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I'm Asking For Help From The Aliens That Might Be Watching Us

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posted on May, 15 2005 @ 11:14 AM
Thanks Earthsister,
What do you think?
Could I Maybe... just Maybe, get lucky and meet someone that I've not imagined? I'll not hold my breath. But it's always a good possibility to hope for.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 12:00 PM

Speaking generally, yes, it's highly possible. But if it's going to happen to you, it's already a plan for your life. And if so, then you most likely already have met your alien contacts and you just don't physically recall it. That's what happens to most of the humans who have contact- they live their whole lives never realizing it.

If and when you do physically recall such a personal meeting, it will undoubtedly seem to you like you imagined it, because it will come up through your states of consciousness to your physical awareness, probably in pieces. It won't come in through your physical senses from the outside of your body.

Otherwise, if you tend to notice certain kinds of things physically that are more remote than personal, such as alien crafts or subtle affects of advanced technologies like flashes of light or ripples in the air, that is an indication that there is also more personal contact going on with you that you are unaware of.

A way to assess whether you would realize it if it happened, is to ask yourself if you suppose there is any actual reality (or importance) to anything that is not physical. If your answer is something like "no" then you could be catching glimpses of things all the time and dismissing them just as fast. If it happens so often that it's normal to your thoughts, that would make it be even more easily and completely ignorable to you, than if some strange thing just suddenly happened.

Another way to assess yourself is to ask yourself what your spirit is doing right now. If you don't know, then ask yourself what the last thing your spirit was doing that you knew of. If you still don't know, then there is "no limit" to what could be going on with you right in front of your physical body, whether it was with people from other planets or with any form of life ordinary to you.

We are aware of Earth's physical life around us easily enough, but we are also living an entire spiritual existence parallel to this physical one and interact just as well with all Earth life spiritually.

Although the alien people are as alive and physical as we are, the contact that occurs between any races is usually not physical because we do not have the same biology and cannot openly share the same atmosphere. Besides that, spiritual contact is much easier and safer, especially at such a precarious, hostile world of life, and it is showing us the true nature of all life, even our own. We need that first and foremost in order to understand anything personally about the other races visiting Earth.

We can't accept what we can't understand.

[edit on 5/15/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 07:13 PM
Thanks for the kind words Earthsister,

Well... for me to accept any kind of experience it would have to be personal, on a conscious level.
Otherwise I'd just shrug it off as a fanciful dream.
If the meeting is to be as cryptic and etheric as you and others say that it probably would be, then I guess I'll be in the dark about things for a very long time.
I operate in a three dimensional, physical world. That is the only reality that I have any type of grasp on. I wish I could operate in those realms that you and apparently others are able to.
Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that your's and other's experiences are not real. I do not doubt that they are. I'm just saying that I don't think MY frequencies are tuned that high.
If the aliens are able to crash and be retrieved and interrogated and make deals with members of government agencies then they are certainly capable of dealing with little ole me on a one to one conscious level. That is the contact and communication I seek. I don't believe any one in the service of our government has frequencies tuned very high either. And contact was supposedly made with them.
I don't, as I said, hold out any false expectations of contact and communication. I just wanted to put the request out there in the largest most prolific way I knew how. That is through the internet. That is the only avenue I have available to me.
Thanks again for your encouragement. Your's is a breath of fresh air that doesn't always parrot the same tired old cliches regarding ET life and their supposed agendas. Your remarks have always seemed to closely mirror what I thought could be, or at least part of, the reality regarding this issue.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 08:21 PM

I understand you perfectly, and you know, if it didn't happen to me, I would still insist that I had to see them before my eyes, and ONLY before my eyes, before I could accept any "fuzzy" thoughts. Well, that is how it happens to me and Jack-- both ways. My head is not in the clouds either, and I like to see things and hear things loud and clear for myself too.

Some of my most intricate, comprehensive, lucid experiences/meetings with my alien contacts have come to me "through my dreams." But these kinds of particular dreams are not imagination at all. When it first started happening to me from early childhood, I didn't know that any of them included "aliens." I only assumed that certain powerful beings, whatever they were, I thought, had the ability to somehow get into my dreams. I didn't understand any part of the mechanism or my control of it until later in life when I physically met some of the real live beings who had always been in my life.

I already recognized "spirits" of people I knew who had died. I felt the difference between angels and spirits. I already saw events play out in my mind before they happened. I already heard voices that would carry on a conversation with me. I knew these things were "real" and they had always been more ordinary to me than it seemed they were to most other people. I accepted that there is a NATURE to life that belongs there, beside what most people ever see. These things did not happen to me all the time, but enough to keep it real to me, not overpowering.

When I see my alien contacts physically, it is quickly. When I hear them physically speaking, they sound to my ears like gibberish. I have seen a few alien crafts from the outside physically, but many more from the inside while out of body. Out of body, I am more lucid and can understand what the alien beings are saying to me by telepathy. By spirit, I have more ability than I do by body. By spirit, I am related to, and a little more like my alien contacts, and much older than my body.

When my husband and I were first formally introduced to alien life, we reeled! As much as was going on physically before our eyes every day, and it much more focused on Jack than on me, we also started to have the most incredible, lucid, strange "dreams." At first we hardly paid attention to them, especially since we knew our imaginations must be running wild due to meeting the aliens physically. But the dreams were so "real" and persistent, and in my daily journal I was writing them with the physical events and conversations with the aliens.

Jack and I started discussing our dreams with each other more fully, and that is when we discovered that we were not just both dreaming of alien life, we were "IN" the same dreams together, recalling the same events at the same time, down to each other's and the aliens' conversations with us. Also, when we talked with the aliens physically- consciously, they referred to the events that we had "dreamed" about as if they really happened. It took us a little while, but we learned to adjust our thinking to include ALL aspects of contact.

This was not limited to only us. Our children told their "funny" dreams they had together and with us too, and our extended family members also told us their "strange" dreams of us and the aliens. Jack and I realized that our "dreams" were often real events happening somehow by spirit, and that it does not matter if we are asleep or awake when the events happen, or when we recall them.

Our alien contact continues to happen both physically and spiritually. But mostly spiritually.

I don't know what kind or extent of "physical" contact the govts have had with alien life, but I know it is not physical the way we think of it- that is absolutely impossible. The alien people die very quickly physically exposed to our atmosphere or any natural element on our world. They can't land or crash here and get out or be taken out of their crafts any more than we could survive that on their worlds.

I know that the govt has humans who can sufficiently do what the alien races do- travel out of body and meet together by spirit, and remain lucid without any loss of consciousness or memory. I know this because Jack and I have met with govt agents this way, and do it with other humans during our work of meeting people who have alien contact, and helping them understand alien life and how contact happens.

As always, this is for yours and others' consideration, not to challenge your belief, and I hope very much that you get your wish- to meet the alien races and find out about them for yourself.

[edit on 5/15/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 10:21 PM
I think you understand what I'm looking for and how I would hope to approach the situation, given the opportunity.
A clear mind with no pre-concieved notions about who they are or what their agenda may be and no prejudices.
It 's their ballgame. I'm willing to be there just for the experience and the knowledge I might glean from the experience. I don't want to announce anything or be anyone's prophet.
I've been a skydiver for thirty years. My father was a skydiver. I made my first static line jump when I was 16 years old. I'll be 46 in August. I grew up thinking the sport was sort of a natural thing. It was later as a teenager that I realized that some folks thought it was special and just wanted to do it once or twice, just to say that they had done it.
I guess that is the way I feel about this request. Only I think that I'd learn alot more from this experience than those others could've learned from jumping out of an airplane. Does that make any sense? It's the best I can describe it right now.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 08:04 AM

Not everything I state is from reading and counseling abductees. Some of it is from direct experience. I merely listed an abundant source of information that you can easily access on the Net.

Once again, I suggest that you first go with what you do know and to seek out credible sources of information. Second-hand information from a benign source that is human is still far better than first-hand information from Grey-aliens that many claim treat us like laboratory animals.

You may wind up in a situation whereby you are literally in a cage on an alien craft, with all the "physical proof" you desire and absolutely no way of ever getting out of there outside of death.

Carefully consider this.

Is that what you really want?

I don't think so.

You can't have your cake and eat it too

This reminds me of the moral to be learned from the classic Twilight Zone episode called: To Serve Man.

[edit on 16-5-2005 by Paul_Richard]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 08:19 AM
I posted a reply to this subject and it has been removed,

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by MagicaRose
I posted a reply to this subject and it has been removed,

I don't know why it was removed. I never saw it. I'd be interested in hearing your opinion. How about reposting the reply or U2U me.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

Not everything I state is from reading and counseling abductees. Some of it is from direct experience. I merely listed an abundant source of information that you can easily access on the Net.

Once again, I suggest that you first go with what you do know and to seek out credible sources of information. Second-hand information from a benign source that is human is still far better than first-hand information from Grey-aliens that many claim treat us like laboratory animals.

You may wind up in a situation whereby you are literally in a cage on an alien craft, with all the "physical proof" you desire and absolutely no way of ever getting out of there outside of death.

Carefully consider this.

Is that what you really want?

I don't think so.

You can't have your cake and eat it too

This reminds me of the moral to be learned from the classic Twilight Zone episode called: To Serve Man.

[edit on 16-5-2005 by Paul_Richard]

You're right Paul, all kinds of things could happen. I could walk out the door and a meteor hit me in the head. Or a truck could hit me crossing the street.
I'm retired military and Uncle Sam put me in harms way on four continents. The units I served with were all volunteer units, meaning the army could not assign you to these units. you had to volunteer. All kinds of things could've happened, and often times did.
Fear is a good emotion, but it is not an emotion that should be dwelt on.
The purpose of fear is to inspire caution. Not in-action. At least that's the way I see it. Taking a step into the unknown is very exhilarating and often times rewarding experience.
There's more to life than hearing about it and reading about it. Experiencing it is special. That is what i seek to do.
No, I don't want to end up in a cage or anything like that. But you assume that the potential for that type of thing is high. I don't make the same assumption. Be Bold and walk with the Angels. I'm too pretty to live forever.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 11:49 AM
[edit on 16-5-2005 by freddieb]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 05:17 PM
What I actually meant to say, without sounding so cocky , like I did in the above reply, is; That sometimes the want for the truth and the desire to expand our knowledge and consciousness is so great that we are willing to roll the dice and take our chances.
I know that this is a way of thinking that sounds irrational to some, maybe to most.
To me it must be the same way the guys that climb Mt.Everest must feel.
There would never be a time that I would feel more alive and in touch with that ultimate creative source(whatever name you want to call it)

[edit on 16-5-2005 by freddieb]

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 12:58 AM
freddieb, good one you for directly asking the way you did.

I hope something positive comes your way.....

keep us in the loop.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 08:30 PM
I'd hate to think that it was a missed opportunity just because, no one ever asked.
Thanks for the good thought.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 10:15 PM
Hey ES, this question is for you to then inform Fred, are you're contacts aware of people such as freddieb, asking to be contacted?
Moreover, are they aware perhaps of an increase of humans interest in them?

sorry freddieb if you consider this of topic.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 11:30 PM
The funny thing is that if they speak to you, would the aliens look just like any other person? Would they know what you want before you say a word?

Any advanced alien would be more advanced then you could handle and the paradign shift from ignorant to totally aware may shock you to the point of wondering, what pill should I have taken ...

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by pfunkarocka
The funny thing is that if they speak to you, would the aliens look just like any other person? Would they know what you want before you say a word?

Any advanced alien would be more advanced then you could handle and the paradign shift from ignorant to totally aware may shock you to the point of wondering, what pill should I have taken ...

I don't know. It could happen that way.
I'm asking that it be done in such a way, so as not to be cryptic about it. I prefer it be a conscious, definite meeting. I'm sure there are any number of ramifications to this.
I think, to be realistic, your scenario represents only some of the risks that are involved, and maybe not even part of the most challenging.
All kinds of things may happen. Good and Bad.
My only point here, is that I'm willing to take that step with whoever they are, if they are willing to take that step with me. I'm nothing special. I'm not connected to the government or any of those crazy things.
I'm just a half-way normal, regular kind of guy.
The kind of regular guy that is, like everyone else, one of the victims of what ever it is, that all of the lies and double-talk keep hidden.
I'd like to know the bottom-line.
I'm sure that there would be many concerns on the ET side of the equation that might prevent them from granting a request like this. Who knows?
I have nothing to offer them in return.
For all I know, I may be just a monkey, asking for help. They might be saying, "look he learned how to use a keyboard" and laughing. Some folks say they may eat me.
I'm just of the opinion that it can't stay a secret for much longer anyway. There too much out there now, thanks to the good ole NET.
But the net gives alot that may be true and alot that can't be true. Sorting through all of that is impossible. There are no absolute reference points to go by. It's like a map without a scale or a legend. And to me that's unacceptable.
Because we as humans are being lead down a dangerous road. By our own. I don't think anyone would disagree with that. I'd like to know the truth before it's too late.
And if they can do something to help, that'd be great. But mainly I want to know just for myself and the ones I could directly help, like my family. Of course, my life insurance is paid up. Just in case.

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 04:42 PM

To me it must be the same way the guys that climb Mt.Everest must feel.[\quote]

I doubt that.To compare your desire too personnel achievement that requires you to put some great effort it is ridiculous.

There would never be a time that I would feel more alive and in touch with that ultimate creative source(whatever name you want to call it)

Sci Fi movies and mans ability to portray Alien life forms greater than our own has a lot to answer for.Your wish may well be based more on your desire for a better life than you have now.

[edit on 16-5-2005 by freddieb]

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 06:43 PM
I'm not interested in the reason why, I want this.
The reason why, is not a relevent issue, to me.
It may be to others. Quite possibly, others that count.
But as for my own initiative, this is based on my own personal quest for knowledge. Why I feel the need for that knowledge, is not part of the equation for me.
That question seems to concern you.
I have no desire to engage in a debate about my motivations or whether my analogies are the ones, you would make.

[edit on 19-5-2005 by freddieb]

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by freddieb
I'm not interested in the reason why, I want this.
The reason why, is not a relevent issue, to me.
It may be to others. Quite possibly, others that count.
But as for my own initiative, this is based on my own personal quest for knowledge. Why I feel the need for that knowledge, is not part of the equation for me.
That question seems to concern you.
I have no desire to engage in a debate about my motivations or whether my analogies are the ones, you would make.

[edit on 19-5-2005 by freddieb]

You are already in a debate,you have stated your motivations.The resons why are relevant.This is a discussion site and question your reasons behind this thread are interesting if only to me.Sorry l`m not one who so readily believes without people answering some hard questions.There reactions help me at least to decide what is real or not.

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
Be careful what you wish for.

You will likely attract people who channel alien spirits, the prejudiced, and neither are good reference points to form your initial opinion on the subject.

Do some discreet and extensive reading on the topic and don't call attention to yourself.

That is the best way.

Here is a good independent links page to start you off.

[edit on 14-5-2005 by Paul_Richard]

You are right on with this one. I must ad that by keeping away from the evil forces that may be, one must stay away from all of the negitiveness that is surrounding us. Evil has many faces and forms so choose your path carefully.

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