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Chemtrails Confirmed

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posted on May, 13 2005 @ 09:58 AM
Howard, we need to take drastic action. I know we haven't terminated anyone with extreme prejudice for over a month now, but one of the subjects has stumbled onto the facts.

And I have discovered the true cause of chemtrails... ANGEL FARTS! big, nasty, odorous, high altitude angel farts...

I don't think we have any choice. If the reptoids find this out, we'll be hamburger (literally) at the next meeting.

posted on May, 13 2005 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong

Howard Roark... as much as I admire Ayn Rand... I must say, you defy the principle... I doubt a true objectivist would sully themselves with nasty comments about others, just wastes time...
but you do have an interesting intelligent style... I will wait and see...

I try, but sometimes it is hard to remain perfectly objective in the face of unending ignorance.

And just for the record...
chemtrails are real!

And I have discovered the true cause of chemtrails...
ANGEL FARTS! big, nasty, odorous, high altitude angel farts...

OOPs, OTS, you are right. We will have to get one of the angels to play the Haarp for Laz.


posted on May, 13 2005 @ 05:56 PM
Joint self-satirising derisiveness
Yes, I suppose it works
Can't play an old working trick too many times
Self-deprecation disguising coy knowingness always wins many friends

[edit on 13-5-2005 by dh]

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 02:26 AM
I read through all the similar stuff that is similarly posted about chemtrails, yet my question was never answered:

Why don't they just spray us with chemicals on overcast days so no-one will notice? Any reasoning behind the blatant chemical attacks when obvioulsy a day that has several rainstorms......which would spread chemicals much better......suffice?

Why do they almost only occur on relatively clear days??? That doesn't make any sense to me at all.


posted on May, 14 2005 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by PistolPete
I read through all the similar stuff that is similarly posted about chemtrails, yet my question was never answered:

Why don't they just spray us with chemicals on overcast days so no-one will notice? Any reasoning behind the blatant chemical attacks when obvioulsy a day that has several rainstorms......which would spread chemicals much better......suffice?

Why do they almost only occur on relatively clear days??? That doesn't make any sense to me at all.

Because that would be logical, but the whole 'chemtrail' theory completely lacks any common sense to begin with, in my opinion.

Doing it on overcast days would be the best, it would allow whatever the supposed chemical is, to actually reach the ground. Where as on clear days, the mist/spray will stay up in the air and take days (weeks?) to actually reach the ground. Plus by the time it would reach the ground, it will have been blow so far off course, that it won't really matter anymore.

I always get a kick out of people who say they feel sick when they see 'chemtrails' up in the sky. It makes no sense at all. How can they feel sick when the mist/spray is still 30,000km up in the air?

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 04:05 AM

Joint self-satirising derisiveness
Yes, I suppose it works
Can't play an old working trick too many times
Self-deprecation disguising coy knowingness always wins many friends

It's also a socially-acceptable way of laughing with some people (like laz and each other) at others (further deponent sayeth not).


posted on May, 28 2005 @ 05:45 PM
You only observe it on clear days
On overcast days and at night they do it also
You cant take pics of it at these times
Only on erstwhile clear days - obvious ain't it?

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 08:03 PM

You only observe it on clear days
On overcast days and at night they do it also
You cant take pics of it at these times
Only on erstwhile clear days - obvious ain't it?

Well Duh,

Since chemtrails don't exist (at least no chemtrail believer has been able to prove it), it can't be "obvious" now can it?



posted on May, 29 2005 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Traveler

You only observe it on clear days
On overcast days and at night they do it also
You cant take pics of it at these times
Only on erstwhile clear days - obvious ain't it?

Well Duh,

Since chemtrails don't exist (at least no chemtrail believer has been able to prove it), it can't be "obvious" now can it?


Please don't play dumb or act like I am
I only state the obvious. That you can neither see nor photograph the action
So evidence of chemtrail activity will only be presented from a start of relatively clear skies days
Simple, isn't it?
Anyway, the proof is in the pudding
We need to lift our eyes skywards and observe what's going on up there
An unprejudiced observer doesn't need a multiply qualified corporation-sponsored hack to tell him or her the truth

And while you're at it perhaps you'd like to ponder the photographs posted at this little corner of the ATS pogrom

The photos mind you
This thread was transferred from here to this small dark corner in a mindless act of reality-verifying mod-ism by someone who is only grounded in Newtonian smell-it see-it touch-it hear-it measure-it theism, and has no idea of the Physics Tao or New Age exteriorisation of the agenda or the idea of the holographic projection of the universal mind or the expression of our energy fields

[edit on 29-5-2005 by dh]

[edit on 29-5-2005 by dh]

[edit on 29-5-2005 by dh]

[edit on 29-5-2005 by dh]

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 08:13 PM
air polution is a real problem.seeding weather projects are real.would you not spray something in the atmosphere to fix ozone does not cost that much to dump chemicals on farmers fields to protect whats the problem here.people really care that chemicals are in the air and could make you ill.nobody cares about factorys ,cars and other stuff.look around you does anyone really care about earth.this is not my idea but i feel i must give a negetive responce to a reality that most dont care about.chemtrails are here so what else is new..........

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 06:17 PM
I only learnt what chemtrails were about a week ago after reading this thread and watching the video, but i actually seen them for the first time today!

I live in the North-East of England and today was a very sunny and clear day compared to our normal bad weather.
I was walking with my G/friend to the shop when i noticed them, there was 8 all together, 4 in each direction criss-crossing each other.
I would have passed them as contrails but these seemed much larger, lower and hung in the air for at least 45 minutes (maybe more because i went in the house and stopped watching).

Just thought id let you all know because my Girlfriend thought i was just plain weird for knowing what they

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 08:43 AM
I'd bet you'd impress your girlfreind even more by not being a patsy for every crackpot internet hoax out there.

Have you even bothered to learn about the meteorology behind the formation of contrails?

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 09:38 AM
semantics folks...
Chemtrails do exist... so lets get the terminology correct...
a weather modification program is a true life example of "chemtrails"
a airborne contaminant study is a form of "chemtrail"
a terrorism drill using crop dusters (midwest) and radioactive dust is "chemtrail"

a heavy dose of smog from an airplane is a "chemtrail"

it is not these that are in question... or is it?
these programs happen everyday in america somewhere... who is to say that the "observations of chemtrails" were not observations of these?

it is only a question of "what percentage" are true chemtrails...
if anyone knows for sure... let me know...

until then, it is both true and false...

[edit on 31-5-2005 by LazarusTheLong]

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
Chemtrails do exist... so lets get the terminology correct...
a weather modification program is a true life example of "chemtrails"

If you are talking about cloud seeding, then yes, that does exist. If you are talking about the more fanciful projects that are claimed to be associated with “Chemtrails,” then No, there is no proof that this exists.

a airborne contaminant study is a form of "chemtrail"

Only if that research uses tracer chemicals in it’s study. Passive, in-situ sampling and analysis of airborne contaminants is not “chemtrails.” This type of atmospheric research is common, but it is hardly an everyday occurrence.

a terrorism drill using crop dusters (midwest) and radioactive dust is "chemtrail"

Can you be more specific on what you are talking about?

a heavy dose of smog from a airplane is a "chemtrail"

Well under that definition, all exhaust plumes from aircraft are “chemtrails” since all exhaust plumes contain traces on un-burnt fuel, and other compounds resulting from normal hydrocarbon combustion. All of which can contribute to smog formation. Hell, my car produces chemtrails under that definition.

it is not these that are in question... or is it?
these programs happen everyday in america somewhere... who is to say that the "observations of chemtrails" were not observations of these?

How often do you thing that someone actually conducts a cloud seeding operation?

These guys claim to do a lot, but in reality, they are not out there every single day. Who is going to pay for cloud seeding when it is raining naturally? Who is going to pay for hail suppression when there are no thunderstorms predicted?

it is only a question of "what percentage" are true chemtrails...
if anyone knows for sure... let me know...

until then, it is both true and false...

Most chemmies can’t even agree as to what the so called chemtrails really are.

Since your definitions of chemtrails above range from the extremely narrow to the all encompassing, the percentages are a moot point.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 10:27 AM
HowardRoark, Would you consider to retire my quote from your signature?
Im sure there a few possible candidates from Laz.

Like this one

quote: a heavy dose of smog from a airplane is a "chemtrail"

At least consider it

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
a weather modification program is a true life example of "chemtrails"

If you mean cloud seeding etc then no, because this does not leave a trail. What weather modification does leave a trail?

a airborne contaminant study is a form of "chemtrail"

Not quite sure what you mean - but how does a study of airborne contaminents lead to a cloud like trail in the air?

a terrorism drill using crop dusters (midwest) and radioactive dust is "chemtrail"

Crop dusters are intentionally designed not to leave a trail. The whole point of them is that whatever chemical they are spraying does not stay in the air, but settles on to the crops. Again I don't see how spaying dust (radioactive or not) would leave a persistant trail in the sky.

a heavy dose of smog from a airplane is a "chemtrail"

The exhaust from an airplane contains water vapour which forms a contrail. If the conditions are right (high enough altitude, -40C or below and high humidity) the water vapour turns into ice crystals which, depending on conditions could last for minutes, hours or days. The science of this is discussed extensively in the Chemtrail Hoax thread.

Sailors have actually been known to look at contrails to give an indication of future weather conditions. Persistant contrails indicate high humidity in the upper atmosphere, which could be a sign of a storm coming:

Just type "contrail formation" into google if you want to see a load more sites.

it is not these that are in question... or is it?
these programs happen everyday in america somewhere... who is to say that the "observations of chemtrails" were not observations of these?

What programs? The only thing that causes persistant cloud like trails are aircraft contrails, as described above.

it is only a question of "what percentage" are true chemtrails...
if anyone knows for sure... let me know...

How would you like me to prove to you that every persistant contrail across the planet (there must be millions every day) does not contain any noxious chemicals put there by whoever to further their nefarious plans? Neither can I prove that every trail does not contain cheese, that does not mean they do. You have to work from available evidence, logic and common sense.

until then, it is both true and false...

Well then so is my assertion that planes are spraying cheese on to unsuspecting populations (it's the French, the scroundrals).

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 10:45 AM
Fiar enough.

You know Iv'e got about two pages in an M.S. word doc of these. When I get to three, I'll repost them all.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
Chemtrails do exist... so lets get the terminology correct...
a weather modification program is a true life example of "chemtrails"
a airborne contaminant study is a form of "chemtrail"
a terrorism drill using crop dusters (midwest) and radioactive dust is "chemtrail"

a heavy dose of smog from a airplane is a "chemtrail"

it is not these that are in question... or is it?
these programs happen everyday in america somewhere... who is to say that the "observations of chemtrails" were not observations of these?

it is only a question of "what percentage" are true chemtrails...
if anyone knows for sure... let me know...

until then, it is both true and false...

exactly true, lazarus. until known, it is both true and false.
this is the reason that fuzzy logic is the most effecient way to look at the world. the fuzzy way is to keep both possibilities as undetermined, and let a a panalopy of other factors be also true and false. the more complex the matrix of possibilities narrows the field of possible outcomes because certain truths and falsehoods cancel each other out.

in linear logic, we would consider that the probability of chemtrails is low, due to the array of factors pointed out by the fine minds of howard, and OTS.
however, the analysis style of the debunkers is to isolate each factor, DETERMINE IT TRUE OR FALSE, and then move on to the next factor. this creates a lexicon built on ASSUMPTIONS, as NOTHING is clearly true or false when described by human language.
there ARE chemtrails, and this has been admitted by the chemtrail truth control squad. that's right, howard and OTS, you have both admitted that it is not 'just water' in jet exhaust, so a contrail is, by nature, a chemtrail.
now is it:
mostly chemical?
a lot of chemical?
a little chemical?
hardly chemical?

in that picture, i would say it's mostly chemical, seeing as it's not even coming from the engines. but, OF COURSE!, the photo is 'faked'.
fuzzy billybob believes the picture is mostly fake and mostly real.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 11:54 AM
the real fake fake real photograph.......

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 12:35 PM
To dear sweet Howard...
I thank you so much for using my quote for your sig...
it is always so nice to have others promote me.
You see, I am from the Advertising industry, and I realize that any advertising is good advertising... and that was a perfect quote to use...
It states the blantant fact that "technically speaking" a a chemtrail...if it contains any chemicals... such as the products of burning fuel...

as my post mentioned... the problem isn't accepting that chemtrails exist... they do... the companys that use chemical spray methods from planes are very out in the open about it...
it is the terminology that is at odds...

a better definition of what a true "chemtrail" is, would be helpful... and since it seems to vary based on how paranoid a person is, then I felt it would be constructive to have everyone know what they were argueing...
otherwise when some idiot says "no such thing as chemtrails" they wont be shown to be a fool by posting a link like this one...
cloud seeding is common
this MSNBC article points out that 5 counties in the Dakotas, recieved over 675 hours of cloud seeding over ONE summer (2,190 hours)...
slightly more than a fourth of the time during that summer, there were "chemtrails" that could be observed in the air...

that could be a powerful fact for a pro chemtrail person, but they might fail to mention that these were common seeding experiments... (hence the semantics issue)

furthermore, Howard...
as to the crop duster terror drills, I don't know if they had any in your part of the world... but shortly after 9-11, they had crop duster and other planes spraying tracer chemicals (some slightly radioactive) on a monthly basis...
for many reasons...
but it sure did freak a bunch of people out... which was one of the points... they wanted to make sure that people would call in a suspicious plane dropping chemicals...
(they don't have much faith in us Okies)... figured we might try to blow them away ourselves with our squirrel guns...

does everyone understand that chemtrails are not what is in dispute...
it is whether they are harmful, or secret, and if so why, and how often do they occur?

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