posted on May, 16 2005 @ 09:27 PM
Ok well seing as Nintendo hasn't released much on Revolution I'd say it's pretty stupid to say "Revolution is so much better" or PS3 will blow it
out of the water". Thats all just pure guess work. It would be ignorant to make such assumptions until E3 is over at the least.
Anyhow PS3 and X-Box 360 have some pretty interesting tricks up their sleeves going however to be honest I'm disapointed with both in a way. I sort
of expected more from a next generation console. When I went from N64 to GC I was blown away despite how great N64 was. This time I'm comparing
what I see on all the current gen systems to next gen and my initial response was "looks nice but not much of an improvement".
I'm not much of a hardware geek, I find that usually the system is made by the games. Nintendo had a great system going with GC because it had some
really fun games. X-Box had some awesome hardware but all it really had was Halo, most of it's best stuff was out on PC. PS2 pretty much threw away
all it's exclusive titles which was it's weakness. So yeah I'm going to make my assumptions mostly on games.
Personally I like what I see on X-Box 360 more than what I see on PS3. PS3 doesn't seem to have a lot of good stuff that intrests me. X-Box 360 on
the other hand has shown some good stuff with the Madden games. That and the fact that Halo 3 will most likely be better than anything I've seen on
PS3's game list.
The other reason why I'm going to side with X-Box 360 is because of controllers. If the 360's are anywhere near as big as the original X-Box's
than oh well, it might be a pain but I'll live. PS3 on the other hand, well how am I supposed to hold one of these?;
I learned a valuble lesson from PS2 about controllers, pretty symetrical designs are nothing unless it's comfortable to hold. Thats why I liked
GC's controller.