Hi there, great post! Very informative. I stumbled across it whilst doing research into sound frequencies and there benifits, specifically the 528 HZ
frequency, or (the miracle tone). To be honest, for the last 8 years or so I have done my fair share of research into the REAL world and it's goings
on. Starting with the 9/11 'conspiracy', and most other major 'terrorist attacks', the banking system, NASA and other space agencies, McDonald's,
Hollywood, Disney and the Media. The fraudulent court systems and corrupt governments out for making a profit for themselves like the pharmaceutical
companies depending on the suffering and death of innocent men, women and children. Believe me, the list goes on into the things I have looked into
and found overwhelming evidence to support. The fact is, things are portrayed to us in a certain way by the authorities, governments, the media and in
TV PROGRAMS and films. They want to keep us in a state of disharmony. If we are constantly in fear, stressed, over worked, struggling to get by
because of extortionate taxes, inflation and recessions, if we all remain miserable and consume to keep us 'happy', as well as entertain ourselves
with their brainwashing propaganda, then we will all remain sick and diseased and be in full dependence of their services. It is all so that the 1%
remain wealthy and abundant, whilst the other 99% of us starve, become homeless or die of disease. They are fully aware of the benefits of sound
frequency as much as they are aware of the damage they are causing to create their wealth. Which is why they don't want this information getting out
and will even go to the lengths of paying people to dish out disinformation online to cause confusion. I have no idea how much you know about
everything but you seem to be aware that things are not the way they appear in this world. It is our job as intelligent, reasonable human beings to
start coming together and helping each other to really figure out who we are and what we are capable of, because from my experience, we are amazing
creatures that can cure ourselves by simply being positive and believing we have the power to do it. Not to mention the DNA repairing frequency of 528
which does the same. The true information of life, is and has been suppressed and we have all been fed lies, controlled and manipulated into being
good little sheep that go to work, pay our taxes, consume, grow ill and die. Then we teach our children to do the same. Don't you think life could be
amazing for each and every person in the world if we all decided to say 'no' and stopped conforming to what society says we should eat, buy, look
like, do, etc. If we all just stopped using pieces of valueless paper for currency and started trading and bartering instead. Or better still, divide
the worlds wealth evenly so that people were not starving to death and living rough. We have so many laws and legislation enforced by corporate
officials but the basic human rights of people are not being met. It is ludicrous. At the very least, each person alive should have care, food, water,
shelter and access to knowledge. These basic human requirements are not being met. Fact. It's time for a change. It's time for us to join forces and
get the word out so we can at least say that we tried. Forget ego and fear and do what's RIGHT!
Sorry about the essay, I guess I got carried away. I felt the urge to write to you are I could sense your passion in your writing and I have that same
passion that drives me to cure the world of sadness and sickness and replace it with happiness and wellness. Help me! 😄
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Hunting Veritas