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buy the new buttoms with ATS points!

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posted on May, 10 2005 @ 09:29 PM
I have seen a lot of pro - anti stuff about the new buttoms, so far i said about 60% of people like them. how about we do this. we can choose our own buttoms!

like let said we have a home buttom
but we will have several different buttoms to choose from, or choose no buttoms at all, just text. we could constumize the buttoms with ATS points to the way you like them!!!

good idea? that way everyone will be happy

[edit on 10-5-2005 by ulshadow]

posted on May, 10 2005 @ 09:40 PM
O.K.- I want the naked women buttons

Not one line- I really want them

posted on May, 10 2005 @ 10:09 PM
I want belly buttons!

That´s actually a good idea to buy buttons in the ATS-shop. We already have the option to turn low-bandwidth mode on or off, so why not? I guess the Tech-master would know better than me if this would be difficult to arrange. Old style or new style buttons?

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 04:57 AM
Well, lets get a mod, or admin to do this... hehehe

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 05:11 AM
I would spend 10K points to have the old buttons back.

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 05:18 AM
I like the new buttons and since I do webdesign I have this to throw in too, change the header, make the size of the main table to 900 not 100% and get rid of the top buttons. Work them into the header by having the changin picture a background image with the buttons for mail/analysis/news/i.d./politcs/bts/ats discuss/ats as part of the background image with a transparent blank.gif inside the table overlaying the background image with an image map. This will take away seperate button loading times too.

Way to go for making the site look better. It's so old skewl which kinda gives it flavor but kinda makes it...old too.

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 05:37 AM
I love the new buttons, they are way much cooler than the old ones. So very bad idea.


Adding an option for buying the old buttons maybe..... that way everyone will be happy

[edit on 11/5/2005 by Musclor]

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Musclor
I love the new buttons, they are way much cooler than the old ones. So very bad idea.


Adding an option for buying the old buttons maybe..... that way everyone will be happy

[edit on 11/5/2005 by Musclor]

well, thats what i was suggesting, be able to choose our own buttoms with ATS points!!!

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 12:16 PM
I like the new buttons. I can read them without squinting, getting my glasses out or using the text size button. However, I am ammenable to everyone being different (as if anyone really cares what I think ...

I think buy8ing your own buttons of choice would be a great idea... And a real pain in the byootocks for the programmers.

Let's hear it for the programmers!!!!!!!!

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by sigung86
I like the new buttons. I can read them without squinting, getting my glasses out or using the text size button. However, I am ammenable to everyone being different (as if anyone really cares what I think ...

I think buy8ing your own buttons of choice would be a great idea... And a real pain in the byootocks for the programmers.

Let's hear it for the programmers!!!!!!!!

Well, That's what programmers do right!!!
besides most of them enjoy working on thsoe stuff. hehe

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 03:45 PM

these suck...

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 03:54 PM
please let me keep these new buttons as i wont be able to buy them back and i always like new things try them for a week then see how you feel

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 04:07 PM
link's been like one day and EVERYONE is a critic!

Why not just use them and move on? What does it matter?
It's like Simon having us all in his house and everyone wants to redecorate. How would YOU like to have people over and they say:

Hey, change the curtains.
How about we buy our own paint and do the walls?
Your furnature sucks...oh and by the way, you should make your livingroom bigger.

Ok, new buttons. You like it. You don't like it. Just have fun and enjoy the stay.

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander's been like one day and EVERYONE is a critic!

Why not just use them and move on? What does it matter?
It's like Simon having us all in his house and everyone wants to redecorate. How would YOU like to have people over and they say:

Hey, change the curtains.
How about we buy our own paint and do the walls?
Your furnature sucks...oh and by the way, you should make your livingroom bigger.

Ok, new buttons. You like it. You don't like it. Just have fun and enjoy the stay.


was this simon's idea???

or SO's

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 04:13 PM
we will soon grow to like the buttons and shortly we wont notice any why dont people like them you all say i dont like them but why not criticisim is not nice but constructive critisim can show were your tastes are different

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
was this simon's idea???

or SO's

Was the point lost on you or did you just see the name Simon and then hit quote?

I can see it now...another page of posts and people will be saying "Simon has ATS in his house?"

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 04:17 PM
The new buttons are great! We just have to get used to them. I looked at my screen for awhile before I realized where things were.
Its cool. Nice job whoever did it.

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 04:42 PM
I really don't care. Buttons are buttons. What's the big deal?

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 04:56 PM
Ya gotta laugh at all the threads about the new buttons

Love em or hate em, they are here to stay.
Cant see anything wrong with them myself. After all, a button is just a button.

Then again, we all might be missing something here. maybe its a button war begining to start?

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
I would spend 10K points to have the old buttons back.

Yes! The flashy new one are simply distraction and don't add any value to the GUI.

Pleae give us the old buttons!

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