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preminitions/ feelings of impending doom. well almost

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posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 04:12 AM
not quite shure where to put this

but ive had this feeling for a while now, a sort of inpending doom.
i know something MAJOR is going to happen either in america, ausralia or great britain. i have a feeling it will be a two to four pronged attack partially on the east coast partially on the west coast and partialy somewhere not near the coast similar to 9/11 but not quite as big although the implications will be horrendous for the areas attacked.i feel that it will be terrorist but im not shure who theyw ill be (maybe not even al queda) im actually shaking as i type this. it will be well bright like a huge explosion not nessescarily using planes( i.e 9/11) and defiantly not nuclear bombs although there will be a warning of some sort.
there will be almost as many casualties as 9/11 but only because of the warnings. it wont be as spectacular as 9/11 either. i know this is a huge feeling because i nearly was physically sick (literally too because i could feel it like you do when you are going to throw up)when i started having these feelings about a month ago and have discussed it with friends a few times who can understand these feelings and can relate.
i had a dream of a nuclear type explosion in brisbane australia (where i live) but it wasnt really a nuke if it was dropped in the middle of brisbane the shockwave and fire etc would probably get to us . in my dream it didnt but i did see the explosion and i heard air raid sirens too.

maybe im just paranoid but it is a real feeling and it is getting slightly worse as time goes by.

i hope you can undestand my typing and way of experessing this feeling.

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 04:35 AM
Are you psychic? Do you have the abilitity to see into the future? have you ever felt this way before? If so, What happened then? If you feel sick is it possible that your just overly concerned even paranoid that something is going to happen? Just questions.

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 04:52 AM
yes i am psychic i have known i am psychic for about 6 years. i have seen into the future before but only minor things like what happened at work or the like. it was pretty acurate last time i had a preminition/feeling like i have. i have done tarot card readings and the like before and theyve always been 70-85% acurate.

i dont feel sick often but when i first had this feeling it was like when you see something really repulsive and you automaticaly feel like your gonna puke. unlike when your sick and it comes on slowly.
im not really paranoid but i know something is gonna happen soon.
i cant explain it other than intuition or Gut feeling.

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 10:39 PM
A number of us have been discussing just such a feeling of impending doom for some time, mainly in the seismic thread.

The interesting thing is that we have been correlating these feelings with observations of HAARP ELF/ULF transmissions for the last 3-4 months, as well as a defined correlation with seismic activity.

HAARP is known to transmit in the frequency range that is recievable by the human brain and can in fact affect human emotions and higher brain functions. One of the theories being bounced around is that this is totally intentional, and that it is being used to "ramp up" the general overall feeling of the population for just such a feeling of impending doom and paranoia.

The reason for such a "fear/paranoia" conditioning would be to intensify the public reaction to the next major terror attack, and would likely make the general population highly submissive and reduce public resistance to whatever restrictions would be instituted immediately after the attack.

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 10:56 PM
And the populace does exactly the opposite and bites the hand that teased it. As everyone knows whos hand feeds who...makes one wonder.

I can attest to Dragons theories, rarely have they proven wrong if ever! And although I'm still a little sceptic on the seismic ideas, I'm sure this may prove again highly probable.

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 11:16 PM
Im going to sleep with my gun tonight!

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
Im going to sleep with my gun tonight!

That is not going to protect you from the monsters under your bed. Sheesh, people. These "terra warnings" have really gotten to you.

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 12:14 AM
just as the market started to pickup, damn, I hope you're all wrong.

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 12:24 AM
Wait! What's that noise? I THINK THERE'S A TERRARIST AT MY DOOR! Oh, God, somebody help me. Why me??? I didn't do anything! OOOOh, man!

Hold on. Didn't I just order from Pizza Hut?

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 12:28 AM
Thanks for sharing this. It takes a lot of guts to post publicly a feeling that comes from within. With all of Colonel's banality aside, I appreciate you sharing. I wish I could make you feel better, but I believe you are sensing something real and unavoidable.

[Edited on 1-8-2003 by Valhall]

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 12:35 AM
thanks for your replys. i really do hope im wrong but this is an awful feeling and usually when i have feelings like this something happens.

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 01:18 AM
So if terror attacks do happen, in what style or way do you think they'll be done? And using what type of strategy or weapons?

posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 06:18 AM
sorry i havent replied to you before now 10DeadInside10

usually it's truck/car bombs, and nuclear weapons. but i also get the feeling it will be something else. unshure of what yet, i really have a hard time explaining my feeling's so forgive me if im vague.


posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 07:10 AM
aus - I need to know if you've had anymore of these feelings - particularly involving Brisbane/flights out of there.

A very good friend of mine is working in Brisbane and is due to fly back to the UK in the next couple of weeks. I've just found out in the last week 4 people (who only know him and not each other) have had dreams or bad feelings involving his safety and health. Obviously my mate is seriously freaked out about this!

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 07:32 PM
i havent had any specific thought's/dreams/preminitions in the last couple of days but if i do i will definatly post them on here. also if i see anything on the news/hear anything i'll post it here.

there was a computor stolen from a sydney airport last week i think that was supposedly had "secret's" on it but i dont know if it had any info about other airports.

i'll keep you all updated.

what date is your friend flying out of brisbane??

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 09:30 PM
I think it would be a great research project to set up several control groups and have them u2u a research lead how many times they felt "doom" inexplicably a day. If they didn't feel anything that day they wouldn't have to u2u. You could have people, such as myself, who have a definte sinking feeling but no random feelings of doom and another group that is perhaps more sensitive. Then see if this correalates with HAARP (The members can't look at HAARP data or HAARP threads). Just an idea.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 10:01 PM
Definitely, most assuredly, no-one who has ever visited the ATS website would be qualified to be part of a valid "control group" for such research purposes.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 10:18 PM
well I assume that ATSers social contact extends beyond keyboards and monitors, so they could just ask their friends everyday if they felt "weird". It would require some coordination, no doubt. Cracking jokes, nay saying and sitting around isn't going to do much, though. Something defintely could be done. You don't need rigor to get attention. Although, I'm one to talk because I haven't done anything myself.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 10:40 PM
My own perception is that the Mood Meter here runs in a reasonably parallel fashion to that of the prevailing mood of the non-elite populace of the industrial militarized nation of the third millennium, with the key difference that (most) ATS netizens know more about what it is they should be worrying about.

If anything, radical trends in fear and terror ought to be felt and interpreted (intellectually) by ATS members at least some hours before the unaware, but not so much that over the course of any one day the interior and exterior moods are correlated by less than r = 0.8.

Media, word of mouth urban mythology and the universality of HAARP, are placed in support of the correlation function above.

Without further naysaying on the merits of the concept, I would rule myself out of participation on the basis that premonitions of doom pervade any room immediately before I walk in (except on light and breezy day).

I will be interested also to see how many ATS members have these entities/things called "friends".


posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 03:40 AM
aus my friend is flying back on 4th october.

He said that 2 seperate people (who don't know each other) had both had a dream that he was injured/killed by some sort of weapon. The other two just had a really bad feeling about his welfare. I didn't have the heart to show him this thread when I came across it

Right now he's living in a hotel in central brisbane, and we're all trying to stop him getting so freaked and hoping there is nothing in this. He's trying to discount the 'worriers' as one is his girlfriend and the other person worries all the time about everything, but having 4 people all contact you on same day with same concern can't be good for the blood pressure!

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