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The bible contains sumerian mythology

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posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 10:46 AM
I'm not sure if anyone has ever researched into this (i find that most followers of the bible do not seem to - though i advise they do if they take their religion seriously).
Many tales in the bible are in fact condesnsed versions of sumerian accounts. Exaples - incase anyone is interested in looking further in to this - are the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the creation, the flood. The sumerian versions are actually more detailed. I find it really difficult to understand how these are not thought to be more probable and reliable the biblical tales......

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 10:55 AM
Hi Lilith and welcome.
Good topic, informative and controversial...
Perhaps this might be of interest to you?

Your comments would be welcome.


posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 11:14 AM
As I understand it based uppon my own research and experience, you are right. There are many parallel stories in the Old Testament that exist, at least in part, in other cultures. The flood is a great example. The Babylonians had their own flood story as well.

I, like many people, take the Old Testament (prior to the introduction of Abraham) with a grain of salt.

However, you can't beat the Old Testament for the basis of great Hollywood movies!

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 11:21 AM
Welcome to ATS!

I have never heard of this but it does sound intriguing. Maybe you could pass along some links such as How long ago the Summerians existed. And also, maybe a verse or two from the bible compared to some Summerian texts. And perhaps even what Summerian religion was like. That would be great, i'll look around too.

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 05:16 PM
I think (but should really look into this more) that the sumerian civilisation was about 4000 years ago.

The sumerian and biblical creation compared:

The sumerian and biblical accounts of the great deluge/flood compared:

and heres a site which overs all the biblical parallels in sumerian literature:

Hope this is all of some use !
Take care

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 08:17 PM
One important thing: Were the Sumerians Ba'alists? What is their name for Lord?


posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by mikromarius
One important thing: Were the Sumerians Ba'alists? What is their name for Lord?


Which one?

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Illmatic67

Originally posted by mikromarius
One important thing: Were the Sumerians Ba'alists? What is their name for Lord?


Which one?

Which Ba'al? Doesn't matter, I'm after the word that is translated Lord in these texts.



posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 03:41 PM
Lillith, also known as the Shedim in the Old Testament, is known in babylonian literature as a female night demon. The Shedim were demons (perhaps, the Black Ones) to whom Israel's neighbors offered sacrifice, even their own sons and daughters(Deut. 32;17,Ps. 106:37).

Lillith makes one appearance in the Old Testament in a list of real animals.

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Tyriffic
Lillith, also known as the Shedim in the Old Testament, is known in babylonian literature as a female night demon. The Shedim were demons (perhaps, the Black Ones) to whom Israel's neighbors offered sacrifice, even their own sons and daughters(Deut. 32;17,Ps. 106:37).

Lillith makes one appearance in the Old Testament in a list of real animals.

In Jewish mythology Lilit was Adam's first wife. She is also the serpent in Eden. Adam is said to have divorced her because she was too indipendent for Adam's taste. She was then doomed to live as a desert night demon. Her being black has nothing to do with her being a demon. Adam was also probably black, though he is known as the forefather of the white man to the Jew.

About the passage in Isaiah where she is mentioned by name: These are not real animals, but a list of them who will inherit the land of Edom. Lilit (also called the night creature or the night owl) shall together with the jackal, the oustridges and the hairy trolls (wild goats) settle in Edom after it has been transformed into a lifeless desert of sulphur and pitch. They shall have no kings or leaders.


posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 08:10 PM
Well, I'm one christian who has researched this. And what I always find so entertaining is the fact that people like to jump to the conclusion that the Sumerian accounts are older than the Jewish accounts. The reason...well, most of the assumption-jumpers don't take the time to research this, but I suggest they do if they want to take their own assumptions seriously...

The Jewish Holy Scriptures were passed down for ages and ages orally. SO, because they didn't write them down, and the Sumerians did, probably after encountering the Jewish folk, it appears that the Sumerians were first to bat.

Now, that theory aside, the Sumerian accounts could have been contemporaneous with the Jewish accounts, and the appearance STILL be that they are much older due to the Jewish accounts not having written records for millenia.

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 10:26 AM
i sincerly believe that the sumerian accounts are older than the biblical ones. For a start, the biblical versions are all smaller, condensed accounts.
Also, the fact that in the sumerian accounts many gods, some with conflicting ideas, played a part means the tales make more sense than in the bible - where all references to gods have been altered to 'god' and thus the god now represented in it changes his mind an awful lot ...An example being the great flood/deluge where although god decides to wipe out mankind he still saves noah and enough animals to be able to procreate .... in the sumerian account - what i believe to be the original - the gods agree to not inform humans about the flood but enki descretly informs the equivilent of noah so that he and his family can survive , and therefore goes against the other gods decision...

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Lilith
i sincerly believe that the sumerian accounts are older than the biblical ones. For a start, the biblical versions are all smaller, condensed accounts.
Also, the fact that in the sumerian accounts many gods, some with conflicting ideas, played a part means the tales make more sense than in the bible - where all references to gods have been altered to 'god' and thus the god now represented in it changes his mind an awful lot ...An example being the great flood/deluge where although god decides to wipe out mankind he still saves noah and enough animals to be able to procreate .... in the sumerian account - what i believe to be the original - the gods agree to not inform humans about the flood but enki descretly informs the equivilent of noah so that he and his family can survive , and therefore goes against the other gods decision...

There shall be no doubt that Genesis is a compilation of many books and stories. Moses, who was taught up in Egyptian religion and sciences and had his knowledge of the history of the world from them, collected and made Genesis as a compilation of many works. But instead of refering to a multitude of gods and deities, he explained it with the One God he knew and who instructed him to do what he did. The King in Heaven. In Ba'alism also the other gods, the sons of God is given authority like the One God. We see the same characteristics within the Church, how the sons of God and his Spirits is given the same authority as the One God. The bible has never denied the Ba'als' existance, but it denies us to worship them, for it only brings about confusion and war.


posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 05:41 AM
Genesis is just Gilgamesh, face it.

It's the written form of the Judaic branch of the Sumerian story passed down from the flood plains of Tigris-Euphrates.

The Hebrews before they could be called such, crossing the northern mountain ranges out of the land of Sumer, carried with them the oral traditions that would later become Gilgamesh and Genesis.

Has nothing to do with Moses being taught history, which he most certainly was not, as there was barely such a thing as history at that time, mostly myth (especially for those in egypt not involved as a priest or such). Stories told for the hell of it to explain why things are.

And mikromarius, also, Genesis does not explain the creation of the heaven and earth as by one god..but as by many as it says "We shall create them in our image".

This is again, from the sumerian traditions, and the fact that even in the time of Solomon all the way up to Jesus, the Jewish society was henotheistic, and worshipped just one Supreme God, of their many gods...

And Valhall, finally somewhere where I'm plainly just more right than you are.

The Sumerian society is over 1000 years older than the Jewish, as well as Gilgamesh which was written at least 500 years before Genesis began to be written down.

It can be argued that Genesis and Gilgamesh, coming from the exact same origin is actually the same age, but only if one would agree neither is older than the other.

I'd probably follow the latter, as the peoples follow the same lineage, just moved to different localities, and the Hebrews placed an emphasis on worshiping one God greater than all other Gods, rather than paying much heed to the others.

And so the stories began to differ, and of course Sumer society ends in a literal "wind of death" (that was their last record of their time line, then their civilization abruptly ends
), while Hebrew society endured and so from genesis comes the whole rest of the Bible. Completed around 116AD

posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 05:47 AM
hey since we're all on the topic of Sumer and Egypt and writing

I've heard (But I aint finding a link to back it up, too lazy, watched on history show...)...about how they've recently found markings on egyptian tiles that were used for taxation, from I think 3500BC, giving the gold for world's first writing system to the Egyptians
(Long held by the Sumers).

posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 06:18 AM
Oh, boy. What if they are older? Does this make them any more relavant or true?

And Mikro. The reference (not mine) to the Black Ones, is refering to SPIRITS seen by those people. Not the colour of skin..............thanks anyways

posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by FreeMason
And mikromarius, also, Genesis does not explain the creation of the heaven and earth as by one god..but as by many as it says "We shall create them in our image".

Elohim is a plural word and refers to the Forces of Creation. The reason why Genesis says "Let us create Man" is due to a thing called majesty pluralis. Elohim is more an institution than a person. Within him dwells all the seven Spirits of God.

And you saying that Moses wasn't taught history in Egypt is pretty vague. Moses was brought up like a prince and received all the lessons a prince should have according to history, mystics and the sciences at the time. That you call history myth is pretty strange. Their tradition was to write down history this way. In order for it to be easier to remember and pass on from generation to generation oraly.

This is again, from the sumerian traditions, and the fact that even in the time of Solomon all the way up to Jesus, the Jewish society was henotheistic, and worshipped just one Supreme God, of their many gods...

I have never said Judaism only has one God. There is a multitude of gods or prince gods, but there is only one King God. And the King God is the only one who shall be worshipped.

And Valhall, finally somewhere where I'm plainly just more right than you are.

The Sumerian society is over 1000 years older than the Jewish, as well as Gilgamesh which was written at least 500 years before Genesis began to be written down.

So in other words it's about 3000 years then?

It can be argued that Genesis and Gilgamesh, coming from the exact same origin is actually the same age, but only if one would agree neither is older than the other.

I'd probably follow the latter, as the peoples follow the same lineage, just moved to different localities, and the Hebrews placed an emphasis on worshiping one God greater than all other Gods, rather than paying much heed to the others.

And so the stories began to differ, and of course Sumer society ends in a literal "wind of death" (that was their last record of their time line, then their civilization abruptly ends
), while Hebrew society endured and so from genesis comes the whole rest of the Bible. Completed around 116AD

Interresting survey, FM. There should be no doubt that the Gilgamesh and Genesis has much in common, that they even speek about the exact same events. But the tradition in which it is written differ, just like English historybooks and Chinese historybooks differ in language and tradition. Different people are credited for the same thing. Where God is given the credit for saving Noah in Genesis, Gilgamesh gives one of their gods this credit. It's all about tradition and perseption I guess. But it's the same story

Do you know any online text for the Gilgamesh?


posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 05:05 PM
The Sumerian texts contain everything the bible and every other religious scriptures contain.
If everyone researched this fact we would have no need for the destructive cults (modern religions) that continue to rip apart world peace.
It makes total sense that everything comes from a source which includes the bible.
The Gilgamish Epic contains all the secrets of our human evolution. All the copies are just watered down to keep the truth from the human race and to keep us divided.

Check out Zechariah Sitchen for everything you need to Know.

Take care.

posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 09:44 PM
Zecharia Sitchin,

Lost Book of Enki has examples simalar to those here, Enki per the book is the author of us the LULU created to work the gold mines for use in their own atmosphere. Perhaps an ozone like were having at the poles, ground gold put in space to block the radiation from a major problem they were facing, on Nibiru.


posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 05:22 AM
Anu is the Sumerian top God, Enki and Enlil were his sons who were given control of the land and sea. Anu stayed in his ship orbiting tha earth in the 'heavens'.

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