posted on May, 7 2005 @ 12:22 PM
What the heck was THIS then?
(using a non-news source for the link)
Remember that?
So what was it then?
I'm betting actually that it has something to do with the OTHER explosion that happened that almost got his train.
Remember THAT?!
I think someone INSIDE the country is REALLY trying to take his azz out. I think this is why you have explosions the size of small nukes because they
can't get close to him only in the general area and want to clean up any evidence too.. SO.. a big big big boom is required to take him out. ONLY
PROBLEM.. I'm betting he is paranoid as hell and doesn't allow his exact location and times to be announced in any way to the public.. so its all
hit and miss (probablly a coup attempt too.. so its probablly their own military).
Sooooo.. if he knows his time is up (or could be) there might be some anxiousness there that could make them do something stupid.. like testing a nuke
on japan. That would be so frelling inexcusable though.. its too bad that the world would instantly smoke every presidential palace in the country.
I think that missile towards Japan AND the nuke test is sorta saying.. "We can and will do this RIGHT NOW if we wanted to.. but we don't WANT to, as
long as we get more money."
I'm kinda surprised.. with the way things are going at the moment.. that they don't just pacifiy him for the time being (its like the US is saying
they don't have the money) and then take him out later.. its almost like THEY WANT the conflict to happen.. because this could be over FOR NOW
already, they could have just given him what he wants.. so the US can go back to screwing up the M.E. ... since they have already been in SEAsia AND
Korea AND Japan and done enough there already. I believe that the REAL U.S. forgin policy is "if we can't fix it.. we'll make it all worse."
There is obviously something TOTALLY happening over there.. its all just 'too much stuff' happening. Including that missle shot at Japans general
direction (if that even happened).
Actually.. I wonder if the 'odd' stuff that has been going on over there is an attempt to STOP this nuke test... I wonder what NK is asking for in
these negotiations.