posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 11:31 AM
We just had the most phenomenal session with the KM II!!! I stood in the front room, about 8 feet from the front door, in the area that the grand
daughter described being a vestibule when the house was originally built. I stood in this area due to the EVP work I did a few years back in which I
heard what sounded like an elderly woman's voice referring to the "vestibule" when I asked the question is there some where I need to look. At the
time of the EVP, we had no idea there had formerly been a vestibule in the house, and the EVP was really confusing for that reason. But subsequent to
that EVP we had a visit from the original builder's granddaughter who lived with her grandparents during her early years. When she was walking
through the house with us and telling us about how it was when she was young, she explained that a vestibule existed originally.
So I stood there holding my KM II and started the session by myself (Springer was in a another room). I started by explaining that if they wanted to
talk to me they could answer any question as "yes" by moving in front of the thing I was holding and lighting up the lights - as soon as I said that
the KM went from the default one light on to 3 lights lit up! I said THANK YOU! and hollered for Springer to come in to the room with me.
I can't remember everything I said after that (because I was truly excited!), but after a couple of questions that got no response, I then repeated
myself by saying "Remember, if you want to say yes to me, you move up to the front of the thing I'm holding." And as soon as I said it it went to
3 lights again! So now I'm telling Springer, get in here get in here! And he's making his slow, gimpy way in here. I tell it thank you again, and
it lights up to 3 lights but in a shimmering the second light was strong, but the third light was intermittent and weak.
Springer gets in the room, and I said "Would you like to say something to my husband?" It doesn't light up, so I repeat "Remember, if you want to
answer any questions yes for him, you have to move in front of the thing I'm holding and turn on the lights." BOOM! Three lights again! Three
times in a row I get a 3 light response when I refer to how to talk to us.
After that I asked a couple of questions, got no response, and then I said "We're going to stop talking to you for now, because we don't want to
make you tired"...BOOM! 3 lights and they stay on! They won't go off! Now I've got a constant 3 lights, so I say, can you turn the lights off
please, because I'm worried you are going to get real tired. They stay on. I set the meter on the corner of the dining room table and I step back
and I say "Please turn the lights off, so that when I ask you a question, you can turn them back on to talk to me"...they stay on for a long time
and then go off.
I pick the meter back up and asked a couple more questions, with no response and finally say, "I'm going to turn it off for now, because I'm afraid
we made you tired, but we will talk to you again because we're really glad to have a way to communicate with you." And I turned the meter off.
Just to confirm, during this session I explained why I was standing where I was standing - i.e. that I thought a couple of years ago they had tried to
tell me something about the vestibule. I asked if there was something there I needed to find, and I did not get a positive response. With this being
the first time for communication, that could be explained in a number of ways and I'm not going to even interpret the lack of response on that
question at this time. I feel it is more important to establish trust at this time, then maybe more will come.
I am truly excited about what we saw!
[edit on 1-10-2009 by Valhall]