posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 06:35 PM
I have a secret theory that you are born with a certain number of heartbeats. And the faster you use 'em up--the sooner you die.
My Opa (great grandfather) lived to be 97. He had a cigar, a (home-brewed) beer, and a slice of pie right before bed every night.
He could still run the bases at the family gathering when he was 85. He still rode horses til that age, too.
His mind still worked until about 94 or so. His body never did quit.
See, if you ENJOY exercise, then it IS worth it, even if you die tomorrow. If you hate to sweat, then it doesn't matter how long you live (and
I knew a guy who was fatter than a tic, and he ate anything he ever wanted. He was also the best cook in the county. He died at the age of 62. He
was opening the garage door, and massively stroked out. The doctor told his family he was dead before he hit the floor.
He loved that Jeff Foxworthy joke about the four southern food-groups: sugar, salt, grease, and tobacco.
Now, would you rather go that way, or after bicycling across the US? tough choice.
Pass the ham haws.