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NEWS: Youthful Marijuana Use Linked to Mental Illness

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posted on May, 5 2005 @ 07:39 PM
Wow, i stopped that whole tattle tale nonsense when i was a child. Alien, please. Stop acting juvenile. We are on a discussion board, talking about adult issues.

There is no reason to bring threats into an inteligent conversation. After all he is allowed to express his opinion about what ever he wants. After all since i'm guessing he doesn't know you, he is probably wrong anyway. Anything else is just unamerican, and you wouldn't want to be unamerican would you?

You say "peace"...why not try to make some?

[edit on 5-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

[edit on 5-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 07:50 PM

as posted by EyeofHorus
After all he is allowed to express his opinion about what ever he wants.

In case you missed a few factoids:
1) this is a privately owned discussion board.
2) any member can say and express all they wish, as long as it is within the Terms and Conditions of this site.

Personal attacks, as mentioned by Alien, violate the Terms and Conditions of this site, EyeofHorus.


posted on May, 5 2005 @ 07:59 PM
I havent looked over all the posting so I hope Im not too far off here, but I would like to thank ChemicalLaser for this work. I see he's point about facts and a poor link between use and illness. However, I have seen this trend in many of my friends. In not sure what kind of "metal illness" they suffer but these younger users are far worse off then late comers. Its a no brainer to see that adding a substance to a growing mind will forever change it. If you thing using marijuana wont harm you then this isnt the forum for you. Im not saying its the devil or what not. The facts should be taken into acount before you use. If you can live with them fine, not a bad thing right? Its just like drinking. However, young people have the problem of not seeing the whole picture and this is a choice better left to the more grown group. Another story on this line is Prozac. Many kids just become drug user at a young age and contunue to have "mental" issue all their lifes.

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 08:34 PM
These sorts of threads are just doomed from the word "Go!" By that token, our species seems doomed for the same reasons.

When I saw this headline, the image from the movie poster from Reefer Madness flashed before my eyes. I have always hoped that legacy would crumble with time, but it hasn't. Alcohol and cigarettes could populate entire nations with their victims, and this scrawny little weed is the target of such animosity? It's stupifying, the level of myopia our species is capable of.

The nature of the human pysiology is one of delicate balance. If you smoke too much herb, you will not be healthy. If you eat too much fat, you will not be healthy. If you drink too much water, you will not be healthy. Why not just leave it at that, in the public arena?

I'm very saddened by the effort, that is still being subsidized by taxpayers, to destroy one of this planet's most fascinating plants. They are literally trying to wipe a species off the face of the earth. It has properties that make it incredibly useful, in a multitude of ways, but with their trademark hubris and limited inteligence, they refuse to allow reality to interfere with their plans for domination of the earth.

In any case, these discussions are circular, frustrating, and usually filled with half measures and assumptions offered up (with spite free of charge) by both sides. The smokers are infuriated by the intrusion into their freedom of choice. The conservatives are incensed at the choices of those they see as inferior. Neither will give ground because they are, in effect, fighting for the future of the world.

This discussion is hamstringed by a lack of honest information, and that lack of honest information is a seemingly immortal epidemic; the human race has been plagued by it since..well..forever. This won't change unless we do.

The only way to overcome that obstacle is to educate people honestly. Show the whole picture, not just the portion of the picture that confirms your impression of what the picture ought to look like. This applies to both sides equally. Many smokers will claim it is completely innocuous, many conservatives will claim it destroys free will and leads to insanity. Neither one will be truly vindicated unless impartial private research is allowed to proceed.

We need to lift the ban on this plant. Making a plant illegal is insane. It won't stop growing until you eradicate it from the face of the earth, and that's exactly what some would see done. In order to conceal and appease their own inferiority, their own lack of control, people will resort to the murder of an entire species. It's sick, it's sad, a very human response.

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 08:45 PM
When I posted this story, I figured it could devolve into a debate on the hazards of marijuana. Personally, I was more interested in how careful statistical based sociology research gets more and more twisted as it travels up the management chain until you have some guy at the top breathlessly proclaiming some link that is only marginally supported by the actual data. But that's just me. Oh well.

Personally, I never have and very much doubt that I ever will touch an illegal drug. My annual alcohol intake can be measured in single digit ounces. (Maybe that makes me a prude and I shouldn't comment on the drug use of others?) I can't stand cigarette smoke and have few positive thoughts (pity really isn't a positive thought, is it?) about marijuana users. That's my opinion which I am entitled to. Others disagree - they are entitled to their opinion (no matter how wrong headed it is...)

The only thing worse than survey based statistical studies is anecdotal evidence. That being said, please indulge me the following story: I come from a pretty disfunctional family. Growing up with two alcoholic parents was "pretty crappy", (but not nearly as bad as others). Within months of graduation from HS, I went to college out of state, 6 hours away. I tried to avoid trips home. Upon graduation from college I moved even further away almost immediately even though I had been accepted at a more prestigious grad school closer to home. I am now a Ph.D. research chemist, fully employed, with a wife & well-adjusted kids.

Throughout this time, my younger brother lived at home. He's a smart guy but never made the move to get away from the madness. His "profession", if you can call it that, is stand up comedian. He doesn't make enough to live on his own (at 34 years old!) so he and his girlfriend live with my dad (mom died from alcohol related ailments 4 years ago). My brother clearly has one or more emotional and/or mental illness issues including alcoholism of his own.

So, what was the point of that soliloquy? First, I just thought it is an interesting case study of growing up in an alcoholic home. Secondly, sometimes I just like writing about myself.
Finally, I tell it because I think it partially demonstrates that living in a dysfunctional home is a major risk factor for future mental illnesses.

Unfortunately, I don't think the guys at OAS asked the respondants what their family life was like in the survey. If they had, I would have been very surprised if there wasn't a very strong correlation between growing up in a dysfunctional family and youthful marijuana use as well AND adulthood mental illness.

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 08:53 PM

So true! The plant could be a major source of many great things. It was a major resource back in the day. It doesnt fit into the power system today and thats why its banned. Its easier to control the masses with it banned then not. Its a tool just like any other subsance can be.

I dont think the your balance use of anything idea is bad at all. However, thats a lesson learned by the wise. You doesnt just start with that understanding. If you let young people fall into a drug trap its ten times harder for them to see the true you speak.

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 10:11 PM
Medicinal Marijuana
Nursing Practice: Position Statements

The New York State Nurses Association Board of Directors, at its meeting of June 7, 1995, endorsed the Virginia State Nurses Association resolution regarding Legalizing Marijuana for Medical Purposes.

According to the Virginia Nurses Society on Addictions, as a Schedule I drug, marijuana cannot be used by patients or prescribed by health care providers. Marijuana has been found to be effective in the treatment of glaucoma by reducing intraocular pressure and in reducing nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. Marijuana has also been effective in stimulating the appetite of AIDS patients suffering from the wasting syndrome, controlling spasticity in spinal cord injury patients and in controlling seizures for persons suffering from epilepsy and for persons with multiple sclerosis. Marijuana is remarkably non-toxic and the estimated lethal dose is 20,000 to 40,000 times a normal dose.

In New York State, marijuana cannot be used by patients or prescribed by health care providers. Public Health Law 3330 Schedule I Substances states: "No prescription may be made or filled for any controlled substance in Schedule I nor may such substance be possessed, distributed, dispensed or administered except pursuant to Title III of this Article." Title III prohibits use of Schedule I substances for research, instructional activities and chemical analysis relating to controlled substances without having obtained a license and establishes the provisions for obtaining the required license.

Thirty-six states, including Virginia, have recognized marijuana's therapeutic potential and have passed legislation supporting its medical use. The NYSNA Peer Assistance Committee agrees with the intent and content of the resolution Legalizing Marijuana for Medical Purposes.

NY State Nursing Association Testimonies on Cannabis

The role of addictions nurses in the medicinal use of marijuana

Addictions nurses understand that no drug is completely safe and that any drug can be abused. Prior to using any medication or drug, the patient should have an understanding of its expected benefits and associated risks so that he or she can make a responsible decision regarding its use.

Nurses are patient advocates. Addictions nurses advocate treatment for addicted people. Addictions nurses also advocate medicinal treatment of life- and sense-threatening illnesses if the medicine improves the quality of life for a patient. Nurses, as healthcare professionals, must honestly and rationally examine this issue, rather than respond to scare tactics and moral judgments about "illegal drug users."

As addictions nurses, we are expected to base our knowledge of drugs of abuse and the disease of addiction on scientific evidence and clinical experience. Advocating legal access to marijuana for patients whose quality of life can be improved through the use of this drug is a moral and ethical obligation we owe the general public, if we are truly serving as patient advocates.
- Mary Lynn Mathre, MSN RN CARN

NJ State Nursing Association supports Medicinal Marijuana

Organizations that have endorsed medical access to marijuana include:
the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Family Physicians; American Bar Association; American Public Health Association; American Society of Addiction Medicine; AIDS Action Council; British Medical Association; California Academy of Family Physicians; California Legislative Council for Older Americans; California Medical Association; California Nurses Association; California Pharmacists Association; California Society of Addiction Medicine; California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church; Colorado Nurses Association; Consumer Reports Magazine; Kaiser Permanente; Lymphoma Foundation of America; Multiple Sclerosis California Action Network; National Association of Attorneys General; National Association of People with AIDS; National Nurses Society on Addictions; New Mexico Nurses Association; New York State Nurses Association; New England Journal of Medicine; and Virginia Nurses Association.

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