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Our current level of science VS Advanced ET's

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posted on May, 3 2005 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
They also have a much greater industrial base.

Can you elaborate on your statement, please? The Zetan-Greys have more resources?


posted on May, 4 2005 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by w1kdtr1p

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
They also have a much greater industrial base.

Can you elaborate on your statement, please? The Zetan-Greys have more resources?


Hi W1kdtr1p,

I like polite and sincere inquires and would be happy to elaborate.

Reference the Zetan-Alien Menace page.

We know from at least two credible sources: the US Air Force and the archeological findings of Zecharia Sitchin, that the Zetans have been visiting this world for literally thousands of years. Sitchin's deciphering of ancient Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets tells us that they first came to this planet some 450,000 years ago. About 300,000 years ago they decided to mix their DNA with the native hominids in order to come up with a slave race to work the mines. The end result was Homo sapiens. The first Homo sapiens were unable to reproduce but they eventually amended that problem. The initial Zetans who came here were Reptilian, not Greys. The Grey species (and the variations thereof) came about later.

Four hundred and fifty thousand years is a very long time to explore space. It is an ample period to be able to investigate, colonize, and harvest literally hundreds (if not thousands) of worlds.

Retired Sgt. Clifford Stone, who is part of Dr. Steven Greer's Disclosure Project, stated in an interview that the Zetans have "probably twelve or fewer" full-scale operational bases on this planet. He cites his source of this information as coming from researchers that wish to remain relatively anonymous.

Another governmental insider who is a member of the Disclosure Project, whose name escapes me but who was on the panel during Dr. Greer's taped press conference in 2001: stated that there is a alien base on the Moon. There are also indications that there is one on Mars.

Time for a simple logical extrapolation. There are around a dozen underwater and underground alien bases on this planet, with a base on the Moon and probably on Mars also. The Zetans have been visiting this world for over four hundred thousand years. During most of that time, they have been harvesting this planet for its resources (as well as many other worlds) and using humanoid life here as laboratory animals and slaves.

The upshot: for hundreds of thousands of years, the Zetans have been systematically exploring and expanding their Space Race empire.

I therefore conclude that they have a much greater industrial base than we do.

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