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Our current level of science VS Advanced ET's

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posted on May, 1 2005 @ 09:07 PM
First let me start off by saying that I am, while open mined to the idea of alien visitation, I am currently skeptical. There is in my humble estimation no scientific evidence that proves alien visitation to date.

However if you consider the numbers of galaxies/planets that likely exist and the high odds of advanced civilizations existing else where in the Universe the question becomes why have they not visited the Earth?

This question leads me to my topic's title. If you look at where we are in terms our science and technology, for example genetic manipulation, artifical intelligence, and nanotechnology, and you consider what it will likely lead to in 100 years time, then compare that to a hypothetical alien civilization that is 100's, perhapos, 1000's of years more advanced than our own, then it makes me wonder if aliens are here and they look just like us.

That sounds crazy to skeptics, but if you think it through, humans are already well on their way to manipulating the human genome for our benefit. In 100+ years time we likely could manipulate genes at will. An even more advanced civilization might be able to manipulate their own genes to mimc human appearence/features. Even more fascinating is the idea that combined with artifical intelligence aliens might send "cyborgs" that look/feel/act just like a human and might not even know their own alien origins.

My point of making this long post is to suggest both believers/skeptics of alien visitation need to reevalute their beliefs. The aliens whether they come now or later will be so advanced that they will not be so easy to spot or to dismiss.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 09:15 PM
Delta 38

Great thinking!

How about hundreds of thousands to millions to billions of years further advanced.

[edit on 5/1/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
Delta 38

Great thinking!

How about hundreds of thousands to millions to billions of years further advanced.

That still doesn't make them perfect though. An excellent episode of Star Trek TNG had people watching a primitive society and thing got screwed up and they became aware of the "aliens" in their midst. I think it was called, "Who Watches the Watchers". The one where they look at "The Picard" as a god.

Advanced doesn't mean perfect. I think this is where a lot of Ufology comes into play.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 09:25 PM
The US has thousands of spies and operatives all over the world, other countries have thousands of spies and operatives in the US. Spies keep track of military stuff, political stuff and corporate stuff.

They could be your neighbors, coworkers, friends, family members-----and you would never know.

Aliens are much smarter than human spies----they have blended in for thousands of years.

They may be your friends, neighbors, coworkers, even a family member.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 09:29 PM

Advanced doesn't mean perfect.

Good point, Intrepid. My sentiments and experience exactly.

The other races are only people too- they can't control everything. Unforeseen events occur, and as careful and professional as they are, they sometimes make mistakes.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

Aliens are much smarter than human spies----they have blended in for thousands of years.


From what I understand, the alien races watch humanity very closely at every level. But they don't need to "be" some of us to do that, and don't even want to be. They spy in technological and natural ways completely undetectable by humans.

Some races can and do make themselves appear to be human among us for moments when necessary, but there is no need to "fake" a human life just for those moments. Many natural humans on Earth much more easily perform the human end of the combined efforts.

Some humans are "alien" by spirit either directly or in part. That is the closest any human on Earth comes to being an alien being.

[edit on 5/1/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 09:59 PM
great point earthsister your brilliant

why on earth would aliens want to be humans? they like being treated like crap; judged unfairly and answer to a corrupt system

ya that sounds like the perfect alien vacation

ya why use all that spiffy billion year advanced technology to watch from above when you can become a human and suffer endlessly!

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

Some humans are "alien" by spirit either directly or in part. That is the closest any human on Earth comes to being an alien being.

[edit on 5/1/2005 by EarthSister]

EarthSister, I agree

Like humans that intermarry between different races, there are human/alien half-breeds, who know just enough to do certain things for the aliens, and not enough to be dangerous (give away their cover).

Nevertheless, aliens have jobs like everyone one else-----working on this planet may not be the best assignment----but someone has to do it.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 10:17 PM
Just curious, EarthSister, how do you come to your understanding of aliens?

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 10:31 PM
Delta 38

Everything I know about alien life, I learn from alien life. That is the only way on Earth yet to learn truly about the aliens.

That doesn't mean I know everything or understand everything, though.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 10:45 PM
To try to quantify technology with years is just impossible. I get what you mean but if you think of human's evolution of technology, we see a big kick in what.. 1940s? Perhaps a bit earlier?

I personally feel that an alien species could have done what we have in a much shorter time, should they sans wars, religion, and have a few Edisons and Planks.

(Of course, one could quite convincingly argue that without wars, much of our technology would never have been developed.)

[edit on 5/1/05 by concept]

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
Delta 38

Everything I know about alien life, I learn from alien life. That is the only way on Earth yet to learn truly about the aliens.

That doesn't mean I know everything or understand everything, though.

How did you encounter alien life?

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 11:03 PM
Alright how about this prose. Are we the only civilization that has the capability and will to destroy eachother if neccessary. Is it possible for other civilizations to look past their differences with eachother and come to a peace, allowing them to evolve rather than die out due to war. Look where we are less than 100 years after discovering the atomic bomb. Could an alien civilization with even more destructive technology survive 1000s of years without blowing eachother all to hell?

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by UnMature
Alright how about this prose. Are we the only civilization that has the capability and will to destroy eachother if neccessary. Is it possible for other civilizations to look past their differences with eachother and come to a peace, allowing them to evolve rather than die out due to war. Look where we are less than 100 years after discovering the atomic bomb. Could an alien civilization with even more destructive technology survive 1000s of years without blowing eachother all to hell?

That's a good question and the flip side of advanced technology at least as far as humans go. Nanotechnology, for example, could lead to some really amazing things in the future, things that would seem more like magic than science to modern men. But it also could lead to weapons that make modern nuclear weapons look like firecrackers.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 11:27 PM

How did you encounter alien life?

Delta 38

In a nutshell, I have always had encounters with alien life and other life forms, usually in a spiritual and nonphysical manner, and so did my husband Jack. We did not know that some of the beings we were having experiences with were actually people from other worlds until they wanted us to know that, which was on May 12, 1990. At that time, they made themselves completely apparent to us physically and opened a dialog with us. On that day I started writing everything down and have been writing ever since.

Jack and I accepted the opportunity and difficulties to working with the visiting races' organization and since then we have met many beings of many races and learned a great deal from them. Our main contacts are the leaders of the organization. It is our intention to help others who have alien contact to progress with their own courses, and our alien contacts teach us and help us do that as much as circumstances allow.

You can read chapter one of my first of three books on my site, but my journals are protected from plagiarism and debunkery until they are formally published, whenever that may be.

[edit on 5/1/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 01:18 AM
Sometimes I can't help but wonder if our science or technology isn't the same as ET's. In other words, we are basing our ideas about technology in human terms with primarily physical substance and results.

Perhaps ET know-how is "invisible" to our eyes?!

Perhaps we are "looking" for ET with the wrong senses?!

Perhaps the brain and the logic we value, doesn't equate with Alien "intelligence"?!

Maybe we need to step back and look inward for answers.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 01:46 AM
Okay first let me say I'm not rying to attack anyones views/beliefs here, but the last two posts concern me as a skeptic and here's why. It seems to me that you both believe that the truth about aliens can be achieved through inward experiences rather than through scientifically observable facts. Now I'm not questioning anybody's inward experiences or beliefs but to me that does not work as acceptable proof of alien contact. Your approach is more like a religious one than a scientific analysis. It would be like a religous person telling me that they know god exists because of a personal religious experience. That experience may be enough for them but because no one else can observe it then it's not proof of god's existence.

[edit on 2-5-2005 by Delta 38]

[edit on 2-5-2005 by Delta 38]

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 04:53 PM
Delta 38

I will try to explain some of what I understand about this so that you may understand my point of view as it happens to me. Whether you believe it or not is really up to whether you have your own experiences in this way, or will some day. But even then, it would be in your own way, not mine. This will have to be a long post to explain it thoroughly- I hope nobody minds.

It seems to me that you both believe that the truth about aliens can be achieved through inward experiences rather than through scientifically observable facts.

It can be done and must be done in both ways. There are sciences to spirit and natural ability just as well as to the physical aspects to life we know. Advanced races have advanced natural abilities and advanced science to understand them with. Earth powers are studying these in secret and employ humans who have advanced capabilities. They also study alien life scientifically and don't tell you what they learn from all the physical evidence they have.

Telepathy is the Universal way of communication between all intelligence. Our spiritual consciousness is not limited to our bodies and regularly travels independently whether we are physically aware of it happening or not. With practice and with advancement comes greater human awareness and physical control between our states of consciousness, and some humans are naturally a little ahead of other humans, as with any talent.

The races that visit Earth are "far" advanced beyond our point and their abilities are far greater than ours. They are as alive and physical people as we are, but when they meet with any beings of any different biology from their own, they are usually out of body because they cannot share the same atmosphere. When they speak to each other, it is usually by telepathy because they cannot usually pronounce the same language sounds, and certainly cannot breathe the same air over their vocal chords. Even at home and especially at home, it is much easier, more exact and immediate for them to just think to each other than to go through the manual tedium of speech. By the time the first word is out, the entire paragraph has already been understood! But yes they do talk because they can and because they like to. And certainly with us they have to manually talk word for word in our language for the sake of our own understanding, even when they are speaking by telepathy.

Now I'm not questioning anybody's inward experiences or beliefs but to me that does not work as acceptable proof of alien contact. Your approach is more like a religious one than a scientific analysis. It would be like a religous person telling me that they know god exists because of a personal religious experience. That experience may be enough for them but because no one else can observe it then it's not proof of god's existence.

God and religion are not the same thing. Think of God as "all of nature" and of religion as "everything man thinks." When we "go inside" we go to our soul, where we find an awareness of everything in a spiritual way. Whatever we look out at from there or think about, we see spiritually as well as physically-- our family and friends, domestic animals and wildlife, the trees and grass, sand, water and sky, the past and future, all the different thoughts and ideas and beliefs people have, and of course God. If you belong to a church community, you may practice with others in a way similar to this, however you describe it, but you certainly will notice that not everybody who belongs to a religion, thinks in a naturally spiritual way or knows God in a personal way.

If a person usually knows the phone is going to ring before it rings and who is calling, that is "something." If a person has dreams that later play out exactly as dreamed, that is "something." If a person has visions of a car accident ahead and then witnesses it happen, that is "something." A strictly religious person might call something like these things "a religious experience." A practicing medium might call it a psychic experience. A strict scientist might call it a coincidence, a hallucination, a lie, or anything else mundane. But all people are spirit- living an entire spiritual existence parallel to our physical one, and most people have some natural awareness of "something" or they know somebody who does. Multiply these "things" by the evolution of our visiting races, and THAT is what advanced races of people live like. These are natural abilities of spirit.

Most humans have "spiritual experiences" or sudden physical awareness of something that only by their spirit are they involved with at that time, be it with any of all the people they know, or any other life around them. They might see the event in their mind and actively participate, and think it must have been a dream, even if the event is happening at the present time right in front of them or in another place. If they hear a voice speaking to them, but not with their ears, they may think there is something wrong with themselves- and others may likely agree if told about it.

Many humans have natural contact with alien life, but for most, this contact remains only by spirit. If and when they either spontaneously, or by their own effort or by the aliens' effort, become physically aware of the personal contact, the human usually does not take it very well. All of the strange conditions- physical and spiritual- that enable and create the contact, and the way the aliens look and sound and move, the foreign places they find themselves in, and all of the horrible stories they have heard before, cause the poor person to freak out. When the aliens use either mental or physical restraints for the person, this helps him be still long enough to look around, but it may also cause him to feel even more at the time, and in future memories, that he is being victimized. When the aliens try to talk to him, he may not listen telepathically, or he may hear audible gibberish alien language, and their focus on himself makes him even more terrified.

Often a human is hardly aware of his alien contact, or that his contacts even are aliens, and not worried, just interested. That is until he does some research of the abundant disinformational materials made readily available to him, and at which time he decides to end his contact to spare his family and save his own life!

Most humans who have the opportunity to work physically with alien life refuse. But for most, their contact continues with their full willingness and understanding by spirit anyway, as active members, sharing information, meeting other life, studying various advanced concepts of science, nature, technology, psychology, or whatever else you might find all the people doing in any Universal University.

Some of the humans who have alien contact have an advanced, comprehensive connection between their body and spirit- or states of consciousness. They do not experience the spiritual side of life as vaguely as most humans. These are the people that the alien races can work most progressively with on a physical level, which it is time for on Earth. My husband and I have natural alien contact, spiritual abilities advanced for humans, and are willing to work as teachers between our races.

Due to work like ours, the numbers of humans willing to work consciously with alien life is increasing with true public awareness and education, but it's still a battle against the more popular untrue information. Eventually our world will achieve open contact with our visiting races, build a diplomatic relationship with their organization, and take our position among our local group of worlds. All races do it.

[edit on 5/2/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 05:45 PM
Months before he died, Ben Rich, the former head of Lockheed Aircraft, stated that the military already had interstellar flight capability and that it was a shame that that knowledge was being kept from the general public.

The reverse engineering projects that people like Bob Lazar have reported, along with the well-known testimonials from various governmental insiders (like Retired Sgt. Clifford Stone) attest to governmental collusion with the Zetan-Greys. The reason is to obtain greater technology. This has been going on for decades. Apparently, these developments have already resulted in considerably closing the gap between Terran and Zetan technology.

However, what also needs to be considered is that the physical aliens in question (that are based out of the Zeta 2 Reticuli System), have a much greater industrial base for the manufacture of interstellar spacecraft, probes, high-tech weapons, etc.

So it is not just a matter of having a technological advantage. They also have a much greater industrial base.

[edit on 2-5-2005 by Paul_Richard]

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 06:23 PM
See the thing is human technology is evolving rapidly, 100 year from now it is very likely we will be able to travel to the nearest star and back in the time frame of a day or 2 and return in one piece.

The bottom line is ET technology is only a few hundred years ahead of ours.

I bet we might even have a greater knowledge base in some areas than ET's do for example we may understand biology a lot better than they do because of our environment and having thousands of years to study the complex life forms here on earth.

[edit on 2-5-2005 by iksmodnad]

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