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I'm Asking For Help From The Aliens That Might Be Watching Us

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posted on May, 14 2005 @ 09:03 AM
I, just me, as one of the people of this world, who has no political power and no avenue for true, unadulterated knowledge, am asking for those aliens to come help clear the air, expose the lies, and generally clean things up.
I'm not concerned with anyone elses opinion on this. However those opinions are welcome
I want to know the truth for my edification. I don't care that others believe about it or what the alien agenda may be. I don't see their agenda as being any worse than the direction we seem to be, being lead to by our own "leaders".
I don't care if anyone else is allowed to know the truth or if I am eliminated because I learned the truth. I just want to know.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 09:15 AM
Be careful what you wish for.

You will likely attract people who channel alien spirits, the prejudiced, and neither are good reference points to form your initial opinion on the subject.

Do some discreet and extensive reading on the topic and don't call attention to yourself.

That is the best way.

Here is a good independent links page to start you off.

[edit on 14-5-2005 by Paul_Richard]

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by freddieb
I, just me, as one of the people of this world, who has no political power and no avenue for true, unadulterated knowledge, am asking for those aliens to come help clear the air, expose the lies, and generally clean things up.
I'm not concerned with anyone elses opinion on this. However those opinions are welcome
I want to know the truth for my edification. I don't care that others believe about it or what the alien agenda may be. I don't see their agenda as being any worse than the direction we seem to be, being lead to by our own "leaders".
I don't care if anyone else is allowed to know the truth or if I am eliminated because I learned the truth. I just want to know.

You and a few Billion other people on this planet.A doubt that you will get what you are asking for and even if you did get a response would you honestly believe it just by reading alone?.
What differance does it make anyway there are plenty of animals,insects on this planet that could be described as Alien ie we don`t understand them and there apearance/actions are different to us.Does it really matter that a creature comes from another planet?.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 09:40 AM
As I said. I've reached the point of not caring about the consequences.
I've grown tired and disenchanted with reading the myriad of supposed true things about Extraterrestrial lifeforms and their supposed intentions.
I do not doubt their presence. I think that the numbers of the possiblities involved, have to equate to some correct hits on the subject.
I'm just exasperated with the search for the unvarnished truth.
I've lived a long enough life. If it comes to that. I've had a hell of a good time while it lasted.
I don't believe that death is = to non-existence. Energy transforms. It doesn't disappear.
Whether God as we traditionally think of God exists, I absolutely do not know and to me is not a relevant question.
I don't believe, if he/she does exist, that I can be held accountable for my actions, within reason, because they were based on the knowledge I had at the time. Nothing I can do about that.
I just want the real knowledge that I believe has to be out there.
I don't care where it comes from,as long as it is correct and unbiased.
I don't believe that the only way to communicate with the extrarrestrials is through channeling, so i consider that route to be part of the adulterated version.
I would like to know from "the horses mouth" so to speak. Again. I don't want to know in order to dissimenate what I learn. I want to know for my own edification alone.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by freddieb
I don't believe that death is = to non-existence. Energy transforms. It doesn't disappear.

Absolutely correct. Your energy will be transformed as your body decomposes. You will continue to exist as nutrients for some nasty bacterial colonies.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by weirdo

You and a few Billion other people on this planet.A doubt that you will get what you are asking for and even if you did get a response would you honestly believe it just by reading alone?.
.Does it really matter that a creature comes from another planet?.
I think that it is obvious that I don't believe these things just by reading alone. Hence the request. The request is not directed at people. It is directed to those aliens that may be watching. Or not watching. I don't know. I just thought, out of exsaperation, I would throw the question out. Billions pray, witout ever seeing a God. So I'm asking without knowing if it is reaching any source of knowledge.
And no. It doesn't matter what the origin or appearance of those beings might be. I have to believe that they, as we, are simply part of a tremendous bio-diversity that is bound to exist in the universe.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 09:58 AM
I love your attitude, freddieb! I'd give you a way above right now but I already used my button up this month.

My best advice to you from my personal experience is to go straight to the alien beings you want to know about. If you don't have alien contact or you can't communicate with them, there are other beings naturally connected to you as well who you can ask about them.

Please do not suck up all the crap written about alien life and other beings by humans. Look at it to see what is there, but don't absorb it or make it your own. Some is true among the lines, yeah, but only a little bit here and there. Most of it is deliberate disinformation or based on deliberate disinformation. Very few people on Earth have a good grasp of who the alien races are and what they are about.

What you can learn for yourself is worth more to you than all the rest of everyone else's claims put together.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe

Absolutely correct. Your energy will be transformed as your body decomposes. You will continue to exist as nutrients for some nasty bacterial colonies.

Sorry dude, whether you believe it or not----regardless of your religion or lack of-----you will exist for a long time-----possibly forever.

I'm not a religious person----and I don't know a lot of things----but I do know that.-----and no I can't prove it, demonstrate it, touch it or eat it----but life is forever, whether you like it or not.

Eventually everyone will know.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 10:28 AM
Plenty of humans know a lot about ETs------plenty wish they did.

Some that haven't and wish they did-----think they know what others have seen and experienced----they must believe they are gods for only gods can know what others have experienced.

You have asked-----they have heard-----they may respond-----however, don't come back and tell us----or some people will call you a fool.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister
I love your attitude, freddieb! .

My best advice to you from my personal experience is to go straight to the alien beings you want to know about. If you don't have alien contact or you can't communicate with them, there are other beings naturally connected to you as well who you can ask about them.

What you can learn for yourself is worth more to you than all the rest of everyone else's claims put together.

Thanks Earthsister.
It never ceases to amaze me that no matter what someone posts or how they word their posts, some people will respond with statements that make it painfully obvious they either didn't read what you wrote or they aren't capable of comprehending the gist.
I've always appreciated your views and the consistancy of the message you try to impart, as well.
Maybe one day a knock will come to the door and it will be some one that says. " ok, here's the way it is." One can dream, can't they?

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 10:34 AM
I wonder what the odds are that aliens are here on ATS reading our posts. I know it sounds stupid, at first thought, but think about it. If aliens really wanted to monitor us, they would probably keep track of all our major forms of communication, such as the media (television, newspaper, magazines, assemblies, etc.), and big organizations like the government. In today's day and age, the internet is a major form of cummunication, and although it's our most unrestricted form of broad cummunication, a large part of it is controlled by the media...

I'm not saying that they're sitting at computers, waiting for one of us to get too close to the truth, then killing those that do. I'm just saying... they might be watching.

Anyways, even if they were, I don't think they would likely just post in our threads saying, "Yup, you found us! Here's the truth to everything: ..."

I don't see any harm in trying to get them to contact you though. If I wasn't so creeped out by the possibility that they would actually answer, I'd probably ask myself.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by CloudlessKnight
I wonder what the odds are that aliens are here on ATS reading our posts. I know it sounds stupid, at first thought, but think about it. If aliens really wanted to monitor us, they would probably keep track of all our major forms of communication, such as the media (television, newspaper, magazines, assemblies, etc.), and big organizations like the government. In today's day and age, the internet is a major form of cummunication, and although it's our most unrestricted form of broad cummunication, a large part of it is controlled by the media...

Of course.

The question arises...

Who does one trust more, the people who have had physical contact with aliens or the aliens themselves?

EarthSister and other mediums say trust the aliens whom they consider to be our benign overlords.

I say seek out the testimonials from credible humans FIRST before jumping into the laps of aliens. Go with who and what you do know before going with what you know little about.

But hey, that's just my opinion.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by CloudlessKnight
I wonder what the odds are that aliens are here on ATS reading our posts.

There are those who have the job of paying close attention and recording everything humans share about alien life in every public way, and they keep that history and share with the entire network.

Also, for those who have personal alien contact, our contacts watch everything we learn and share in public.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
EarthSister and other mediums say trust the aliens whom they consider to be our benign overlords.

Paul Richard

If you are going to speak for me to others, get it right by quoting my own words exactly.

I am not a medium, and I have never said the aliens are our benign overlords.

Deliberately or carelessly misspeaking for somebody else, especially who you do not respect, support or agree with, is a sure way to piss somebody off and provoke them into a big fight. Do it to me again and I will complain to a moderator.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 11:31 AM
I've never considered you a medium or a channeler. Is that the way you would describe your contacts? I just didn't take it that way.
I love all of the comments from everyone though. I'm sure that's why you're here too.
I don't have any expectation of being "contacted", but I figured, nothing ventured....well you know.
I don't think, in lieu of how others have been recieved, that I'd be so open about the dissemination of what ever knowledge I would learn.
It would have to be pretty earth shattering for me to withstand that scrutiny. You seem to do well at it. I think I would just eventually lose it all over people.
Glad you're out there. Whether you are believed or not. What you say makes us think.
Maybe one day I'll know and then I'll be ready for the next step. I feel that no matter, in this life or not, there's always going to be another step. And that thought, real or not, makes me feel better.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
EarthSister and other mediums say trust the aliens whom they consider to be our benign overlords.

Paul Richard

If you are going to speak for me to others, get it right by quoting my own words exactly.

I am not a medium, and I have never said the aliens are our benign overlords. .

That's fabulous. You've done a complete 180 since I debated you last.

We can assume then that you have actual photographs of the benign aliens that you and your husband claim to be in communication, and not just channeled illustrations!

Be sure to post them in this forum as soon as you can. A group shot of you and one or more aliens would do the trick.

Otherwise, I will continue "to call a spade a spade" and say that you and your husband are just alien spirit mediums.

[edit on 14-5-2005 by Paul_Richard]

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe

Originally posted by freddieb
I don't believe that death is = to non-existence. Energy transforms. It doesn't disappear.

Absolutely correct. Your energy will be transformed as your body decomposes. You will continue to exist as nutrients for some nasty bacterial colonies.
You are speaking of the transformation of matter. Not energy. Go back to your 7th grade earth science textbook, and re-read that chapter.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 11:53 AM
Nancy & Jack's Alien Spirit Channeled Illustration Album

To avoid any possible confusion with the alien spirit medium who runs ZetaTalk, this Nancy (EarthSister) is not Nancy Lieder. But it is accurate to state that they both consider the aliens to be part of a Galactic Confederation and benign -- despite the mounting abductee testimonial evidence to the contrary.

[edit on 14-5-2005 by Paul_Richard]

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by freddieb
I've never considered you a medium or a channeler. Is that the way you would describe your contacts? I just didn't take it that way.

Not at all. My contact is both spiritual and physical, and so is my husband's. Telepathy is the usual way of communication between races, but telepathy is not exactly the same as channeling, and speaking by telepathy does not make somebody a medium. Anyway, those terms mean a lot of different things to the people who use them and claim to be practicing those things.

I love all of the comments from everyone though. I'm sure that's why you're here too.
I don't have any expectation of being "contacted", but I figured, nothing ventured....well you know.

Yes, I learn a lot from reading everyone's ideas and experiences too. I feel very fortunate for everyone to have this open medium. I want my husband to spend more time here but he is not as into the forums and talking with lots of people as I am.

If you do ever make contact or become aware of it, you can tell me. I won't ridicule you!

I don't think, in lieu of how others have been recieved, that I'd be so open about the dissemination of what ever knowledge I would learn.
It would have to be pretty earth shattering for me to withstand that scrutiny. You seem to do well at it. I think I would just eventually lose it all over people.

There are many ways to help others with what you learn, even without divulging something you have learned from alien life yourself. The best way to share information is in passing. A lot of what I am taught by alien life is for my role as a public speaker, but I do my best for others one-on-one in private. Still, we all are busy by spirit, out of body, working on all kinds of things together, whether the things include alien people or not. What gets done there seeps through to our physical lives in the most natural, ordinary way we can accept. Most of the humans who have ongoing alien contact go all through their lives working with the aliens and with other humans by spirit, and never even know it on a physical level, just because all humans are just not well aware of "anything" their spirits are doing.

It takes a LOT of ridicule to push me over the edge and get me really angry. It doesn't happen very often and I hide it pretty well. If I need to, I just take a break from a particular forum and post for a while in another. Nothing is worth taking on the kind of stress some people seem to just be here to cause. Most members just want to explore and consider different possibilities. That should not require bloodshed even if there is a civil argument over some issue, and it's one of the reasons I like ATS so much.

Glad you're out there. Whether you are believed or not. What you say makes us think.
Maybe one day I'll know and then I'll be ready for the next step. I feel that no matter, in this life or not, there's always going to be another step. And that thought, real or not, makes me feel better.

Thank you again. Belief is not the most important thing right now. It's all going to come out in the wash eventually anyway, at the best time for it to happen. I am pretty confident that you are one who will know it when it happens.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 04:12 PM
truth, is what you make it mi amigos. Then agian, that is only coming from me. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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