, they are a multicultural race (Andromedans being a sum of 1200 races across Andromeda) but the Andromedan council is consisted of mainly humanoid aliens. The leaders of this council are tall blue skinned and they breathe oxygen just like we do. They are one of the 22/23 civilizations that helped bring about humakind on Earth, thus is only logical we have SOMETHING in common. They have 3 sexes, male, female and androgenous one. On eof the most advanced beings in the local galaxies and highly advanced technologically. If you wish to imagine how an ANdromedan would look like, just remember that blue guy from Watchmen the movie - apparently that's how they look.

A word to the skeptics - just becuz we haven't found evidence for alien life or proof that aliens are here it doesnt mean they do not exist. I think a civilization that's light years ahead technologically and intelectually will find a way to cover its tracks if it wishes not to be discovered. If you think about it logically I'm right.

A wise man once said:

"The absence of evidence does NOT correlate with evidence of absence..."

Everything in this post is true. I know this also.

We have genetics of 22 different races. The andromedans being one of them. They are here to help us to take us into the right path.
edit on 28-12-2010 by HazyChestNutz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromdaEver consider the possibility that the Greys, etc, have different laws and protocols than the Andromedans? Greys, reptoids, etc. interefere with Terrestrial affirs because, they have no laws, etc. to try to prevent such interference, While Andromedans, Nordics, etc. do.

Of course, given that they exist - and I don't doubt that there is intelligent life pretty much everywhere in the universe - it is only logical to assume that different factions would have different agendas and differing protocols on how to treat other species that are less advanced out there. So, yeah, I get it: Greys, Reptoids, Reptilians, Dracos are the bad guys; while Nordics, Andromedans, Lyrans etc. are the good guys. I seem to remember though that some abductee reported that the Nordics were working hand in hand with the Greys. Can you explain that?

Originally posted by AnthraAndromdaThis is a funny thread, wish I'd seen it sooner ... Y'all have so many ideas about Andromds, but, I see no one that truly knows. Something you (Humans) need to do is put down the science fiction, and read some real truth. You can start with the teachings of Hermes (Start with the part about: "as above, so below; As below so above.") This little part will help you quite alot!

Of course, no one truly knows, because at our present state of scientific knowledge and understanding, nobody knows and nobody is able to know whether Andromedans are real or not. Most likely the universe is teaming with life, but the distances between stars are huge and the distances between galaxies are even more huge. So, again at our present state of scientific knowledge and understanding, we can simply not imagine, how this vast obstacle of distances involved could be overcome.

And while I have followed some of your threads for a while, I never saw anywhere an explanation how your supposed people travel between galaxies. Or why they left you here to live on this Earth as a human being? You just love to leave cryptic hints that could mean anything, like the reference to Hermes Trismegistos not just Hermes (Hermes or Mercury for the Latins was an ancient Greek god who was the messenger of Zeus and other gods and protector of thieves and merchants and travelers, if I remember correctly. Later, I believe during the Hellenistic period, he evolved to Hermes Trismegistos (Hermes the Thrice-high, whatever that means)).

So, why don't you tell us plain and simple, how exactly will understanding the famous "As above so below and vice versa" statement help us understand whether there are really Andromedans out there (I don't doubt that one bit; I just doubt they have found a way to overcome the vast distances involved in intergalactic traveling. And I certainly don't buy that you are one of them. I mean as role playing, it's really nice and well done, but that is all it is - role playing) and what they are exactly about? So, why don't you, the enlightened one, enlighten us poor schmucks who have no clue.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by HazyChestNutzEverything in this post is true. I know this also.

We have genetics of 22 different races. The andromedans being one of them.
And I'll ask the same question again: You know this how exactly? And: Are you a geneticist?

Originally posted by HazyChestNutzThey are here to help us to take us into the right path.

They must be doing a lousy job then, because last time I did a reality check the world affairs were still in a messy state. We still exploit and pollute this planet with no concern about the future; we still kill each other daily whether through individual murder crimes or through wars. So, if the Andromedans are far more advanced than us and they are here to help, why don't they do something about?
Because they are bound by the non-intervention policy? Then, they are not really here to help us, are they?
They would just be neutral observers who don't give a damn about us.

edit on 28/12/2010 by WalterRatlos because: grammar and spelling

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by WalterRatlos
Of course, given that they exist - and I don't doubt that there is intelligent life pretty much everywhere in the universe - it is only logical to assume that different factions would have different agendas and differing protocols on how to treat other species that are less advanced out there. So, yeah, I get it: Greys, Reptoids, Reptilians, Dracos are the bad guys; while Nordics, Andromedans, Lyrans etc. are the good guys. I seem to remember though that some abductee reported that the Nordics were working hand in hand with the Greys. Can you explain that?

Explain that?!! Sure, but, you will need to look at your own species for some understanding. Just like americans, english, french helping the axis powers of WWII (germany, japan). Those floks thought that what they were doing was right, even if it wasn't. Intelligent beings, anywhere, can make what may not seem like the right decision. But, thats the thing ... the "right" decision is right for everyone.

Of course, no one truly knows, because at our present state of scientific knowledge and understanding, nobody knows and nobody is able to know whether Andromedans are real or not. Most likely the universe is teaming with life, but the distances between stars are huge and the distances between galaxies are even more huge. So, again at our present state of scientific knowledge and understanding, we can simply not imagine, how this vast obstacle of distances involved could be overcome.

You really should read more! Human technology has already solved many of the issues of interstellar flight. The theories of "warp travel" are no longer just theories, they are a reality. The ability to build and deploy Human designed and made starships has been around for at least a decade. Some, would say longer, however, the issues of power generation and systems control have only been properly addressed recently, but they have been addressed and a first approximation technology exists. And, even without a physical object to show this, it would be a most extreme error to assume that the technology didn't exist ... the individual peices are all around you ... many in your own home.

And while I have followed some of your threads for a while, I never saw anywhere an explanation how your supposed people travel between galaxies. Or why they left you here to live on this Earth as a human being? You just love to leave cryptic hints that could mean anything, like the reference to Hermes Trismegistos not just Hermes (Hermes or Mercury for the Latins was an ancient Greek god who was the messenger of Zeus and other gods and protector of thieves and merchants and travelers, if I remember correctly. Later, I believe during the Hellenistic period, he evolved to Hermes Trismegistos (Hermes the Thrice-high, whatever that means)).

Actually, I have talked about that, in several places. The use of artifical wormholes can make what may seem an impossible distance much more like "the other coast"... 2.5 million light years in around 6 weeks.

Studying the works of the ancients won't help you understand how ET can be, but, it can help you to understand ET himself. We are not that different from any other species of intelligent being...just been doin' it longer than you Humans.

Do yourself a favor; study the ancient, and hidden teachings. They are all available to you if you look. Study modern science, and least an overview, and find out what is possible.

Peace and understanding.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by WalterRatlos

Depends, who you ask: there is a guy around here who claims to be an Andromedan on mission on a Earth. Do I believe him, hell no.

If I may; Why? I have provided evidence, it may be incomplete, but, it is good evidence none the less. Many have tried to "debunk" it, and ALL have failed. Even One who seems to know a bit about forensic science and biology has not successfully shown that the evidence doesn't show something that is "highly anomalous".

I watched a TV "cop" show tonight ... it was kinda funny; They had a murder they were trying to solve, and had DNA evidence, but, no one to match it to. After their analysis they determined that the DNA markers were fron an "asian male" (I think we can assume that they were talking about Y-DNA, since no other would specifically state that it was "male" DNA.

I though this was funny because, my DNA says "African male" ... my Terrestrial family background says English.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by JoseChung
Or they could just use their knowledge of gene therapy to correct things, or point us in the right direction with the gene therapy knowledge we already have until we can fix ourselves. Or they could just make any manipulators back off and give us our own space to do what we want. It's unlikely that if they existed we'd be seen as a lost cause.

I wonder, how could they use knowledge of gene therapy to correct things? What makes us what we are, right now, is exactly what our genes have coded us for. To correct this would, in absolute essence, bring us back to the pre-historic age... literally. The ultimate proverbial reset button! Over, finished, gone, done, out. Start over.

I think your second sol'n would be the best in a very general sense. Get them to back off and let us progress naturally from this point on. But, again, I wonder how they would do that?

And call me biased, but I'd like to think we aren't a lost cause! Far from it. We are a complex project. I think we're giving quite a bit of useful data for those looking in on us. Like art, we are a lie that helps them/us see the truth... perhaps?
edit on 28-12-2010 by Flux8 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-12-2010 by Flux8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
You really should read more! Human technology has already solved many of the issues of interstellar flight. The theories of "warp travel" are no longer just theories, they are a reality. The ability to build and deploy Human designed and made starships has been around for at least a decade. Some, would say longer, however, the issues of power generation and systems control have only been properly addressed recently, but they have been addressed and a first approximation technology exists. And, even without a physical object to show this, it would be a most extreme error to assume that the technology didn't exist ... the individual peices are all around you ... many in your own home.

I couldn't argue one way or another that intergalactic travel (let alone interstellar) has been around for at least a decade or so. But I do think our ancient ancestors did have a working knowledge of many of our 'modern' technologies, inlcuding of course, primitive partical accelerators and far, far more... It can be seen in the artistic reliefs of some dynasties, (Nerftiti???). They're showing how they did it.

Power generation... hmmm, start at Michael Faraday, no? The first real step? Multi-tiered Faraday generators. Drawing electrons in the current from the ground in specific configuration(s), in massive quantities, accelerated in similar fashion. I'm curious about plasma, though. How did they do this?

Studying the works of the ancients won't help you understand how ET can be, but, it can help you to understand ET himself. We are not that different from any other species of intelligent being...just been doin' it longer than you Humans.

Agreed, and succinct.

Do yourself a favor; study the ancient, and hidden teachings. They are all available to you if you look. Study modern science, and least an overview, and find out what is possible.

Peace and understanding.

Who are you?

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by Red
Does anyone know about the Andromedans? Do they exist? Do they come from the Andromedan galaxy?

Hi Red,

Maybe the "Andromedans" are really Sagittariuns ?

The similarity being that Andromeda is suppose to crash into the Milky Way (see vid) and Sagittarius is said to have already been assimilated by the Milky Way.

The two could easily be confused for the other. Something I just thought of. It could be way off.

The Milky Way - Welcome to your New Home

edit on 29-12-2010 by Antoniastar because: I didn't notice my typo the first time around.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by Flux8
I wonder, how could they use knowledge of gene therapy to correct things? What makes us what we are, right now, is exactly what our genes have coded us for. To correct this would, in absolute essence, bring us back to the pre-historic age... literally. The ultimate proverbial reset button! Over, finished, gone, done, out. Start over.

Don't think that has to be the case does it?

They could activate/suppress/mutate certain sections of our DNA/Genes, to correct problems that might have already been caused. If they don't and we get long enough to learn about how DNA and Genes work, we'll probably be doing it ourselves anyway in the near future.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 02:15 AM
Or maybe they're capable of going right past DNA and working with specific energies that re-encode DNA. They're Aliens so they'd probably be able to do some pretty insane stuff by our standards. This is all a bit too far out even for me though I think, and I know hardly anything about DNA so can't have a proper conversation on it.

Maybe we just need to have our own space to do our own thing, without being manipulated by corrupt governments and corporations, and all this stuff will just naturally follow over time.
edit on 29-12-2010 by JoseChung because: typo

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
Explain that?!! Sure, but, you will need to look at your own species for some understanding. Just like americans, english, french helping the axis powers of WWII (germany, japan). Those floks thought that what they were doing was right, even if it wasn't. Intelligent beings, anywhere, can make what may not seem like the right decision. But, thats the thing ... the "right" decision is right for everyone.:

So, what you are saying is: the Nordics working with Greys are just some misguided individuals or even a misguided group of individuals?
I agree that intelligence does not equal infallible. Even highly intelligent poeple do make stupid mistakes sometimes. However, I am puzzled by your statement that "the "right" decision is right for everyone". I just wish you had provided an example of such a "right" decision.

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
You really should read more! Human technology has already solved many of the issues of interstellar flight. The theories of "warp travel" are no longer just theories, they are a reality. The ability to build and deploy Human designed and made starships has been around for at least a decade. Some, would say longer, however, the issues of power generation and systems control have only been properly addressed recently, but they have been addressed and a first approximation technology exists. And, even without a physical object to show this, it would be a most extreme error to assume that the technology didn't exist ... the individual peices are all around you ... many in your own home.

I already read a lot; however, I do not believe everything I read. So far I have seen no evidence that a working warp drive has been produced and tested and is ready for mass production. If you have such evidence, please, do provide it here for us all to look into it.

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
Actually, I have talked about that, in several places. The use of artifical wormholes can make what may seem an impossible distance much more like "the other coast"... 2.5 million light years in around 6 weeks.

Again, according to our current scientific knowledge, while traveling through a wormhole is a theoretical possibility, the energies involved in opening and more importantly in keeping such a wormhole open long enough for a spaceship to travel through, are tremendous. So, how exactly and in full detail do your supposed people do it?

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
Studying the works of the ancients won't help you understand how ET can be, but, it can help you to understand ET himself. We are not that different from any other species of intelligent being...just been doin' it longer than you Humans.

What I expect to learn when studying the works of the ancients is to learn a lot about the ancients themselves. I highly doubt they had any more insight into ET matters than we do today.

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
Do yourself a favor; study the ancient, and hidden teachings. They are all available to you if you look. Study modern science, and least an overview, and find out what is possible.

Look, I did study in my life and I have a diploma to prove it. I am 50 now, retired, and while I definitely will still learn some new things till I die, I am not gonna study to become an expert in things that really don't interest me, like esoteric teachings or advanced physics.

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
Peace and understanding.

Peace, love and understanding (By the way that is the title of a song I wrote a long time ago.) to you, too.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
If I may; Why? I have provided evidence, it may be incomplete, but, it is good evidence none the less. Many have tried to "debunk" it, and ALL have failed. Even One who seems to know a bit about forensic science and biology has not successfully shown that the evidence doesn't show something that is "highly anomalous".

Sure, you may, although you certainly won't like the answer. As I said, I don't believe blindly anything I read on the web. You know if you said you were from Alpha Centauri, which is our next door neighbor, I might have believed it. But from Andromeda ... come on.
I already explained that it's way, way out there. Also, look at my signature for an explanation. So far I have not seen you provide that extraordinary evidence. All I have seen are nice science fiction stories and exceptional role playing on your part.

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
I though this was funny because, my DNA says "African male" ... my Terrestrial family background says English.

I am sure there is a reasonable and scientific explanation for that. But I am no DNA expert and no, I won't study to become one, so I can disprove your claims. But this part always puzzled me: are you and alien in a human body or are Andromedans exactly like us humans?

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 04:21 PM
What gets me is an inconsistency that continually comes up here.

You get stuck on the vast distances that would have to be travelled as an indicator that Andromedeans could not have made it to Earth, why? Because according to OUR scientific understanding, it presents too great an obstacle. However...

You have no problem with the concept of Andromedeans, Greys, Reptilians existing and having the capability of manipulating our DNA with high precision amongst many other things are also far beyond OUR scientific understanding. Shouldn't these things also present too great an obstacle to lend credence to?

In addition to this, you have the arrogance to assume to know how these beings that defy all of OUR current scientific understaning, would and/or should behave/think/react in regards to interfering in our existence.

What all this boils down to is:

We need to consider both, perspective and extreme knowledge limitations, when adjudicating on the legitimacy of some of the claims made in this thread.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 06:51 AM
Sure, we could go on all day speculating. It's not even circular reasoning, it's spherical reasoning! Maybe even hyperspherical! But it's fun because it tickles our brain,
and makes us think 'what if',
followed by 'how would they',
followed by 'why would they',
followed by 'now lets try it based on what we know',
which hopefully leads us to paradigm shifting discoveries.

Originally posted by JoseChung
... Maybe we just need to have our own space to do our own thing, without being manipulated by corrupt governments and corporations, and all this stuff will just naturally follow over time.
edit on 29-12-2010 by JoseChung because: typo

Well, honestly in my opinion, this corruption comes mostly from our ranks. But as Anthra pointed out, there's always gonna be some bad seeds in the group... some worse than others. And sometimes it's just plain old mistakes and misunderstandings, not necessarily corruption. But I don't think there's a system that can prevent the intelligent sociopath from manipulating their way to the top and steering us to disaster, not a system that could be used out in the open, that is.

Back to the topic. If I remember, Anthra claims to come from (or at least have extensive knowledge of) the Andromeda galaxy. So please, sir, could you enlighten us?
edit on 31-12-2010 by Flux8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by -mytym-
What gets me is an inconsistency that continually comes up here.

Same here, and although you might point to me as doing the same thing, I'm just sick of reading about how people supposedly channeling these beings or even meeting with them, tell us that we need to change our bad ways even though we've supposedly been manipulated for thousands of years. Like it's all our fault. Like we even had a chance in that case.

Originally posted by Flux8
Well, honestly in my opinion, this corruption comes mostly from our ranks.

I'm no longer even bothered to be honest. I can't trust anything I read about this stuff, because like mytym, it just doesn't add up properly so it's flawed.

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