posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 02:01 AM
i agree.
Is he paranoid ? Yes. Does it matter ?
to this i would add, "Is he paranoid, Yes. with good reason?"
the only thing i dislike about alex is his boistrous presentation. but it ends there. and when i think about it, if i myself were to concentrate my
lifes work upon something i really believed in, like alex's patriotic agenda to wake america up again, well, i wouldnt apologize for my passionate
ramblings. fact is, as diverse an audience that america is, alex may have tweeked his message for mass appeal (to spread the message). but then
again, he may have aknowleged that great diversity and just said "f*ck it" and decided to be himself on camera.
it could be genuine paranoia, or loud TV antics that speak the language everyone understands, REGARDLESS;
his material paints the most comprehensive picture of what goes on behind the scenes in politriks. and to those of you who would argue that alex is
taking advantage of feeble minded conspiracy theorists for profit, i would have to defend him on that account as well. the man is a true patriot.