no its not racist. there are a lot of movies out there with all white casts. private ryan, 2001, 2010, Band Of Brothers, the list goes on and on. who
care if LOTR has only white people. have there been any complaints about it? nope. if it anit broke dont fix it.
an all white cast isnt the authors fault it would be the casting directors fault, oh and if ya didnt notice, all the crossbreed orcs where maori's
and they were put in that position beacause of there muscule structure, not beacause of there race.
Tolkien was a devout Roman Catholic. Lewish, belongs to the Church of England. Tolkien's Catholicism, inturn actually influenced Lewis's decision
to join the Church of England.
I would also like to note, Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings', is not a trilogy, it is a single novel, sometimes published in three volumes.
No, Tolkien was not racist, he just uses a lot of similes in his books, where good guys are generally in white, bad guys are in black. Just like a lot
of other great stories.
Biographers of Tolkien note that he started writing The Hobbit and then LOTR after returning to England after witnessing the carnage of the First
World War. I'll have to think about racism and his writings. One of the things I liked in my first reading of his works is the portrayal of a
complex, multicultural and diverse world. Was Tom Bombadil white? I can't remember.